Ghost in the Tomb Pt. 07

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While Ken & Elsa celebrate they realize they need help.
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Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/10/2021
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This story is the third and last of the Elsa - Tomb Raider series. The first of the series is "A Promise by Moonlight", and the second is "Trapping the Raider". As in the other stories, Elsa's curiosity and passionate nature get her into trouble, but Professor Ken Connors and love of her life is always there to protect her.

This is a new genre for me, and I was not sure what category to fit this story into. It could be erotic horror, Sci-Fi or BDSM, but at its core it is always an erotic love story, with some erotic horror mixed in. Of course, all characters are over 21. It will definitely not start out as a love story, but it will get there. Please vote often (fives are most welcome) and of course please leave constructive comments.

PS -- If you have fantasies, ideas, etc. for new stories please let me know, that includes twists on existing stories, and I will see what I can do. Many of my stories have started out that way. This story is the last of the Elsa -- Tomb Raider Series.

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Ken reluctantly watched Elsa cover her spectacular figure as she dressed in the clothes Izel's ghost had removed from her. While she was dressing, Ken ogled each part of her sensuous body just before it was covered. His hunger for his woman never seemed to abate. What he really wanted to do was rip the clothes from her, tie her back on the altar and tease her until she begged for him to fuck her. But, as much as he wanted to watch her squirm in unfulfilled passion, he knew they needed to leave this place.

Elsa had so many orgasms, first with Izel and then with her master Ken, she was satiated and longed to discover the mysteries of this place. But she saw the looks Ken was giving her and knew that he wanted her again and he really wanted to take her and drive her beyond what they had just done. Elsa shivered in anticipation of what tonight could bring.

In order to rid her mind of Ken and their lustful thoughts, she relayed what had happened the minute the chamber door slammed shut locking her inside. While the ghost could never speak or tell her the story of his and his woman's incarceration, she had some ideas.

Elsa first theorized that he was a noble warrior who had dominated all of his battles with his size, strength and sheer ferocity. The way he had made love to her she knew he had been a fierce and dominate lover and women flocked to him. The woman in the chamber had a fine bone structure and must have been a real beauty in her day.

In her romantic vision, they had been passionate lovers, much like her and Ken. However, she pictured the lithe woman as a queen or king's consort and their passionate love had been forbidden. Hence, the reason they had been imprisoned in this chamber and they must have been caught in a lover's tryst. Izel had been given the elixir that kept his cock engorged as his death sentence and she had been imprisoned with him as her punishment. She imagined that he made love to his queen until she had passed out or passed away from lack of air. He had never been able to climax, and he followed in death soon afterwards.

Izel's ghost must have been locked inside this tomb for well over a thousand years waiting for a passionate woman like Elsa to free him from his torment. She shivered at all the things he had done to her but thanked God that she had been there to release him.

Elsa and Ken left the chamber and sealed it shut. They gathered all the members of their team and hustled back to their camp before darkness completely enveloped them. Everyone celebrated Elsa's return and they all ate a hearty meal. As everyone retired to their tents the jungle noises filled the air. However, for the next three hours the nightly jungle cacophony was drowned out by Elsa's desperate pleas to climax. Her whines of frantic passion, her screams of eager anguish and finally her explosive body consuming orgasms did not let anyone sleep.

The next morning Elsa saw every man in the team ogling her with blatant lust. She knew their lovemaking last night had kept everyone awake and every man there was jealous of Ken for having such a vocally passionate woman. She was also proud to be Ken's woman and his passion slave. Still, she made sure to dress demurely and not flaunt her body in front of the other men. There was no need create a lustful longing in the ranks.

The next morning began with the inspection of the chamber where Elsa had been kept hostage. They measured, photographed, and catalogued everything in the chamber. Then in deference to new technology they measured and took samples of the two mummy's flesh, hair and DNA. They hoped to gather a lot of information about who those two were.

It was late afternoon before the inspection of the chamber was complete and they began to search for what had to be additional chambers or even a Mayan city. For two days they searched in ever expanding circles for more of the Mayan city. Finally on the third day, they began to find remnants of a city about a kilometer away from the chamber.

It took two more days to discover anything that could identify the city as Mayan. It looked as if the Incans had just taken over the existing city and used it as their own. However, there were still some Mayan artifacts mixed in with the Incan artifacts. Ken and Elsa knew that they were in over their heads with two dig sites of mixed lineage together.

They decided that one of them needed to go and appeal for help. The GPS showed that the nearest villages were Turbo or Carepa, Columbia and it would depend on the terrain on which one they would go for. It was decided that Ken would go because the trip was going to be very difficult. But staying in the jungle would also be difficult and Elsa had her work cut out for her.

Since they had two satellite phones they would keep in touch. Ken took the most rugged men with him, and they started the next day. During the night Ken and Elsa made love like it was their last time and it very well could be. When dawn broke, Ken gave Elsa a long tonsil tickling kiss, a big bear hug, then left. Elsa watched him go with longing and a little fear in her heart, then continued with the dig site.

