Good Neighbors

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He catches his wife with the neighbors.
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The promise of an idle weekend was more than welcome after yet another long week at the office and I was looking forward to doing absolutely nothing.

As I started up the staircase that morning in search of that novel I had been meaning to read for quite a while now, I heard my wife's voice come echoing through the house as she called to me. "Honey? I'm going over to check on the kids! I'll be right back, okay?" She didn't wait for my answer either as that brief statement was followed immediately by the sound of the front door opening and closing.

I just smiled to myself.

Our next door neighbors had recently away on a second honeymoon and weren't due to return for at least another week, leaving behind their two children. Before leaving, they had asked my wife Latoya and I to keep an eye on the kids while they were away, clearly worried about wild and riotous parties that would leave their house wrecked. I didn't think they had anything to be worried about to be quite honest as Chris and Michelle Ayers seemed like such a well behaved pair, but I was perfectly happy to help my friend's out anyway.

Well, it was my wife Latoya who was doing all of the checking up on our neighbor's kids. She was constantly going next door to look in on the two of them and make sure they were not up to no good. She had even taken it upon herself to go and cook them at least one meal a day, saying that she was not going to let them try to subsist on fast food and frozen dinners. I did not dare say so out loud, but it was my opinion that her maternal instinct had been triggered and that she was enjoying pretending to be their mother.

Perhaps Latoya and I had made a mistake so long ago when we decided not to have any children of our own.

In any case, I had reached the landing at the top of the stairs when I happened to glance out the window that was there. This particular window provided a view of the Ayers' backyard, but it was somewhat limited by how the houses had been positioned. What had so caught my attention at that moment was the fact that Michelle was in her backyard in what I can only describe as a scandalously brief bikini. Her brother was out there with her, but in that instant I quite naturally only had eyes for the young woman.

With a luxuriant mane of blonde hair, sparkling green eyes, and full lips, Michelle Ayers had the face of an angel, but her body was definitely the work of the devil. Her breasts were a little on the small side, but seemed a perfect match for her slender figure, her legs were long and smooth, and her tight little butt looked as if it might have been sculpted by a master artist. All in all, she was a real life wet dream.

Also, since she was just an eighteen year old high school senior, she promised to get even hotter and sexier as time went by!

She was stretched out on one of those folding lawn chairs at the moment working on her tan and so I was able to get quite an eyeful since she was wearing practically nothing. As I lingered where I was to stare and drool and my cock started to stir to life inside my pants, I remembered that I was all alone in the house at the moment.

Perhaps it was due to the shock of seeing so much of the luscious vision next door, but I did not recall exactly why I was alone though.

Belatedly, I noticed that she was talking casually with her brother, who was standing next to her chair and gazing down at her with a smile.

Chris Ayers was a large and muscular young man about twenty years old, built like the football player he was. His hair was red and cut very short, his eyes were a clear blue, and he had a large roman nose. With a powerful physique like his and a college football player to boot, one might have been forgiven for stereotyping him as a dim-witted bully, but his warm nature, his ready smile, and his boyish freckles belied that notion. As he stood over his sister this morning, I saw that he was dressed in a simple T-shirt with his team's logo and a pair of shorts.

If his sister was a vision of feminine perfection, Chris was easily her masculine equivalent.

I couldn't hear what they were saying to each other of course, but in my mind she was complaining because he was blocking her sun and he was answering that she already had a nice rich tan and that she should get under cover before she starts to burn. I was to quickly discover just how wrong I was.

Even as I watched, Michelle sat up with a great big smile and pulled down the elastic waistband of her brother's shorts with one hand to pull out his already semi-hard cock with the other. She did this quite casually, I must say, hinting that this was not the first time she had taken hold of her brother like this, but I was positively stunned to see this teenaged girl take possession of the older boy's manhood.

