Thunder Gods Ch. 04: Glisset's Prey

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Glisset discovers she's aroused by a good fight.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/23/2021
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Glisset narrowed her eyes at the male Vishanee flying below her.

"Is that Yatrathen?" She asked her mount.

"Yes, my queen."

"He has two human women on his back!" Glisset commented, shocked.

"Yes, my queen." Her mount confirmed.

Yatrathen left before he was called to his mating, for this? To ferry around human women?

"Follow him, but do not let him see us," She instructed.

Glisset could not believe what she was seeing. Yatrathen was licking the human woman's teats! And, then he was licking their vaginas. And that wasn't all, he let the woman who was not his bondmate mount him and flew with her!

It was scandalous, but also...

He is enjoying mating those human women, Glisset realized.

She had always felt sorry for the Vishanee males who were not claimed by a queen and had to bondmate human females to survive. It was hard to feel sorry for Yatrathen, though, when he was so clearly enjoying himself.

Maybe I should try it, I have been a bit bored with my mates, lately.

"Take me home," Glisset commanded. The mount she was riding was one of her duller mates. He rarely spoke, but he had a wonderfully comfortable Queen's seat, flew smoothly, and obeyed every command.

When she was younger, it had entertained her to see how her mates would obey increasingly humiliating commands. She'd made them fight each other for the honor of being her mount for the day. She'd made them pleasure each other for a chance to breed her. She'd even made them beg to be allowed to taste her.

But they always did exactly as they were told, and it had become boring. Even the brief twinges of discomfort that they would struggle to hide from her as she ordered them about failed to please her anymore.

"Brother!" Glisset called as her mount landed in their valley. O

f her forty-three mates, her brother, Guinatheen, was the most loyal. Every Vishanee woman's first mate was one of her own litter mates. Because the females of their species did not have wings, every young Vishanee female was given a littermate as first mount so that she could travel.

Someday, Glisset would give her own daughter a litter mate to ride. But, after six litters and thirty-three young, she still had no daughter. She sighed, wistfully. She would only be able to have another three or four litters before it would become dangerous to breed. She must have at least one daughter for their clan to continue.

Thinking of her failure to produce an heir depressed her, as always. But, perhaps, an adventure would life her spirits?

"My queen," her brother bowed before her, stretching his front legs out so that he was low to the ground.

Glisset pounced on top of him and mounted his cock, which protruded rigidly from the center of his back. "Take me to the nearest human town." She commanded.

She had her brother land in a small clearing near the town. She dismounted and walked to the edge of the forest near the town, watching the humans. She was going to pick one of the males to fuck, and she wanted her brother here because he could be trusted to be helpful without needing constant instructions. As her littermate, he knew her like none of her other mates could. But, also, as a littermate, he could not breed her.

Glisset watched the town center. She narrowed her eyes as four men left a house in the middle of the town. They stood on the porch for a little bit, then a fifth man exited the house and spoke to them. After that one went back inside, the four men left the porch.

Two of them walked only a little way, then stopped and talked with each other, laughing continuously. One of the men appeared very angry as he stalked away. Glisset decided he looked like too much trouble and focused on the fourth man. He was strolling confidently, and calmly, down one of the side streets.

Glisset stalked him, keeping to the woods and parallel to his path. The Vishanee were superior hunters. It had been a long time since a Vishanee woman had had to hunt anything, however. The males typically did all the work, and the women just bred more males.

The man she was stalking appeared to be heading towards a house near the end of the street. She didn't want to let him enter his den; cornered prey always fought harder. Glisset slide stealthily up to the side of the nearest house, keeping to the shadows.

As the man passed, she loped out and pounced on him, grabbing his clothes in her powerful jaws, she pulled him back into the forest. The man had made a choked scream, but his air had been thrust out of his lungs by her quick pounce.

By the time the captured man had recovered from the shock, he was deep in the woods lying under one of Guinatheen's paws. Glisset studied the human male, her prey, curiously.

Ernat was terrified as he gazed up at the powerful thunder god that held him pinned beneath one of its massive paws. It was minutes before he noticed the smaller figure next to him.

A thunder goddess? Ernat couldn't believe it. No one had seen a thunder goddess in decades, maybe centuries. They were notoriously rare and elusive. Why had she taken him? Because, if humans knew anything about the thunder gods, it was that the females were in charge.

