Giving Mum a Hand

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When I visit Mum I find that I'm needed.
16k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/11/2017
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A love story and not a wild straight-out fucking adventure so expect a long slow burn rather than action right from the start. Wait and see what happens...


"Hello darling!" said my mother as she straightened up from her kneeling position beside the flowerbed, "Ohh, my knees – give me a hand, will you."

I stretched out my hand as requested and she grasped me and sighed as she raised herself from the ground. There was a big smudge of dirt on her cheek and another on her brow but they couldn't hide or disguise her natural mature beauty.

"Goodness me, I'm not as young as I used to be," she said as she blew out a big sigh, "Do you know, I was just thinking about you, where on earth have you been?"

"Pretty well everywhere I think!" I exclaimed as I held her hand while she straightened herself out, "Well, it feels like it anyway but it's just been another business trip."

I'd decided to pop round to see my parents, having been away on an extended business tour for the past month or so. Usually I'd try to see them every few weeks and I'd keep in touch on the phone between visits but I'd been remiss recently as I concentrated on my latest and longest business outing.

Mum stood there brushing dirt and vegetation from her knees and skirt, then smiled up at me. She was shorter than me by some nine inches so she always had to look upwards to see me.

"It's so lovely to see you again darling," she said as she stretched up for a friendly kiss, "Seems ages since I last saw you and I've really missed seeing you around, especially recently."

Mum's kiss was warm, soft and loving and her lips on mine sent shivers down my spine despite it being our usual manner of kissing and greeting.

"It has been ages," I admitted as I tried to brush some of the dirt from her cheek, "I'm really sorry – I've been so busy and what with my trip too..."

"So you said darling, so where have you been gallivanting off to this time?" asked Mum as she took over from me and completed the job, "Anywhere nice?"

"All the way to Hong Kong and then down to Singapore and across Indonesia," I said, "Oh it was nice, but all work, no play."

"Huh! A likely story," scoffed Mum as she dropped her hand trowel and linked arms with me, "Come and tell me about it while we have a nice cup of tea."

Shirley, my Mum, still looked youthful despite her advancing years. She'd just turned fifty this last year but somehow she still looked remarkably youthful and fresh and her figure was still upright, curvy and sexually inspiring. She still carried a sizeable rack – not billows of over-stretched boobs but a sexually stirring, bra-filling, sweater-stretching pair of generous breasts and had a delightfully bubbly-looking ass that just demanded a second glance. I'm not really a man to get carried away by a nicely shaped bottom but hers never failed to stir me.

I always felt a shiver of repressed erotic excitement run through me whenever I saw my Mum and on the occasions when I'd call round and find Mum's twin sister Samantha there as well my delight knew no bounds! Samantha lived not far away from Mum – the pair of them having been almost inseparable for most of their lives and I'd often find them together.

Whenever I did so I'd find myself mentally drooling over them both as I admired their superb combination of bodies and personalities.

We let small-talk wash over us as we walked up the garden path and entered the kitchen, where Mum stopped and turned towards me.

"Let me look at you," she said so I stood still while she scanned me up and down.

My appearance was, to me, just about right. I'm 24, I'm tall, a little over the six foot mark and I've no fat on me anywhere because I feel better that way, because I like to look good to my clients and my boss and because I impress the girls by being fit. I do a twenty minute work-out most mornings and go to the gym several times a week too – not too much though for fear of looking too muscular. When I'm travelling I try to search out local gyms so I can keep my regime going – something of a battle at times with all the hours I spend on board planes but I feel that the exercise helps counteract my inactivity during flights. I keep my hair short and my clothes smart without going to any excessive expense and I have no problem with keeping my skin looking nice because I inherited my mother's genes. I also have many of her facial features; a well proportioned nose, active and warm lips, deep-set dark eyes and good cheek bones. On top of that I try to carry an air of confidence in myself and that alone counts for much of my success, in my opinion.

"Gosh, you always look so damn good," said Mum as she beamed at me, "I could eat you whole!"

"Somewhat chewy I'd suggest," I offered and we both laughed as Mum turned, washed her hands and filled the kettle.

"Tea of coffee?" she asked but I shook my head with an accompanying smile.

"Could I have a cold drink please?" I asked, "Do you have any lager in the fridge by any chance?"

