Ft. Lauderdale


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"Do you pilot this yourself or have help?"

"I do both, everything is so automatic that it is easy to do myself if I want. Today it is just you and I. That is why I wanted you to see where everything is. Help yourself to whatever, because at least some of the time out there I will need to concentrate on being captain. Don't worry though, it is easy."

"Oh, don't misunderstand my question. I am confident in your abilities. Just keep us from becoming the Skipper and Gilligan. "

"You are a lot better looking than Gilligan."

"So smooth. Well, you are a lot better looking than the Skipper."

He started up the engines while we were still tied up. There are no waves at all so when he went out to untie us from the pier, we did not move at all.

David asked, "It is better for viewing to be outside up top as long as you don't get too hot. Otherwise we can stay here inside."

It was air conditioned where we were standing.

"I would prefer outside myself, like last night I love the breeze."

David said, "Good, me too."

We climbed up on top and got started. The boat was really smooth and he clearly knew exactly what he was doing. It was actually very impressive how he maneuvered the big craft so easily. One we got out into the middle of the channel we were really on our way.

He was going slowly in this area, but he started talking and pointing out various homes and boats. I won't go into that detail, but some of places he pointed out were of some prominent people, other places belonged to some of the people I had met at the bar the night before.

We got out into some of the wider channels and he picked up a little more speed. It was hot, but we were high up and when we started moving, the breeze made it quite comfortable.

We had been out about 20 minutes when David asked, "Beth, would you do me a favor and bring up something to drink."

"Sure, no problem."

He had wanted an ice tea and I brought up the same for me.

He thanked me and asked if I wanted to take the wheel for a little while. He assured me it was easy and he was going to be right there anyway. He stood behind me and pointed out the various controls, but all I really had to do was keep it pointed in the right direction.

I was really impressed by how easy everything was. David was right; the controls are so sophisticated now that it was not difficult at all, even with a boat of this size.

He pointed out a direction and stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders. It was casual, much like everything else he did. Not too forward, but it was also clear he enjoyed the small contact.

To be candid, I did not mind at all. I have said before the age difference would normally make David not the kind of man who would attract my initial interest. But he had already got his foot in the door by the circumstances the last couple of days and I had liked what I saw. He was a classy and distinguished gentleman and as I also mentioned before, he was a handsome man.

"See, you are a professional already."

I responded, "If you keep patronizing me, I will run us right over a little boat and blame you."

He laughed, "Aye, aye, captain."

I turned my head to look at him and smiled, "That's better. I run a tight ship."

I generally enjoy some teasing with people. I have a dry wit and sarcasm and I don't mind receiving as well as giving out barbs.

He would use his position to lean over closer from time to time. He would keep one hand on my shoulder and take the other hand and point out something bringing his head closer.

This was really pleasant. It had become quite hot, but this was South Florida at 2:30 in the afternoon. The breeze made it bearable though.

David asked, "If you don't mind, I'm going to get a little more comfortable and lose my shirt. And I don't know if you are getting hot. We could either go inside, or I don't know if you brought anything else?"

"You are too polite David, go ahead."

It was hot. We did have a covering to keep the direct sun off and the breeze helped, but I had brought my swim suit.

I asked, "David, what do you prefer? I am good to go inside if you like, or if you want to stay out, I probably will put on my bathing suit."

"Let's stay outside then." Whatever he had intended to say was probably irrelevant when he figured out he would see me in a swim suit.

I said, "If you will take over, I'll be back in a minute."

"I will try and avoid hitting anything while you are away Captain."

"Smart ass," I said jokingly.

I headed down the first ladder, went inside and then down to the lower cabin. I used the bathroom first and dug out my bikini from my bag. I had packed a couple of swim suits for this trip; one more conservative and one for south beach. The latter was essentially a thong and the top was very skimpy.

The one I brought on the boat was a light blue two piece bikini. When I say conservative, I only mean not Brazilian style. I looked good in it. I also have the philosophy that the body underneath is more important than the suit. Anyway, I looked myself over in the mirror and felt pretty good.

