Getting Jack Ch. 02: Rikki

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Jack's stalker interrupts an intimate meeting with Rikki.
4.3k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/28/2017
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"Ido hope I'm not disturbing you, Jack."

The woman's voice, coming from behind me, was strong and sharp. It sounded angry and maybe slightly amused.

I must have jumped about two feet straight up in the air from embarrassment and surprise, and when I landed I turned on my heels and hurled my naked body into the pool. I went all the way under and stayed there, expelling a stream of bubbles to keep my overly buoyant self from popping up to the surface.

Out of sheer shock and mortification, I considered not coming back up at all. But nature won out, and when I resurfaced near the edge of the pool, Jack and the woman were crouched down, side-by-side, smiling at me.

The first thing I saw, at eye level, was her shiny red high-heeled shoes and her trim, shapely, legs. That drew my sight along her black, nylon encased thighs to her shaved crotch. She wasn't wearing anything under her pantyhose, not even a thong!

"This is my editor, Rikki Kelly," Jack said.

I looked up abruptly, freshly embarrassed by where my gaze had been. I would've sunk to the bottom again, except she was extending her hand to me. For a second, I was seized with panic, thinking she was going to help me out of the water, but then she said, "Pleased to meet you...?"

With my big boobs were squished against the side of the pool, I felt for a toe-hold on the ledge, and reached up to shake her hand.

"I'm Lexi Duncan," I replied as I suddenly began to cough up pool water.

I had a bout of choking convulsions, during which, I flopped around without letting go of her hand. When the coughing subsided, I looked up at her with watery eyes. I looked past her still slightly spread, disturbingly inviting thighs, and added, "I'm a...student at Cal Tech."

She maintained her firm grip, looking me over with cool interest. I don't know whatshe saw, but what I saw was a self-possessed, beautiful woman, older than me, but younger than Jack. Her face was framed by dark brunette hair that ran in bangs just above her thin eyebrows and fell in feathered, receding layers down the side of her face to her shoulders.

Her eyes seemed to look right into my soul. They were hazel and quite large, done up with a moderate amount of dark eye shadow. Her lips were red, but not garish, and her skin was a gentle pink, unwrinkled and unblemished. Add to that, tastefully sharp cheekbones, a cute little nose and a modest chin, and it was enough to make my heart sink to the bottom of my chubby little toes. She had that classy, sexy, bitch-executive look, and carried it with ease.

"How nice," she replied, and mercifully let go of my hand and stood up. Jack stood up with her. She wiped her wet hand on his loose work shirt, and said something that made him laugh. It was such an intimate and natural act; I think I actually groaned out loud as I sank back down to the bottom of the pool.

His editor! Of course he'd have an editor, but why did it have to be a gorgeous woman? Was she his girlfriend as well?

I'd read he was twice divorced, and not supposed to be living with anyone in his current seclusion. Of course, he didn't have a Facebook page or Twitter, or anything as gauche as that, and his bio at Doubleday was deliberately mysterious and vague. I don't know why I'd assumed that a brilliant, attractive man like him wouldn't have a woman in his life -- wishful thinking, I guess.

"Shit!" I said out loud and was forced quickly to the surface to cough up more water.

When I did dare to look up again, I saw her walking back towards the house and Jack was standing by the ladder at the end of the pool holding my bathing suit.

"She's gone to get her suit," he said.

"Oh, she's just here for a visit?" I asked, as if it was any of my business.

"And work. We need to go over a couple of chapters," he replied as I was swam slowly towards him.

"I guess you'd like me to leave now," I said.

"No, you can stay if you like," he replied easily. "It shouldn't take more than an hour or so."

"Really? That would be great!" I gushed. In my excitement at the prospect of sitting in on one of Jack Harrowsmith's literary sessions, I forgot I was still completely naked as I scrambled up the ladder.

He grinned at my bouncing boobs, "You can sit in, naked if you like, or in your suit, it's all good," he said.

I wriggled into my suit and chased after him to the bar. He picked up my glass from the deck and started rinsing it in the sink. "Would you like another drink?" he asked calmly, as if the whole hot and bothered last fifteen minutes had never happened.

"Yes. Yes please," I managed to croak out. My throat was the only part of my entire body, inside or out, that wasn't wet. Once again, I felt as if Ineeded a drink. Was this how one became an alcoholic, I wondered.