Mum laughed, the happy sound sending a shimmering wave of warmth through me.

"Well you should know – you put them there last time you were here, ages ago," she said, as she prepared her tea cup, "Unless the grocery delivery man's been helping himself on the quiet!"

I crossed the room to the fridge and there on the bottom shelf were three cans – a six-pack minus the three I'd drunk last time I visited. I pulled one out, held it's chilly metal to my cheek and smiled at Mum as I ripped the tab open.

"Perfect!" I sighed as I lifted the can to my lips and drank deeply, "Ahhh, just what I needed."

Mum glanced at me then turned the kettle off and headed towards the cupboard and as she did so I breathed deeply, letting the delicious smell of something cooking in the oven fill my senses.

"Actually that's not a bad idea," said Mum as she lifted a bottle of sherry to the light, "I think I could do with something a bit stronger than tea as well."

I quickly fetched a glass from the cupboard behind me and handed it to her and watched as she emptied a fair quantity of the sherry into it.

"Cheers!" she said as she raised her glass, "Here's to – oh, I don't know what – just cheers!"

We stood in the kitchen as we raised our drinks to salute our vague toast.

"And cheers to you Mum," I answered, "So how's life been without me and where's Dad?"

Dad was Keith, married to my Mum for the past twenty-seven years.

"Quiet," she said with a frown, "And as for where's your Dad – he's somewhere up in London at present."

"Uhhh? How do you mean, somewhere?" I asked, suddenly feeling a chill in the air, "Surely you know where he's gone?"

"Well he was supposed to be at the conference centre, or so he told me," she said after she'd had a good swig from her glass, "But I'm not so sure really."

"Oh, the one in Battersea? But he always goes there; isn't that where they always hold their monthly meetings?" I answered.

"Yes, darling, you're right," said Mum, "Well I thought that's where he was but when I tried to phone him, because I wanted to know when he'd be back and I'd forgotten to ask, they said that the place was closed for renovations."

"Uh-oh," I murmured, feeling the undercurrent of some unrest.

"Not only that, he usually stays at that hotel, you know, the one that's almost next door to the centre, but he's not there either," continued Mum, her body seeming to slump against the worktop.

"Oh damn..." I said quietly, then louder, "Didn't you try his mobile phone then?"

"No, it's here," said Mum, shaking her head, "He says he doesn't take it up to London in case it gets stolen."

"Perhaps that's sensible, although that sounds odd," I said, "So what's going on then?"

"I wish I knew," said Mum wistfully, "Of course after that I checked with his office."

"And...?" I asked hopefully.

"And they said that there wasn't a meeting this month because of the centre being closed," said Mum quietly, "So they don't know where he is either so it's all a bit strange."

I kept quiet while I let Mum ruminate and then she continued.

"On top of that, and the reason why they don't know where he is, is because they actually told me that he's supposed to be on a three week leave," she said, looking straight at me, "So he's either up to something or he's dead."

"I doubt that he's dead," I said as I moved and pulled another can from the fridge, "You'd definitely have heard from the police or someone, wouldn't you?"

"Which means that he's up to something – again!" said Mum as she drained her glass and held it out for me to refill.

"Again?" I asked in surprise, "I didn't know he'd done anything like that before."

Mum was pacing the room now, her ire showing in her eyes.

"I think he's been seeing someone else," said Mum, her eyes now downcast, "I can't prove it of course, but I'm pretty sure..."

She paused and took a deep breath, then looked up at me.

"Oh, I'd better tell you. Last time he went away I found a couple of condoms in his pocket," she said as she wiped a tear from her eye, "And we don't use them so, so – oh Chris!"

She almost missed placing her glass on the table as she crossed the room suddenly and threw herself at me, her body pressing hot against mine, her face buried in my chest, her breast heaving with her sobs. I held her tight, feeling her anguish and pain and not really knowing what to do for the best. Eventually she seemed to steel herself and pushed herself away from me gently which gave the chance to reach for a tissue which she took from me with a grateful smile.

"I feel so silly!" she said, as she dabbed her eyes, "Letting this get on top of me."

"Oh come on; it's hardly surprising that you're upset, Mum," I said soothingly keeping my hands on her arms, "I know I would be, in your shoes."

"But I ought to be hardened to it by now," said Mum, "It's not as if it hasn't happened before, is it?"

