Floridian Fantasy


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"Impressive," she replied with a wan smile.

"Yes it is," he replied, with a smirk. He got back up to his feet and walked to the side of the trail, and closer to her. "Want to get a better look?"

"I ... I ..." she stuttered, feeling that she had started something she didn't know how to stop.

"You'll have to come over here then," he said as he held out his hand towards her. She moved closer and took his hand. He pulled her to him, the suddenness of his action causing her to stumble into his arms, making her gasp. He held her close, his arm encircling her waist.

"Like what you see?" he said.

She glanced down at the now prominent bulge between his legs.

"Yes," she mumbled, feeling the heat in her body rise as the unmistakeable tingling sensation of arousal began to manifest itself inside her pussy.

"Yes it's a great sight. But I feel you're not looking at it properly," he said in reply. "Look at that vista, the way the pine trees soar majestically into that gorgeous prussian blue sky. If Bob Ross was still alive he would be waxing lyrical about that view, and reaching for his paintbrushes and palette."

"Sorry ..." she said, now confused as to what he'd just said. And who the hell was Bob Ross?

Bryce took a sideways glance at her, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Come on then, time to finish our run. Only another five miles to go!"

They set off at a brisk pace. The circular trial they were running was popular, largely well trodden and level, so running at speed wasn't much of a problem. The heat increased as the sun rose higher in the sky, what cloud cover there'd been had now dispersed to leave a pristine clear, blue sky.

Running smoothly, Jeanie was pleased with herself. As Bryce had said, it was far better than running on a treadmill. She estimated that they were probably about two miles, maybe less, from the car park where Bryce's car was parked.

In front of her, Bryce was setting a good pace. But she couldn't help but admire the way his ass cheeks clenched and then relaxed inside his shorts. For an older man, he was in really good trim. Mildly disgusted with herself for her lewd thought, she glanced off to the side to sneak a quick look at the valley below.

It was the sudden shout of, "Look out," that made her look back, just in time to see Bryce jumping to the side to avoid a small tree that lay fallen across the track.

She shrieked in surprise as she tried to hurdle the obstruction in her path, the cry turning from one of surprise to one of pain as she slammed into the tree trunk, her late, futile attempt to jump failing miserably.

"Oh my god, are you alright," Bryce said, as he rushed to her aid. "Here, let me see."

She cried out as he carefully extricated her foot from the branch that had caused her demise. Lifting her up in his arms he looked around, searching for somewhere to take her to sit her down.

"Ahh there," he said, as he saw what he was looking for. He carried her to a relatively flat rock formation and carefully lowered her down.

"Right, let's have a look see," he said, as he took hold of her ankle and began to meticulously check her over.

"Where does it hurt?" he asked.

"Everywhere," Jeanie replied, sniffling as she wiped away some tears from her cheeks.

"Can you be a bit more specific?" he said softly, trying hard not to laugh. "Is it your ankle or your foot, or even your leg?"

"Yes," Jeanie replied.

"Okay. Here, take a drink of water whilst I have a look. I promise I won't hurt you, I just need to assess if there's anything broken, or whether you've just strained some ligaments. So tell me ... does it hurt here ... if I do this?"


"What about here?"


"And here?"


"So I guess that's a yes then?"

"Yes ... please don't, it really hurt when you just touched it."

"Okay ... but I just need to check one more thing. Hold still."

Jeanie leaned back, propping herself up on her arms, and took another drink from her water bottle. Bryce sat in front of her, feeling her ankle, until satisfied he could move it, took hold of her foot, and placed in between his legs.

"I can't see any obvious signs that you've broken anything. Can you wiggle your toes for me?"

Jeanie complied and wiggled her toes.

"Does it hurt to do that?"


"Fine, if you can move them, then your foot probably isn't broken. And if didn't hurt where I first touched you, then I very much doubt you have a broken ankle either. However, there is still the possibility you could have a hairline fracture, so we still need to be careful."


"Right let me just check to see if there is any ligament damage."

Taking hold of her ankle he began to probe with his fingers. With no cries of pain from Jeanie he surmised that she had possibly just twisted her ankle. But she wasn't to know that. And he wasn't about to inform her of that fact.

