Fucked Up Family Pt. 05


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"That's not how it works, dum-dum," Lexi said.

"That's Daddy dum-dum to you," Austin said.

Later, when they were both naked, Austin's body shining with sweat. His dick dripping with his sister's juices. Lexi screamed out, "My brother is fucking me so good!"

"Yay!" she heard Molly call out faintly.

"Give it to her good!" Christine said.

Lexi laughed at herself, at her family. Then she howled in pleasure as her brother came inside her.

Just like she'd always wanted.


James scrambled around, doing everything he could to get the house clean. The place was already in good shape. Now that potential buyers might be coming at any time, they had to keep it in viewable condition. But with Christine's family arriving for the yearly barbecue, James held himself to a higher standard.

The house bustled with activity as everyone did the same. Christine was outside, lighting the grill. James thought he could see a little bump in her belly, but he was pretty sure it was his imagination. Austin had told him that he thought he saw the same thing on Lexi, but they agreed it was wishful thinking. Molly had a few months before she'd even start to show, James knew, but he couldn't wait for it all the same. He kept resting his hands on her stomach, but she always made him squeeze her massive tits, instead.

Christine came inside the house, a massive grill spatula in one hand. "Are they here yet?" she asked.

"They just texted," James said, "They're about five minutes away."

Christine walked over to her husband and wrapped her arm around his waist. He kissed the top of her head, lovingly.

"You excited to see your big brother?" James asked.

"Like you wouldn't believe," Christine said. Then she called up the stairs. "Kids! Your cousins will be here any minute!"

The three siblings rumbled down into the family room. They were all dressed nicer than usual: a polo and jeans for Austin and sleeveless blouses with slacks on the girls. Once again, James marveled at how, even in similar outfits, his two daughters looked completely different.

"Hey Dad, I just got off the phone with Melanie," Lexi said, "She says she wants to come by and visit sometime next week."

"That sounds lovely," James said. "Just for dinner, right?"

"Sure," Molly said, "Dinner." Then the two sisters started laughing. James didn't want to smile, but he did anyway. He was trying to be more responsible about things. But then he pictured the submissive, skinny blonde spit roasted between him and Lexi. This was never going to end, was it? At least they were keeping it amongst themselves these days. Mostly.

"Who's Melanie?" Austin asked.

"Oh, you're going to love her," Lexi said, with an exaggerated wink.

"Speaking of which," James said, using his best stern father voice, "I expect all of you to behave in front of your cousins. You understand what I mean by that, yes?"

"Oh, you bet we will," Molly said. James glared back at his daughter. She wilted. "Yes, Daddy."

"We'll be on our best behavior," Christine said, but she was smiling oddly as she said it. "Promise."

There was a knock on the door and the family ran up to answer it. Everyone shouted as they were reunited. The families had always been close. James sometimes forgot that fact over the year when they didn't see each other. But whenever they met up, they all slipped right back into it. It was nice, James thought. Easy.

Jack, Christine's older brother, came up and said hello first. He had always been a big man -- taller than James, even -- and he'd put on weight over the years, giving him a bit of a gut. He was balding on top, too, and what hair he had was more salt than pepper. He shook James' hand, hard, and slapped his back. It was hard to hate Jack, it really was. He was such a good guy.

Next, Jack's wife stepped up and gave James a hug. Kelly was a petite woman, about Christine's height. But that was about all Kelly shared with her sister-in-law. She had dark brown hair that ran in ringlets down past her shoulders. Brown eyes and a cute, little upturned nose. But that wasn't what James noticed most. Kelly had huge breasts and wide hips, almost as impressive as Molly's. James had always had a crush on the woman, though he tried not to show it. He thought she was absolutely gorgeous.

Jack's two kids, Jessie and Eric, stood back and waved. They were still in those awkward years where they weren't comfortable hugging adults. Jessie was the older sibling, about Lexi's age. She had blonde hair like her Aunt Christine's, but a body that was looking more and more like her own mother's.