Then, without even an instant's hesitation, Michelle pulled her brother's rapidly stiffening dick right up to her lips and went to work on it. Standing there in my own home and watching in shock as she slowly and sensuously licked his shaft and sucked on the bulbous head, my own cock quickly finished getting fully erect and I was compelled to release it from it's painful confinement in my jeans.

Isn't that an odd picture? A man standing on the second floor landing of his own home and slowly stroking his own cock while gazing down into the backyard next door where an act of incest was taking place.

As the shock began to wear off and my brain started working again, I was a little startled that the pair of them would do something like this out in the open, but then I remembered that their yard was shielded from the view of passers by thanks to a nice high wooden fence. Not only that, but the place they had chosen for their forbidden tryst really was completely invisible even from the upper floor of my house except from this one window - and even then you had to be standing in exactly the right spot to catch a glimpse of them. They probably thought they were completely safe from being observed where they were and they were almost right.

Michelle took her time, I must say, working slowly and quite professionally on her brother's manhood to get it as hard as possible. The skill this girl was showing was yet another hint that this was not exactly the first time those the siblings had gotten their hands on each other. I found myself wishing I had been paying more attention to what was going on next door - perhaps if I had this wouldn't be the first time I was able to enjoy a show like this.

As Chris grew more and more aroused, thoroughly enjoying his sister's efforts on his behalf, I saw him bend forward slightly to untie the thin straps that held together the top part of her bikini. It fell away to land in her lap and those firm young breasts were unleashed. They weren't porn star boobs and big enough to bounce or swing of course, but I was still treated to a wonderful little jiggle. She was blessed with large, dark nipples, I now saw, and I just ached to run my tongue over them.

By the time his sister had stopped nibbling on his cock and begun taking more and more of him into her mouth, he had reached down with one hand to cup one of those sweet little cupcake tits. His other hand was on the back of her head but I saw that even though he had taken hold of a fistful of her hair, he was not actually trying to push more of himself down her throat. No, he was letting her work at her own speed and I think all three of us were very happy about that.

Michelle was proving herself to be quite an accomplished deep throat artist and I was amazed to see just how much of her brother was disappearing into her mouth.

As I watched her head slowly move back and forth, my hand was going faster and faster on my own dick until I found just the right speed and rhythm. As my legs grew wobbly beneath me, I had to lean my shoulder up against the wall next to the window to keep from falling down since I was not about to stop beating off.

Chris was younger than I and clearly had a lot more stamina as he was still making the girl work for his cum when I was already growing close to shooting off. In fact, it would later seem to me that I was ready to cum awfully quick, but in my defense just let me remind you that I was standing there watching the wildest, the hottest, and the most unexpected sex show live and in person.

That's when it happened.

I was just about to reach my orgasm when the back door of the Ayers home opened and who should walk out to join the incestuous couple but my very own wife! In a flash, I suddenly remembered that the reason she wasn't at home right now was because she had been going next door. Knowing my conservative, church-going wife as I did, I was absolutely certain that she was going to be horrified by the scene she had just stumbled across and would read those kids the riot act. The show was over.

Fortunately though, I'd had just enough time before this interruption to finish what I was doing. Before the siblings could break apart in surprise at her sudden appearance and pretend that they hadn't really been fooling around, before my wife could start screaming about how wicked and sinful the act of incest was, I let out a deep groan and sent a stream of my pearly white seed splattering all over the window in front of me.

As I stood there and panted, trying to recover after my biggest orgasm in a very long time, I gradually started to notice something odd was happening next door.

My wife was not screaming in horror at the discovery that our neighbors were indulging in that most forbidden kind of sex, she was not lecturing them, and she certainly wasn't demanding that they stop this very instant and never do anything like this again. Indeed, she didn't look at all perturbed and was standing there just looking at the pair with a big grin on her face.

Her smile never dimming one iota, he said something to them and once more I wished desperately that I could hear what was going on over there as well as see it. I gave some serious consideration to opening the window just a little to see if I would be able to hear them then, but discarded the idea because I was afraid that somebody over there would see or hear the window opening and hurry inside where I wouldn't be able to watch them anymore.

