Good Vibrations Ch. 01

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Son gets a new job – at the sex shop!
15.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 04/28/2014
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A quick introductory comment.

Because this story is about my family; me, my sister, Mum and Dad, there's obviously a fair amount of male-male sex as well as good old male-female stuff, so please bear with me.

Enjoy the bits you like -- skip the rest -- the MM stuff starts after Mum and I had enjoyed ourselves.

And do bear in mind that this is just a good old fuck-fest story!


Oh help!

Now I'm deep in trouble -- what the hell am I going to say?

Hello everyone, I'm Chris -- I've just turned 19 and I've been scratching around for a job ever since I left college and I'm in a right mess.

No -- not me! I'm no mess -- I'm six foot three; 180 pounds; blond; blue eyed; fit and healthy and in pretty good shape -- no, not me personally.

Just my situation -- that's what's a mess!

I've been job-hunting since I left college and it's been absolute shit for over a year -- only crappy jobs on offer -- part-time ones; unsocial hours; miles away; commission only, etc, etc. I've spent more time at the bloody Job Centre than I have at home, I reckon.

But finally I've landed a job -- a half-way decent job -- and I'm in THE SHIT!


Well, because I'm going to be the Assistant Manager at the new Sex Shop that they're opening next week, that's why! It's the only decent local job that's come up for ages and if I don't take it I'll get my Benefits cut, so I guess I'm lumbered.

It'll be bad enough working at a sex shop, but being just the "assistant manager", the dogsbody in other words, is almost as bad! Not only that, I've got to learn to speak American and say ass and not arse because the boss says our customers prefer it that way.

I don't mind doing that but I mean, I can just hear all the flak I'll get from my mates when they find out where I work. My sister probably won't even talk to me and as for my parents -- pillars of the community -- I hate to think.....

Thank God it's not called "The Sex Shop" or anything so blatant -- the place is actually called "Good Vibrations" so at least perhaps I'll be able to kid people that I'm selling records or something like that if they ask.....and I suppose the money looks as if it'll be pretty fair -- it'll certainly come in handy.

But the trouble with that is that my parents are involved with the local council -- well, Dad's actually on the Planning committee itself so I bet they both know about the new Sex Shop and its name......and we're a good fine upstanding family who don't go getting into smutty things.

My Dad's a big bloke -- well, no giant, but tall as me and solidly built and no way do I want to get on the wrong side of him!

So what do I tell them -- 'cos they'll want to know -- they'll want all the details and if I don't tell them the truth, they'll find out.....sure as hell and then the shit will hit the fan, that's for sure. That's if they haven't heard already. Oh daaaamn!!!

I walked home after the interview in a bit of a daze -- walked because even the bus fare was a bit heavy on my pocket this week. Mum and Dad don't exactly bankroll me; they let me have free board and lodgings but my dole's only enough for my essentials, so wasting money on the bus was a no go. Anyway the exercise was doing me no harm and at one point I actually found myself breaking into a trot, my daily do-it-yourself work-out routine having been skipped this morning because of the interview.

Then I realised that running would only get me into trouble quicker, so I slowed once more.

But however slowly I walked, the three miles home were soon eaten up and I did my best to creep into the house, my heart hammering in my chest and not through effort -- through panic!

The moment of truth was getting near -- what the hell was I going to say?

I avoided the front door and used my key to get in through the garden gate and the back door -- quietly creeping in and making sure that even my keys didn't rattle.

But no-one came to quiz me; no-one even welcomed me -- bugger me, they'd all gone out! All that creeping and concern for nothing.....but now it would all build up again as I awaited their return..... Double damn!

Having come in through the back door I was next to the utility room where my workout gear was and as I crept around I listened for any sounds but there were none.

I was going to go crazy if I just waited for someone to come home and I realised that I had to do something to occupy myself.

Ah yeah -- a good workout would be ideal -- something for both my body and my mind and anyway I should have done my exercises this morning, shouldn't I?

I climbed out of my 'interview suit' and changed into some of my not-too-dirty shorts and a t-shirt from the laundry bin and before long I was immersed in my exercise routine, starting with some weights.

It was a warm early afternoon in May and soon I was sweating profusely so I stripped off my t-shirt and carried on, sweat now streaming down my body.

