Granddad at Play Ch. 01

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An implant restores but twists our sex drive.
15.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/22/2018
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This is the story of how a whole bunch of locals, almost all of whom were over 60, found ourselves renovated, refreshed, rejuvenated and freshly horny. Oh we weren't all physically transported back in time and neither were we truly rejuvenated but we certainly had years knocked off our mental ages and years added onto our sex lives too!

I'm not entirely certain who to blame the most but then again, since we all had so much fun, who cares!


I'd guess that it was a combination of circumstances that caused it – having that research laboratory so close by; me ending up in a care home; us having an intelligent forward-thinking manager for the care home...or perhaps it was just us being a randy lot in the first place – I don't know which part was the root cause. A series of seemingly random situations that, when brought together, created a thoroughly entertaining life for so many of us.

Whatever, to explain the circumstances leading up to this story I'd better go back some five or six years...back to a date soon after my wife died.

She'd been ill for some time but then she just died – far too early and suddenly, struck down at the tender age 64 by some other affliction that crept up inside her and took over almost before we had time to say our goodbyes. Then afterwards I just couldn't be bothered to run the four-bedroom house on my own and there was simply no way that I wanted to search for a replacement wife at my age. I was just on 66 at the time having taken early retirement from work and was therefore more or less on my own, so I began to consider my options.

Firstly of course, I could just take an overdose of pills and fade away to join her – but although that's what I felt like doing immediately after her death, a few days later the idea didn't appeal to me at all. I still felt quite young at heart and was very healthy overall and knew damn well that I still had plenty of life in me.

Secondly I could possibly go and live with one of our children – but then that would put pressure on their lives and despite them both offering me a home it just didn't feel right either. Not only that, they both lived and thrived in far away countries and I might struggle to acclimatize and settle down.

Thirdly I could downsize and buy myself a small flat, apartment or just a room somewhere but then I'd be living alone and again, I had no desire to do that either.

And then I could go and live in some kind of care home – a well-chosen place that looked after their residents. Not perhaps a full-time care home but a 'residential care home' where we all had our own units – little homes within a bigger home, and I actually knew of one in my home town.

A few weeks later and I'd had a guided tour of the establishment and, having thoroughly approved of what I'd seen I'd put my name down on their waiting list. I'd already been there before so that I could avail myself of their delicious meals which could be purchased 'as a visitor' so I was no stranger to the place...and it was a popular place and rightly so. The management were young on the whole, the building was modern, the amenities excellent and I could find no fault with any part of it. The residents ages were varied with quite a number of them obviously well into their eighties but there also seemed to be a fair number of considerably younger people there, much to my pleasure. Those residents that I met seemed to be a happy bunch and I immediately began to make plans to join them. Inside a month I had my house listed for sale and inside two months it was sold. Of course, all the legal paperwork would take ages yet but progress was soon being made.

I was just beginning to start worrying that things were taking so long that I'd miss my boat so to speak, when suddenly things began to move. A letter arrived offering me a unit in the residential home and I grabbed it immediately. I'd found a new home and I was ecstatic as I looked forward to moving. A week or so later and the solicitors also informed me that everything was about to be completed regarding the sale of my home too so that gave me just about a month in which to depart and the timing couldn't have been better.

The accommodation at the home was also due to be vacant about a month ahead and soon I had my deposit paid and had a company offer me what seemed to be a good price for my furniture.

My new address was to be Unit 10, James Organ Court, the place being named after a local philanthropist who'd helped to finance the establishment.

Needless to say I'd already chuckled gently to myself when I'd first seen the name – thinking how inappropriate the word 'Organ' was in a place for elderly people. As if we'd have much to do with our organs – but little did I know!