The young couple didn't seem at all bothered to suddenly find her standing there either and broke apart just enough to smile back at her and apparently to offer her a very friendly greeting. That took only a moment though and then Michelle was once more trying to get all of her brother's big cock into her mouth at once. Letting go of his sister's breast at last, Chris straightened and reached out with that hand to my wife. Latoya took it willingly and allowed herself to be drawn in close to the young couple.

I just stood there and stared at all of this, unable to fully comprehend that the woman I thought I knew so well should be behaving in this fashion. It was just so entirely out of character for her! So, she already knew that our neighbors were doing this? She didn't have any sort of problem with it? This was amazing to me! Outrageous even! Could it be that she was even cheating on me with those two? I certainly hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary lately, but it would certainly explain why she was always going over there.

That last question was quickly answered as just as soon as Latoya had strayed to close as Chris suddenly released her hand so that he could throw his arm around her middle and jerk her right up against his side. My wife just seemed to laugh at being manhandled like that and rather than complain just pressed her lips to his in a long, deep kiss.

I have to admit that I am the jealous sort of husband - I once got myself into trouble in fact when I thought some guy was coming on to my wife and actually tried to punch him in the nose. Knowing this, I was more than a little surprised that I didn't feel even one ounce of annoyance or anger at seeing Latoya in such a position with the next door neighbors. I had the complete opposite reaction actually and found myself getting another erection already!

Latoya and Chris did a very thorough job of kissing each other, I noticed. I didn't even want to think about how long it had been since she and I kissed like that. Perhaps the reason why I hadn't noticed that my wife was cheating on me with our neighbor's kids for the simple reason that I just wasn't paying enough attention to her? That was perfectly possible unfortunately, but she certainly had my full attention now.

Suddenly pushing herself free of the younger man's embrace with a big grin, Latoya slipped around behind him and went down on her knees. He was unable to turn to follow her of course since his sister was still sucking on his cock, but it became apparent that he wasn't supposed to. Reaching up, my wife tugged the boy's shorts all the way down so that they landed in a pile around his feet.

My eyes were very wide as Latoya leaned in then and, holding onto Chris by the hips, used the tip of her tongue to give his puckered asshole a little tickle. I was just astonished, never imagining that she might ever be willing to do something that seemed so . . . dirty as give someone a rimjob.

What wasn't so surprising was how very much I envied that young man at this moment as he was assaulted from the front and the back. Oh, God, would I have done anything to trade places with Chris right then. As you might expect, my hand was a blur on my rock hard cock now and I was once again unable to hold off the onrushing climax for any length of time.

At the exact same time that I was shooting another load of cum all over that window, Chris also reached the breaking point. He must have offered Michelle some warning as she chose the exact right moment to pull back so that he could give her a nice mouthful of seed to swallow. She hungrily gulped down everything he gave her, greedily making sure she got every last drop.

Latoya and Michelle relented now that Chris had finally had his orgasm and so he stumbled a step or two out from in between them on legs that had become rubbery. It was very lucky for him that he managed to quickly get his feet out of his fallen shorts or he might have tripped and come crashing down on his face!

Getting off her lawn chair at last, Michelle dashed over to plant a passionate kiss on the lips of my still kneeling wife. Latoya kissed her back firmly, reaching up with both hands to claim the teenager's breasts. This was yet another shock for poor old me as I had never imagined that my little wife might be into other women in any way, shape or form. More kisses and a brief conversation followed, then Michelle suddenly turned and hurried back into the house.

This left my wife all alone that backyard with Chris and he came back to help Latoya back up to her feet. They kissed and talked for a little and then he stepped back out of the way and I got to watch my wife strip for another man.

If it could be said that Chris and Michelle were virtual paragons of physical perfection, the same could not be said for Latoya.

