Frustration Ch. 06

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A new person to be frustrated.
5.3k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/26/2016
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Author's note. I apologize for taking so long to get this chapter out. It had to be put on hold while I worked on "A Husband for Valentine's Day," during which my computer finally gave up the ghost and I had to borrow my daughter's to get it done. As I started writing this chapter, I then had a fall which sprained the thumb on my writing hand, since I had to write everything out long hand first. Thus it has been some time since the completion of chapter five to this. This is chapter six of a seven chapter story. If you have not read chapters one through five, it would be best to do so as events that occur there effect what happens in this one. Also please vote and leave your comments. The votes are like payment and the comments a bonus. Lastly, it may be some time before I can get chapter seven done, though I am working on it, as I have been told that I cannot use my daughter's computer for it and it will be some time before I can get another one for myself. It is my hope that you enjoy.


Betty Davidson turned into the drive and quickly put the vehicle in park pulling the keys from the ignition. The petite blonde always enjoyed visiting her brother and his family. She had adored the two kids as they grew up but they were both grown, now. She didn't get to see them as often as she would like to as they had their own lives to lead now, but she always looked forward to seeing them.

Their mother, on the other hand, was a different story. She had never really liked Pamela. She took umbrance with the way she had "trapped" Vince into marriage, and she was sure he didn't really love her. Still, she had learned to get along with the woman for his sake and she had to admit that she was a good mother and even a good wife, though she still held out hope the Vincent would get bored with her and part ways.

She had had her bags packed and in the trunk since that morning before she went to the school she taught at, one of two high schools in the area. Thankfully, she wasn't at the one Vincent's children went to. That might have proved awkward. She hurriedly grabbed the two bags, one containing toiletries and make-up and other clothes and a laundry bag to put her dirty clothes into when she showered, and walked to the front door to ring the bell.

"Hey, Aunt Betty," greeted Matt as he opened the door.

"Matty!" She nearly yelled as she dropped her bags inside the door and hugged him. "How's my favorite nephew?"

"I'm your only nephew," he responded.

"So? That makes it all the easier for you to be my favorite. Meg Darling!" She hugged the girl that came up just then.

"Hey, Aunt Betty," She answered.

"Now I feel better. My favorite nephew and my favorite niece in my arms. Who could ask for more?"

"Hi Betty," said a voice from the kitchen doorway.

"Hello Pam. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm doing pretty well," She said with her hands clasped in front of her as if to hide her crotch. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Some iced tea would be lovely. Thank you."

Coming right up. Meghan, please help your Aunt with her bags, sweetie."

"Sure Mom."

Pam went back into the kitchen and Betty followed Meghan to her room, the one she was to share with her the next two nights. After putting her bags in the usual places, the two walked back out and separated as Meghan went to sit on the couch next to her brother and Betty went to the kitchen. For just a second, she thought she saw something unimaginable as Harley started stirring a pot on the stove and Pam reached for the glass of ice tea to hand to her sister-in-law. She told herself it couldn't have been, that she just misinterpreted the scene. Perhaps it was just a trick of the light and their close proximity to each other as they moved instead of a rub Harley's hand across her ass. She took the preferred ice tea and wondered. She wouldn't put it past her sister-in-law to cheat, but with her father? She might be that depraved but Harley wouldn't be. As she sat at the table while the other two worked on dinner, nothing seemed amiss and she had to let it go.

After a second glass of ice tea, Betty could feel a tingling between her legs. She dropped her hand to her lap and pressed it down a bit. Yep, she thought. She was definitely aroused. Maybe that's why she imagined that she saw Harley feeling his daughter's ass. It was just her misinterpreting the scene because she was horny and hadn't realized it. The real problem was that she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Since she knew that she would be sleeping in her niece's room, she hadn't even packed her vibrator.

Vincent arrived home at his usual time and greeted his sister warmly with a strong hug. She could feel his member pressed against her belly, but just barely as it wasn't completely hard. As he held her, perhaps a smidge too long, he could feel her b cup breasts, the nipples as hard as diamonds with her arousal, pushing against him. He finally released her and left to wash for dinner, which Harley was just finishing setting the table for.

It was during the meal that things became strange. At least for Betty. Vincent was unaware of the things that had been happening in his house the last few days, but Betty was totally in the dark about how things had changed for the family.