The drudgery of mapping, photographing and cataloging artifacts settled in, and Elsa hated this part. She loved the search and the exhilaration of the find, but all the archeological preservation that included the mapping and cataloging was mindless drudge to her. Every night she looked forward to the call from Ken and she knew he was having a hard time, but within two weeks he would made it to Turbo and could get a boat to Cartagena and from there he could be anywhere to get funding and people to help with the dig.

As the time went on several of the diggers began to ogle Elsa, making her very uncomfortable. The longer Ken was away the more insistent the stares became and the hungrier the lustful stares turned into. She began to tread carefully and made sure she was never alone, except when she was in her tent and even then, she had her knives and pistols.

Their phone calls were informative, as well as loving, but as time wore on the love and passion each felt for each other took on more precedence. The second day Ken reported seeing a troop of FARC rebels heading towards the dig site. Two days later Elsa reported that the rebels bypassed them. Within a week they were making love over the phone, and both needed their time together, but they still had a small report on what was going on. Elsa never let Ken know about the hungry stares the men were giving her; she figured he had enough worries for now.

Elsa realized about the time Ken was reaching Turbo that by splitting the food with Ken's group, they would soon be coming up short and needed to find food for the crew. Elsa would have loved some vegetables and she was sure there were lots of edible fruits and veggies in the area, but unfortunately there wasn't a botanist among them. She also knew that much of the vegetation could also be poisonous. So, they had to settle for meat and the only way to find it was to hunt.

Elsa split the crew in half and sent one group into the jungle, during the day, to hunt for food, while the rest of the crew continued with the dig. She split the group by their gifts. Some were gifted with archeological insight, while others were adept at living off the land. The first day the hunting group came back with a wild boar that was cooked to perfection by the end of the day.

On their phone call that evening Ken and Elsa had lots to discuss. Both were enthralled that Ken had made it to Turbo and had already chartered a boat to Cartagena. By tomorrow he would be in touch with others that could help marshal resources for the two digs. Elsa relayed her success in replenishing some of their food. Both were elated and spent the rest of the call missing each other and loving each other.

The next day Elsa stumbled on an obvious Incan temple. It was much newer than some of the Mayan architecture, but the dead giveaway was the three windows. The three windows represented the three realms of the world, and it was very similar to the temple of the three windows in Machu Picchu.

The big difference was in Machu Picchu the main realm deified was the heavens and was represented by the Condor. The deity in this temple was the world of the living and was represented by a Puma, a symbol of strength, wisdom and intelligence. The last realm was the underworld represented by the Serpent and this was originally what led Elsa to this dig.

Elsa knew it was going to take some time to distinguish why the two realms of the living and the underworld seemed to coexist in this place. As Elsa was exploring the temple of the windows, she found a talisman in the shape of a puma. It was so stunning she took it with her to either study or keep. That night she carried it back to her tent and set it on the table she used to study.

When dinner was ready and Elsa exited her tent, she immediately felt something wrong. As she scoured the camp searching for what was wrong, she noticed the looks she received had gone from hunger to desperate craving. She felt as if tonight might be the night and she needed to prepare to defend herself.

As she adjourned to her tent for the night, she only took off her boots and lay on her cot armed to the teeth. She tried to stay awake, but eventually fell asleep. She woke suddenly, aware that something was in the tent with her. She kept her eyes half closed and slowly turned her head. A puma was inside the tent, guarding her tent opening. At that moment, it turned to look at Elsa straight in the eyes.

The look was not one of hunger, ferocity or even fear, but one of patience and cunning. Something about that look told her not to be afraid and she watched the animal's inquisitive eyes as it seemed to search for something. Its eyes settled on the talisman and Elsa knew that the talisman had brought the puma there to protect her.

The puma turned back to the tent opening and crouched before one of the hunters tried to enter her tent. The puma pounced raking its claws down the man's chest. He belted out a blood curdling scream and lay on the dirt floor with a puma on his chest, its claws digging into the man while the puma was growling ferociously. The puma looked ready to tear the man apart and its fangs were snapping at the man's face.

Elsa was still in shock and hadn't moved a muscle, but softly whispered, "Please let him go."

The puma turned facing her and the growling stopped. Its eyes were questioning her, but it backed off the man and letting him crab crawl out of the tent and away from Elsa's new guardian. The puma returned to its patient stance guarding the entrance to her tent.

She slowly lifted her hand and stroked the puma's head and rubbed it behind the ears. A low rumbling purr reached her ears as she whispered, "Thank you."

Elsa heard a ruckus outside and knew that the hunters were gathering to first take care of the attacker and then tend to their fallen comrade. Since she was still dressed, she stood, while the puma became very nervous and began looking for threats. Elsa put her hand on the puma's head, and it settled down.

She slowly opened the tent flap and the lynch mob outside fell silent. She took in the gathering of rough and tumble men. They all were fired up over what happened to Jorge, the puma in their midst, and the perceived risk to all of them. But Elsa standing in the doorway to her tent with her hand on the head of the puma gave them all a pause.

Elsa looked each one in the eye with a steely gaze. She let them know with her gaze that she knew what they had all been thinking and now with her words she let them know the consequences, "I know Jorge came into my tent with the intent of raping me, but my protector showed him the error of his ways."