My body -- yeah, I'm not bad. I scanned myself in the full length mirror as I worked. Nice powerful shoulders; trim waist; good biceps; six pack abdomen; strong chest.....needed to work on my legs though but otherwise I was in damned good shape. Being six feet three inches I stood out quite well so I needed to look the part; no way did I ever want to look like a beanpole or a couch potato for that matter; not that it made any difference.

Try telling some bird that you've pulled that you still live at home and see how enthusiastic they don't become! Almost a waste of time trying to chat them up but that might soon change if this job worked out.....

Soon I was breathing hard as well as sweating. I'd moved to the treadmill and I was 'running' uphill; I planned on doing five electronic miles before I stopped; that should be more than enough for today.

Then a few laps of the pool and I could relax, having done my daily quota and a bit more.

The pool -- yeah well I know we live in Britain which isn't really warm enough for outside pools, but Dad got a nice backhander from some contractor a few years ago and one day the workmen just arrived and dug out the pool. Mind you, he didn't say it was a backhander, but I know different!

And it's covered with one of those air domes so it gets quite cosy inside, so swimming is fine, even in our climate.

My mind wandered around as I monotonously pounded the track; the job; my mates and how they'd react; the girls I'd be able to take back to my place.....

Dreams.....! In my mind I saw 'my place', complete with a luxury double bed on which there was now lying this pneumatic naked blonde. She was spread out all ready for me and I was hard and about to mount her -- and suddenly I was all of a tangle!

I missed my step, lost my grip and in moments I was doing a rolling head-over-heels crash off the end of the running machine!

"Fuckin' shit!! Ow -- fuck!" I shouted as I banged the back of my head on the floor, "Owwwwww! Owwwwww! Fuck!"

And there I was, crumpled upside down against the wall of the utility room with my shorts around my knees and my half-hard dick and my balls hanging just above my face!

For a moment I was almost concussed -- I was frozen with pain and shock and then I was awakened from my agony by a raucous laugh!

I looked up between my legs to see my sister standing there; arms akimbo and holding her car keys; legs apart and just shaking with mirth! She was wearing a cropped top and a very short skirt and from where I lay I could also see that she wore little frilly powder blue knickers!

Mind you, from where she stood, she could probably see everything of me!

"What the fuck are you up to?" she said, laughing her quack off.

"Fuck off!" I said as I scrambled to my feet and pulled my shorts back up, "Lost my bloody footing!"

"Not all you lost, was it?" she replied, still laughing, "Still, gave me a nice view! Well actually it wasn't that good -- your bare ass sticking up in the air....but then you stood up."

Sharon is two years older than me and she still lives at home too. But at least she pays her way -- she's got her own nail bar and seems to be doing really well; doing gel nail art on a multitude of young ladies. It was always embarrassing to go into her shop -- all those gorgeous sets of eyes following me around! Loved it but hated it 'cos of not having a job of my own....

Yeah -- Sharon was ok -- well, more than ok -- she was hot or she would've been if she hadn't been my sister. But I couldn't help ogling her peachy little rear end; her long sleek legs and her fine upstanding tits -- sister or not. And in her business she needed to look good so her sweet face was always made-up perfectly with her shoulder-length blonde hair; her lovely green eyes and her oh-so-kissable lips.

At least I was nine inches taller than her -- that and my muscles was all I had over her! Especially at the moment!

I shook my head partially to clear my brain, partially to shake some of the sweat from my eyes and partially to show that I was recovered.

"Fuckin' thing!" I exclaimed, "Took my mind off running and it got me!"

"Where was your mind then?" asked Sharon, sticking her tongue out at me, "Another long day at the Job Centre?"

Instantly my eyes lit up as I realised that those days were gone -- before I quickly assumed an innocuous look to avoid letting Sharon know what had happened, but she was quick on spotting 'looks' -- she was on to me in a flash!

"Hey -- don't tell me you got lucky!" she said, "I saw your eyes change -- you almost looked happy for a moment! Wassup -- had an interview then? Got a job at last?"

"Nah -- just thinking about going out tonight," I lied, "Forgot to keep running...."

But Sharon's eyes had spotted my suit and even she knew that I only ever wore it for interviews and funerals.

"You did have an interview, didn't you," she said, pointing an accusing finger at the pile of clothes, "Did they offer you a job then? They did, didn't they?"