"So, were you able to get with that young couple you were talking about, Pam?" Asked Vincent.

"Yes. It was very good."

"Yeah? Was he as big as I am?"

Betty's fork hit the plate as her face showed her shock. No, she thought. That could mean anything. It was just her arousal making it seem rather sexual. She quickly masked her thoughts. "Sorry," she said sheepishly.

"Vince," Pam began. "You don't really want to know about this, do you?"

"Why not? I think it would be fun."

Pam sighed. "Alright," she replied finally. "He's probably two to three inches longer than you and a lot thicker." Betty's fork was again on her plate as she gasped in shock again. Pam continued as if nothing else had occurred. "It was real nice when he fucked me with it and I had several orgasms on her tongue, too."

"What the hell, Pam?" Betty finally broke in. "You cheap, fucking cheating slut! How could you treat my brother like this?"

"Calm down, Betty," Vince interrupted. "I knew about it before she did it, so it isn't really cheating. Besides, it's not like I haven't had my share of women on the side over the years."

Betty was flabbergasted. She had no idea that such things were going on. Then she saw Matthew and Meghan calmly watching her and rather nervously eating their food. "Well, at least you shouldn't be discussing it in front of your kids!" she angrily interjected.

"Why not?" Pam asked. "They're sexually active and aware of what I'm talking about."

"They are?" Vince asked.

"Yes, dear," Pam said. "They are both over eighteen years of age, you know."

"I know, I know," he answered. "Matt, I would have expected you to be no longer a virgin since you in college, but Meghan, I didn't think about whether or not you might be. I need to apologize to both of you. I know I haven't been around a lot in the evenings, and that has led to me not knowing what is going on in your lives. I'm sorry about that and I hope you can forgive me. I do love the both of you."

"It's alright. We all love you, too, Dad." Meghan said. "Anyway, do you really think that if you had been here I, would have told you when some guy fucked me?" Meghan asked.

"Well, you told your mom, so I hope that I would be just as approachable?"

"I didn't tell mom, actually," she replied.

"No, I caught her in the act."

Vincent gave a bit of a laugh. "I bet that was a bit embarrassing."

"You have no idea," Meghan said with a blush.

"So anyone special?" he asked.


"I'll have to meet him."

"Maybe some time."

"Did you see him today? Did you have sex with him today?"

"I see him every day, Dad. And yes we fucked today. But I also got my first taste of pussy today, too."

"I think I better talk to Mr. Coleman," Betty interjected as she dropped her fork again. Robert Coleman was the principal at the kids school.

"I didn't say it happened at the school Aunt Betty."

"Matt," interrupted Vincent. "What about you?" Anyone special?"

"Yeah. And yes I took some time to see her and we got naked. What about you, Pop? You get anywhere with anyone today?"

"You know my boss, Garringer? He left on a business trip this afternoon. His wife came in to see him off, I guess. I imagine that there was a bit of hanky panky going on in that office before he left. Anyway, after he was gone, she walked around the factory until she found me. I guess she remembered me from the Christmas party last year. She took me into one of the storage rooms and I got the chance to fuck her in the ass. She seemed to really enjoy that. Harley, you're awful quiet over there."

"Don't have anything to add to the conversation really," he answered. "I was busy with errands today so I haven't had a chance to be with someone since last night."

"You got laid last night old man?"

"Yeah. You find that hard to believe?"

"Well, a bit, I guess. I just figured you weren't active since your wife passed."

"Oh, I'm active."

"Very," Pam added.

"You know about some of his time?" Vince asked. "Tell me, Harley. How many times you fucked this week?"

"Well, let's see, uh, I think around six or seven."

Another gasp came from Betty. She couldn't believe her brother and his family were talking about all this in the first place and on top of everything, she was so aroused that she was nearly cumming without any stimulation other than the talk. She knew that if she hadn't been horny, she would have stopped things from ever getting this far, but now she couldn't stop it if she wanted to. Besides, she found that she was interested in the goings on of this very oversexed family.

But her gasp had brought attention back to her. Vince seized the opportunity. "When was the last time for you, Sis?" She didn't answer, but just took up her fork and began eating again. "Come on, Sis. Everyone else is sharing."