Ernat trembled with fear. He was completely helpless, completely at the mercy of these two powerful beings.

Just like Reetha was at our mercy last night, came an unwelcome thought. Was this punishment, for inciting his brother Bartam to rape Reetha? No, this couldn't possibly be related, he assured himself. But that didn't make his situation any better.

"Remove your foot, brother." Glisset said.

Once Ernat was freed, he scuttled away from them. Guinatheen growled and Ernat froze.

Glisset stalked closer to him and used one razor sharp claw to cut his clothing away. Unasked, her brother grabbed the remnants that still covered the man and flicked them away. It was that anticipation of her need that made her brother her favorite mate.

Glisset observed the human male. His skin was disgustingly naked, only covered by thin patches of fur, like a sickly child. She sneered at him.

"Where is his life rod?" Glisset asked.

"I believe that the human males are not always hard, as we Vishanee are, but only become so when they are aroused." Guinatheen replied.

"That is ridiculous!" Glisset snapped, "how do their women mount them if they must wait on the men to become excited?"

Guinatheen didn't answer, which meant he didn't know.

Ernat was extremely uncomfortable now that the thunder goddess and god had removed his clothes and were growling. He suspected they were talking about him, and the goddess didn't seem pleased. He felt incredibly vulnerable, naked in front of them.

He thought again of Reetha, and his conquests before her. He much preferred making women feel this way than feeling it himself.

"Well, brother. Arouse him!" Glisset commanded. This human male looked disgusting, but she had made up her mind to mount one, and so she would.

Guinatheen flicked out his long tongue and lapped it against the human's crotch. He had no idea how to arouse a human male, but he would do his best to obey his sister's command.

Ernat flinched at the contact, he hadn't expected to be licked. Was the god going to eat him?

But, Ernat couldn't focus on that thought, distracted as he was by the warm wet tongue fondling his flaccid penis. There was nothing Ernat loved more than throat fucking a woman, and this reminded him of that sensation. Traitorously, Ernat's cock hardened under the unwelcome stimulation.

Guinatheen circled his tongue around the small rod coming to life in between the human's legs. He wrapped it as he imagined a life hole would enwrap it and pumped at it. Tightening and loosening his wrapped tongue as he moved it up and down the length of the man's life rod.

Ernat groaned miserably. It felt good, amazingly good. And it was so wrong, too. He loved the feeling of being terribly naughty. Soon his cock was rigid and throbbing as Ernat accepted the unusual stimulation.

"Stop." Glisset commanded.

Once her brother removed his tongue, Glisset pounced on the man's stiff rod and settled her life hole over it. Unlike a human female's vagina that starts small and must be stretched for larger intrusions, the Vishanee started big, then clamped down around the intrusion like a vice.

Ernat gasped as his cock was crushed in the thunder goddess's vagina. The shock of it wilted his hardness a little.

Angry at the softening of her new toy, Glisset pawed the man's head roughly. "Do not soften, human." She growled.

Ernat couldn't understand her growl, but he got the message that he was meant to perform, to give this goddess a good fuck. He looked down between them. Her six teats hung low and brushed his stomach as she sat on him. She didn't hump, and Ernat realized that although she mounted him, she still expected him to do the work. And if he didn't please her, there was a good chance she'd simply kill him.

Hell, she might kill me anyway, Ernat realized. He had to get a handle on his emotions and perform. It was his best chance to get out of this alive.

Heart thundering in his chest, Ernat reached up a hand and fondled one of the teats hanging over him. It was soft and full, like a woman's breast and he let the feeling inspire his cock.

Glisset accepted the touch because she could feel the human cock hardening inside her again. Then, the human began thrusting his cock into her. This was almost like the feel of flying on one of her mounts, she realized. Was this what humans did because they had to mate on the ground?

Ernat pulled a teat up towards his face and hunched slightly to align it with his mouth. He sucked the goddess's nipple and was thrilled to feel hot milk squirt out of it into his mouth. The taste was sweet and creamy, and he loved it.

Glisset gasped when the human started suckling on one of her teats. It had always been pleasurable to suckle her sons, but she had never considered doing that while mating. She was surprised at how good it felt.