My ruminations about the name actually caused me to sit down and think. My own seven inch long uncut organ was still in good working order and, given the opportunity I was always eager to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh despite my advancing years. My penis would still rise quite quickly and firmly when given any healthy stimulation and I could still readily jerk a nice load of cum from my cock. What's more, given that I'd lost my wife and now had nothing much better to do with my spare time I used to jerk off at least once a day. Oh, in my youth I'd do that at twice or three times a day but now, at 66, I'd slowed down somewhat but even so I clung onto one of the signs of youthfulness as best I could. However, despite the pleasure that it gave me, such enjoyable sexual activity was definitely on the wane as my years progressed and I found myself wondering how much longer I'd have to enjoy my erection and orgasms.

It also happened that just as I lost my wife so I also lost another good friend – a female of the species some fifteen years younger than me who'd become my 'bit on the side' for the past five years. She didn't expire but moved away instead and thus deprived me of a delightful twice a week habit. I'd been given the freedom to fuck her by my wife when she realised that she was beginning to have some 'female' problems and was often unable to accommodate me. She completely understood and also accepted that I needed some relief occasionally – well, quite regularly actually. My wife's affliction preventing her from enjoying sex or any energetic activity to be honest and so, understanding that I was still eager and needy she told me to find another outing for my sexual energy.

"Find someone else to keep that cock of yours happy, just so long as you look after it and come home to me," she said one evening after we'd attempted to enjoy some sex, "I'd much rather you do that than just go off and leave me."

The lady I'd been fucking was a divorced friend of ours and we kept everything above board so that my wife remained amenable to our relationship and it seemed to work well. My wife was therefore spared the guilt of not letting me have sex with her, the woman was happy to enjoy an energetic cock without having strings attached and I was happy because I was getting my end away...until it all came to a doubly sad ending.

Anyway, moving day arrived and before I knew it I was sitting in my new home, relaxing and getting used to things. I had my own small lounge, bedroom, bathroom, toilet and kitchen and as I'd brought a selection of my own furniture with me I felt quite 'at home' already but the shock really came when I joined the others for dinner that evening. This time and from now onwards I was no longer just a visitor but had become yet another age-restricted resident and I suddenly felt old.

Sure I'd already met many of the other residents so I knew what I was facing but now I'd become 'one of them' and felt as if I'd been added to the pile of those just waiting for their days to run out.

I was somewhat surprised therefore to find that now that I was a resident the others began to open up and become more alive to me and soon found myself sharing and joining in with their banter in a way that hadn't been happening before and I quickly discovered that there were quite a number of amazingly interesting people there.

On top of that, the meal was good and filling and more importantly I hadn't had to cook it myself which was one of the reasons why I'd been keen to find such a place. Alone it was so easy to neglect things, even such things as eating...whereas here in my new 'home' and surrounded now by a great bunch of people I knew I wouldn't be neglected and I quickly felt relaxed and peaceful.

All I really missed was the company of a nice warm woman ready to ease the pressure at my groin – perhaps one of the residents might be interested in accommodating my sexual needs.

By the end of the first week I already felt settled and knew my way around and of course our gathering in the dining room were some of the highlights of my day. In the dining room there were a number of large circular tables and I was allocated a place at one of them. There were six of us at our table at first – there was Bill, Joe and Dick; Nancy and Mary and me, Chris. Dick and Nancy were well into their seventies; Bill and I were in our latter sixties and Joe was in his early sixties. Mary was, as she said, "Only in my fifties", and had escaped from a bad marriage. She'd now found peace with us older folk and didn't mind the difference in ages.

Bill was tall and lanky; Joe was an ex-weightlifter while Dick and I had both come from office-bound backgrounds and were 'very average' in appearance. Both the women were fairly good looking and Nancy barely looked her age. On the other hand the blonde-haired Mary looked remarkably pretty and fit and as she had a magnificent pair of tits I was already smitten! I soon planned to find ways to entice her into my apartment!

After we'd all eaten our fill we'd usually adjourn to the communal lounge as a group and would spend several hours in happy conversation before we separated to retire to our own rooms.

I came to know them remarkably well and they turned out to be the perfect neighbours for me – chatty and bright, cheerful and amusing, friendly and helpful and I even actually anticipated something of a relationship with Mary.