As he held her foot in his hands so his eyes wandered along her outstretched leg. Her skin was tanned and smooth, her leg shapely and toned. He adjusted his hold on her foot, shuffling about as if trying to take a more comfortable seat on the hard, uncompromising surface of the rock. But it was but a ploy, the movement of his body was made only to open her legs just a little bit wider without raising suspicion.

He began to carefully massage her foot, sliding smoothly up to her ankle, appearing as if he knew what he was doing to ease her pain, as he made his move.

As his hands slid up her calf, so he glanced up into Jeanie's face. Her eyes had closed as she lolled back, her body supported by her arms, as she melted into the sensual massage that this had become.

Bryce was in no hurry. Women were so easy to seduce when it came to body massages. And he was an expert in it. They were putty in his hands.

He moved nearer as he slid his hands higher towards her thigh. He could see her camel toe clearly now. He smirked to himself. He was sure it looked more pronounced. And he was sure the wetness staining her gym shorts wasn't just sweat.

Jeanie had never felt so relaxed in her life just from having her leg massaged. The pain had all but gone as she rested her foot in Bryce's lap. She sighed as she felt his hands gliding over her smooth flesh, along her calf and up onto her thigh. It was soooo good!

She jolted, her eyes opening as she realized that he had moved closer to her and her foot was now nestled against something that was hard yet soft at the same time. She looked down at Bryce's crotch to see her foot rubbing against the large bulge in his gym shorts.

It should have disgusted her. But it didn't. She should have reacted in horror at what had just occurred. But she didn't. She should have struggled to her feet and insisted that they get down the trial so she could go to the hospital and get checked over. But she couldn't.

Instead she let Bryce lift her up in his strong arms and bring her closer to sit down in his lap. Her legs went around his waist as her arms instinctively closed around his neck. She stared into his eyes.

"Thank you," she said.

"For what?" Bryce replied quizzically.

"For helping me," she said.

She leaned forward and kissed him. The kiss was slow and sensuous, their lips melding together to become one, their tongues soon wrestling inside their mouths for supremacy. The kiss deepened as Jeanie felt a finger rubbing against her pussy lips. She wriggled in his lap. It felt so good.

"Tormentor," she breathed huskily, as the rubbing intensified, two fingers now in play, causing her to wriggle in his lap even more.

The smacking of their lips grew loud as they continued to kiss. It was frenzied and passionate, lips sliding against each other, tongues forced deep to maximise the pleasure they were both feeling.

Bryce removed his fingers from Jeanie's mound. She groaned in disappointment. It was short lived as he tugged at her top, dragging it clear of her shorts before she lifted up her arms to enable him to remove it. Her breasts flopped out and settled. They looked even better now he could see them in all their naked glory. He tossed her top to one side and then looked at his prize.

"You like?" she said, coquettishly.

"Utterly divine," he replied, as each hand closed around a plump breast. "So big, and so perfect," he added, as he began to fondle and manipulate her large meaty orbs.

A deep earthy moan escaped from Jeanie's throat as Bryce locked onto the one thing that turned her on more than kissing. His fingers brushed against her swollen nubs. They were hard and erect, sticking out lewdly from her breasts, just begging to be pinched, squeezed or twisted and tweaked.

Luckily, Bryce was a master of all those things. Jeanie began to gasp and groan loudly as he sucked and nibbled and feasted on her nipples. She rocked against his body, still sitting in his lap, feeling his large erection against her mound, rubbing her, making her desperate for a release, as they kissed with an ever increasing fervor.

Her hand dropped between her legs, searching for his cock. It didn't take her long. It was rock hard and confined as it was because she was mostly sitting on it, she couldn't get her fingers around the shaft. But she already knew it was large.

"Here, let me help you," Bryce said, as he stopped sucking on her nipples. He stood up, lifting Jeanie up with him as he did so. She marvelled at his strength as she clung to his neck. He set her down gently, she standing on one leg, with a hand on his shoulder for balance as he removed his shorts.

"HEY!" she exclaimed, as he swiftly removed hers as well. "Who gave you permission to do that?" she added.

He grinned at her, which infuriated her a little bit. Did he think she was that easy?

"Just what the hell do you think you're ..."