Eric was Molly's age: eighteen. He was tall like his Dad, with broad shoulders and none of the paunch. He had a mop of curly, dark hair and deep brown, soulful eyes.

The families both stared at each other through the doorway, a strange awkward moment.

"We're going to hang out in the backyard," Molly said, and started leading her cousins around the side of the house. The rest of the family followed.

The summer was over, the trees were already changing colors, but the afternoon was warm enough for short sleeves. The backyard smelled of burning propane and fresh cut grass. The kids all found lawn chairs and sat in a circle, talking about their lives.

That ought to be an interesting conversation, James thought. He knew Jessie and Eric were both at school somewhere out east. Meanwhile, Molly and Lexi had both started classes at State, while Austin was looking for work. Very different than where they'd been only a few weeks before.

James went to get a beer (they had beer in the house now!) and overheard Christine talking to Jack and Kelly.

"I can't believe they let you go," Kelly said, "That doesn't seem right."

"Well, I've been having some health issues and the other partners wanted to move in another direction," Christine said. "There was some other stuff going on, too. I'm not allowed to talk about it, legally."

James smiled to himself at how his wife implied they were the partners' issues and not her own. He was pretty sure it wasn't Dr. Ng who'd been caught riding his son under the phoropter.

"So, you'll be looking for work?" Jack asked.

"Eventually," Christine said.

James looked around the backyard. It was weird, thinking that this would be the last barbecue they hosted at the house. With all the changes life had brought, the place was simply more than they could afford. They'd found a duplex to rent on the far side of town. As soon as the house sold, they'd move over there.

Austin paired his iPhone to a Bluetooth speaker, and started blasting the tunes. James stood over the grill and made hot dogs and hamburgers. The families all joked and ate. The kids played cornhole and the adults chatted. James smiled at the world around him. With everything in their lives lately, it was good to have something go right for once.

Christine touched his shoulder. "Can you go in and set up dessert?" she asked. "There's a bunch of stuff to take out of the fridge and the watermelon needs chopped up."

"Sure thing," James said. He and Christine were doing OK. They'd found another marriage counselor and this one seemed to be working out way better. Both husband and wife had some unresolved emotional issues to work out. They didn't mention their other familial activities, it didn't seem to matter.

They slept in the same bed and both of them tried to have sex together at least once every couple of days. It wasn't mind blowing, but it worked. After months of doing his daughters, sex with his wife was actually a nice change of pace. James felt closer to Christine than he had in a long time. She said she felt the same. If a rebuilt marriage could be built out of the ashes of everything else, then maybe this really was working out for the best.

James went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Christine hadn't properly prepared him for everything she'd purchased. There was a twelve-pack of butterscotch pudding right up front and a tray of chocolate cupcakes on the shelf below it. He took those out and placed them one by one on a plate.

As if that wasn't enough, there were also fresh-baked brownies sitting on the counter. James took a small knife and cut those into squares. He found another plate and stacked them up into a gooey, chocolate pyramid.

Finally, James dug back into the fridge and rolled out the watermelon. He took the chef's knife out of the drawer, sharpened it, and placed the fruit on a cutting board. He cut it in half, then halved it again. He sliced all that into chunks and filled a large bowl with pink fruit.

He took all the dishes and piled them into the sink, did a quick wash, then loaded everything into the dishwasher. He laid out the plates of sweets, planning on how to get all this food to the backyard without dropping anything.

Then James remembered that Christine had bought a dessert wine for everyone to try. So, he dug that out of a cabinet and poured nine glasses. He figured the kids were all old enough to partake. Now everything was collected. James figured it would take at least two trips to bring it all outside. Suddenly, he realized he had to pee.

He chuckled to himself, thinking of that time not so long ago when they'd been at the campground. He'd felt that incredible urge to piss and then... Well that was how it had all started. He found it was a happy memory, now. The start of the family becoming something more. Something better.

