Gilded in Gold Ch. 02

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From enemy to captive, Tibby falls in love with her captor
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/01/2014
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While the annual event at the Midnight Gardens was hosted by The Wicked Lady, other houses were invited, too. Invitations were based on whether they reached a quota set by The Wicked Lady. Tibby wondered why Daniel's house wanted the completion to thrive but knowing Daniel, their success probably meant his too. The Gardens were located on a small island near France, on what used to be England. In order to salvage the dying land after the Fourth World War, the large mass had been whittled down to a small island privately owned by the leader of the Sky Landers, Neil Portman. Every year, Neil invited his friends and colleagues to the island to enjoy a much needed vacation.

Tibby stepped off the ship, arm in arm with her brother. The woman and men of their house were clothed in shapeless black garbs and veils; they were closely followed and guarded by one of Daniel's personal crew.

A suited woman was there to greet them at the entrance of the portal. She led them to their personal suites on the islands only palace, The Buckingham Palace. There was a small village a few miles from the palace but it was sectioned off for the occasion. As she was being led to her apartments, Tibby only got a glimpse of the numerous people who were decorating the grounds around the Palace and the new arrivals. They were a week early from the opening date, when the Halloween ball would begin with an introductory ceremony for the upper echelon of Psychs. The following day would be the Virgin Auctions, which meant four days for the revelers to enjoy their purchases, with random parties and events. The next few days were filled with various games, ending with the final grand event, a large ball before everyone's departure.

After Daniel saw her into her room, which was connected to his own private suite, he locked her in to prevent any of the guests to happen upon her before he had the chance to put a warning out about her. He still had to purchase the upgrade on her protection barrier so he was waiting for Zerxes Novos himself, the inventor of the transferable barrier.

Ever since the Psych's had gone from a minority to a majority, Psych's had been required by law to project a mind barrier so they couldn't invade each other's minds. The higher a Pysch's level was, the easier it would be to break through the barrier but those few minutes needed to break through would give the other Pysch enough time to run or cause a distraction. Xerxes Novos had created a program that allowed relatives to transfer a barrier they created to their own blood. It became popular among families who had a high level Psych; a 3.5 Psych could have the barrier of a 4.6 level Psych.

It was said that Xerxes had come up with it because of his own situation. He was born a 1.2, while the rest of his siblings were above the 4.0 mark, while his youngest brother was in the top ten of the highest level of Psych's at a 6.8. Tibby had very few interests but the story of Xerxes greatly interested her. He had been a black sheep, supposed to be thrown out into the Low Lands, but his oldest sibling had taken him under his wings. Stephen Novos was one of the High Six, a group of world leaders who suggested rules for society. Tibby was suitably impressed by all of Zerxes Novos' achievements but what interested her was how he had been loved and protected by his own family, a totally foreign thing to her.

Tibby locked the door on her end, and both the hallway her brother's room. Deciding that she might as well enjoy this little trip, she pushed aside the light white curtains to the balcony door and took in the beautiful view of a real ocean. Over three quarters of the world's oceans were still being cleaned up of the toxic waste. This was one of the places that had clean, crystal blue oceans. This was also the only ocean that Tibby had ever seen. She found that she liked the ocean; the rhythmic waves soothed her and the occasional seagull squawking made she smile. At least one good thing came out of this trip.

A knock came at her door and Tibby started up from her chair and looked at the clock inside her room. She had dozed for about an hour or so. When she opened the door, two women quietly came in, one pushing in a rack of glittery new clothes and the other was carrying a large, black box.

"Did my brother send you?" Tibby asked of the women. They wore the insignia of the palace on their biceps and the white and gold colors that seemed to be the theme of the palace.

The brunette that came in with the clothes smiled and shook her head.

"You must be new here. The Palace provides clothes and accessories for all of their guests here. I'm Mina by the way. Have you had time to check out your closet?" Mina chattered as she led Tibby to sit in front of a vanity mirror.

"I have a closet?"

"Of course you do honey. But those are just normal wear." The other woman chirped up.

Mina chuckled. "Cass, one of those normal clothes cost more than what we make in a month."

Cass continued on as if Mina hadn't spoken. "These clothes are for the ball tonight and the other special occasions in the next two weeks."

"And we're here to dress you and get you ready." Mina finished.

Tibby looked at the clock again, which read four o'clock.

"I thought that the party doesn't start until nine."

"Oh, you sweet, naive girl, it takes that long to get you ready," Cass shook her head despairingly.