He looked back as I came up and then turned around and did a double take and smiled.

"Wow. Looking good Beth."

"Thank you David. Thirsty?" as I handed him another iced tea.

"I just assumed you wanted another, but I can go back down if you would rather have a beer or something else."

The refrigerator was loaded with a wide selection, but he said, "After this one, I'll probably switch over."

David was wearing only his shorts now. He looked good, very fit. He had a nice tan and a hairy chest. It was clear he worked out and spent some time in the sun.

He asked if I wanted to drive but I told him to go ahead. I sat down in one of the seats nearby and drank down my iced tea. I commented, "You are right, this is a lot more comfortable."

We had been out for about an hour then. We had passed quite a few boats and now we were out near the conference center and my hotel. We were in a wide channel now and were passing cruise ships and quite a few other boats in both directions.

We were just back to talking now. In this area, there was not too much to point out. It was more just to enjoy the water and the sun and the air. What a fabulous day.

We were partially covered by the overhang, but it varied a little based on when we turned and such. I told David I was going to go and get some sunscreen, but he reached down and pulled out a bottle of lotion from a cabinet nearby and handed it to me.

"I need some too when you are done."

I said, "I guess you stock everything."

I started to rub it on my arms and legs while we were talking. I finished my stomach and then started on my chest. David was trying not to look, but he was peeking a little although his glasses provided some cover.

"Take the wheel for a minute Beth and I'll get your back."

I slid over to the wheel as before and David stepped behind me. We were just talking casually while he rubbed in the lotion. It felt good as he began.

I reached back to lower the shoulder straps so he could get good coverage. He did a little massage on my shoulders as he rubbed in the lotion. This also felt good. He then did my lower back as I raised up by top straps again.

"Thank you. Go ahead and get yourself started and I'll get your back."

When he was ready, we traded positions and I did his back. While I did his shoulders, he made a sound showing he liked it. I was OK with that, but I finished rubbing in the lotion first over his entire back. When I was finished I went back to his shoulders and did a little massage.

He said, "Oh that feels great."

So we continued talking while this went on for a little while. We talked on many subjects; he invited me to dinner again, asked about my job. I asked more about the business he had sold, different things. I asked about his family and how long he had been divorced. He said it had been about 10 years, the kids had already moved away. I did not press any more. He did say there was one woman he was seeing, but it was not serious and both of them dated others too.

He was also curious if I was involved with anyone or had been married, etc. I was candid that I was dating a couple of guys, sometimes on-again, off-again things. I did not give too much detail, but we both had a better idea of where each other stood.

David said, "If you can handle things for a minute, I am going to visit the restroom. Can I bring you back something?"

We both thought to switch over to beer and I felt comfortable in this open part of the channel.

He said, "Hit the horn if there is a problem and I'll come fast."

He was back quickly anyway with the beers.

"So how do you like the boat trip?"

"Are you kidding, this is wonderful. I have been on boats lots of times, but not this size and not this beautiful location. Thanks for inviting me."

He moved behind me as when we started, "Let me return the favor."

He started to rub my shoulders as I had done for him. "That feels nice David."

He continued to rub the tops of my shoulders and upper arms. We were both quiet, enjoying the scenery. At some point he rubbed a little deeper and asked, "Too hard?"

"No, just right. Thanks."

As he continued rubbing my shoulders, I said, "Here, let me move these aside" as I slipped the bikini top straps off my shoulders. My top was in no danger of falling off; it was secure enough from the strap across my back. But without the shoulder straps, the upper part of each cup slightly fell away. You could not see my nipples, but quite a lot so I put one hand on the wheel only and held my other arm across my front.

He then began rubbing again, a little deeper than before. I would have liked to slump my head and close my eyes, but I was still steering even though it was only a slight amount of effort required. So for a few seconds at a time, I stopped watching and enjoyed.