Well, James had to go again, but not the raging firehose he'd experienced at the campsite. He went upstairs to the master bathroom, mostly on instinct more than anything else. The sheets on the bed were still mussed from him and Molly 'waking up' that morning. He quickly straightened it, then went into the bathroom. He didn't even bother to close the door behind him. The house was totally empty.

James lifted the toilet lid, unzipped his jeans, and took out his dick. He let out a long, languid stream of urine. He sighed, relaxed. No prostate problems yet, old man.

Out of the corner of his eye, James noticed something in the trash next to the toilet. The mesh basket was completely empty except for something that looked a lot like an empty pill bottle. He didn't remember anyone taking any medication. Maybe they were pre-natal pills?

When he was done peeing, James zipped himself back up and flushed. He couldn't control his curiosity, so he knelt down on the floor and looked in the trash. He pulled the little plastic container out. He recognized it immediately.

It was the bottle of 'pep' pills Christine had given them. The ones they'd taken right before the camping trip had gone completely crazy. He hadn't seen the container since that fateful day. James' heart pounded. His stomach wrapped in knots. The bottle was completely empty.

Oh no.

James turned to look out the window, practically ripping the blinds off in his haste. But the bathroom looked out to the side of the house. James couldn't see anything from there.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

James dropped the container on the tile and sprinted out of the bathroom. He took the steps down two at a time. He skidded through the kitchen, right up to the glass, sliding doors.

And froze.

James' jaw dropped. His heart went from practically bursting out of his chest to flat out dead. Austin was standing up by the picnic table, pants around his ankles. His cousin, the very sexy Jessie, was completely naked. She was on her knees, sucking his cock like it was the tastiest treat she'd ever experienced. Lying on her back under her, Lexi was licking at her cousin's cunt. The three of them rocked back and forth in pleasure.

Next to them, rolling in the grass, Molly and Eric were wrapped around each other. The cousins had their heads in each other's crotches. Molly was working the tall boy's dick while his face was buried in her snatch. Both of them seemed to be struggling between pleasing each other while experiencing their own ecstasy.

Over on the patio, Jack was completely naked and lying on his back. His sister, James' wife -- so tiny next to her brother's massive frame -- was riding up and down on his cock. James could hear the two of them through the glass.

"My... brother... feels... so... fucking... GOOD!" Christine panted. Jack reached up and squeezed his sister's tiny breasts while she rode him. The siblings humped each other with abandon.

The only person James couldn't see was Kelly. Where was his sister-in-law? He reached for the sliding glass, desperate. Maybe it wasn't too late. If he shouted, he could stop them. He could save Jack's family from the same fate that his own had succumbed to.

"There you are!"

James spun around. His sister-in-law stepped into the kitchen, completely naked. He'd always had a thing for Kelly. Seeing her now, he realized he'd underestimated her. The brunette's body was incredible. Her breasts were full and surprisingly perky considering their size and age. She had pink, puffy nipples and they pointed outward. Her thick dark bush covered a tidy little pussy. Her feminine hips arched outwards. This was a woman built for fucking. She smiled at him, sexily.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," Kelly said. Her country twang came out particularly strong.

"Oh," James said. He felt stupid with desire. Kelly slithered over to him. She undid his belt and bared his dick. It was hard as heck and pointing straight out. Of course it was. James' cock was never the brains of the operation, despite how many decisions it made.

"Oooo, I always knew you'd have a big one!" Kelly said. She clapped with glee, making her body shake in incredible ways. "I want you so bad, brother-in-law. I know you want me too. I see the way you watch me. How you stare at my big titties. You like looking at my ass now? Oh, boy you should feel it while you fuck me."

"Kelly, I don't know if we should."

Kelly put her finger over James' lips and shushed him. "It's OK," she said, "More than OK. Besides, if Jacky gets to do his baby sister, then I'm damn sure going to get some of that big, juicy, brother-in-law dick for myself."