And despite the status of the job and the shop I'd be working in, I couldn't help but look a bit pleased and I found myself smiling sheepishly at her.

I nodded my head as I towelled away some of the sweat and gradually regained my composure.

"Yeah -- I had a good interview and they did offer me the job," I said, "But not one word to Mum or Dad yet or I'll kill you!"

I wouldn't -- but it was about the only threat I could come up with....

"Why -- what's the problem?" Sharon said as she gently rubbed some Savlon on my shoulder blade where it had hit the wall, "Come on, tell me."

As she spoke, her fingers seductively moved away from the graze and across my back, where they began massaging my spine and neck muscles before sliding down my back towards my waistline.

"Just easing some of the tension, bruv," she said, "Got everything tightened up."

"Bloody right I did," I said, "Thanks Sharon."

'No kidding I did -- it was my cock getting 'tightened-up' that caused this!' I thought, 'and now you're not helping!'

Oh yeah -- her massage felt excellent but it was a woman's touch on my body and my cock loved it and was doing the opposite of becoming relaxed!

I just had to move away before the evidence became outstanding!

"I'm going out to the pool," I said, ignoring Sharon's request for information and also forgetting to thank her -- I didn't want to hang around her with my cock threatening to become aroused.

I grabbed a big towel, opened the door and walked across the patio and into the vinyl bubble over the pool -- it was almost tropical in here, I discovered. I laid the towel out and sat on it, feeling the heat rise from the concrete up into my body, setting things alight that should be asleep. I rubbed my hand over my groin to make things more comfy but that didn't help -- all I actually did was make more room for my erection to grow!

'Settle down, you stupid bloody thing' I thought, 'I'll deal with you later!'

But he was hard to convince and with the warmth from the concrete, hard would soon be the operative word if I didn't do something about it. Swim -- no option! I stood up and faced the pool. I looked down at the lump that now stood out from my shorts and considered going indoors to change into my tight swim shorts -- then quickly changed my mind as I saw Sharon now heading my way. No -- it was swim in my shorts or not at all especially as with Sharon beside me things would be even worse. Quickly I dived in and was soon at the far end of the pool which was probably just as well because Sharon had changed and was now taking her sun jacket off to reveal a very small bikini! It certainly looked small from the far end of the pool -- up close it might oddly enough seem even smaller, I reckoned!

"What's it like?" Sharon shouted and I held up my thumb and one finger together.

"Lovely -- cool and soothing," I yelled back, "Lovely!"

The only trouble was thought that looking at Sharon, with the sun partially behind her, made it almost seem as if she wasn't wearing anything and my penis lurched back into life despite the cooling water! Yeah -- sister or not, she was hot, especially when thought of in the nude! Yeah -- thought of but never seen in the nude, worse luck.

Moments later my ruminations were interrupted by a splash and then there was Sharon, knifing her way towards me, soon surfacing right beside me.

She put her hands over her breasts as she came up for air, one breast and a dark nipple briefly on view as I watched her.

"Ooops," she said as she adjusted her bikini top, "Almost lost my top -- must remember not to dive with this bikini on."

My eyes now were glued on her partially submerged breasts -- her nipple and her words had acted like mental magnets and instantly my cock had hardened up -- ready, able and very willing.....but fortunately Sharon didn't notice.

"Come on -- race you back!" she said, assuming a start position against the pool side so, unwilling to let her beat me, I joined in.....

"Go!" she yelled, and her big bow-wave splashed into my face. I spluttered and half choked -- and by the time I'd recovered, Sharon was three or four lengths up the pool.

I set out in hot pursuit and was gaining well -- but Sharon was going to win now -- so I eased off.....just in time to see her heave herself out of the pool in one fluid motion -- leaving her bikini bottom around her calves!

Her pretty pink bum was revealed to me in all it's glory; a slight peach-fuzziness to her skin; a cute crack; a small brown asshole....and lower down, where the sun shone through between her legs, the vague outline of her vaginal lips and a small fringe of pubic hairs!

I nearly swallowed another mouthful as my mouth hung slack although beneath the water things were far from slack -- my penis was straining against the fabric of my shorts, even though there was plenty of room for him really. Mind you, he needed quite a bit of room -- at full stretch he was just over ten inches long and so thick that even my fingers couldn't reach right round him.