"Awegagomorrow," she finally said giving in.

"What?" Vince asked.

She sighed then repeated the statement a little clearer. "A week ago tomorrow," She said. "The school had a function for the teachers and it was mandatory. We were allowed to bring someone so I got someone to go with me and afterwards we went to a motel together."

"A motel? What the hell you do that for? Why not just go to one or the others of your places?"

"Because I didn't want him to know where I live, asshole," she blushed. "I didn't exactly know him all that well, after all. We just met for that night. Happy now?"

"Are you saying you payed to have sex?"

"No, I paid to have a man on my arm at the party. The sex was just icing on the cake?"

"Shit!" Vince blurted out. "I'm sorry, Betty. I would have thought you'd of had hundreds of guys hanging all over you as pretty as you are. I had no idea."

"The only guys I know are the ones I work with. They're mostly married and the ones who aren't, aren't worth giving the time of day, so I don't have a very active sex life. Now you know." She couldn't believe she had said so much. She must not be thinking clearly. Possibly the fact that she was so highly aroused had something to do with it. Why the hell was she so horny, she wondered. At least she hadn't revealed the one secret that she had kept since she was fifteen. That one was still safe.

As the meal ended, Pam offered Betty a glass of wine. Vincent chose to have a couple of beers, but the two women both chose to open a bottle of chardonnay.

"How about a movie?" asked Meghan.

"Sounds like a good idea," Pam agreed.

"How about something with Candy Apples in it?" suggested Matthew. "I'd love to see that."

"We haven't got any of her films, boy," Vince said.

"Who's Candy Apples?" Betty asked as she sipped her wine.

"She's a porn actress," her brother explained. 'All of her films have an apple motif like "An Apple a Day' which is set in a hospital, or 'Applegate' in which she plays the slutty wife of a U.S. President. She's got a couple of school themed ones. ' An Apple for the teacher,' and ' The teacher's Apple.' In one, she's a student in the other she's the teacher."

"You sure seem to know a lot about her," Pam accused. "Let me guess. Movie Monday's at Darren's house?"

"Um, well, um," Vince stammered.

" That means yes, Pam," Betty laughed while trying to keep from squirming in her seat.

"Well, not everything we watch is porn," Vince tried to defend himself. "Sometimes we even watch a movie that's rated G."

"Yeah? Like when Darren's wife is around?"

"Oh, no. She'd rather watch the porn ones, too. She's one hot lady, That's for sure."

"You've fucked Belinda? Damn, Vince! You need to take me along on some of these things."

"Anyway," Matt interrupted. "So, no Candy Apples?"

" I Have some of her stuff," Harley joined the conversation. "If everyone's alright with it, I can get one of them."

Betty was the only one who thought she should object, but she was getting hornier every minute and she was a bit curious about this new porn actress that she hadn't seen before so she kept quiet. She felt like she could cum with just a touch of her clit. She tried her hardest not to squirm in her seat, but the silk fabric of her thong style panties felt really good against her super aroused pussy.

It took only seconds for Harley to retrieve the DVD from his room, "Here's a good one," he said. "It's called 'All the Apples in the Orchard." He popped it in the machine and they all started watching the movie in which Candy Apples played the daughter of the owner of an Apple orchard who was jumping from bed to bed with just about every employee working for him in an unsuccessful effort to try to keep her mind off of her brother with whom she was really in love, the two of them ending up together by the end.

Vince sat it his usual chair for those few occasions when he was home and could just barely see his sister in the dim lighting. Meghan and Matt were thankful that neither of them could see the couch they were sitting on and playing with each other. Harley sat next to his daughter and groped her tit once in a while, a promise that she would get his cock shoved inside her later. Betty couldn't help but touch herself, finally getting release and flooding her panties. She hoped no one noticed as she came not once, but three times during the movie and she still was horny as a cat in heat.

After her second glass of wine, she switched back to ice tea. She thought that the alcohol was probably adding to her arousal, plus she knew that it had a tendency to put her to sleep and she wanted to see the end of the movie, but switching did nothing to lessen her arousal.

"That was interesting," Pam said as the credits rolled.