Her voice was cut off mid speech as Bryce unceremoniously shoved a finger up inside her pussy. She squealed in shock as he began to thrust in and out rapidly, his thumb catching on her clit as he did so.

He crushed his lips to hers, forcing them to part as he shoved his tongue inside her mouth. Unable to stop him, Jeanie finally began to relax and kiss him back. Her arm coiled around his neck as she responded, moving closer, melding her body with his, giving in to his urgent ministrations, and letting him do as he wanted.

She squealed again as he suddenly lifted her up. Her arms were around his neck, her legs coiled around his waist as he carried her over to a large rock. He pushed her up against the huge slab of rough granite.

Jeanie was in awe. She wasn't heavy by any means, but no man had ever done this to her before. It was a dominating display of overt masculinity, and a total turn on for her.

"Ohhhh fuuucckkk," she gasped, as Bryce lowered her slowly down onto his erection. Despite his size, she seemed to take it easily. Soon he was buried balls deep inside her wetness.

He held her there as he stared into her eyes. A feeling of complete contentment flowed through her body. She couldn't recall ever feeling this way before. And she certainly would never have thought it would be with the mild-mannered Dean from her school.

He kissed her, their tongues engaging, lips moving together as he began to lift her up and down his shaft. She gasped and grunted, moaned and groaned as he picked up the pace, his hips moving faster, speeding her through two orgasms that rocked her to the core.

How did he have the strength to hold her up, and why was the sex so good? Her ankle no longer gave her cause to worry. All her focus was on her next climax. She came again, blanking out for a second or two before she felt him stiffen inside of her. And then she felt it. He pulsed, groaning loudly as he deposited the contents of his balls deep inside her pussy.

She clung to him as the both rode the waves of their final coupling, their lips mashing together as they continued to kiss deeply, before finally sated, it was over.

Bryce slowly let her down, Jeanie finally releasing the near death grip she had on his neck.

They stared at each other, their naked bodies glistening with sweat, his cock still engorged, her nipples still red and swollen. Her hair was a mess, damp strands sticking to her forehead. They were both struggling to control their breathing, such was the exertion from their frantic connection.



Once more I awoke from my latest dream. Or was it a nightmare? I was no longer sure.

There's a whole lot of information out there on the internet regarding dreams. What they are and why we have them. But the bottom line appears to be that no-one really knows anything.

I've heard it said that you dream the opposite of what occurs or would occur in real life. So if that was the case then I had little to worry about. Whilst in my dreams so far Jeanie had been fucked by every one of her male acquaintances, in real life she hadn't or wouldn't.

But if that was the case, why did it bother me so? Or DID it bother me? I just didn't know anymore. As I stated earlier, I'm not prone to jealousy. But wasn't this some form of the green eyed monster?

A person could go mad trying to fathom this out!





As I've said earlier, not so long ago Jeanie had finally taken the plunge and bought a house. She lives alone, except when it's her turn for custody of her son.

It seems like a nice neighborhood, the people who live there seem friendly enough, especially the older retired neighbor that lives just down the street, who has already befriended her.

Oscar is his name, he's in his sixties and recently retired. He's fairly big, not fat, although he does have a bit of a beer paunch. But he's tall and I guess he was probably a good looking guy in his younger days. As soon as she moved in he came around to see if she needed any help. He checks in on her often to see how she is and if she needs any help. So far he's mowed her lawn a few times and carried out the odd minor household repair. And despite her best efforts, he's refused to accept payment for any of the jobs he's carried out for her.

Jeanie feels bad not paying him, but he's said he's just happy to get out from under his wife's feet because since he retired she just nags at him all the time.

Personally I suspect he only visits her because he's got a dirty mind and wants to perv on her. As usual though, my naive girlfriend is totally oblivious to what I think are his nefarious intentions.

Anyway, the other day he'd been around again and done a bit of weeding for her. She was talking about making a pie or something as a thank you for his help. I teased her that she should show him her boobies instead. Needless to say, Jeanie wasn't amused. This time she didn't roll her eyes!




Jeanie glanced out of the kitchen window to see that Oscar was just putting the lawn mower away in the garage. He'd made a good job of cutting the grass, he'd even edged it too, and done a little bit of weeding.

