GG's, Like in Maggie Ch. 03


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Andrew's bedroom.

Now, it wasn't anything too unusual, a nice, big bed, a few well put together dressers, no doubt Andrew originals, and a few decorative pictures on the wall, taken by Andrew. The room was well lit thanks to the windows both behind the bed and to the side, casting beams of sunlight through, despite the blinds and curtains. It was clean and well-organized, just a nice, adult bedroom. But, to Maggie, this was paradise. This was the room she'd been dreaming of occupying, the place where she and Andrew could be together in a private setting. Where they could do the thing they've both wanted to do from the start.

Maggie stepped inside, running her hands over the light blue bedspread. Nice thread count, Maggie admired. Smooth to the touch. Perfect for a body like hers. Maggie set down her bag on the floor and walked towards the dresser, which, going by the stuff on top, clearly belonged to a male. Excitedly, Maggie stepped forward and pulled open the drawers, checking out his clothes. Finding a stack of his t-shirts, she couldn't help but grab one and lift it up, bringing it to her nose. God, it smelled just like him! His scent drove her crazy, bringing all those heated memories back to the forefront. Her nipples stiffened beneath her top.

Regaining her composure, she walked back towards the bed. Judging by the nightstands on either side of the bed, it was easy to tell which side was Andrew's. Maggie chewed on her plump lower lip, unable to contain herself. She wanted to do something, and she knew it was risky, but she couldn't stop herself.

Maggie shrugged off her coat and kicked off her shoes, her bare arms and bare feet now exposed. She then reached down to unbutton her dark, tight jeans. With a firm tug, she yanked them down to her thighs, wiggling as she pulled them fully down and off, exposing her tiny, little white thong. Her juicy, firm, practically exposed ass was reflected in the mirror above Kathleen's dresser, and it was no doubt sexier than the ass it was used to reflecting. Maggie reached down to the bottom of her tight pink top and began pulling it up, exposing her taut, sexy midriff, before catching at her protruding tits. Finally, with a firm tug, she pulled her top up and over her heavy tits, making them fall from their tight confines. Her white lacy bra was now exposed, barely containing her heavy, massive jugs. The straps were digging into her shoulders.

Glancing at herself in the mirror, looking over her own hot body, as she often enjoyed doing, she reached back and popped her bra off, the thin garment falling away as the unrelenting force of her massive jugs flowed over. The bra sprang down her arms and she let it fall to the floor. Glancing up at the mirror again, she reached up to cup her perfect boobs, squeezing them firmly, letting her fingers play with her nipples for a moment.

Finally, she reached down and hooked her fingers in her thong and tugged it down, letting the tiny lace garment fall to the ground. Her naked cunt, one of the few parts of her body Andrew hadn't seen yet, was now completely exposed, the small, dark landing strip hitting the cool air. For a moment, she sauntered around the bedroom, fully nude, dancing around happily, as if walking on air.

This was her throne room, and she was the usurper queen. This throne wasn't hers yet, but it would be soon. This was a castle built on love and joy and happiness, and the empire was still strong. It wasn't meant for such vile temptresses like herself. Whores like her were normally turned back at the gates. But not her. She had gotten through. She had slithered her way inside, and now that she was in, she was gonna make it count. This throne room was supposed to be pure and true, but no longer. The slut was beyond the gates. A room like this was not meant for her. It had never seen one like her. This room had never seen such massive, perfect tits. It had never seen such a perfect, round, juicy ass. It had never seen a tight, slutty cunt like hers, which had taken SO much dick. Merely by her presence, she was changing this place.

But she was gonna go further than that.

Standing with her back to the bed, she fell backwards onto the mattress, landing on Andrew's side. Her bare skin slid against the smooth sheets as she settled in, getting comfortable. God, this bed felt perfect for her! It fit her like a glove. She pulled the sheets down and slid under them. This is where Andrew slept. This was where he was most vulnerable. Now, she was lying here. In this moment, she felt so close to him. Her body was where his normally was. Her skin slid against his smooth sheets. Her hair rested against his pillow. Her girly scent was now infused into the bed, and only in his dreams would he notice. She let her eyes close for a moment, resting, imagining herself resting here every night. The anticipation of the moment made her very excited, and she couldn't help but slide one of her hands down to her dripping gash, toying with herself lightly. She rolled around a bit, making sure as much of her naked skin as possible slid against the bed. Her bare ass... her big tits, everything. She slid over and rested back on Kathleen's side, just to know what it was like to be on the wife's side of this bed. Hey, very soon, this bed would be hers, so it was in her best interest to get used to it.