"Yes," agreed Vince, "Of course, it's all fantasy. It would never work that way in real life. In spite of one sibling loving another that love would rarely be returned, and then to make matters worse, there's the concern of birth defects that are bound to pop up in offspring of related lovers which is why legal consequences are imposed on such relationships."

"Actually, Dad," Meghan began. "It seems that birth defects aren't much higher for relationships that are first time incestuous in a family. It's only over several generations that it becomes more problematic. That's why over time there was so much trouble with Kings being so mentally unstable because they could only marry another person who was of royal blood. We learned about it in history."

"They're teaching you about incest in school?" He asked.

"Not specifically. Just indirectly because it related to the subject of the mental stability of some of the rulers in the past."

"She's right, though, Vince," Betty joined in. "And I'm not so sure that such things don't occur today, so don't be to quick to discount the likely hood of the movie. After all, They had it where she was trying to not think about her brother."

"I thought it was interesting the way they super imposed her brother's face on all the others she was substituting for him," Pam said. "It made it seem more understandable as she went through the quilt phase of turning away from them at the end of each new guy."

As the family finally got ready to go to bed, Betty was still over the top in her horniness. She headed to Meghan's room and while the girl went to the bathroom, she changed into the nightgown she brought. She was wishing she had brought her vibrator, but knew that she couldn't have used it if she had.

Vince groggily removed his clothes as he prepared to climb into the bed. As his boxers went down, his cock sprang up but he barely noticed. "I don't know why I'm so tired," he said. "It's like all my energy has been robbed from me."

Pamela, standing on the other side of the bed, only gave a small smile as she eyed the small dick wanting attention while its owner complained of being too tired to give it the attention it craved.

"I'll give you a blow job and take care of it. If you fall asleep, then it won't be a problem."

"Sure," he said as he lay down. She crawled onto the bed and took him into her mouth. He was asleep long before her mouth coaxed the cum out of his cock, a result of the sleeping pills she had made sure he took about an hour earlier.

Meghan entered her room wearing a fluffy white robe and noticed Betty was already in her bed. " Aunt Betty?" she asked as she swung the door almost closed.

"Hmm?" she answered as she looked up.

"Can I ask you something?"


"You know, whenever you've slept over I've always worn an oversized t-shirt to bed, but I usually sleep nude. With all that has happened tonight, would you mind if I didn't wear the T anymore?"

The school teacher gave a laugh, "We've just watched a porn film as a family. I think sleeping in the buff would be pretty mild in comparison. Go ahead."

"Thanks," Meghan said as she took off her robe. She sat on the small cot that had been set up for her. "What did you think of the movie?"

"I thought it a rare piece of cinematography. You don't usually see that kind of quality in most pornographic material. Is all her stuff that good?"

"I don't know. I can't say I'm very much of an expert on her films. one thing's for sure. She sure has the body for porn. Those tits were huge!"

"I'm not a big fan of tattoos," Betty went on. "In fact, the barbed wire ones that she had was a bit of a turn off for me. But that apple tattoo on the mons of her pussy was kind of hot."

"So you weren't turned on at all by the movie?"

"I wouldn't say that,"

"I know I was," Meghan admitted, "Still am, in fact. What about you?"

"You have no idea."


"I don't know why, but I've been horny all night. If I was at home, I would have been using one of my toys already."

"Don't let me stop you."

"I didn't bring them with me, Meghan."

"Well, you could do what I do."

"What's that?"

"When my lover can't be with me, I use my fingers."

"Well, I suppose I could. But, are you sure it would be alright? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Meghan gave a laugh. " How about I start off first?" she asked as she pushed a hand down to her pussy while watching her aunt.

Betty watched as Meghan's fingers first made a couple of circles on her clit then pushed lower to probe inside her hairless twat. That was enough to get her going to her panty covered sex. She began by rubbing herself over her panties then suddenly gave it a few quick slaps. She started cumming with the first slap and her release soaked through the already moist underwear.

Meghan jumped up and dove between her aunt's legs. Before she could recover, she started licking at her pussy through the wet cloth, sucking the orgasmic juices from it. Without thinking about it, Betty held Meghan's head to her, and Meghan knew that she had her right where she wanted her. She let two fingers probe around the edge of the material covering her target as she gently sucked at the bump which showed where the protruding clit was, then pushed her fingers into the women's pussy.