A couple of weeks after I'd settled in another guy joined us at the table – he was Peter and it turned out that he'd been sent to live with us to find out how life was, as seen from a resident's point of view.

"So you're a spy, are you – another Mata Hari?" asked Joe, "And you know what we do with spies!"

"Ohhh! Now that would be nice!" said Peter with a theatrical simper, "I can just see me all dressed up and sexy for you! And what would you do with me then?"

"Come up and see me some time!" crooned Dick, only to be shot down by Bill.

"Wrong one, you idiot!" he said as he slapped the arm of his chair, "That's Mae West who said that."

"Same thing," muttered Dick, "Oh well, you know best..."

"Hey, let's get back to me," said Peter, "Because I admit that I'm a kind of spy but I'm on your side really."

We all quietened down and began to listen to him.

"I've been sent to find out how you people get on, how things are for you and to see what the management can do to make things better for you," he said, "So I'm kind of spying but helping you as well."

"Guess we'll let you off then," said Bill firmly, "But would you mind if we see what you write before sending it off?"

"I was going to do that anyway," said Peter gently, "Like I said, I'm on your side even if I work for the bosses."

There was a brief discussion between us about Peter but we were a placid lot and inside a few more moments he was quickly added to our circle of friends. One of the strong reasons for his inclusion was his age because as he was still in his forties he added a whole new dimension to our discussions.

Over the next few months our conversations covered the whole spectrum of life and time passed quickly and easily for many relaxing days until things were suddenly stirred up.

It was just over three months after I'd moved in when the management sent us messages asking us all to come to a meeting the following week and on the day in question we all gathered in the big lounge where the bosses and two unknown but attractive women were arrayed on the raised stage on which our various entertainers usually stood.

"Welcome," said the big boss after we'd settled down, "Thank you for all coming – and I'll get straight down to the subject matter – SEX."

A muttering arose that filled the room before he held up his hands to quieten us.

"I'd ask those who have no interest in the subject to leave now – you're under no obligation to stay," he added amicably, "And obviously the discussion is going to get quite personal so we'll have a short break while we 'adjust' things, so to speak."

Around half of the fifty residents got up and trouped off, leaving some twenty or so people behind, about two thirds of whom were men and I noticed that the remaining crowd included all the men from our table, including Peter.

"Right – let's get down to business," said the boss to the much smaller crowd, "I have with me two representatives from the Ejax Laboratory from across town and they'd like to talk to you about a little project they have in mind, so I'll leave them to it."

He sat down while the two people from the lab stood up and shuffled through their notes.

"Good evening to you all," the prettiest female of the two started; her voice strong and confident, "I am Doctor Judy Moore, I am the boss of Ejax; my colleague is Doctor Shirley Ample."

She paused while we had a chance to admire them both, the room full of silent faces.

She was indeed pretty, as was her colleague. The pair of them were wearing pencil skirts that exposed a fair length of slim, smooth, lithe legs; they both had wide belts and then loose-fitting blouses that were both obviously quite well filled. The pair had warm and happy faces, Doctor Judy's face being somewhat more rounded while the other woman's face was slightly more elfin and they both had shoulder-length blonde hair. To any observer they looked both amazingly attractive and sexy.

"Firstly, please will you address us simply as Judy and Shirley – we don't want any formalities to stand in the way," she said as she prowled the stage, "And then, having been granted your boss's permission, I would like to make you an interesting offer."

We all perked up and looked back and forward at each other to check out how others felt – and the enthusiasm for some interesting development seemed unanimous.

"As you may know, our laboratory specialises in matters pertaining to sexual function and dysfunction," said Doctor Judy, "And we at Ejax have developed something amazing."

She paused to let us absorb the mental and sexual aspect of her words, then she continued.

"It's akin to a virus that we can implant into you," she said, "One that considerably enhances your sexual arousal and performance."

"Huh, at my age!" scoffed an elderly gentleman, "As if!"

