For Closure Ch. 02

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He takes the wife.
4.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 02/14/2011
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Feeling positively voyeuristic studying the interaction between Leslie Carmen, her husband and two daughters out by the pool from his hidden perch inside the kitchen, Chase watched the 45 year old woman hand a glass of lemonade to the pregnant older girl then stride to the other side of the pool and deliver one of her youngest.

In between, Lyle Carmen barely acknowledged his wife's presence, only raising the empty glass he'd been drinking his scotch from when she walked by him a second time.

"What a douche bag," Chase couldn't help but think as he watched Leslie take Lyle's glass and re-fill it from the bottle sitting on the table in the shade.

Looking over to his right, Chase saw the cluttered pile of bills on the Carmen's kitchen table. Juxtaposing that reality with the affluent facade Lyle and Leslie were still trying to put forth brought a wry little grin to Chase's face. Having grown up rather poor, coming to these people's homes through his line of work always brought a level of internal amusement to the young man. Seeing the lengths these rich bastards would go through to make everyone else on the block think they were one step ahead of the race was priceless, and in the Carmen's case, it was extra rich considering several people on the street had already been kicked off the curb.

Strolling over to the pile of bills, Chase thumbed through them until he found a past due notice from Nevada Fidelity.

"HHMMM..HA," his chuckle echoed through the empty kitchen. "Guess they knew I'd show up at some point!"

Given all the professional joy he was taking from all this, Chase never lost sight that this visit was much more personal. Casually walking back to the sink to check on the progression of things outside, Chase caught Leslie stealing several quick glances towards the window, as if to see if she could detect anyone's presence inside given the angle of the Sun that time of the day.

That's about when Chase suddenly perked up. Lyle Carmen had steadied himself with his freshly filled glass of scotch before pulling himself out of his deck chair.

"Son of a Bitch is going to come inside," was Chase's first instinct when he saw the older man stagger to his feet and point his wife off to the side.

A look of confused indecision written like graffiti across Leslie's normally stern and no-nonsense face, even Chase held his breath for the next few seconds to play out. Bracing himself for possibly having to come face to face once again with Lyle Carmen, this time in the man's very own home, Chase shook his head with disbelief when he saw the older man drunkenly stumble towards the edge of the pool.

Seeing the look of exasperation and unease in Leslie's gait as she went to help her 57 year old husband, Chase had to contain his laughter when Lyle awkwardly plopped himself down on an inflatable chair and floated out to the center of the pool.

That moment of comic relief out of the way, Chase turned his attention to Leslie's two daughters. The pregnant one named Candace was sitting no more than 20 feet from the window with her back turned. It was hard to tell whether the girl was napping or intently reading the magazine pushed up to her face as she roasted there under the Sun with a nearly done bun in her oven.

The younger girl, Courtney, was the one who really struck Chase's fancy.

"She looks like a lot of trouble," he assessed correctly, meaning it as quite the compliment, even though he'd never met the girl. It was simply a radar he'd honed over the years.

Propped against the front of the sink as he peered out the window, Chase couldn't help lowering his right hand down to his crotch and massaging the ample log pressing along the inside of his trousers as he alternated his admiring gaze between Leslie and her bikini clad youngest girl.

Not wanting to shoot his wad prematurely, at some point Chase reluctantly pulled his hand away from his crotch and focused his full attention back to Leslie.

"It almost looks like she's standing out there on an island, all by herself," he couldn't help but note.

Leslie's husband, apropo of his current lot in life, was adrift in the center of the pool, drunk without a care in the world. At the very same time, her two daughters were completely absorbed in their own worlds as well, leaving Leslie in the center of her spacious backyard, vacillating over her next ultimate move.

Staring out at the married woman as she stood pensively under the withering midday Sun, as if totally disconnected from the three members of her immediate family, Chase swore he could see the same twinkle of selfish want (and base human need) flickering in Leslie's eyes that he vividly remembered from five years earlier.

It took several more anxious moments of watching Leslie's defenses melt away before Chase finally leaned back and stood at full attention seeing Leslie began her slow and lonely trek back towards the house.

Stealing one last glance at Lyle and the two girls just to make sure they were staying put, none of the three so much as looked Leslie as she bowed her head and rounded the corner of the house.