She sat up, reaching over to grab Andrew's pillow, taking it and scrubbing her huge tits against it, making sure the scent of her big boobs would hit his nose, which would no doubt turn him on without knowing why. She did the same with Kathleen's pillow, which would only fuel the inadequacy that a woman like her, with such small, pathetic boobs, had to have. Once this was done, she slid back over to Andrew's side, reached down, and retrieved her phone from the jeans pocket.

She had some more business to attend to.


About half an hour later, Maggie was about done. Her clothes were back on, save for her tight jeans, which she was tugging up over her round ass at this very moment. She pulled firmly, causing her breasts to quake under her tight top, before she eventually got the job done. Her round ass was currently rounding out her tight pants, and once she rebuttoned her jeans, the ensemble was complete.

She turned to scan the room. The sheets were back in order, the bed looking no more mussed than it was when she arrived. Her clothes were back on, obviously, and just about everything was back in place. There was just one thing left to do.

She reached back into her bag, packing away some of the things she had just used, before grabbing two small boxes. Two cases containing two small, barely noticeable spy cameras. She had just ordered these things online, and she had tested them back at her place. She had spent a pretty penny on them, more than she probably should, but the temptation was too strong. She had to see Andrew's big fat married cock, and she was gonna do it one way or another. For now, this would have to do.

Taking one of them, she approached Andrew's tall dresser, reaching forward and hiding it between a pair of random knick-knacks which were covered in dust, letting her know that these things weren't touched too often. Seeing it gave her a good angle, she left it in place and turned it on. Next, she sauntered to the nearby bathroom. There was a tall walk-in shower, and she pulled open the door and stepped inside it. Seeing there was a little ledge above it along the wall, a bit behind it, out of sight, which made the perfect place to rest the camera without risk of being caught. Maggie flipped the camera on and sauntered out, leaving the bathroom as she found it, other than the camera, of course.

She returned to the bedroom and gave it one last once over, scanning for anything that looked off and making sure that the hidden camera on the dresser wasn't visible. The good news, though, was that as she did this, she found a spare credit card, placed carelessly on top of Andrew's dresser. Smiling wickedly to herself, she wrote down all the pertinent information. This, on top of the envelope of crisp bills she found in Kathleen's nightstand, should more than offset the costs of this little excursion, plus a whole lot more.

Not seeing anything out of place, Maggie threw the camera boxes in her bag and lifted it up, making sure she wasn't leaving anything behind. Satisfied, she strolled out, but not before reaching out and pushing one of Kathleen's dresser drawers shut.

Finally, her job complete, she went out the way she came, right out the front door. Sauntering towards the gate, her huge fakes jiggling like pudding, she gave a small wave and an air kiss to the guard as he let her pass through. She strode down the road maybe a block away towards her car, stepped in, and zoomed away, thrilled to have gotten away with it.

And not a minute too soon.

Literally five minutes later, Andrew drove down the street, heading home from a sojourn of photo taking. He noticed that the guard Ray gave him a weird, nervous look as he drove through, but he didn't pay it much mind. Entering his home, he unloaded and unwound for a minute, cooling off from spending a morning in the heat. He threw together a quick PB & J for lunch and took a bite. Other than noting that this sandwich tasted unusually good, and that there was less peanut butter left in the jar than he thought, he didn't notice anything amiss.

Opting to take a shower, he was too lost in his thoughts to notice the camera above him, recording him as he went at it, his thick tree trunk hanging proud between his legs. Unknowingly, he gave the camera a good show. The camera watched as beads of water cascaded along his strong muscles... his fit torso, his taut back. The camera got a nice view of his firm butt as well. And as the shower went on, he gave the camera more unwitting views of his equipment. His lengthy, meaty size, which only got harder as the shower went on and his thoughts began to drift. His round, swollen nuts, filled to the brim with his seed. Maggie was gonna be very happy with the footage Andrew was providing her.