"So, what color do you like?" Mina asked without looking at her, already rifling through the rack of clothes.

Before Tibby could answer, Cass spoke up for her.

"Go with the gold. We'll dress her up as the color gold. It's original and simple. It's brilliant!"

"Hmm, she would look lovely in gold. Simple makeup and red lipstick?"

"Yeah, and heavy eyelashes with the tear drops."

"What about jewelry?"

Cass looked away from her black box and looked at Tibby's chest. "I'm guessing you're a thirty four C, honey?"

Tibby could only nod, too fascinated by the two women who seemed to work in tandem. Mina had isolated four dresses, all in black, that she laid out on the bed. Mina took out a small microchip from each of the dresses, put in some code, almost magically, the clothes changes colors to varying shades of gold. Tibby had heard of such material, but never seen it on any of the girls she dressed for the brothel, in her house. Cass meanwhile had littered small, crystal bottles onto the vanity in front of her.

"No jewelry, Mina, so I'm expecting to see some cleavage."

"What?!" Tibby started to get up but Cass held her down and began slathering some flowery cream on her face with a blunt bristled brush. It was disconcerting to be on the other end of the brush, being primped instead of primping.

"I-I don't show a lot of skin. I don't like to."

"How would you know, sweetie? I'll bet you have a hundred pairs of clothes that are all cookie cut like that the outfit you have on here," Cass flicked at the lapel of her cotton shirt with disgust. Tibby looked at Cass's own uniform of a low cut, silk white top and a flowing, gauzy gold skirt. Mina wore a match top but paired it with shiny, metallic gold pants.

"Just a little hint, go with Cass, she knows her stuff. And you'll be saving some time. She always wins arguments." Mina advised.

"Yep, listen to Momma Cass." Cass smirked as she slathered the cream away with an eraser wand.

Tibby took the warning to heart, after many years of being under her brother's foot; it was ingrained in her not to do much protesting. She didn't care one way or the other what she looked like, so whatever she did or did not show mattered nothing to her. But no matter how much she told herself she didn't care, she could not help herself from looking into the mirror with a small thrill of pleasure when she saw what the two ladies had done.

It had taken then three hours to finish with her. Mina had squeezed her into a glittery gold evening gown with a sweetheart bodice and mermaid skirt. It looked like the sequins were minutely rearranging themselves on her body. Cass had decided to forgo the lash tears and instead drew a thick line over her eye lids that that extended into fanciful swirls to her temples. Her lips were the only part of her that wasn't an endless gold; it was a bright red that almost made her lips look bloody and bruised. She wore matching red shoes but they only peeped out when she walked. Mina assured her she looked perfect, ravishing and elegant.

Tibby's hair had been zapped into loose curls that hung down her back and elongated so that it almost hung to her butt. Tibby almost asked how she was supposed to get back her shoulder length hair but she discovered that her hidden vanity actually wanted to keep the long locks. Highlights and lowlights had been added to the golden mass and the lash tears had been intermittently added to the ends of her hair.

During the long and arduous process, Tibby had felt like a Christmas tree, not that she had ever decorated one. The ones she saw on the holograms looked so beautiful but her brother never celebrated Christmas the way people did in the movies. Instead, he had the women in the brothel pose and men would decorate them women instead of a tree. Of course, for the occasion, there was twenty foot plastic tree in the great room already decorated that he had delivered every year.

Mina had wanted to spray her bare arms and chest with a gold glitter, but Cass had scoffed at the idea, complaining that it would be too much glitter. Instead, she had rubbed some pearl lotion all over her, including her face so that she gleamed like the color of a pearl, then attached small champagne colored diamonds in a line from just behind her ears on both sides, going down her neck and across her shoulders to stretch out on her arms and landed at her middle finger.

For the first time in her life, Tibby felt beautiful as she slowly surveyed herself in the mirror. But she didn't want to feel this way; she had no reason to look pretty. The other women that she helped to look pretty did that for the men who would purchase them. Was that what she was doing? After all, her brother had said that he wanted her to represent the face of the Cross family. She was looking pretty for all of his future clients. She was just putting on a golden, glittery front to their dark, dirty business.

"You look lovely," Mina smiled as she twitched the fabric of the skirt to her to her liking.

"I've outdone myself, I truly have," Cass smirked, smug in her talent. Tibby cracked a small smile and Mina laugh wholeheartedly.

"God, you are so self-absorbed," Mina teased.

Cass looked affronted. "I am a master and she is merely the canvas."

