Friday Night Delights Ch. 09

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Marisa makes a cake while Jerome enjoys the cream.
4.2k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/09/2015
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The following morning Marisa felt the sun on her eyes as it shone through the blinds in their bedroom. It had been an eventful weekend without a doubt. She turned to the other side of the bed to see that Stephen was still fast asleep. He had been distant since the other day and Marisa frowned. She wondered if Jerome was right last night.

In times like these, when she couldn't tell how to read her husband, Marisa defaulted to a safety plan. She crept out of bed very slowly and pulled her robe that hung from their bedroom door. She looked back once more to see that Stephen did not stir one bit.

A few hours later, among the clanks and the clinks of the pots and pans coming from the kitchen, Stephen rubbed his eyes in half-sleep. He almost found comfort in the sounds, they had drowned out the sounds he had heard the evening before. The commotion from the kitchen had piqued his interest, but when he began to brush his teeth, Stephen remembered the pipes in the reflection behind him.

After a few moments of contemplation, he didn't hesitate a minute longer. Stephen threw on his lazy sweatpants and an old t-shirt. When descended down the stairs , the scent of bananas lingered in the hallway. He barely made a noise and grabbed his car keys, making his way out the door.

Next door, Jerome was rudely awakened by the slam of a car door outside. When he peeked through his blinds, he saw Stephen begin to pull out of the drive way. He wondered what the rush was. He worried that the situation had been more dire than he thought the even prior. Pulling at the bulge at his briefs, Jerome considered smoothing things out with Stephen, but decided to get back into bed and drifted back to sleep.

It was nearly noon when Jerome's door-bell woke him again. At first he ignored it, but the visitor was persistent, as just when he thought they were gone, it rung again. Jerome willed himself out of bed, still contained in his briefs and nothing else, grasping for the maroon silk robe that hung on a trophy. It no longer felt like he was shaking off the rust when getting out of bed.

The bell was rung once more and Stephen noticed the sound of the lock being turned. When Jerome opened the door, Stephen had been accustomed to looking up to the towering neighbor. What he was not accustomed to was seeing said neighbor very scantily covered. It made Stephen clutch the bag he held a little tighter.

"Sup Stephen." Jerome obliged a welcome.

"Oh hey... sorry if I woke you Jerry." Stephen averted his eyes.

"It's alright." Jerome waved him off and waited for a response that took longer than normal. "You need something?"

"Oh yeah!" Stephen blurted, feeling the weight of the bag. "I had to run out to the hardware store for that part you told me I needed. The old lady started to give me some backtal-"

"Yeah I know what you mean."

"Yeah, well... I figured I would go ahead and try to fix it." Stephen took note of Jerome's curt replies and felt ashamed. His gaze kept wandering and a small part of him couldn't believe the indecency Jerome had to be out with his robe open. That's when Stephen caught view of the bulge that wrapped along one side of Jerome's briefs. "Wonder if you could help me with that pipe." He said mindlessly.

"Let me see what you got there." Jerome peeked in the bag and saw the part he had recommended. "Alright, I'll be over there in a minute." He didn't wait for Stephen's response and sent him off.

Back in the Sanders home, Stephen peeked in the kitchen to find Marisa still at work. The silky chemise nightie glided over her smooth skin as she whipped up peaks in the bowl. Had he been able to see any closer, Stephen would have noticed the slight goosebumps she had from the chill of being so scantily clad. He made a note to grab the accompanying robe from the bedroom.

Just as Stephen fixed the bed and tidied up the room, he noticed Jerome cross their drive-way. Not wanting to spoil the surprise from his wife, Stephen rushed down the stairs and quietly made for the front door. He opened it with stealth just as Jerome reached for the door bell.

Without a sound, Jerome held his tool belt a little tighter as Stephen only motioned him to come inside. As he closed the door, Stephen waved them both to the stairs. Jerome couldn't believe the goofy spectacle on display. Stephen tiptoed up and Jerome reluctantly followed.

"Really appreciate you helping out with this." Stephen whispered back to him. "It's right in here." He showed Jerome into the room.

"It ain't no thing Stephen." Jerome surveyed the room. "This is where all the magic happens huh?" He chuckled and recounted some fond memories of the bedroom as he patted Stephen on the back.

"Uh... oh yeah. Definitely." Stephen joined in on the chuckle.

"You got sparkles and everything up in here." Jerome pointed to the wall splayed with gold flecks.