It was only as he went into his bedroom that his spidey-sense tingled. Something seemed off, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. It was like he could smell something, but as soon as he tried to identify it, he couldn't smell it anymore. And some of his stuff appeared somewhat off, as if they weren't quite in the right place. Nothing severe enough to truly notice, but enough to unease him slightly. But he didn't it pay it too much mind. It was mostly forgotten by the time he left the room.

That night, he slept peacefully, unaware of the fact that the pheromones from Maggie's huge boobs were filling his nose, warping his dreams, making his blood run hot.

His married cock stiffened between his legs.

And as this happened, his wife lied next to him. Those same pheromones were hitting her too, but she reacted very differently. As her husband was lost in a deep, enjoyable slumber, with very lusty images running through his mind, Kathleen could hardly sleep at all. She didn't know why. She couldn't explain it.

It was as if there was some unknowable dread coming for her, but she couldn't figure out what it was.


Two days later, Maggie approached the gate at the entrance to Andrew's neighborhood. Dressed in tight black yoga pants and a thin blue tank top, she caught many eyes as she walked up to the gate. They certainly caught Ray's eyes as he looked up, causing him to gulp.

"Hello, darling," she called out to him, her thick lips curled into a knowing smile.

"Oh, uh, hi," he stammered.

"Listen, dear," Maggie began, pushing her tits up against the glass ever so slightly, as if it couldn't be helped since her chest was just so large. "I left something behind at my friend's place and I was hoping you could let me by so I could pick it up. If they find it, it might spoil the surprise!"

"Oh, um... I don't think this is a good idea," Ray said, standing up to her, as if he spent the last few days imaging what he'd say to the woman who made him compromise his integrity. "I really need to get permission from the Schaeffers before I can do anything," he added, picking up a phone.

"Sure, call them, let them know how you let someone into their house without their knowledge two days ago, who did god knows what without their knowledge," Maggie stated, her tone getting more threatening. Ray froze in place, making the busty babe smile. "Don't worry dear, I won't take long. Just need to... grab a few things I left behind. I'll be out in five minutes, and then you'll be done with me. At least for now..."

Five minutes later, Maggie entered the Schaeffer house once again, using the key Ray gave to her. The alarm was turned off, allowing her easy entrance. Happy with herself that she knew her way around this place, she marched upstairs. Stepping into the bathroom, she smiled as she saw the camera still in place. She retrieved that one before heading to the bedroom. She shivered as the scent of Andrew hit her nose. Maggie ran her fingers over his bedspread before approaching the dresser. Smiling again, she reached forward and retrieved the second camera, unmoved from where she left it.

And that was it. She was done. Her job was done. She made her way back downstairs and stepped back outside, not looking back.

The whore had left the castle, and the next time she'd return, she'd be made the queen.


Maggie had barely been able to contain her excitement by the time she got home, and once she got the footage running on her laptop, she was almost set to burst. She was SO ready to see the goods.

And she was not disappointed.

"Oh my God," she sighed to herself as she looked at the footage of him in the shower. "He's huge..." She had suspected from the very beginning that he was hung. Like, it just seemed he was that type of guy. By the end of that first chat with him, she was already speculating internally if he was eight and a half inches or a good nine. And this was all before she got her hands on that monster through his clothes back on the beach. But now, seeing it in the flesh, she was probably underestimating him.

He was enormous!

Even in the shower, watching him soap up his soft, hanging prick, she was impressed with his size. In the morning, when he showered, and was dealing with that lovely morning wood, she was even more impressed. But the best part was... Maggie got to watch him in bed. She got to watch her dream man actually having sex! Yes!

Sure, boring old Kathleen was involved, but seeing Andrew going at it made it worth it. Even just watching him, it was clear he was a star.

