Florida Whore: Daisy Makes Them Men

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A hooker deflowers a pair of eighteen year olds in a garage.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 08/22/2015
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Daisy leaned back in the bath tub and tipped her beer can up to her lips. The bitter brew rushed down her throat and drowned the butterflies in her stomach.

She had no reason to be nervous. It wasn't like this would be her first time with a stranger. She was twenty three years old and had been with a lot of men since her freshman year of high school. Hell, just a few days ago she had knelt between two cars and sucked off a client in the middle of a parking lot.

But she had known him from school. Her next client was a complete and total stranger. There were no dates or flirtatious text messages to get to know him. For two hundred dollars she was supposed to go to his house and take every inch of him in her tight body.

It wasn't too late, she could still call it off. No money had been exchanged or contracts signed. She could still go out and find a job. There were a few more nursing homes and hospitals that she could apply to and if that didn't work she could always go into retail.

Daisy thought back to her job as a cashier in high school and downed the rest of her beer. There was no way she was going back to that hell hole. She took a deep breath and exhaled and tried to ignore the Florida heat that wafted through the open window.

She couldn't just quit on her second client. This was a dream job. She didn't have to answer to any suit wearing tyrants and could make money doing something she enjoyed. No matter who it was with sex was better than washing bed pans and inserting catheters into elderly people. Yes sir better by a mile.

Daisy tossed the empty can in the trash and opened another one. Why had she ever thought nursing would be good for her? She glanced at the maroon nursing scrubs that were hung on the the bathroom door and drank slowly.

It had been her mother's idea. What better way to meet a man than to nurse them back to health. Neither of them had counted on her getting hired by the Duggarville Nursing home but Daisy had been optimistic. After all old people had sons, handsome drop dead gorgeous sons.

She had met such a man shortly after taking the job and it had turned into the worst two years of her life. He was gone and forgotten now and she was done with relationships at least for a little while. She wanted to feel free again the way she had in high school bouncing from man to man and with no one but herself to worry about. It was just one more reason to keep her appointment.

Daisy finished washing and pulled the plug on the drain before she stood up and dried off. She tossed the towel in the hamper and walked naked into the next room. There wasn't much space what with it being a studio apartment above her land lord's garage.

She had a small kitchenette towards the front of the room and a bed shoved against the back wall underneath the window. There was a leather sofa she had picked up on the side of the road and a small stand with a twenty three inch flat screen on it. Other than the bathroom the only other space she had was the closet where she kept her dresser and other clothes.

Daisy did not mind the small space though. For eight hundred dollars a month it was all hers and the heat and electric were included. It certainly beat living in her mother's decrepit mobile home.

She opened her closet and stared at the shirts and dresses hanging inside and contemplated what to wear. Should she dress like a hooker? How did hookers dress? She didn't have much, mostly jeans, t-shirts, shorts and sun dresses. Didn't hookers wear micro dresses and fishnet stockings?

Daisy drank her beer and mulled it over. It wasn't rocket science. This man wasn't going to be her future husband. He was going to spread her legs and slide his hard cock inside of her then she would leave two hundred dollars richer. Still it was an important decision.

Halfway through her third beer she gave up worrying and decided to treat it like any other casual date. She chose a simple black tank top with a pair of short white shorts then set them on the bed and opened her underwear drawer. She added an orange bra and matching thong to her ensemble then grabbed her white sneakers from the floor of the closet.

Daisy sat on the bed in plain sight of the window and turned her lap top on. While it booted up she pulled the thin orange thong up her long legs and firmly into place. She put her bra on backwards to secure the clasp easier then spun it around and slid her arms through the straps.

Outside her land lord was busy weeding his flower beds. Or he would have been if he had not looked up and saw Daisy dressing in the window. She felt him staring and turned towards the window and waved at him. He flinched and jerked his head down to the flower beds and Daisy laughed.

The perv was always looking in on her but she didn't mind. Mr. Higgins was a lonely man in his late fifties and widowed. He had always been kind and even let her miss her last two rent payments. She saw no harm in giving him a free show every once in a while. Especially when she enjoyed being watched.

She put on the rest of her outfit and opened her email. The newly minted account already had a few messages promising to show her tips for male enhancement but she was more concerned with the one at the bottom of the inbox. She double clicked on it and read the message aloud.