The cock inside her was hard now, and it's rhythmic pumping was somewhat enjoyable. But, still, she didn't see the attraction to humans, not yet at least. The most fun she'd had on this adventure was stalking and capturing the man.

All of a sudden, the man's cock started twitching and she felt his life milk pulse out inside of her. Then, unbelievably, his cock started shrinking. Angry, Glisset pawed the man's head again.

Ernat had let himself get carried away and orgasmed too soon, before he'd pleasured the thunder goddess. He cursed himself. He wouldn't be able to get hard again quickly enough for her, he feared. He had to try to escape.

The thunder god had moved back, letting his mate take her pleasure alone with the human. Ernat punched the goddess in the teat and thrust her off of him. As fast as he could he scrambled up and away and tried to run.

Glisset was shocked by the punch, and furious when she saw her prey trying to escape his duties. Hissing, she loped after him and pounced on his back.

Ernat grunted at the impact. He twisted and fought with the goddess, but she was much larger and stronger than a human woman. They wrestled each other. Ernat knew that the only reason he wasn't dead was because the goddess had not unsheathed her claws or bit him. She was still toying with him.

As Ernat felt the goddess's soft fur and swollen teats against his body, he realized that he was enjoying this battle. In fact, his cock stirred to life again. It was like it had been with Reetha, and with the other women he'd taken, he loved to see them fight.

He didn't want to be the one dominated, though. He wanted to dominate this woman, goddess or not. Horny and determined, Ernat wrestled for the thunder goddess until she was on her back beneath him, then he drove his cock into her wide-open vagina. Instantly, it clamped down on his cock.

Furiously, Ernat pounded the goddess. He held her upper legs down and grabbed one of her teats in his mouth, biting and sucking at it.

Glisset had never in her life been so turned on. It certainly wasn't the human's ugly body that did it, it was his insubordination. Who could have known that it would feel so good to fight for domination, instead of simply being given it? This was completely new to her.

The walls of her life hole began pulsing as she was aroused by this human's aggression. Of course, the human couldn't actually hurt her, not with his blunt baby teeth and short, weak, claws. Still, his grasp on her forelegs was pleasantly firm and this was certainly a new position for her.

Glisset found herself imagining how a Vishanee male could dominate her. There was no question that their anatomy would make it a bit more challenging, but maybe... Maybe he could bite and claw her while she mounted a more submissive male? The idea aroused her sufficiently to orgasm.

Once her orgasm was complete, she easily pushed the human off of her.

Ernat had been so close to a second orgasm, he'd really been enjoying himself. Then the bitch goddess had simply finished with him and pushed him away! He tried lunged at the goddess, trying to get her into a fuckable position.

Glisset raked her claws across the chest of the human male when he jumped at her. She'd taken her pleasure and was no longer interested in playing the game.

Ernat howled with pain and backed away. He looked down at his chest in shock. His blood was pouring out, dripping down, and covering his still hard cock. Terrified at the change in the goddess's mood, he turned and fled back to the village.

Glisset watched the human flee, such fragile creatures.

"Brother... Isn't there a male who can't find a mate because he's insubordinate? I thought I heard something about that. What was his name?"

"Zavisthron, my queen. But he bonded with a human a few weeks ago."

Glisset frowned, "really..."

Guinatheen watched his queen, as he always watched her. He'd seen her expression as she'd wrestled with the human and let him mount her. The fight had excited her. And now she was asking after an insubordinate male.

My sister needs a challenge. He thought.

Glisset mounted her brother, "take me home." She commanded.

Guinatheen imagined saying no. He imagined throwing her off of his back and making her have to chase him down to mount him again. He imagined refusing to fly until she exerted her physical prowess to demand it.

He imagined it but could not do it. It simply wasn't in him to deny her anything she asked, even if he suspected that was what she wanted. Thinking carefully, Guinatheen flew them home.

After Glisset left him, Guinatheen called a meeting of his fellow queen's mates. All forty-three Vishanee males gathered to hear what Guinatheen had to say.

"My brother-mates," he began, "have we not all seen how our queen grows restless and bored. How she no longer plays the games with us that she used to love?"