She bent over the kitchen table, presenting her pussy to James. It was already engorged and open. "Come on big guy, give it to me," Kelly said, wiggling her butt, "Just don't put any of your stuff in me, OK? Jack's had a vasectomy, so I stopped taking the pill. You can cum anywhere else you want. My tits, my face, my ass. Heck, let's do all three."

James stood behind his sister-in-law. His dick, once again in charge, slipped into her cunt with ease. At first, he was disappointed with how open she felt. But then her vaginal muscles clamped down on him and it was like nothing he'd ever experienced. It was as if Kelly had Christine's old exercise regimen, but only with her kegels. She could probably pick up a plunger using only her pussy if she so desired.

"Fucking hell, Kelly," James groaned.

"Oh fuck yeah, give it to me good," Kelly said, "Fuck that married pussy. Show her who's really in charge!"

From where he stood, James could see out through the glass to what was going on in his backyard. Austin had Jessie up against the house, her butt in his hands, fucking her for all he was worth. Next to them, in almost the exact same position, were Eric and Lexi, matching their cousins stroke-for-stroke.

Jack was still plowing his sister, but they'd moved to the picnic table. Christine was on her back, her brother jamming his dick into her with abandon. His gut hung over her lewdly as the siblings shared their pleasure. Meanwhile, Molly was sitting on her Mom's face, wriggling and writhing.

As Eric and Austin orgasmed into their cousins, Jack filled his sister with cum, and Molly shook through her own ecstasy, James unloaded his own fertility into his sister-in-law's unprotected pussy without a second thought. All of them crying out together in incredible, uncontrollable pleasure.

And just as everything seemed to end, it began all over again.

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P7y1r4oP7y1r4o38 minutes ago

Finally got thru the end and I have to say.. Now I hope theres an encore or spin-off of some sort.. Maybe told from the Red-Head families perspective.

But anyways.. I like the ending, except it doesn't really feel like an ending.. more like a To Be Continued.. tbh.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

First of all, I'll start by saying I liked 90% of this story. The characters were for the most part likeable and relatable, I especially liked Austin and Alexis' development. The sex scenes were mostly hot, varied, and fit into the overall story, which was well-paced. Now for the bad.

*Sigh* How many more times do I have to see a perfectly good and painstakingly developed story and character dynamic ruined by dumping a pile of undeveloped and therefore uncared about characters in at the end and just torpedo the whole freaking thing?! Seriously, this is the third or fourth time I've seen an otherwise excellent story derailed by this cheap and overused plot device.

I mean we watch a loving and tender relationship develop step by painful step between Austin and Alexis only to have them basically say 'meh, I guess we're committed to each other but not really' and then go get it on with cousins about which we know nothing other than their names and a scant physical description. And then Alexis, who hasn't had anyone but Austin climax in her for the entire series, all the sudden lets this cousin of hers climax in her no problem, and Austin climaxes in the other ill-defined cousin right next to her. WTF?! It's like you sacrificed everything you built up in the story and between the characters just to cram in one more cheap unsatisfying sex scene. They deserved better, especially Austin and Alexis.

And Christine, for someone who's supposed to be so smart, puts obviously powerful and untested supplements into the food when her and her daughters are pregnant just to have a cheap thrill with her brother's family? And she's supposed to be a doctor? I'm sorry, but this was so stupid, irresponsible, and downright dangerous my suspension of disbelief just flew out the window.

Sorry but this blatantly unimaginative, disappointing, and horribly reckless ending just dragged down an otherwise wonderful and well-told story from a definite reread and recommendation to a one-time read now I'm going to forget all about it.

SybilleNordlandSybilleNordland6 months ago

What an intense, crazy and hot story you gifted us here with.

Once started I simply couldn't stop.

Thank you so much for writing and sharing it.

Hugs and Kisses


Baqfid12Baqfid128 months ago

Loved the series! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Why would they take such a drug without knowing how can it affect their pregnancy?

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