"I would like to hire you for a few hours. Please arrive at two o'clock p.m. Park one block away and walk to the side door of the garage. Please be discreet."

Daisy checked the time and cussed. It was already one ten and the drive would take at least forty minutes and that was only if her car cooperated. She grabbed her purse and keys and took the stairs down to her beat up yellow Honda and climbed inside.

"Please start," Daisy said.

She inserted the key and listened to the engine wheeze and cough. "Come on don't hate me now. I swear I'll get you new tires and an oil change but right now you have to start." On the third try the engine coughed and sputtered and came to life. She thanked her lucky stars and eased the car out of the garage and out onto the dirt road.

Daisy sped all way to town only slowing when the dirt road gave way to black top. She double checked the address at a stop light then turned left and followed Main Street west out of town. By one fifty three she found the house and drove another block before she parked.

The house itself was a lavish dark green two story home with black trim and a well manicured lawn complete with a three car garage and privacy hedges around the property. She ignored it's affluent brilliance and hurried to the side of garage and knocked.

The door opened enough for a face to peek out at her and she smiled. "Hello," She said. "I'm Daisy."

The door opened wider and the man behind it waved her in. As she stepped through the door he shut it behind her and she stopped in her tracks.

There were no cars in the garage but a row of work benches and tool chests lined the back wall and a tall air mattress had been blown up in the corner. A TV had been set up next to the air mattress along with a video game system and laptop and a simple red rug had been placed in front of the mattress.

A teenager in dark skinny jeans and a white tank top sat on the air mattress and waved once at her.

"What's going on?" Daisy said. "I thought there was only suppose to be one of you."

"There was but then I told Alex about my plan and he insisted on joining in."

Her supposed client was a huskier teenager with short blond hair and blue eyes. Unlike his friend he wore a pair of baggy red shorts and a t-shirt with a foreign cartoon character on it and white ankle socks.

Daisy held onto her purse and took a step back. "What exactly is your plan?" She said.

"Nothing crazy," He said. "Alex and I are" He went quiet for a moment and looked at his feet. "we're virgins and we'd like to remedy that before graduation."

Daisy's brow furrowed and she chewed on her bottom lip. She had been expecting a lot of things but not this. "How old are you guy's exactly?"

"We're eighteen, I swear," He said. "look we have I.D." He snapped his finger at his friend and said "Alex get over here."

The gawky teenager hopped off the air mattress and almost tripped over his own foot on his way to the door. He was a tall, scrawny kid with long curly red hair and the faint traces of a mustache.

With shaking hands the boys dug out their wallets and handed her their I.D's. She held them up to the light and squinted at the small print then passed them back once she was sure they were eighteen.

"My name's Jeff by the way and this is Alex." He sighed and said "but you already knew that from reading our I.D.'s"

"Smooth one dude," Alex said.

Jeff slapped his arm and said "Shut up Mr. Trips A Lot."

"You know I have vertigo man I can't help it," Alex said.

Daisy raised her hand and interjected. "Um boys can we get back to the plan here?" She said. "I'm suppose to fuck one guy for two hundred dollars not two for the price of one."

"Oh don't worry I've got money too," Alex said.

He fumbled with his wallet again and pulled a wad of tens and twenties from it. Jeff did the same but with two crisp one hundred dollar bills. Daisy reached out and counted to make sure it was all there then dropped it in her purse.

"So that means you'll do it?" Jeff said. "that's what the money in the purse means?"

"You aren't robbing us are you?" Alex said.

Jeff rolled his eyes. "She's not robbing us you idiot, she'd have a gun or a knife."

"You don't know, they've got kick boxing at the gym now," Alex said. "she could be a black belt in all sorts of lethal arts."

"There is no way, maybe one or two but no more than that." Jeff closed his eyes for a moment and exhaled heavily. "Dude we have a hooker here and we're arguing about martial arts."

"Whoa man don't call her that you might offend her or something," Alex said.

Daisy laughed and relaxed. They were no different than any of the awkward nerds she'd known in school and in her experience some of them could fuck better than the jocks.

"Hooker is fine boys," She said. "I actually prefer the term. It makes me feel dirty and bad."