"How are you doing Beth?"

"You are pretty good at that David. I am doing really well." I said it laughing.

He took that as license to continue and kept rubbing. Sometimes he would work on my neck which felt fantastic. He apparently could tell and would spend a little more time. At some point he paused and shifted his position with one hand on my shoulder and the other hand on my lower back. This was a little awkward as I was standing up, but it still felt good.

I broke the ice a little saying, "I don't remember seeing the Skipper give Gilligan a backrub."

He laughed, "He might have if Gilligan looked like you."

I asked when we would begin heading back. It won't take as long to return, but we have a way to go. I left it up to him.

As I reached over to get my beer, my top had come away a little and showed some of the top of my breasts. I saw him look down and smile.

I acted indignant, "Hey, that is your fault."

He sensed I was not upset, "I am not complaining. Remember it is Mardi Gras time soon."

I laughed as I slipped the straps back up, "Well I did not see any beads big fella."

The sun and the breeze were magnificent and I was really happy to have come along.

He said, "If you would have told me a couple days ago at the bar when we met that you would be out on my boat like this, I would have never believed it."

I said, "Me either, but I am happy the way it has worked out. You are a very nice man."

He started to turn the boat around and we began our return. He suggested we head inside for a while to cool off. It was over 90 degrees for sure. I was still OK being outside but I got the idea David had had enough heat for the moment. He asked me to take the wheel and he would yell up when he had control shifted to downstairs. It was only a few seconds before he said OK and I collected up the various cans, etc and followed him down.

I put the garbage away and joined him near the controls. It was very refreshing to be in the air conditioning and the tinted windows made it less bright. The only downside to the big temperature drop as I was standing there is that my nipples became very hard and while my suit was not ultra thin, it was pretty prominent. David did not look to be staring but I had no doubt he had noticed. I asked if he wanted anything else to drink.

He asked if I wanted to open up a bottle of champagne to which I said, "That is very thoughtful, but I think I should wait a little until I cool off some more. Maybe another beer is a better idea for me."

He accepted that and had one too. He did say that he needed to stop off and get some more fuel and he had already begun maneuvering us to a pier where he could fill up. We got there and the workers pulled us close. David shut off the engines and went to the back. It was just another part of the experience and I followed him up. Maybe that was a little mistake because I immediately noticed a lot of eyes on me.

A few of them knew David. "How's it going Mr. Miller?"

Maybe it was that I am nice looking, maybe it is that I have nice good sized breasts which looked good in this bikini, maybe it was the 25 years difference in our ages. But clearly they were checking me out as we got the fuel.

David noticed too and had a little smirk. This was not too unlike the bar last night, he liked the feeling when people were checking out his date. I can understand the attitude I suppose. Anyway, I can play along so I came up close to David and wrapped my arms around his waist. He put his arm around my shoulder as we he talked to the fuel guys.

We were soon on our way and back inside. David said, "Thanks for letting me show you off. That was nice of you."

"I can be a good sport, but I have really enjoyed this too. The least I can do is let you know that."

"Well, we certainly gave the guys something to talk about."

David showed me the downstairs controls while he went to use the restroom. Instead of standing at the wheel, there was a comfortable captain's chair to sit in while we cruised. He was back soon and resumed his station standing behind me.

It was not long before he started rubbing my neck and shoulders again and like before it felt good. We were both quiet as we went along and he slipped my bra straps over my shoulder again as he continued to massage my shoulders.

We talked a little as we continued, but I was enjoying the rub and I was really only responding when he asked a question. Unlike upstairs where we were both standing, even though the chair was elevated, he was standing above me higher this time and I was leaning back more in the chair. One of the effects of this was that he could not rub any lower than my back strap due to the chair back.

On the other hand, at this angle, the tips of his fingers were now extending to my shoulder blades as he rubbed. I saw that from David's present position it was easy for him to see a good portion of the tops of my breasts as the top of the cups had pulled away a little. He could not see my nipples but a lot.