"What – that he's missed a meeting?" I asked but Mum shook her head then went and sat on one of the kitchen chairs.

"No darling, that he's told me he had to go up to London between meetings," said Mum after she'd blown her nose, "But this is the first time I've checked up on him."

"Oh, twice – well that could be just him working on the side, couldn't it?" I said, hoping for a simple answer, "You know, moonlighting or something?"

"No darling, not twice – more like four or five times this last year or so," said Mum as she emptied her glass again.

I filled it once more for her and then pulled another chair nearer to hers and sat down too.

"The first couple of times he came up with stories that I believed – well, I would wouldn't I?" she said, "Because he does seem to work hard, but then I began to wonder."

"Why? What did you find out?" I asked, suddenly wishing I hadn't asked.

"Oh, just that he was spending money unexpectedly and that sometimes he stayed in a hotel nowhere near the conference place or his office," she said, "And I've found things like restaurant receipts for two and so on – of course he doesn't know I've found them, I always put things back where they were."

She paused as she seemed to gather her strength.

"He's always been a bit haphazard when it comes to putting things away," she continued, "It's just been when I've gathered up his dirty laundry that I've found things – you know, just stuffed in a pocket somewhere or left in his suitcase."

"But couldn't he be entertaining customers?" I suggested but Mum shook her head.

"No, the company pays for all that kind of thing," she said, "No, it was when I found those condoms – there were just those two left out of a packet of six – then it all came together."

"Blimey, no wonder you're hitting the bottle Mum," I said, "I'm so sorry."

She brightened and managed a weak smile at me.

"It's alright dear, I'll cope," she said.

"Hasn't he phoned you at all?" I asked, hoping for some redeeming excuses but Mum shook her head again.

"Not a word – not so much as a goodbye," she answered, "Mind you, perhaps that's not a bad thing – I'm not sure what I'd want to say to him. Huh, it wouldn't be polite, that's for sure!"

"Yeah, but, but, ummm, money and such," I asked but Mum held her palm up to me.

"No darling, I'm fine there," she added with another small smile, "A long time ago I made sure that I put a little extra aside – that was because of all his travelling – I was never certain how long he'd be away."

My Dad was in the same kind of international sales and promotional business as I was, travelling widely in his early days but usually based in London now.

Mum smiled again, more controlled this time.

"Actually it's a bit more than a little extra!" she said, "It's quite a lot actually – it'll see me through for a while, that's for sure and anyway I can always use his account if I have to; I've got a spare bank card just in case."

"Yeah, but if you're on your own, then what?" I asked, not sure how to proceed.

Mum drained her third glass and put it down carefully on the table before looking up at me.

"Oh, you mean love and sex and all that. Well, let me tell you a little secret," she whispered, "I won't really miss him that way, well, not all that much."

I shook my head as she told me, amazed at her revelation.

"What, you two didn't get on then?" I asked but Mum shook her head.

"Oh no, we were fine together generally," she said, "No, we didn't have any problems really – except..."

She paused and waited for me to empty my can, then she rose and fetched me another one before sitting down again.

"Except that he was terrible in bed!" she said with a little half-amused, half-embarrassed laugh, "I know I shouldn't really be telling you but he was – he was an awful lover!"

"Eh?" I asked, "How do you mean – I mean you managed to produce me and my sister, didn't you?"

"Oh that was years ago, wasn't it," said Mum with a wink, "But for the past, oh, I don't know, perhaps the past five, ten years he's hardly been able to get it up at all!"

She laughed again more freely now, seemingly with the relief of having told me the truth.

As her words sank in I felt a tremor settle in my groin as the mention of sex stirred me and set my somewhat neglected gonads in motion. I found myself checking my Mum over, absorbing her generous bust and her sleek legs as well as her shapely body generally but when I looked at her face I realised that she was looking intently at me.

"I bet you don't have that trouble!" she said, "And I don't think it was me who made him go all floppy!"

She laughed once more, sounding much happier now that she'd been able to unburden herself of her secrets.

"No way – you're enough to make anyone get ha...ha – ahhh, I mean, enough to keep anyone happy," I said, feeling my cheeks glowing, "How could he not get excited about you?"

"You're so sweet darling," breathed Mum with a bigger smile than before, "You're just what I need!"