Cruel gravity, the inexorably passing years, and a relatively sedentary lifestyle had conspired to add more than a few extra pounds to her frame and to make her once full and generously sized breasts sag, but also added on some character lines, wrinkles, and stretch marks.

That she wasn't still the vibrant beauty queen I'd fallen in love with back in college was just one of the excuses I had long used to justify the fact that I wasn't paying as much attention to her as I used to. She sure has let herself go, I can remember grumbling to myself on more than one occasion.

My whole attitude was changed though as I stood at that window and watched her slowly and sensuously strip herself down to her birthday suit while another man observed and enjoyed her performance. Her shoes were casually kicked off, then her blouse was removed to reveal her still large breasts tightly contained in a lacy bra, and finally her snugly fitting slacks came off to expose long legs and a pair of panties that just barely big enough to cover her most intimate treasure.

As she did a little posing and posturing for him to show herself off to this boy only half her age, it was quite evident from his response that Chris liked what he saw a lot. Suddenly looking at her with fresh eyes now, I had to agree that there was a lot to like.

Latoya might be a little overweight, but she was not grossly obese or anything. Indeed, the extra weight actually seemed to improve her shapely figure, in my opinion. She also really was still a strikingly beautiful woman with shoulder-length jet black hair, eyes that were big and brown, and wondrously soft skin the same rich color as coffee. It had been a very long time since I really just looked at my wife like this and, even though I was spying on her right now as she cheated on me, I could not help but fall in love with her all over again.

I don't know who was getting harder faster at that moment as we intently watched the same woman get undressed - me or Chris.

My neighbor's son took a step forward then, hoping to steal a kiss from my wife and get his hands on her fabulous body, but she just laughed gaily and held him off with one hand. She was not yet naked and it looked to me like she was determined to have all of her clothing off before she let these two kids have their way with her.

Latoya pulled off her bra next. As that frilly little undergarment fell to the ground, those big breasts came bouncing and swinging free in the very way I had so missed just now when Michelle's top had come off. I've always been a huge fan of nice, big breasts and I make no apologies or excuses for that and the sight of Latoya's boobs were now making me drool just as much as they had when we first met back in college.

The final article of clothing to be removed was Latoya's panties and I was shocked to see that she had shaved off every last strand of her pubic hair. When had she done that? Just how long had it really been since I saw my own wife in the buff? How long had it been since she and I last had sex? I had a sinking feeling that it had been a very long time indeed and so I could hardly blame my wife for going elsewhere in search of sex and romance.

Now that she was completely bare, there was no longer any denying Chris. He stepped forward again and took her into his arms in a crushing embrace, kissing her fiercely and deeply. Latoya returned both the embrace and the passionate kiss, her hands moving down his back to grab hold of his taut butt.

Michelle came back outside at that point and, though she had lost the bottom half of her itty bitty bikini, she was not naked. Instead, she had put on what looked like a fearsomely large strap-on dildo and was carefully smearing some kind of lubricant all over the full length of the sex toy even as she rejoined the others.

I had to gasp at the sight of that dildo, hardly able to make myself believe that monster would fit into any part of my wife.

When Chris and Latoya came up for air at long last and saw that Michelle was back and now well armed, the couple pulled apart and moved over to the lawn chair. It took them just a few moments to arrange themselves, which was yet another hint that this was familiar territory for all three of them.

Chris was the first onto the folding chair, lying on his back with his manhood standing proudly over him. Latoya came next, straddling the young man and slowly lowering herself so that his thick shaft rode easily up into her cunt. Michelle took a moment to apply a little of the lube to my wife's bottom, then positioned herself so that she also straddled Chris but was immediately behind my wife.

It obviously wasn't easy to get that big dildo fully sheathed inside my wife's tight little ass even with that liberal coating of lubricant, but it was clear to me that Michelle and Latoya knew what they were doing and didn't doubt for an instant that the two women had ample experience with that mighty tool.