He moved his hands to rub my upper arms and when he did that, my straps fell down even lower. He alternated deep rubs with a gentle touch as we moved forward.

"Still doing OK Beth? Have you had enough?"

"Oh, I have been enjoying this David, but stop whenever you want."

"Are you kidding, I am just happy you are letting me."

He made no move to stop. I understood what was going on. Of course he was enjoying touching a nice looking woman 25 years his junior. I was content too.

He tested the waters a little; his fingers would extend a little further down my front as he continued rubbing my shoulders. I was thinking about how far I was willing to let this go. He was getting a little lower and my cup on the right side was offering a good look from his vantage. I paused for a second and asked if he would hand me my beer. He handed it to me while he also took a drink from his own.

I said, "There is something about a cold beer that is as good as champagne or a great bottle of wine."

He brought his can next to mine, "To the good life."

I set my can down and he did too, and then resumed his rubbing, "Unless you tell me you have had enough, I am enjoying this Beth. You have wonderful skin."

"David, you should get a job doing this, I am feeling very pampered today."

His fingertips again touched the front of my shoulders as he rubbed. At one point, he rubbed my neck with his thumbs. When he did this, the fronts of his hands extended down my chest with his fingers resting flat.

He did that a couple more times. He was moving slowly and I thought he was trying to be perceptive to whether I objected. Smart man, he was certainly going slow enough to see if I was objecting to anything. He began to ignore my shoulders and now his palms were flat on my upper chest, lightly rubbing. His fingertips were now touching the upper part of my breasts.

His right hand moved ever so slowly downward. He paused, went a millimeter lower, paused, again and again. I felt his finger now touching the top of my bikini.

He lifted his hand higher for a moment and then I felt his fingers slide over my right breast over my bikini. The anticipation was incredible.

He paused and then I felt him cup my breast in his hand very, very gently. The lower part of my bikini top was still relatively tight and constrained his complete access. Then I felt his left hand moving slowly down until he was cupping both of my breasts, only the left one was under my bikini top.

He whispered, "Are you OK Beth?"

I responded, "Gilligan sees there are some perks to being first mate on this boat."

He was so incredibly gentle and tender with his caresses and then I felt his fingertip tracing around my nipple. It felt electric. My breasts are a very sensitive part of my body. While I was enjoying his light feathery touch, I waited for him to squeeze them, but he was still only barely touching me.

He removed his hands and I felt him push me forward a little and reach down to unhook my top from the back. He used both hands and it was released quickly. I held my arms close to my sides so it did not fall off completely, more loosely hanging.

David moved his hands down my chest again and easily slipped his hands under my top to touch my breasts again, like before only very gently. I let a deep breath go and let my arms loosen up. He recognized it and lifted my top completely away.

My nipples were rock hard. Light touches like he was doing will always have that effect. The fact is I have great breasts – men are always commenting natural is best and my 34C were soft and firm at the same time. He now gave them a squeeze and I closed my eyes again to enjoy the feeling.

He used the index fingers of each hand to trace my nipples, which were in no danger of softening up at the moment. I lifted my hands up to cover his hands – he squeezed me and I squeezed him over the top.

What a setting! We were still cruising along the inter-coastal waterway, albeit at a very slow speed. The windows were tinted, but I had no idea of whether anyone would be able to see anything or not. There was not a lot of traffic anyway so there really was no danger of that.

I reached my arms way back over my head to rest on both his shoulders while he began to massage my breasts more firmly. None of this was anywhere close to groping, his touch felt wonderful.

Neither of us had said anything for a while until he broke the silence, "Beth, you are an unbelievably sexy woman."

"Thank you David. You have a nice touch."

"I would have not believed your breasts were natural, they looked so good, but they feel fantastic."

"I am glad you find them acceptable." But I said it jokingly.

I understood him better now. I had been a little confused over his level of interest in me versus his desire to show me off. I now realized both attitudes were present.