"God, he's such a good fuck..." Maggie sighed to herself, eyes locked on the screen as her hand slid into her pants. Her eyes were locked on his bare ass, rising and falling as he pumped his fully hard, massive dong in and out of his wife. He was clearly an excellent fuck, and he was just as clearly holding back. Kathleen was so bad in bed, and she was so holding him back. She just lied there, rubbing his back, just taking it, and she wasn't even taking it! She was taking, like, half of his big, thick, pulsing prick. God, if Maggie was there, she would take every fucking inch and give that big dick the type of loving it deserved. And she wouldn't just lie there, either, she would ride that fucking cock till he couldn't think straight.

There was no sound with these cameras, but if there was, Maggie knew what she would hear. His restrained, masculine moans, and her pathetic little mews of pleasure. Maggie was so unimpressed by the doctor's efforts she almost lost, like, all respect for her as a woman. Like, if she can't fuck a stud like Andrew better than that, she deserved to have him stolen from her. Clearly, the doctor's talents lied elsewhere. And while she was still thankful for what the doctor had done for her, Maggie wondered if she could even hide her resentment and lack of respect for her at this point. And this was all before she got a good look at the doctor's body. The doctor, with her lack of tits, and her hairy bush, and her flat, bony ass... ugh. It was not a pretty picture.

But Maggie had all the respect in the world for Andrew now. It was hard not to respect a man that was packing that kind of heat, to be honest. And the willpower he must have to put up with his wife's lazy attempts at lovemaking when he could easily have so much better... God damn. It would make seducing him ever so sweeter.

Maggie lost herself to the moment. Watching him pump that swollen, throbbing meat into his dull, boring wife. Maggie admired the way he fucked, digging in as best he could, fucking in just the right rhythm. And his cock was just perfect. Huge and meaty and swollen, pulsing with blood, with a perfect, spongy mushroom tip, and a pair of swollen, cum-filled balls. His hips were flexing as he fucked his languid wife, filling her with that premium cock, but that disgusting pussy of hers wasn't built for such a dick.

Maggie kept watching her dream man fuck, eventually gushing on her fingers as she watched Andrew cum. Someday, it will be her on the receiving end of that, and she won't make him wear a fucking condom either. She would take it fucking raw, as it should be. Just the way a guy like him needed.

This footage would be very useful in many ways, as would some of the other gifts of this adventure. But that would all come with time.

As for now, Maggie had to watch this footage again.


Maggie had invaded every part of Andrew's life that he held sacred. Every one of his normal escapes would only conjure memories of her.

Like photography, his biggest hobby? Obviously, he couldn't shake those memories of his photoshoots of her. Even in the shop, when cutting a piece of wood, he couldn't forget about the time she was in the shop herself. He couldn't forget about the way her boobs jiggled with the vibrations of the machine. His wife? Clearly, there was a connection there. His wife had given Maggie those perfect fake breasts that had so tormented his mind. Was there anything sacred? Was there any part of his life that she hadn't infiltrated?

This feeling was only going to get worse.

He was at work, standing outside his office, chatting with one of his coworkers, when he heard his phone ping in his office. A mix of dread and excitement filled him at this, and he struggled to carry on his conversation, which his coworker couldn't help but notice, subtly releasing him from the chat, allowing him to go about his business. Andrew stepped into his office and shut the door behind him, before moving to his desk and grabbing his phone. Sure enough, it was a text from Maggie. Unable to stop himself, he opened it up.

It was a picture of Maggie.

That was to be expected. She'd been doing this for a while now. It was her, posing in front of a mirror, standing in her underwear. Of course, she looked amazing, but he was almost becoming numb to it at this point. He had seen so much of her, as she was bombarding him with this type of picture constantly. Standing there, in a white lacy bra and a tiny, little white thong. She looked fantastic, the white lace really popping against her smooth, tanned skin. He studied this picture for a few moments, and he was about to put his phone away when he stopped. Something caught his eye. Where was she standing? It wasn't her apartment. It almost looked like... his bedroom!? What? WHAT!? How?

Andrew scanned the picture, confirming his suspicions. Looking beyond the image of Maggie's juicy body... yeah, that was his bed. At the front of the picture... yep, that was his wife's dresser. This was his room. This was his house.

Andrew started composing a reply before he could stop himself. His policy had been no contact with her, but this one was testing him. How? How had she gotten into his house? How had she done this?