"Sparkles?" Stephen looked at the wall, examining it and attempting to confirm to himself that he had never seen that before. He tried to touch the gold and quickly found it to be a refraction. "Oh that's weird, looks like something is casting this on the wall."

They looked around the room for the culprit for a good moment until Jerome pointed to the window. Their line of sight drew their view across the small space between the houses, into Jerome's house. The light had shined on to a mantle holding his various trophies. "There you go." Jerome pointed it out to him.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Stephen's eyes lit up. "What a collection!" He peered closer. "Is that an MVP award? From your second season in the length? No way."

"Man, you are a true fan. That's damn right." Jerome slapped at Stephen's back again, in pride. "I finally brought those things out of storage and got around to putting them up. Glad to know they're still appreciated." Stephen's silence and slightly stupefied face reminded Jerome to move the work along. "C'mon man, let's get that pipe situation figured out."

The men took to the bathroom and got to work. Jerome took the lead as he understood the process and was willing to show Stephen the way. However when it came to actually replacing the part, Jerome quickly delegated the tool retrieval to Stephen.

"Hmm, you're gonna need a big monkey wrench if we're gonna get her loose." Jerome attempted to twist at a nut. "You got one?"

"I don't think so." Stephen searched his mental inventory of tools. "I might have a pipe wrench in the basement. I can check?" Jerome nodded his head and Stephen took the order to go find it. From the door, Marisa's chemise robe invited his attention and he grabbed it on his way.

Marisa was surprised when she felt the robe put on her shoulders. Stephen had leaned in behind up, his nose tilting up in the air. "Can you guess?" She asked him, but he shook his head. "Really? I thought the smell would give it away. Banana Cream Pie!"

"Oh!" Stephen called out. "You're favorite!" He laughed. "You know, every time you make a pie, something is up."

They both became guarded and slightly quiet. Marisa bit her lip and recovered with a smile. "Oh... you got me." She put her hands up, as if she was guilty. "I thought I would treat myself. Do you know I lost a couple inches on my waist? And I'm down like 15 pounds!"

Stephen appeared dumbfounded. "You're kidding? Really?" He squinted his eyes at her body as she pretended to showcase it. He tried to lift her dress but Marisa slapped his hand away playfully. "Oh yeah, I see it now." They kiss. "Well done babe."

"Mmm I know. I think it's been hitting the gym next door and feeling stronger." Marisa explained as she looked at the pie. "I think I deserve it, don't you?" She smiled.

Stephen tapped her on the tush as he turned to the basement door. "Absolutely. You deserve it all." They shared a smile and Stephen descended into the dark.

The whir of the laundry machines welcomed him as he pulled the string to illuminate the room. His tools were always kept in the box so it didn't take long to find the pipe wrench. What did surprise him was a box of cards he had found on a shelf. In the moments he leafed through them, he was surprised to find Jerome's rookie year card. He pulled it out and tucked it into his shorts, beaming at the idea of having it signed.

He rushed up to their bedroom with wrench in hand. When he stepped into the bathroom, his eagerness was replaced with surprise. Jerome had been standing up and looking at the complete work. "All done Steve. I ended up using this adjustable wrench here." He pointed to the implement on his belt.

"Oh man." Stephen was at a loss for words again. "I'm not sure how to thank you for this Jerome." He pointed to the fixed pipe. "Here I was hoping you'd be kind enough to just show me the way and you've done it for me. It's really nice of you."

Jerome waved off the compliment. "Nah man, it's all good." The sentiment marinated in Jerome's silence. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something from the other day." They both thought back to the events of the evening prior. "I really want to thank you for making me feel like I belong in this neighborhood. It feels good to be considered a neighbor."

"Oh...Jerry... I-" Stephen stammered.

"No no, you don't gotta be modest now. You hooked me up with recommendations for my place. You both have been real cool with me doing work on my property. I really can't ask for a finer neighbor."

The flattery was well written on Stephen's face. "Ah well." He heaved a heavy sigh, feeling at piece with the sentiments. "I can say the same thing for you." He held his hand out and it was met by Jerome's. "You know, at first I was just excited to have a football player from my team next door. But you've come to be a great neighbor who has definitely helped us too." Stephen gestured to the bathroom. "Heck, even Marisa's happy about being in good shape using your gym. So thanks a ton."