Stepping back and leaning against the far kitchen counter, Chase folded his arms and waited for Leslie to walk back in. Saying nothing, the younger man simply stared on and grinned like a coyote when Mrs. Carmen re-entered the kitchen.

Studying every subtle move the married woman made, even someone who's heart was as hardened as Chase's skipped a beat when he saw Leslie turn and twist the deadbolt to lock before looking up to face him.

The two then shared what amounted to a face to face, "OK Corral" type moment where each waited for the other to make the next move. Leslie finally did, bowing her head again as she shuffled her feet slowly across the kitchen floor.

"There's a few spots down in the basement...plenty of places to hide in case..," she offered in a whispered tone of resolute acceptance.

If anything, the corners of Chase's already smiling lips creeped even higher on his cheeks hearing the surrender in Leslie's voice. A shake of his head told her what he thought of that option.

"We can't do it in the bedroom...its on the second floor.....and...its..........," Leslie fumbled.

This time Chase simply shot down that option with a stone cold stare.

Reaching out and taking Leslie by her waist before she could untangle the words in her throat, Chase pulled her straight towards him and planted a soul stirring kiss right on her lips.

"UUHHHHH," Leslie gasped, her chest heaving wildly when Chase pulled back.

Absorbing the taste of the kiss as he allowed the gravity of it all to settle around them, Chase eventually used his hands to turn Leslie towards the sink before nudging her in that general direction.

Facing the window once again when Chase pushed her up to the counter, Leslie found herself growing limp in the younger man's vice-like grip. His warm and eager breath cascading down on the back of her head and neck, Leslie shivered once again when she felt the aroused girth of Chase's manhood pressing against her rear end. This time however, instead of stopping there, Chase snuck his hands between Leslie's outstretched arms and closed them around the jiggling swells of her bosom through her loose fitting shirt.

Another feral gasp bled from Leslie's lips as she helplessly grinded backwards against Chase's solid, six foot plus frame.

"....We..can't ..we can'," she begged, sensing now just what the young stud had in mind.

"....We can't....," Leslie tried to repeat herself before Chase rendered her mute.

Her gaze trained forward, numb now to the beautiful day outside, Leslie was vaguely aware of Chase's hands sliding off her breasts and descending back down to her waist. Her eyes filled with a brilliant and blinding neon light a few ticks later when, in one clean and efficient movement, Chase tucked his thumbs into the waistband of Leslie tight black exercise shorts, and jerked them straight down to her feet.

Seeing the woman in front of him flinch, then freeze in horror as he stood back up, Chase's cock lurched visibly inside his pants as Leslie gripped tight to the edge of the sink.

Wasting no time sliding his hands around her from behind, Chase allowed his fingers to follow the warmth until he pressed them into the heated and slickened slit of the woman's puckered fissure. Teasing the steadily fattening pulp of her labia, Chase hungrily kissed the older woman on the neck and shoulders as he forced his index and middle fingers down to the first knuckle inside her.

"......Don't....," Leslie mouthed as if from a million miles away, a sentiment that was clearly betrayed by the way the churning muscles of her vagina seemed to drag his fingers deeper in.

"You didn't shave for me this time," Chase mocked into her left ear as if Leslie should have been expecting him.

As if the indignity of being naked from the waist down in the middle of her own kitchen wasn't enough, Leslie felt Chase's hands close around the bottom of her shirt before he jerked it up as well, allowing both her sizeable breasts to spill free.

While it did resonate with Leslie that she was nearly stripped bare and standing in front of a window overlooking her husband and two girls as they lounged without a care outside, it was clear for the time being she had absolutely no control over what would happen next.

Rutting backwards against Chase as he dipped the fingers of his right hand back inside her flowering crevice, her nipples grew into juicy pink acorns as he gently pinched and tugged at them with the fingers of his left.

"Feel familiar?" he hissed into Leslie's ear when he pushed the bulge protruding from his pants between the crack of her exposed ass.

Rubbing the tented cylinder back and forth several times on the bare skin of her behind until it built up a real friction, Chase continued to gouge his fingers through her pussy until they were coated in her sticky vaginal spritz.

Peeking over Leslie's right shoulder, he could see her outwardly biting down on her lower lip to contain her moans as she clenched her eyes shut. The tendons in her arms working hard to keep her grip on the sink, Chase planted a series of tender kisses along her back and shoulders as he continued to fondle her with both hands.