"Come around here and I'll show you how to make one," he said, and I hustled my ass around the end of the bar, hoping his invitation was just an excuse to keep me close to him. So it seemed to be, because he pressed against me at every possible opportunity while he showed me how to mix a Tequila Sunrise. It was turning out to be a very educational day for me; and a happy one.

Obviously, he wasn't trying to hide his interest, or was it... affection... for me? Whatever his relationship was with his editor, he didn't appear at all guilty about being caught with a bouncy naked young coed -- for I had to admit to my own amazement that's was what I was - in his arms. In his arms, practically doing the dirty deed!

We casually remained standing behind the bar, sipping our drinks and watching as Rikki, Ms. Kelly, made her way towards us. Once again, I shouldn't have been surprised that I was the only woman in the world who owned a skimpy bathing suit. She was much leaner than I was, and had much less to cover in the way of breasts and bum, but somehow, there appeared to be more nakedher present than nakedme.

Her little suit was dark purple in striking contrast to her lightly tanned, (not lightly burned like mine) skin. Her top had no straps, but managed to hug her tits without falling down, and it gave her a bit of cleavage at the same time.

The bottom half was about an inch wide at her narrow hips and formed a respectable triangle in front. It was so tight and the material so clingy, it hugged her very pronounced pubic mound in a less respectable manner. No wonder she kept it hairless! It wasn't fair that her tummy should be so flat, almost hollow, and she could still have such decent-sized breasts and a round, protruding butt.

Once she'd finished a drink, and had a quick dip in the pool, we sat at a glass table with Jack sandwiched between us. They read and discussed the last chapter and the current chapter he was working on. I listened with rapt attention for a while until, to my intense frustration, I found myself actually nodding off. I was so drowsy that I almost banged my head on the table.

"That boring, eh?" Jack laughed at me, giving me an affectionate squeeze.

"Oh no!" I cried, horrified, "it's not that. It's just..."

"I'm kidding," he said. "The heat is very wearing out here. Why don't you go lie down?"

"But, I don't want to miss..."

"I'll let you read the chapters later, don't worry."


"Of course. Go on. Go lie down, before you fall down," he chided me.

I don't even remember lying down on the lawn chair. I passed out, and I don't know how long I slept. I awakened slowly, and when I opened my eyes, I could see Jack without moving my head. His shirt was off and he was standing alone behind the bar. I couldn't see what he was doing, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking down at the ground.

Suddenly, Rikki's dark hair came into view as she rose from below with a bottle in her hand. Apparently she'd been retrieving something from a lower shelf; what else could she possibly have been doing down there?

They laughed quietly as he touched her hair. It was a little mussed, but dry again since her swim. She licked her lips, and he gave her a kiss that looked like something between a peck and a serious French. They shared a brief, friendly hug and she slipped from behind the bar, still wearing her bathing suit, I was happy to note.

She quickly gathered up her things, and padded silently past me in her bare feet. Of course, I closed my eyes before she passed me, and I left them closed for what seemed like an awfully long time before I felt Jack sit down on the edge of the chair and touch me softly on the shoulder.

"Hey, Lexi", he said quietly, abandoning our little game, I hoped not for good. "It's almost two o'clock, do you have somewhere you need to be?" he asked.

"No, not now," I replied ruefully; I had missed all of my afternoon classes which was a first for me,ever.

"Then why don't you hang out here for the afternoon? You can stay for supper if you like, I'm cooking."

"That would be great," I replied as I sat up. I was so foggy-brained, I had to look down to see if I was clothed or naked. I was clothed. Jack Harrowsmith was known for his cooking, and now he was going to cook for me!

He handed me a couple of pills and a glass of cold water. "Aspirin, he said, "I usually have a terrible head when I wake up from a nap like that."

"You're an angel," I replied, popping the pills and washing them down. It was true; he was an angel, a sexy, intelligent, thoughtful angel.

"What you need is a nice hot shower," he said. "If you give me your keys, I'll run and get your car. I'll bring it down to my garage, then you won't have to worry about it."

"That sounds heavenly, Mr Harrowsmith," I replied, in keeping with my angelic theme, "but..."

"Please, Lexi, call me Jack," he said.

That felt very good. "Okay, sure...uh, Jack, but I don't have any clothes, and this suit is getting a bit uncomfortable," I replied.