"Ahhh and that's where you're wrong," said Judy, "Because what is especially exciting is that it's exceptionally effective in older people!"

A hum of excitement went around the room before she spoke again.

"The treatment will soon be approved by the government for limited public usage but we need to carry out some freely given experiments first," she said, "So we need to obtain some informative results in order to proceed further – we need some data, in other words."

People looked at each other with questions on their brows but the boss continued.

"So – given that you're on our doorstep we've chosen you as the first to be offered this benefit, subject to your approval, of course," she said as she confidently announced the offer, "But don't worry – if you're at all concerned then we're not pressuring you but the more people we get in our survey the better, of course."

"So what happens then?" asked a male voice from the far side of the crowd.

"I was just coming to that," explained Judy, "We implant a tiny microchip under your skin and it slowly releases the treatment."

"So it's another form of Viagra is it?" asked another of the men.

"In a way, yes," added her colleague Shirley, "It certainly helps with sustaining an erection but it's more than that – it helps your whole system to become more ahh, 'stimulated', shall we say."

"But what happens if my old ticker doesn't approve?" asked another guy, "You know – too much excitement and bang – there I go!"

"Just occasionally that has been known to present something of a problem," she said placidly, "But in most instances the treatment seems to enhance your sexual enthusiasm, shall I say, without unduly upsetting your body."

"So having this thing done won't immediately give me a heart attack?" asked another man and Judy shook her head firmly.

"No, it doesn't seem to overload your heart – or perhaps it actually strengthens it as improves your system," she said, "We're being very careful but we're still learning, to be honest."

This was already sounding quite interesting and I was all ears.

"No, it doesn't generally present a problem unless you're already unhealthy," Shirley added, "But what we're arranging is for those of you who wish to test the treatment to be seen by a specialist doctor who will be able to assess your vital signs and then let you carry on or reject you."

"Ok then, count me in," said the same guy, "What else do we need to know."

The Ejax team paused to discuss something and then Doctor Judy addressed us once more.

"We'll give you some information handouts but I would just point out in advance that it would appear that there is one strange side-effect," she said, "Not that it's anything that will stop you from enjoying a much enhanced sex life though!"

A scattering of small laughs and exclamations rang out before subsiding.

"The side effect seems to be that is that it tends to alter your sexual orientation for some reason," she said, "Oh, it doesn't always happen and that's what's so strange about it, but some of you could see a big change in your ways and habits."

A scattering of somewhat nervous laughs filled the room briefly.

"Won't change my ummm, penis will it?" said Dick from beside me to which Judy smiled broadly.

"No way!" she said happily, "Most certainly not for the worse and If anything it'll enhance it!"

Another round of laughs rang out before Judy held up her hand and smiled broadly.

"I'm so glad that you've used that word, Mr err – oh yes, you're Mr Jones aren't you?" she added as she referred to her notes, "It needed to be said and perhaps now that you at least have been able to use the word with your friends all around you, others will speak more freely too. I think too that if you come on board you'll be using that word far more frequently!"

More laughter rang out, then Dick held up his hands.

"Go on then, let's go for it!" he crowed enthusiastically, "I'm in, that's for sure!"

After a few more questions and answers the meeting began to break up and the boss picked us out individually to give us her personal assurance and then we were all signing forms before we began to disperse back to the privacy of our apartments.

The following morning those of us who had signed up were called in, one by one, to be examined by the doctor, who appeared to be another remarkably attractive young woman – and then she turned to face me and it was Doctor Judy.

"Bloody hell!" I exclaimed, surprised to see her, "I thought I was here to be examined?"

"Well, just because I'm the boss doesn't mean I don't do the work!" she said with a happy laugh, "And we're a small crew so it's all hands to the pump usually."

"Well, what can I say – lovely to meet you again," I offered while she smiled back at me.

"And just like before, please call me Judy – none of this doctor stuff," she said as she checked her notes, "We like to keep things personal...very personal!"