"A beautiful canvas," Mina was quickly to defend Tibby and she felt an odd sensation in her chest. After the initial awkward question directed about Tibby's own life that she had gone silent at, Cass and Mina had chattered about their own lives. In the past three hours, the two women had chatted about Cass' husband and kids and Mina's new designs for the Palace and her dating life. They had included Tibby in their conversation, asking her about all the small things in her life. Tibby felt like she knew these kind and amazing women and thought that she could be their friends. She wanted a friend so badly.

"Thank you, both of you. Cass is right, I am a mere canvas and what she did turned me into this," Tibby indicated towards herself. "And your dress is lovely," Tibby addressed Mina, whom she had learned was one of the designers for the Palace events, which offered all the clothes for the events that took place at the Palace. Cass was one of the women who did the makeup and she was also one of the key holders to the Palace Jewels.

Cass preened and Mina waved off her compliment, demurring that it was her, Tibby, who did justice to the dress. Tibby had discovered that where Cass was more self-assured and confident in her worth and abilities, Mina preferred to work in the background quietly and without acknowledgment.

As both of them prepared to leave, Tibby bit her lips from asked them a question that had been burning in her mind.

"Will I see you two again?" she blurted out, unable to hold it in any longer.

"Of course you will, honey. We've been especially selected for you, and trust me, we come at a hefty price," Cass said.

"And we like you. You actually listen to me instead of just talk about yourself," Mina leveled a mock glare as Cass who merely shrugged and grinned.

"What?" she threw up her hands in question. "I have a very interesting life. People need to hear about it."

All three of the women laughed.

A few minutes after the two women left, her door was pushed aside and in came Daniel. The small amounts of happiness she had felt in the past hour all seeped away; she felt like one of his women being assessed. It was not pleasing. Tibby stood perfectly still, trying not to let that dark thought creep up and show up in her face. Daniel couldn't want to sell her could he? He said she was to be the face of their house. But did that entail anything other than posing at these events?

"You look beautiful, sister." Daniel himself didn't look bad either. Forgoing most of the fashion these days, he wore a simple suit in coal black with aramid fabric with red accents, his blonde locks slicked back.

"Thank you, Daniel." If her answer seemed monotone, he didn't comment. Instead, he ran a finger down the length of his breastbone accent, and the red color turned to the same shade of gold as her down. Then, he held out his hand to her, beckoning her towards one of the full mirrors in the room. She had learned long ago never to show any hesitation so she readily placed her hand in his, looking at their clasped hands in small wonder. A gesture of willing trust had turned into one of captivity and fear.

"Would you just look at us? We make quite a striking couple!" Daniel grinned as she held her a little in front of him; surveying them together from top to bottom. Tibby nodded and smiled, wondering where he was going with this. Daniel was never one to go out of his way to compliment.

Daniel brushed his fingers down her neck and shoulders and followed the trial of stones down her arms on each side, until Tibby ended up right in front of her, her arms spread out and supported by Daniel from behind. He affectionately leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on the top of her head then wrapped his arms around her.

"You look like you belong to me," he whispered into her ear.

"I do," Tibby whispered back.

"It makes me happy looking at you. And I'm sure it'll do more for the men at the party tonight. And more than a few women, too," he chuckled. Tibby could only nod.

"But remember, you belong to me and you always will."

Again, Tibby nodded, not meeting his eye in their reflections.

"Good. Remember that and we won't have any problems." With that veiled threat delivered, he spun her around and to her shock, placed a kiss on her lips. Tibby didn't dare pull away, willing the trembling in her body to disappear. While incestuous relations were still frowned upon to this day and age, it was still common, as long as the parties involved were fully willing and subtle about it. It was a relationship that was denied on paper but fully practiced in real life.

Daniel pulled away and gently smiled at her. He pressed a thumb into her mouth, opening her up for a deeper kiss as this time he let his tongue enter her mouth.

Her first kiss.

Tibby's mind recoiled from the thought and her body suddenly jerked, breaking contact. Instead of a quick retaliation, as she expected, Daniel merely touched own lips and looked quizzically at her. He nodded, as if she had passed some test.

"Come. You are ready." This time, Tibby was more hesitant to take his hand. He noticed; surprisingly he didn't say anything.

Tibby now knew what he intended. He not only wanted her as host, he wanted her in his bed. He wanted sex. And he was dressing her up and taking her to parties to woo her. Tibby clenched the hand that he wasn't holding into a fist, feeling like such a fool. She had taken pleasure at her own sick seduction, she should have known better. She had seen the previous girls, when they had been new, given new clothes and special makeover by her own hand. Afterwards, the girl would have a new party, where she got to pick her own patron for the night.