"Uhhh?" I asked, shocked but Mum's smile became even wider.

"Oh darling stop it you silly boy! Trust you to think of sex!" she said laughing happily, "What I mean is that you're just the tonic I need to lift me up again – I just love your words and your ways."

I was still blushing as I emptied my third can but Mum was still happy and now to my shock she piled more surprises on me.

"I wonder what you're like in bed!" she said with another wink, "I bet you're a really good lover too!"

"Yeah well, ummm, my girlfriends never complain," I admitted as my cheeks glowed, "But then again I've hardly had time for girlfriends recently; secondly I don't have a steady girl at present and thirdly, when I've taken a girl to bed it's most probably been in a different place, maybe even a different country each time."

"So you never get bored then?" answered Mum, "Perhaps that's what it was with your Dad."

"What – bored with you!" I exclaimed, "No way – how could anyone be? You're lovely enough to eat, every day!"

"Ohhh, who's sounding all sexy again?" said Mum with a huge smile, "You naughty young thing you!"

"No Mum, stop twisting things!" I said with a laugh, "I didn't mean it that way at all."

"Ohhh, I'm disappointed!" Mum answered, still smiling, "It would be so nice to think of you eating me!"

"You're at it again Mum," I answered, feeling myself becoming aroused yet again, "What's got into you?"

"Not what I'd like to get into me!" said Mum with another wicked innuendo and a huge smile, "Never mind darling, at least we're having a nice laugh and some lovely sexy chatter and I just love the way you don't let me down."

As we paused in our talking I felt a hot shimmer of excitement inside me and then, as we came together for another warm hug, this time I felt Mum kissing my cheek then rubbing her cheek softly and deliciously against mine. It seemed too that her body was more alive now, seemingly squirming gently as we held each other closely before we eased apart.

"Of course I'd never let you down," I agreed, "And if there's anything I can do to help around the house..."

"I'm sure there's lots you could do, the place always seems to need something done to keep it looking nice," said Mum as we now stood side by side looking out the window at the garden, "But I can manage generally."

"Yeah I know you're a very capable woman," I agreed, "But I don't want to see you doing anything stupid, like climbing ladders and such."

"Oh, I bet you would – then you could catch me when I fell down, couldn't you!" she said as she linked her arm around my waist, "And then you could hold me tightly and I'd be ever so grateful too."

I frowned as her words twisted inside me but I wasn't sure of her motives so I merely kissed her quickly and squirmed away from her grasp before bending down and searching unsuccessfully for another can from the fridge.

"Are you going to be alright after you've drunk all that?" asked Mum.

"Well I'd better not drive for a while – but no, I'm fine," I answered as I returned to her side, "They were only small cans, not those pint-sized ones."

With nothing better to do now than talk I realised that I'd possibly passed the drink-drive limit by now and if I drank anything else I'd definitely be over the limit.

"The driving laws are so strict now," I said, "They're sensible but it's so nice to drink the lager I prefer and not something strange."

"Jut like this sherry," said Mum as she held up her glass to the light, "It's my favourite too."

As I considered if I could try some of her sherry, a thought hit me.

"Do you think I could use the spare bed tonight?" I asked, "Would it be ok if I stayed overnight?"

"You know you can darling," said Mum placidly, "The spare room's already ready. I keep the bed aired and it'll be lovely to have you around a bit longer than your usual stay."

"Ta Mum, brilliant," I said, "Any chance of some dinner too?"

"I was going to mention that," she said, "There's a nice casserole in the oven – I was going to freeze some of it for another day but I'd wondered if you'd like to share it."

"I wondered what you were cooking," I said as I lifted my nose to inhale the odours again, "That'll be wonderful, thanks Mum."

Mum picked up the bottle and drained the remaining sherry into her glass.

"Good heavens, that's almost half a bottle I've drunk!" she said, "I'd better take it easy or I'll get all silly!"

"Long time since you drank too much!" I offered, "Do you remember that Christmas party you had those years back?

"How can I forget it!" answered Mum with a blush, "Didn't I get carried away!"

That was the evening when Mum had overdone it and ended up dancing in the middle of the room while stripping her clothes off – before Dad had stopped her. Best evening of my life as Mum revealed parts of her body that had seldom been seen in public before!