That was really true. Otherwise, I would never have let it interfere with something like this. On the other hand, I didn't want to look and feel like a fool during myfirst ever dinner with Jack Harrowsmith.

"Don't worry about that," he laughed, "there's lots of clothes upstairs. I'm sure you'll find something to throw on; we're pretty informal around here."

"And friendly," I blurted boldly which made him laugh. He kissed me again, but it was not at all like the passionate ones we'd shared earlier. It was more like the one I'd witnessed him sharing with Rikki. It was friendly, and only a little more, which was disappointing.

There was no sign of Rikki when we returned to the house. He took me into a spare bedroom with a large, beautifully appointed en-suite. He gave me fresh towels and showed me a closet full of women's clothes. He didn't say who they belonged to, and I didn't think it polite to ask.

The shower was fantastic, and I soon stopped speculating on his love life. I luxuriated in the feel of the hot water and the smell of the soap, as I washed my private, naughty parts over and over again. I lost all sense of time, but I was far from dozy, in fact, I felt great. I came out of the steaming cubical refreshed, excited and rarin' to go. The bathroom had an excellent hair dryer, and I took my time getting my thick locks dry.

I didn't rush; I'd read that patience was an important element of seduction. I realized that I'd been far too eager and forward so far. I needed to slow down and show more poise. That was fine. He obviously liked me, and was attracted to my body. Soon, he would come to appreciate my mind as well. Obviously, there was going to be more competition for his attention than I had anticipated, but I felt optimistic nonetheless. After all, he called me Scharza!


When I got up to the parking lot Rikki was leaning against Lexi's silver Prius, her rump perched near the windshield. Her mid-thigh length dress was yanked up almost to her crotch showing off her fabulous legs. She looked like dynamite as usual. It was hot, and there'd been no need to be so dressy for an editorial meeting with me, no need for pantyhose and heels, but she knew how much I loved her like that. Her hands were pressed against the car on either side of her narrow hips that were causally thrust towards me.

She'd given the car a once over and left both doors open to cool it off for me. She hadn't needed the keys. As I approached she cocked her head to the left side making her slanted bangs completely cover that eye. Like she was winking at me while still keeping a stern, exasperated expression.

"She's for real," she said.

She didn't straighten up or smile as I came up to her. "What the hell Jack? She looks like Scharza, is that it?"

"Of course, can you believe it? She just started appearing out of the blue in front of the house, right in front of my face."

"Sounds shady to me, but I didn't find anything here. I'll poke around a bit more." Not only was Rikki an excellent editor, she had many other useful talents as well.

"Thanks," I said leaning forward to stroke her cheek.

"Jesus Jack, your life not complicated enough already?"

"I know, I know, I know," I replied with a long exhalation of breath.

"Well I guess you were due," she added pushing off the car and standing up.

"Come on, you saw her."

She reached down and grabbed my balls, but didn't squeeze them too hard.

"You owe me Jack, I came over thinking I was going to get laid this afternoon. I was planning on getting fucked, Jack, you know, I really wanted to get fucked," she said.

Rikki's preference was pussy, but every now and then she felt like some cock, and I made sure mine was always available. When I remembered.

"Okay, so let's do it," I replied. I ran a hand down the back of her head, stroking her finely feathered hair, "you're just so fucking gorgeous, come on, let's give it a try."

I slipped my other hand up under her skirt, sliding it along her silky thigh to her warm crotch. She chuckled, gave me a pretty hard squeeze, then took my hand away and straightened her skirt.

"I'm not going to settle for a quickie in a parking lot, Jack. You owe me a proper fuck."

"Name the time and the place, captain."

"I'll be in touch, see if you can fit me in before bouncy little Scharza gives you a heart attack. She's a whole lot younger than you are, old man," she said. She leaned over and kissed me and then started walking away leaving me leaning against the car.

"Well, thatis the way I plan to die, you know," I called after her.

She didn't look back but exaggerated her wiggle into a full burlesque move signifying her agreement with my general philosophy.

I just couldn't let her go; "Hey Rikki," I said.

She stopped, half turned towards me, hands on her hips.

"The Miramar is just around the corner," I said.

"Are you serious?"

"Sure, it'll be fun, just like Zuwara."

"The good old days," she taunted me.