Alex and Jeff turned their gaze on her and stared slacked jawed and speechless. Finally after a few seconds of intense quiet Alex whispered "Dude we bought a freak," and broke into a delirious grin.

"Alex you're doing the creepy clown smile again cut it out," Jeff said.

Alex's eyes widened and he shook his head to clear the joyous expression from his face.

"I think you have a great smile," Daisy said.

His high pitched laughter echoed in the garage and he held onto his other arm. "Yeah I had five years of braces so its legit," He said.

"Your braces can't be legit," Jeff said.

"Why not?"

Jeff rolled his eyes and shrugged. "Orthodontics just isn't cool I keep telling you that," He said.

Daisy let them argue for a second then raised her hand again. "So how do you want to do this?" She said.

"Umm well I hadn't really thought about that," Jeff said. "I mean obviously we know how to do uh it."

"Yeah we watch porn obviously," Alex said.

"She doesn't want to hear that," Jeff said. "She's a girl, I mean a lady."

"I don't mind," She said. "I watch it all the time."

The boys went quiet again and stared at her as their brains absorbed the information. They slowly fist bumped without looking away from her and eventually snapped out of their stupor.

"Right uh getting started," Jeff said. "Would you like a beverage ma'm, I mean miss."

"Call me Daisy," She said. She winked at Alex and added "or whatever filthy thing you want."

While his friend was lost to the possibilities Jeff kept things rolling. "We have water, soda, juice and uh some beer in the fridge."

"I'll have a beer," Daisy said.

"Would you like a cup, glass or some other container capable of holding liquids, why do I keep talking?" Jeff said

She laughed and said "Cans are fine."

"Right I'll go get them. Don't go anywhere."

Jeff turned to leave through the side door closest to the house and nudged Alex. "Entertain her dude."

Alex nodded and stood completely still staring at her while Jeff rushed out to get her drinks. Daisy smiled and looked around at the garage. "It's pretty big in here," She said. "do you guys spend a lot of time in here?."

"Yeah it's kind of our man cave," He said. "Vanessa, that's Jeff's mom, doesn't really use it so we've got free reign of the place."

"That's nice, its actually a little bigger than my apartment." She said.

"Oh dude that's a bummer." Alex glanced around them and said "Sorry I'm not good at this, uh interacting with women. Or people in general. Jeff and Vanessa are the only ones who really get me."

"You're doing fine," Daisy said. "besides fucking doesn't require talking. Unless your into that sort of thing."

A noise that sounded like a whimper escaped his throat and she flashed him another smile. "Do you like that sort of thing?" She said. "Do you like when girls talk dirty to you?"

His mouth opened and his bottom lip trembled but it was a moment or two before he could speak. "I'm gonna go sit over there," He said.

"That's a great idea," She said.

Daisy hooked her arm through his and walked with him over to the air mattress and sat down.

Daisy bounced a little and said "I hope we don't pop this."

"Oh its cool Vanessa's pretty stacked," Alex said. "I mean loaded..she has money to replace it."

Daisy brushed some of the hair away from his eyes. "It sounds like you really like this Vanessa," She said.

"Well she's a total milf but I,"

The door opened and Jeff returned with a six pack of beer. He stopped in the doorway for a moment when he saw them on the bed but came inside when he was sure nothing had started yet.

"I hope this is okay," Jeff said.

She peeled one of the cans loose and set the remaining five on the ground before she cracked it open. Daisy titled it back and pounded half the can in one gulp.

"I normally just drink whatever's cheap but this is good to," She said.

Jeff sat down on the other side of her and wiped his palms on his shorts. "If you're hungry later I can make pizza rolls or chicken fingers," he said.

She sipped her beer and smiled at him over the can. "That's very sweet of you but I'll be fine," She said. "so Alex tells me your mom lets you have free run of this place."

Jeff scratched the back of his head and nodded. "Yeah my dad use to park all his cars here but now that they're divorced it's mostly empty."

"Aw when did they get divorced?" Daisy said.

"Like six months ago," He said. "its whatever."

"No it's not he was fooling around on your mom," Alex said ."what kind of idiot cheats on that?"

"Just shut up man," Jeff said.

"My folks split when I was a kid," She said. "it can be rough but after a while it becomes the norm. And you get double the Christmas."

"That's what I told him," Alex said.