She smiled. She appreciated his efforts. It was very kind of him to offer, especially on such a hot afternoon. Even from inside the house she could see he was sweating profusely.

As he came in through the back door she offered him a glass of ice cold lemonade.

"Here you go Oscar, I'm sure you really need this," she said, with a smile.

He smiled as he took the glass from her outstretched hand. "You read my mind," he replied with a chuckle, "although an ice cold brewski would have been even better!"

"You can have a beer next if you want, Jeanie replied, "but you need to drink that first to avoid dehydration."

"Yes MOM!" Oscar replied with a broad grin. Jeanie chortled in response.

"Perfect, that hit the spot," Oscar said, as he smacked his lips together, having downed the glass of lemonade in one go. He put the glass down on the table and turned to go.

"Right, I'll be off then."

"Don't you want your beer?" Jeanie said.

No, I'll get out of your hair. I don't want to bother you and Corey. Besides, I badly need to take a shower and put on some clean clothes."

"It's no bother, besides I could use the company to be honest. Corey's with his dad for the next few weeks, so I'm home all alone."

"Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that," Oscar said, "it must be tough being separated from your son."

"Well it's not easy," she replied, with a wan smile, "but it is what it is, and I do get to see him at school every day, so that makes it a bit easier."

"Yes, I guess it does," Oscar said. He shrugged his shoulders. "I sorta know what you're going through. My wife's spends more time with our daughter and grand-kids than she does with me."

Jeanie shook her head. "I didn't realize that, but I confess I've never seen much of your wife since I moved in here."

"Yeah, that's because she's nearly always there. She would move if she had her way."

"So why don't you?"

"Well, for one, we can't afford to move to where they live, it's very expensive to even rent let alone buy. And second, I can't stand my daughter's partner. He's a fucking sanctimonious prick."

"Ahh, right," Jeanie replied, raising her eyebrows in surprise. She'd never heard Oscar swear before.

"Anyway, I should go," Oscar said, "don't want to keep you any longer talking about my problems." He turned to go.

"Oscar ... would you like to have dinner with me tonight? I could do with the company to be honest, and I've got plenty, so it won't be a problem."

Oscar looked at her. She was wearing a very short, light summer skirt that even loose, still clung tightly to her delectable butt. Her white top too was short and nicely showcased her sizable breasts, and judging by the two small lumps on the front she didn't appear to be wearing a bra. And was it his imagination that those two lumps had gotten bigger in the last couple of minutes?

Jeanie saw the lust in his eyes and knew where he was looking. She could feel her nipples swelling and pressing against her tee shirt. Is that all it took these days, a look from a man and she got all flustered and excited?

"That's very kind of you Jeanie," Oscar replied with a smile. "I'll just go home and shower and change."

"You can shower here if you want," Jeanie blurted out.

Oscar looked at her quizzically. He smiled. "Okay, but I still need a change of clothes. But I'll bring some wine back with me."

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes I do," he answered, leaving her in no doubt he wouldn't accept her refusal.

"Okay," Jeanie replied meekly.

He was back within eight minutes. Jeanie showed him to the bathroom. Once she'd left he stripped off his clothes and turned on the shower. As he went to step inside the shower cubicle, so the bathroom door swung open and in breezed Jeanie.

"I just realized that I hadn't brought you a towel Os ... car."

Her voice trailed off as her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open.

Surprised by the sudden opening of the door, Oscar had swung around, giving Jeanie a perfect view of his body.

Jeanie gulped. She couldn't tear her eyes away from his cock. It was enormous. Even flaccid it appeared to hang halfway down to his knees. And not only was it long, it was thick too. And behind it were two of the biggest testicles she'd ever seen. She licked her lips.

"I ... I ... I'm ... so ... so sorry ..." she stuttered, still seemingly unable to drag her eyes away from Oscar's magnificent cock. Somehow she recovered her poise, dropped the towel onto the floor and stepped back out of the door, closing it softly behind her. She heard the shower start as she leaned back against the wall. Her breathing was ragged, and her heart was pounding wildly in her chest.

She finally managed to recover sufficiently from her shock to make it back to the kitchen. She was busy setting the plates out on the table when Oscar joined her.