Jerome waved him off modestly. "Hey man, anything to help." He began to make his way down the stairs to the foyer. "If there's anything you need, you let me know." He opened the front door and only turned to see Stephen nodding in agreement before he closed it. On the walk back to his house, Jerome wondered if that was enough to convince Stephen of his trustworthiness, to clear his name and conscious.

The clanking from the kitchen had stopped and when Stephen stroll in, Marisa wasn't there. But moments later, he heard his name called out from the second floor. He sprint up to find that his wife stood in a pleased disbelief of the bathroom. "Wow, when did you do this?" Marisa eyed the fresh pipework in the bathroom. "I'm pretty sure I didn't hear any noise from up here this whole time!"

Stephen folded his arms in affirmation. "Yep, there was nothing to it." He leaned in the doorway but didn't pretend to be too comfortable. "Actually, Jerry helped me out."

Marisa shook her head knowingly. "Is there anything that man can't do?" She shook it again when Stephen shrugged. "Well you should've told me! I could've gave him a slice of the pie just as a thank you."

"Oh well, I suppose that's just what neighbors do for each other." Stephen rationalized but his wife would not have it. "But I guess if you think that's for the best." He quickly back-tracked to appease.

Marisa gave him the look and her pulled her robe together as she made it toward the stairs. Stephen followed her down. In the kitchen, she took a plate and carefully carved a slice of the pie to serve. Before Stephen could fish out the card in pocket, Marisa had already slipped out the patio door with the plate. Stephen looked at the card again and wondered if there were more in the basement.

Next door, Jerome heard the knock on the glass door to his patio. He looked up from his push-ups and his eyes traveled up the toned, tan legs of his neighbor. He took his towel and wiped off the sweat from his chest and thighs as he made his way to the door. But before opening, he made sure the coast was clear as he wasn't about to open the door in just his briefs again. "Man... what is this?" He saw the plate and let her in.

"Just a slice of temptation." Marisa laughed as she modeled the plate. "Phew, I was sweating just watching you do those push-ups."

"I bet you were." Jerome shook his head. "What you doing over here anyway? I just smoothed things out with your husband. I can't be having that drama now."

"Oh please. Stephen was practically gushing about how you helped him." Marisa touched at Jerome's bare chest. "I had to get out of there before he gave me something for you to sign!" She laughed.

"Ah shit. You know that reminds me." Jerome looked towards his foyer. "I need to get rid of some team memorabilia. Maybe your super fan might take it off my hands?"

"Are you kidding me? He would lose his mind to have that stuff."

"Well, it's the least I could do." Jerome smiled and surveyed Marisa's figure. "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, that kinda thing." He turned towards the foyer. "Check it out and see what he'd like."

As they disappeared up the stairs, Stephen also ascended from his basement. He held a stack of cards from Jerome's team members. He grew optimistic that maybe Jerry would get his friends to sign them too. That's when remember that there were a few posters in their bedroom closet that could be signed too. He rushed up there quickly to see if he had them. He looked to see the glimmer of Jerome's trophies on his wall, but realized the sun had already moved on. Yet, it didn't stop him to look out his window to see them himself.

What he didn't expect, was to see that Marisa was now in the view, with Jerome, admiring the memorabilia. Stephen stepped aside from his window so as not to be seen. Marisa was pointing at the pieces and Jerome appeared to explain how they were earned. Marisa had reached for a signed football on a high shelf. Jerome stood with his arms folded and Stephen noticed him tilting his head to see Marisa's robe rise up as she leaned forward. He didn't expect to feel the tightness in his own pants.

"Wow, now this is something I think he would love." Marisa witnessed the autographed ball in her hand.

"Oh yeah? That might be a tough one for me to part with." Jerome reflected and continued.

"That's from the 2002 bowl game championships!" Stephen whispered to himself, instantly identifying the object.

"That was my first championship game ball. We went undefeated that year." Jerome explained and took the ball from Marisa's hands. "Collectors probably pay a pretty penny for this one." He reminisced for the moment.

"Well, what is it going to take for me to get for my husband?" Marisa laughed as she loosened the knot on her robe. Jerome noticed the gesture.

"I don't know. I mean. Nothing short of straight up begging you know?" He palmed the ball and pointed his open palm to the floor. "You might just have to get on your knees, that kind of begging."