Stealing another quick glance out the window at some point, Chase could see Lyle Carmen still floating aimlessly around the pool as his two girls bathed lazily in the Sun. Pulling his right hand free from Leslie's steaming crotch when he felt the time was right, Chase heard the involuntary sigh of discontent slip from her lips as she strained and shivered in front of him.

Then he reached for his belt.

Her eyelids still sealed as her world unraveled around her, Leslie could clearly hear Chase undoing his belt before the loosened leather strap tickled the fleshy cheeks of her ass. Gritting her teeth together when she heard him rip his zipper down, Leslie rocked forward on her trembling feet, nearly tripping several times on the twisted knot of her shorts around her ankles.

Freezing in place when Chase's left hand came to rest on her hip, Leslie arched her neck and held her breath when the warmth of the young stud's unsheathed girth pressed against the back of her thighs.

"Oh my," she mouthed when he pulled all the way backwards.

"Look down," he demanded from behind.

Looking down between the swinging orbs of her heavy breasts as she instinctively stepped out of her shorts and spread her feet apart, Leslie could see the upper third of Chase's cock poking out from between her thighs.

"Why don't you reach down and touch it," he commanded.

Bracing her left forearm on the edge of the sink, Leslie clumsily reached down with her right hand and closed her fingers around the spongy and pulsing head of Chase's substantial prick.

"Fuck.....yes....," she heard him spit with pleasure as she awkwardly groped the shaft.

The specter of the three people outside ever-present, with Leslie bent over, Chase had a clear view of Lyle, Candace and Courtney sitting imperviously outside. Using his right hand to maneuver his dick between Leslie's upper thighs, Chase could feel the humid warmth of the married woman's cunt bathing his rod as she spun her fingers around the bulbous and imposing head.

Her forehead pressed down on the edge of the counter, Leslie couldn't fathom the patience Chase was showing as he slowly usurped control over every morsel of her being. Still conscious that her family was less than a hundred feet away while she stood there in such a compromising position, Leslie knew she'd become no more than a lump of clay on the young man's spinning wheel.

"Do you want me to fuck you again...finish what I started back in Reno?" Chase taunted, gliding his left hand through Leslie's long blonde hair as he sawed his cock back and forth across the rim of her snatch with his right.

"...Hurry up," he heard Leslie's muffled reply as she squeezed her thighs anxiously around his gloriously plump erection.

Loving the perverse and primal buildup, Chase continued to tease Leslie with his cock until her wobbly knees were banging into the cabinet door in front of her. Rearing back slightly to get a good look at the raging fire between Leslie's thighs, Chase used his hands to force her legs even further apart until she was perched there in the shape of an upside down Y.

Leaning down and pressing his face forward, Chase stole one quick but filling taste of Leslie's pussy as she teetered above. Admiring the radiant bloom of her aroused sex when he pulled back, Chase reached out and massaged the flowering lips of her labia before spinning his fingers around the swollen nub of her clitoris.

"..Ohhhhh...shhhhiiitttttttt....Ohhhh..fuccckkkkk," Leslie's rumbling hum of appreciation radiated through the room.

Easing back up, Chase wasted no time pushing the head of his turgid phallus where his mouth had just been. Within a few seconds of slicing his manhood deep between the woman's glistening folds, Chase watched as she willingly absorbed his wicked invasion.

Five years seemed to just suddenly dissolve away as their two bodies melded together, just as they'd done that lone night, long ago.

The kitchen quickly filled with the repetitive sound of Chase's midriff crashing into Leslie's rear-end. Propping herself up on the balls of her feet as Chase clutched his hands around her waist, Leslie twisted her head side to side as her titties swung back and forth against the edge of the counter.

"Just as good as I remembered," he grinned down to Leslie as he intensified his forward assault.

Reaching around the front of Leslie's chest once his cock was buried to the hilt inside her, Chase fondled her bare and bouncing breasts, loving the way the muscles of the moaning woman's vagina squeezed around his dick each time he greedily pawed at her heaving bosom.

Pumping forward until the 45 year old woman was balancing on the tips of her toes, Chase slid his hands down from her chest and extended them down to the insides of each of her thighs, forcing them far enough apart to provide the optimum thrusting angle.