"Jesus fuckin' Christ!" Sharon cried, quickly dragging her pants back up her legs to cover her ass, "Fuckin' bikini! Don't know why I wore the bloody thing!"

The water came half way up my chest so at least my erection was hidden as Sharon walked away from the pool, one cheek of her ass still exposed where she'd quickly tried to cover herself and it was doing nothing to help my erection go down. Not only that, just where I was standing by the poolside there was a jet of cleaned water and it was firing straight at my groin. Talk about pleasurable -- it made me want to just stand there and let the jet of water massage my cock until it exploded!

And actually, if Sharon hadn't have been there I might have done just that -- many was the time that I'd blown a load standing just here at this very point!

Then suddenly I was ripped from my auto-erotic reverie as loud screeches arose.

"Owwww! Owwww! Owwww!" screamed Sharon and I looked up to see her hopping around on one foot, "Fuck it! Owwww! Shit! Fucking thing!"

"What's up?" I asked, "What's happened?"

"Stubbed my toe on that damn pump housing," she said, "It's bleeding everywhere.....come and help."

With obvious concern for my sister I heaved myself out of the water and ran to her side where I wrapped a wet arm around her middle.

"Aaaaahhh -- get off -- you're all wet," she cried, "Let go -- I'll manage."

Pulling herself from my arm she hopped across the concrete and collapsed heavily into a chair, now holding a towel to her foot. I stood uselessly aside; my efforts spurned.

"What can I do?" I asked and Sharon looked up from her foot. And as she did so her mouth fell open -- before she quickly shut it again and shook her head.

"You're showing everything Chris!" she said, "I can even see your balls!"

Reflexively I put my hands over my groin, feeling the pressure of my partially erect cock pushing against them.

"Shit!" I said, as I looked around for a towel, "Can't help it -- forgot these shorts go see-through -- sorry!"

At least the sight of my cock had made Sharon forget the pain in her toe for a moment but now it resurfaced and she lifted her foot up to rest her heel on the seat; her legs now spread wide apart.

"Oooooh damn, it bloody hurts," she moaned, "Can you nip and get me a bandage or something, please?"

But once again she'd caused trouble! With her legs apart one side of her bikini pants had pulled across her lips and there before me was one half of her pussy -- a nice patch of pubes and a single pretty crinkled pink lip. My cock rose immediately into full erection -- even both my hands couldn't disguise it and now Sharon looked up.

"You going to get a bandage for me or....." her words tailed off as her mouth fell slack again.

"What the fuck have you got in there?" she asked, her eyes wide open, "The end's sticking right out over......"

I looked down and adjusted my hands, realising that I hadn't been covering everything -- then, covered in confusion I ran from the pool to the utility room.

Fortunately the shock of being discovered; the need to help my sister and the running all helped to deflate my penis and by the time I'd found a selection of first aid bits and pieces he was back to something more like normal.

Back to normal indeed -- these days it seemed that his 'normal' state was erect! Thank heavens my shorts had dried enough to hide the view as well.

Soon I was back at the pool beside my sister, who, I noticed had now rearranged her bikini bottom to cover herself properly. I wasn't sure if I was relieved or saddened that the sight of her sex was now hidden.

"Ah -- that's great Chris, thanks," said Sharon as she pointed at me, "Glad you managed to put that away too!"

We inspected the damage to her toe and actually all she'd done was to split the skin slightly -- there was obviously more pain than damage although her foot would be tender to walk on for day or two.

Sharon held her foot steady while I applied a plaster; sprayed some freeze spray on her foot and bandaged it up. She leaned forward and planted a kiss on my forehead as I worked.

"Thanks bruv," she said sociably, "You're great. Now -- can you do one more thing -- get me a cold drink, please."

Since I'd be taking the spray and the box of first aid back to the house it wasn't a problem and soon I returned with a coke for her and a lager for me.

"Cheers!" she said as she took a slurp, "Oooh -- lovely and cold...!"

I lay face down on my forgotten towel, my upper body propped on my elbows as I relaxed while Sharon remained sitting, nursing her painful foot.

"Hey Chris -- come on then, what's so secretive about this job then?" she asked causing my heart to pound with anxiety, "What're you going to be then -- undertaker, toilet cleaner.....what else is nasty.....ah, you've got a job in the Tax Office?"