Stephen saw the pair go back and forth in conversation and wondered if he was going to get the ball. He couldn't hear them, but it looked like Jerome was willing to give Marisa the ball. When he held his hand out, Stephen looked to Marisa to see if she would accept Jerome's deal. His wife was no easy sell, and he knew she was thinking as her hands were on her waist. When she nodded her head, Stephen pumped his fist in the air in jubilation.

When he looked again, Marisa lowered herself to her knees, nearly disappearing from the window frame. Stephen could see her hands clasped together and towards Jerome. She said something and then Jerome replied waving his open palm towards him and towards her. Marisa nodded her head and spoke some more. Stephen couldn't stand the suspense much longer and he had to convince her to get the ball. He managed to tear his attention away from the window and rushed to get his phone to send her a text. He had composed it on his way back up the stairs and stood near the window, he looked again before sending.

The sight stopped his typing. Jerome's hands were proudly perched on his chiseled waist and Stephen outlined Marisa's brown hair cascading across her face as she bobbed in front of Jerome's torso. When she finally moved her hair behind her ear, Stephen could see the giant black cock stuffed in his wife face as she held it by the base. He had never seen her suck with such fervor. Jerome started to toss the ball between his hands while Marisa dutifully worked for it.

Stephen was mesmerized. She had quickly taken to using two hands to address what was hidden in Jerome's briefs. Stephen couldn't help it, and indeed didn't realize it until he felt a wetness from his own pants, that he was stroking himself. It was a surprise after-effect of seeing his wife slather the black dong for him. The only thing to break the gaze was Jerome intervening. His dark hand now found itself behind Marisa's head. His neighbor was scooping and gathering his wife's hair, to cradle and pump her mouth. And when he was done, he gently pulled at her to stand up.

Stephen fondled at his phone again, but couldn't tear himself away from the sight again. He noticed the sloppy wetness glistening down Marisa's chin and down her chest. Jerome had slipped his finger under the strap of the nightie and lowered each one off its respective shoulder. Stephen had never seen his wife's clothes fall off of so quickly, like silk over marble. Jerome's hand slid onto Marisa's smooth crotch and Stephen was surprised to see Marisa's hands struggle around Jerome's cock.

Jerome wrapped his other hand and arm around Marisa's waist and lifted her up, placing her legs on his bed. They shared a few quick words Stephen couldn't decipher and Marisa's leg began to curve around Jerome's waist. He was already at the draw holding his monster cock and Marisa's ass, beginning their introduction. Marisa held her mouth when she felt it go in. Stephen had no idea that this had always been the reaction. The other leg grasped around Jerome's back and he lifted Marisa up as he turned and sat at the foot of the bed.

Marisa put her hands on Jerome's thighs, leaning back and thrusting in delight. Stephen saw Jerome's big lips suckled and pull at Marisa's nipples while she polished and buffed away at the black pole inside her. He could see her tight ass clench at the massive presence. When she brought her arms back up and pull them around Jerome's neck, they indulged in deep kisses. Stephen strained to see this and couldn't keep his eyes off the way his wife's body moved on a real cock.

Jerome pulled at Marisa's hair and pushed her legs to grasp tighter around him. Stephen could only imagine the noise coming from Marisa's open mouth to the ceiling. Jerome's forearm reached around Marisa's lower back and they nodded to each other. The arm cradled her butt and Jerome's sinewy thighs rose up off the bed. He stood and turned, Stephen baring witness to the rod that had been implanted way up his wife's pussy from behind. When Jerome moved his hands to Marisa's cheeks, the parting revealed the white cream that had been coaxed from her.

The rhythmic pumping was hypnotic. Stephen fixated on the way Marisa's pussy drooled down the black shaft and huge balls, eventually dripping to the floor. When he finally trailed up to see his wife's expression, he only saw the back of her head, but next to it, Jerome looking directly at him through the window. Stephen jerked away from sight and felt the sticky sensation where he had been rubbing, the gloss left his eyes. He reached for his phone out of confusion and accidentally sent her the text.

Stephen held the phone and cautiously turned to look through window, out of sight. Marisa had returned to her knees and braced Jerome's chocolate cock in front of her open mouth. Milking it with both hands, she spit on it and ensured an effective delivery of goods. However, Jerome tapped her shoulder and pointed to her robe on the bed. Marisa noticed the illuminated screen and waved it off. Eager to receive her gift, she plugged her mouth and doubled her efforts. Stephen gripped his phone tighter.