"What about Scharza?"

"She's got company, she'll be okay," I replied.

She looked at her watch and shrugged; "Okay, I got a couple of hours to kill."


Just as we were just getting undressed, there was a knock on the motel room door. Coming out of the washroom I saw Rikki, still in her bra and pantyhose peek through the hole. She sighed and opened the door.

"Jack, you're stalker's here," she said.

"Actually, Ms. Kelly I came to see you," the stalker replied doing one of her little self-deprecating shrugs.

"Oh no," Rikki shook her head as Arizona slipped past her into the room with her big bag over her shoulder and her manuscript clutched to her chest. She gave me a little wiggly-fingered wave and a mouthed "Hi Jack," as I stood there naked.

"Arizona, you're a good writer, wonderfully evocative, funny, lyrical, but your work is justnot right for my imprint. I gave you Suzie's number, did you call her?" Rikki said with a long-suffering sigh.

"I just don't feel she has the cojones to do my work justice, butyou do."

Arizona was a sturdy farm girl from Montana who managed to pull off a cutesy look when she wanted too, even though her features were not particularly delicate. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled to the sides of her squarish face and done up in thick, short pigtails. She wore a white top with long thin straps that gave plenty of play to her good sized tits. She sounded very funny when she said things like cojones.

Rikki was looking over at me in exasperation, so I grabbed mine to show that I agreed.

"'Waking on the Moon' is not my kind of book," Rikki growled as Arizona edged herself further into the room.

She placed her hands on her hips, "Is this a fucking ambush Jack?!" she sounded genuinely angry. She meant an editorial ambush, not a sexual one. God she was gorgeous when she was angry.

"Jesus Rikki, come on," I said hurrying over to her but staying out of fist range.

"No, no, I swear, Ms Kelly, I've been followingyou ever since you left the Harbor Grill this morning. I didn't even know you were going to hook up with Jack, honestly."

Rikki looked slightly mollified as I hastened to the fridge to freshen up her drink. Deep down she knew I'd never betray her on anything, and she was well aware of Arizona's remarkable stalking skills.

"About 'Waking on the Moon', Arizona went on doggedly, "You were very kind in explaining why you didn't like it, and Ms Kelly, Ilistened. I really took what you said to heart. I talked it over with Jack, he was very patient with me," she turned from Rikki to give me a crinkly faced smile and then looked back at her.

"I went back and rewrote it from the very beginning. It's practically a whole new book."

Rikki smiled and shook her head; "Jack you didn't," she said.

I made a guilty shrug, my cock was starting to rise up, although neither woman seemed to notice. "I may have given her a few ideas, went over some pages."

Arizona was right in the middle of the room now, standing between us. With her back to me I noticed that her hair was darker than I'd remembered, more streaked blonde than dirty blonde, and I wondered what its true color was. When had she changed it? I'd not been able to match the carpet and the drapes because she was shaved down there.

Her top had a yoke type back with straps close to her neck while the thin straps of her bra rose out from underneath it to sit wider on her pink shoulders. I found that very arousing for some reason and had to restrain myself from snuggling up against her and kissing her neck.

"It's got more action, more violence, better pace, and sex, lots and lots of...evocative... sex. Straight, gay, kinky, you name it. In fact there's so much sex in it now it should be called 'Fucking on the Moon.' Please read it, just the opening few pages, you'll see."

"Can't you see we're right in the middle of something?" Rikki growled. Her eyes were flashing, but her lips were starting to curl. She'd expressed a less than wholesome interest in Arizona to me in the past.

"Well, more like right at thebeginning of something," I pointed out.

"Oh you guys go ahead, I don't mind; I can read it to you while you screw," Arizona said.

"Jack!" Rikki glared a warning at me.

The truth was that I'd discussed something like this with Arizona, butI was supposed to set the time and place and Rikki was supposed to have been told in advance. "Instead of reading it to her, maybe you couldshow her," I suggested.

"Oh ya, sure, I could do that!" Arizona responded enthusiastically looking quickly at each of us.

Rikki looked over at me with her usual, skeptical eyebrow raised, a smile struggling onto her face.

"Wait, you wrote evocativelesbian sex?" she said.

"Oh, ya. Jack hooked me up with someone to ah...experience... it with."

"Very clean," I interjected.

"Really Jack, who?"