She continued to stare at the gathered men who felt ashamed, embarrassed, or humiliated, but others were angry, defiant, and combative. So, she had a decision to make, but it was easy. With a stern voice she said, "I am in charge here and anyone that can't deal with that can either leave or die trying to best me."

With that Elsa pulled both guns from their holsters and shot a lantern out. She returned her stare to the men saying, "This is an example of what will happen if my puma doesn't kill you first, I will. I kill what I shoot at. Lock Jorge up in the kitchen tent and make sure he can't get away. He will be dealt with when reinforcements arrive. Both my puma and I will be on guard, so anyone that wants to leave, do so now, but take none of our provisions. Those that remain will continue with our exploration of the dig tomorrow."

She looked at everyone present to see if her words had any impact. Some people looked contrite and shamed by their actions, while others looked energized and ready to get back to work. There were others that looked awed by the wild puma seemingly that seemed willing to protect Elsa and ready to do whatever is necessary for her protection. She continued, "Those that want to leave do so now and everyone else go rest, tomorrow will be a hard day's work."

Two of the hunters gathered their belongings and firearms, leaving with a rattled yet hostile attitude. Elsa knew they would attempt another try and the puma seemed to read her thoughts. It bounded after the men and caught them before they entered the jungle. The puma took a bite out of the leg of one man and a swipe with its claws on the leg of the other man.

Elsa stood over them with arms akimbo and an angry look on her face as she bellowed, "The puma and I both know you were going for another try at me. This was your last warning. If you don't leave, you will be dead by morning!"

For the first time Elsa saw fear in their eyes and knew that this time they would leave. She turned and marched back to her tent, with the puma flanking her. The adrenaline began to wear off and she shakily sat on her bed. The puma lay on the dirt floor in front of the tent's entry.

Elsa began to muse about how complacent she had become in dealing with the metaphysical happenings in her life. The latest being the puma coming to her rescue and remaining to protect her.

From the minute she entered the Olmec pyramid five years ago and had her body possessed by the Moon Goddess Ix Chel, she seemed to be a target of ancient metaphysical phenomena. During her time with Ix Chel, she finally got together with her love Ken Connors, and she learned how to be develop her beauty, make love and give love. Her time with IxChel also changed her and made her a receptor for supernatural.

Part of her supernatural responses came from the various Minotaur's she encountered during her search to find the conquistador treasure in a cave in Panama. She was drawn to their cave and remembered their relentless debauchery. Only Ken saved her from their complete destruction. Now the ghost in the tomb and the talisman meant to protect her only added to her supernatural experiences.

But in reality, Ken was her savior. He had saved her from Ix Chel, the various monsters, Minotaur's and from death in the tomb. He was her love, her lover, and her protector. So, with dread in her heart, she picked up the satellite phone and called Ken. She knew his response would be to drop everything and rush to her side, but she couldn't let that happen.

She looked over at the puma and it was watching her with interest as she spoke with Ken. The look on the puma's face made her think it understood everything they were saying. The intelligence in this creature was evident, but what its reaction would be she didn't know. Somehow, she still knew the puma would always be there to protect her, at least until Ken was back.

After Elsa told Ken about everything that had happened, Ken's reaction was exactly what she had anticipated, and he was ready to drop everything. Elsa slowed things down and explained that she had an Incan talisman that had provided a puma to protect her. When she said this, there was a long pause and he finally said, "You have a WHAT protecting you?"

Elsa responded, "I have a puma in my tent and so far, it has attacked three men that meant me harm. It is always at my side and when something or someone threatens me, it springs into action and protects me. But I know that when you arrive it will turn over my protection to you and whomever you bring with you."

"Well, who protects it from all the guns in camp?" he responded.

Elsa indignantly added, "I do! Two men brandished guns and I threatened them with my guns to protect the puma."

Elsa could hear Ken breathing heavily in exasperation, so she added, "You know every since Ix Chel I've had a supernatural connection, and this is part of it. So, hurry and get the additional funding, archeologists, food, diggers and get here ASAP. I really want you here, but in the meantime, I need the puma to help protect me. So, hurry and get here."

Ken was silent for a minute, and he explained, "The Columbia Ministry of Antiquities has gotten a group together and we should be ready to leave in two days' time."

Elsa felt her heart lurch in her chest. She only had a couple of days until they knew when Ken would be coming back, but the trip out had taken over a week, so she still had a lot of time to wait. She really wanted to feel his arms holding her tight and the thought of his body holding her down while he made love to her made her wet.

Their call the next day told her that everything was progressing on schedule, but the call on the second day didn't come and he didn't answer her call either. She began to worry about what had gone wrong. She slept fitfully and the puma was still with her through most of the night, but as the horizon began to lighten, she noticed the puma was gone.

Elsa started to panic, but then came the sound of distant helicopters. She quickly dressed and rushed outside her tent to see what was going on. Two large dual rotor Chinook helicopters soon appeared over the trees. One landed and fifteen people appeared with lots of gear and provisions. When it was empty it took off and the second one landed filled with more gear and provisions, but only one person... Ken.

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