It was just as good as Leslie remembered as well, perhaps even better. With each second that passed, the realization deepened that as crude as his methods had been, the fact that this young man had had waited all these years to finish what he started with her tapped into something so erotically depraved inside Leslie, that she'd lost every bit of the decency and control she'd long taken so much pride in.

He'd barged into her house, stripped her down without so much as a struggle, and now had her bent over her kitchen sink, plowing her as if he owned her. For the moment, she was no longer a loyal wife or mother, she was simply a woman in heat, ruthlessly getting her brains fucked out better than perhaps any human being on Earth was at that very moment.

Thankfully, Leslie's head remained bowed and her gaze trained to the floor or she would have been mortified at what Chase suddenly had a front row to see.

Leslie's husband and two daughters had been so lazy and lethargic roasting outside by the pool, Chase had started thinking of them as props scattered across the Carmen's backyard. It wasn't until Leslie's youngest daughter stood up from her beach chair and started walking towards the house that he was jolted back to reality. Continuing to deliver one drilling thrust after another into Leslie's dripping quim from behind, Chase's eyes flared open watching the bikini-clad 18 year old beauty approach the window, not to mention the walkway that led around to the kitchen door.

Looking to his right for just a millisecond to make sure the deadbolt was locked, Chase turned his attention back to the window, looking directly at Courtney Carmen as her tanned and succulent breasts swayed seductively in their skimpy restraints.

Pounding Leslie that much harder as he brazenly sized up her daughter, Chase kept his left hand on the back of the older woman's head just to make sure she wouldn't look up and see what he was seeing.

An eerie and all consuming calm settled over Chase as he watched the young girl come even closer. Deep down, he'd long decided he wasn't going to stop fucking Leslie this time until he was good and ready, no matter what obstacle tried interrupting his dastardly carnal deed.

Even though Courtney had on a pair of darkly tinted sunglasses, Chase was sure she could see him through the window if she happened to look just right.

Reaching beneath Leslie with his right hand and closing his fingers around her clit, Chase tweaked the blood gorged thimble of flesh until it felt as if an entire hive of bees had been unleashed inside her.

Using his foot to kick Leslie's shorts out of the way so he wouldn't trip, Chase steadied himself before burying his cock all the way inside her. Seeing the muscles in Leslie's calves strain upwards and quiver when he did, this time Chase kept it pushed all the way forward, twisting it in slow, stirring circles until her pelvis was rocking in unison with his.

"No way she's gonna look up now..she can barely even stand on her own," was Chase's brutal assessment on Leslie's condition as he kept his eyes glued on Courtney's slow approach.

An internal twinge of disappointment swept through Chase a few seconds later when he saw Courtney stop at one of the shaded tables the Carmens had surrounding the pool and pick up her pack of Newports.

"Damn," he muttered under his breath, continuing his steady, gut-wrenching churns inside the married woman as he watched her youngest daughter light up, grab a bottle of sunscreen, then turn to walk back to her seat by the pool.

Pulling backwards until only the head of his prick was tucked between the clinging lips of Leslie's vagina, Chase admired the syrupy mire drenching the shaft. Watching Courtney's exquisite, apple-shaped tush sashay back and forth in her bikini bottoms as she made her way back to the far side of the pool, Chase licked his lips and sighed before ramming his cock all the way back inside Leslie's gushing quim.

His cock feeling like forged steel as he slammed it between Leslie's thighs, Chase could feel a seething rush of adrenaline saturating his heart as he soaked in the perversity of the moment.

Keeping one eye on Courtney as she sat down and proceeded to rub lotion over her exposed body, Chase kept the other on the girl's Mother who was now writhing uncontrollably below. It wasn't long after all that Chase felt the first tickling tingle of his reservoir of cum beginning its slow, rolling boil to the surface.

Having decided weeks earlier that this particular Saturday would be the day he'd make the drive out to Henderson to visit the Carmens, Chase had intentionally refrained from any sort of sexual contact for a full 10 days. By the time he stepped foot in the house, the testosterone in his system had built up to seemingly toxic levels. Walking around for the previous few days like a thundercloud just waiting to rip open, when Chase saw all three folks outside back in their original spots, he tightened his grip on Leslie and let all that built-up frustration brutally tear loose.