Trying to breathe calmly, Tibby couldn't help the urge to jump out of one of the sealed windows and just run as far as she could. But where would she go? And how would she survive?

Tibby shook her head, tearing up. That didn't matter. She couldn't just have sex with Daniel, God, she couldn't even kiss again. Already she felt bile just at the back of her throat and she intended to chug down some real water as soon as she found a glass. She had to find a way to escape. What he had done five years ago had taken her body from her. But this new deviance would ravage her body more than anything the Scavengers had done; it would take her mind and twist it until Tibby hardly knew who she was. As of now, she was nothing, she had no interests and she was pleased with that. She was pleased to just float along, unnoticed and unloved. It was better than being noticed at least.

After a series of turns and a ride down the elevator, they came to a large, two story double door, which slid open at their appearance. He let go of her hand, only to wrap his arm around her waist. The door opened to a glittering display of the beginnings of the two weeks of iniquity. Costumes of all kinds surrounded them, women and men writhed on the glass ceiling, their moans and groans joining the cacophony of the conversation on the ground floor and the music played by a live sixty member band. Tibby had no time to wonder at all the displays; she was too busy trying to just breathe in and out.

"Daniel! You bastard, did you already claim a new girl?" A tall, silver haired man, clad in a devil's costume strode towards them.

"Seville, I'd like you to meet my sister. My better half, to be certain," Daniel swept up her hand and kissed it, looking at Seville the entire time. Seville looked from brother to sister with a growing lecherous smile.

"Oh? Is that how it is? Does she need any lessons?" he wiggled his eyes suggestively. Tibby bit her lip from screaming and felt her head spinning. She vaguely heard them both chuckle and then Daniel said something and the other man was suddenly apologizing to her. She tried to smile and waved it off. She had to get away from Daniel; she needed some air and water.

"Daniel, I-I need to use the ladies room." He frowned at her but let her go all the same.

Only her six inch heels kept her from running, but she was relieved when the crowd surrounded her and she lost sight of Daniel. She was free for the moment.

~Tibby, just call me if you need me. I'm headed off to a meeting with some of the other house leaders.~ Daniel's mental command sounded through her head.

Never free, she was never free from for Daniel, not as long as he had access to her mind. She had no idea what to do, how to get herself out of this. The last five years had her so entrenched in Daniel's web that she could no longer see a way out. Blindly stumbling towards a source of air, her hands latched onto a door handle and she pushed with all her might. Thankfully, it was a small balcony that was only occupied by one other person. A man.

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avengilineavengilineover 5 years ago
Where's the incest tab?

Someone explain this to me...

I was never one to read book summaries, but man oh man, this is one of those books that you need it so badly...

SynapsisSynapsisabout 10 years ago
Interesting Story

Firstly, please find an editor. I think there was a grammatical mistake in almost every paragraph.

Secondly, I love the story so far, but wouldn't mind a little bit more world building. What's the range range for psychic levels? Does it go to 11 (this is asked in my best spinal tap impression)? I know you mentioned some of the lowest and some of the highest, but why are they denoted by that? If 6.8 is the highest, explain why such an arbitrary level system exists.

I can tell you have a passion for design and art, considering about half of this chapter was devoted to descriptions on the cut of the dress and Tibby's makeup. That's great. Details are incredibly important in a story, but try not to focus too much on those topics and too little on others.

For instance, how was the boat ride? What style of ship was it? Was it a modern yacht or an old sail boat? In a world as extravagant as the one her brother lives in, why didn't they take a helicopter? Are there even flying vehicles anymore? When she got to the room, there was very little description of the room itself. Considering she sees her bedroom as her sanctuary back home, I would imagine that things like beds and living arrangements are important, but I don't know. We've not been given much in the way of personality for the main character other than she is utterly cowed by her brother.

I'm not trying to criticize too much, but I think this story has a lot of potential. I would love to see it continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Slow down

I like your story, it is intriguing and interesting. However, the numerous grammatical errors constantly jerk me out of the world you are trying to create and kill the flow of the story. It would be so much better for your readers, the story and your writing if you would either take more time editing or get an editor to look the story over before you publish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I was breathless as she tried to get away from Daniel. If I didn't know you had already submitted Chapter 3 I would accuse you of being a terrible tease. But I will be mightily distracted thinking about poor Tibby's plight until 3 posts.

Thanks again for sharing your talent.

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