"I'd rather have my parents back together," Jeff said. "this is a downer I'm sure you don't want to talk about our problems. You probably wanna get done and go."

Daisy shook her head. "It's okay," She said. "to be honest you guys are the second and third people to hire me. And its your first time so I don't mind taking it slow."

"Oh thank God because I'm really nervous," Jeff said.

"So am I," Alex said. "like super nervous."

"So was I when I started, sex that is not hooking," She said. "that was actually pretty easy."

"So how did you get into it?" Jeff said.

"Well a few days ago I lost my job at the nursing home," Daisy said. "I've always wanted the freedom to do my own thing and make money doing it so this is it."

"That's great that you know what you want to do," Jeff said. "I don't have a clue."

"We're gonna make movies dude." Alex said.

"That's just a dream Alex," Jeff said. "people from Florida don't make Hollywood movies."

"Yes they do," Alex said.

"Name one."

Alex hesitated for a second and said " Hulk Hogan."

Jeff sighed and shook his head. "Okay so that's one,"

"I think you should at least try," Daisy said. "if it doesn't work you can always come back."

"Did I mention how much I like her?" Alex said.

Jeff's eyes worked their way down over her body and he nodded quietly. "Yeah so do I."

Daisy caught him looking and smiled. She took another drink and teased the cold can across her cleavage. Her tan flesh broke out in goosebumps as she did another pass with the can and the boys eyeballed her, hypnotized by the display.

"Would you guys like a beer?" She said.

They shook their heads no in unison and Jeff halfheartedly muttered "How big are your boobs?". He caught himself and said "I mean we don't like beer, it tastes gross."

Daisy drained the rest of her beer and a small burp slipped out. She laughed and covered her mouth. "oh excuse me," She said.

"It's okay we do a lot of gross things in here," Alex said.

"Like what?" Daisy said.

"Like burping, farting, masturbate," Alex cut himself off and said "I think Jeff wanted to know about your boobs."

"No I didn't" Jeff said.

"It's fine, there's no reason to be embarrassed," She said.

The boys stared at her chest captivated by the sight of a woman's breasts. Alex swallowed hard and placed a hand over his lap to conceal the growing bulge in his pants. They were gorgeous, better than any he'd ever seen. Of course they were the only real pair he had seen.

Daisy puffed her chest out and bounced a little. "They're thirty four D's," She said. "do you like them?"

"Yes," The boys said in unison. "very much."

Daisy pulled her top back up and reached for another beer. "So what time does your mother come home?" She said.

"At six o'clock," Jeff said.

"That's plenty of time," Daisy said. "what do you guys want to do first? We could watch some TV, play some video games or talk some more."

"You play games?" Jeff said.

"Not really but I'll watch you guys play." She said.

"No I can do that anytime," Jeff said. "what do you wanna do Alex?"

The boy sheepishly took out his cell phone and held it up. "Can I take a picture with you?"

"Of course silly," Daisy said.

Daisy put her arms around both boys and pulled them tight against her body and smiled. Alex angled the camera to include Jeff and took a few pictures.

"Take another one like this," She said.

Daisy turned her head and kissed Alex on the cheek and the boy trembled beside her. It was technically his first kiss but he didn't want to tell her that. After all he didn't want her to think he was a total dork.

As they sat and talked a plan began to take shape in Daisy's head. They were both too nervous to take the lead. She would have to be the one to make the first move and that was fine with her. It wasn't every day that she got to deflower a couple of young cocks.

She clapped her hands together and when the echo faded from the garage she spoke.

"I've decided what we're going to do," She said. Daisy dug through her purse until she found a penny. "Heads or tails," She said.

"Heads!" Alex shouted.

"Guess I've got tails," Jeff said.

Daisy flipped the coin and let it land on the floor. The three of them leaned over to see the results and Alex pumped his fist into the air.

"Fuck yes I win," He said. "um what exactly did I win?"

"You get to tell me something you've always fantasized about," She said. "if you're embarrassed you can whisper it in my ear."

Alex paused for a second and stared off into space. A million different things both foul and fantastic rushed through his head and he struggled to choose just one. He finally narrowed it down to something simple and returned his attention to Daisy.

"I've always thought about what it would be like to get a lap dance."

She smirked and downed the rest of her beer. "I think I can do that," She said.