The males around him nodded, they all worried about their queen. They all wished she'd had a daughter. Most queen's bore a daughter every three or four litters, but their queen had none after six litters. And, worse, she'd become less enthusiastic about mating, which made her litters less frequent now. They were worried she might never bear a daughter.

"Today I saw our old queen again, and I will tell you how it happened, and what I think we must do."

The males all listened eagerly as Guinatheen described his day and what he'd seen.

"The queen needs a defiant male. She even asked after Zavisthron!"

The males gasped. Zavisthron had been considered an embarrassment to their gender, and their queen desired a male like that?

"First brother," one of the males spoke, "I am not sure if any of us can be other than we are. To be insolent and unruly... It hurts my heart to even consider it."

Guinatheen nodded in agreement, "I know this, my brothers. I wish I could do this for my queen. But what we cannot do, we must find one to do. Ask, ask all you can, find our queen her disobedient mate. Surely, some queen has born a son who she hides away, embarrassed by him. That is the one we need."

The males nodded. They felt shame that they could not be what their queen needed and determined to find her one who could.

It took three weeks.

"Guinatheen!" One of his brother-mates called to him. I have found him! He has been heard to praise Zavisthron and disdain his queen. His litter-mates shun him, and he is said to be haughty and arrogant."

Guinatheen's heart swelled, "Well done, I will tell our queen at once."

"Tell me what?" Glisset asked, having arrived to hear just the end of the conversation. She knew her males had been worried about her. Since she'd hunted the human, they had been engaged in some joint project. She had been content to leave them to it as she had obsessed over her own problem. She wanted to dominate a male again, fight to dominate him. But she was not attracted to human men, and all the Vishanee males she had ever met were inherently submissive.

"We have found you an insubordinate male, my queen!" Guinatheen replied happily.

Glisset's life hole pulsed, and her heart beat quickened. "Truly?"

"Yes, my queen." Guinatheen bowed low at his sister's feet, hoping for a crumb of her approval.

Glisset rubbed her head against her brother and purred, then pounced on his back and mounted him.

"Take me to this rebel."

Guinatheen launched them into the air. "Show us the way, brother-mate!" He called and then followed the other male into the skies.

Glisset watched the male that she'd come for prowl among his littermates. The skittered away from him nervously.

"Are you sure you want that son?" The other queen asked.

"Yes." Glisset purred, her body thrilling with anticipation of claiming the arrogant male.

"He is large and strong, but proud and unbearably insolent." The male's mother said bluntly.

"I will dominate him." Glisset replied, "I will carve my name into his life rod so that he knows who he belongs too. I will make him respect me."

She felt aroused just thinking of the fight to come.

"Well, better you than me, I suppose." The other queen shrugged.

"Wunnerenth!" She called and the male turned slowly to look at his mother.

"Yes, mother?" He drawled lazily, not bothering to come as commanded.

"This queen will take you as her mate. You are lucky to be chosen."

"I will take no Vishanee queen!" The male snarled at his mother and Glisset.

Glisset smiled, "will you not?"

She prowled toward him, "and how will you avoid being mounted, young male? Will you fly away like a little bird? Or will you fight me?"

"I am no coward to fly away from a weak and soft queen." Wunnerenth sneered.

Glisset smiled, "I should hope not." And she leapt at him, sinking her claws into his fur as she climbed up his side.

Wunnerenth jerked back in surprise then turned his head toward her and bit int her back. He pulled her away from him and threw her across the room.

Everyone watching gasped and several of the males who had avoided Wunnerenth earlier felt deep protective instincts that compelled them to start towards their littermate to protect the Vishanee female.

"Hold!" Guinatheen called, his own protective instincts for his queen emboldening him to command the other males. "My queen desires to fight."

The males stopped in confusion, but they backed away from Glisset and Wunnerenth, opening a wide space for the two to battle.

And a glorious battle it was. Wunnerenth was large and muscular, but he was slow, and his wings impeded his agility on the ground. He growled in frustration as Glisset leaped around and under and over him, scratching him with her every pass.

Despite himself, Wunnerenth found himself enjoying the battle with this queen. She was like none of his mother's friends who'd come to select mates. This one was fierce and seemed excited by resistance. Maybe it would not be so bad to be bound to a queen like this, he found himself thinking. But only if she can make me submit. His pride kept him from making it an easy fight.