Five Days in June Pt. 01

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A triracial romp in the white bread American Midwest.
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Jiu Wei Chen had arrived in Westminster, a suburb of Denver Colorado in early April, where she had accepted a position as an Au Pair girl for a young professional couple. The weather didn't pose much of a problem getting used to, as it was only ten degrees cooler than what she had left behind in her Native Hong Kong. She had been a middle distance runner since high school and found the change in altitude from sea level to nearly a mile, more of a challenge, as it made for some tough runs for the first month until she made the adjustment.

She was enrolled at Denver University, as a master's of geology student, interested in tectonic uplift processes. Within a month of starting classes, she knew that she had made the right decision travelling halfway around the world to study. Denver was the right place and the right school to master the geology of mountain building. But to her great surprise, it was the experience of being an Au Pair that she found particularly rewarding.

The couple she was living with were amazing. She was a technical writer for a software development company that sold enterprise management applications. To Jiu it sounded as dry as chalk but Ellen, a tall freckled green eyed redhead, was by all accounts more fun than a clown's luggage. David, her husband was a large, very affable man. He was an electrical engineering consultant and former varsity wide receiver- smart and athletic. To Jiu, his look seemed so exotic, as the son of a Polish American nurse and an African American surgeon. In Hong Kong certainly, and even in the mostly white community of Westminster, guys like David were highly unusual.

Jiu saw very little of David as he travelled for work extensively, working on career and chasing the ever elusive, large annual bonus. Since Ellen worked from home two days a week, the two women soon became close and would often chat like a couple of old girl friends. As an Au Pair, Jiu was responsible for the daily care of the family's two young children, a four year old boy, Gerald, and a two year old girl, Stephany. Both kids were beautiful little precocious cherubs that soon became a labour of love for Jiu.

Gerry took very much after his father, with brooding dark eyes, olive skin and a very quick smile that easily turned to laughter. Steph was a little angel with blonde hair in ringlets and sea blue eyes with a cinnamon complexion. In exchange for managing the bulk of the children's routine; feeding, bathing, laundry etc. Jiu received a weekly income and free room and board, as well as a portion of her tuition paid for. She had Saturdays, evenings, and two afternoons off, which she filled up with lectures.

It was an adjustment but now as the new moon rose in June, the family routine was well established and everyone was content- with the possible exception of Ellen. She had grown up an only child and compromise was not something that came easily to her. She was struggling at the moment as things were not going according to her carefully laid plan. She had wanted to have three children when she and David were married fairly quickly, at least before the age of thirty. Baby number three was a year behind schedule and David was being uncooperative in knocking her up. At least she chose to blame him for not conceiving.

He was busy with travel and often tired on weekends which didn't suit Ellen's schedule at all. She needed him to be available when she was ovulating and a prerequisite for that was his being home when it happened. At first she didn't let it bother her, thinking there was always next month but now after fourteen 'next months' she was getting fed up. She wanted a moratorium on his business travel until baby number three was on the way.

If David were being honest he would admit that after adding up the cost of clothing, sports, family vacations, day care, music lessons, tuition and all the other deaths by a thousand cuts that raising children has on your finances, that he was okay having just the two. Ellen as always quick to remind him the deal was three and early, so that she would have time for a career of her own too.

Jiu had heard the two having heated discussions on the subject on a couple of occasions. She came from a very traditional Chinese family and would always retreat in silence to her room out of respect for the couple whenever they would begin to have an argument. Just last evening, the couple lost their tempers and begin yelling loud enough to be overheard easily from the confines of her room.

"Well maybe I'll just go out and find somebody else to get me pregnant if that's your attitude!" she yelled.

"Go ahead Ellen. See if I give a fuck!" he yelled in return.

"Well that's the problem David! You don't give a fuck!" she replied and it got worse from there briefly until the couple came to their senses.

David had left for a week in Boston that morning. In conversation with Ellen over coffee, after David had left, it was clear there had been a sea change in the relationship. Ellen now spoke openly with Jiu, much to her surprise about seeking out a suitable virile male to impregnate her.

"Really Ellen?" she asked, "What kind of man would you choose?"

"Well since we're spit balling here, if I could choose an ideal stud, it would be a big black guy with a nice thick cock, broad shoulders, and a nice tight ass." replied Ellen, looking boldly at Jiu, gauging her reaction.

"Oh my!" said Jiu, raising her hand to cover mouth. She was both shocked and amused at the thought of such a thing. She smiled wickedly and then asked, "How would you know to look at him if he has big thick cock?"

"Oh Lord Jiu!" laughed Ellen. "There is only one way to know for sure, I'd have to suck his dick and find out for myself" she said, then laughed hysterically. "Not that there are any hot black guys within a hundred miles of Westminster. This is the most white bread community I've ever lived in. David looks like Seal compared to everyone in this neighborhood." She laughed before taking another sip of coffee.

"Why a big black guy?" asked Jiu, genuinely curious.

"Because they are very sexy Jiu. The smell of their skin, their taste, the contrasting colour during sex, is all very erotic. You get an almost primal high satisfying the primitive instinct to fuck a big dangerous sexy man that is so fundamentally different from yourself. It's nature's reward for avoiding inbreeding. They also tend to be more aggressive and demanding in bed than white men, which makes them far better lovers- and from my experience, they have bigger, fatter cocks!" She said smiling at Jiu. "And a big fat black cock always feels pretty damn good..." she said laughing.

"Really? Black men really do have larger penises in your experience?" she asked. She had heard that before but the scientist in her forced her do the research to confirm the efficacy of the rumour. It was apparently just that, a rumour. Perhaps Ellen was lucky enough to have dated men at the large end of the bell curve exclusively.

"I was sent to a private all-girls high school after my Mom caught me sucking the black pool boy's dick. I only dated black guys once I got away from home and went to college. I took David home one Thanksgiving as a kind of compromise with my parent's on the whole interracial dating thing and we all just seemed to really hit it off. My parents stopped being openly racist about my taste in men and warmed up to him. We married a year after graduation, once he landed the job here in Denver. David is the whitest man I've been with since grade school." said Ellen, laughing

Jiu considered briefly before saying what came out next and almost didn't, but she was curious to see how she would react, so she decided to speak up. "The neighbours have started work on their new edition next door yesterday. I saw a very black man, a carpenter I think from my window this morning." she said.

"Really?" said Ellen, her face lighting up. "That's right I heard the backhoe all afternoon, yesterday. Let's have a look..." she said.

With that the two women went upstairs to look out Jiu's bedroom window in hopes of catching a glimpse of the carpenter. There was no sign of him but there was a lot of construction activity as several men could be seen nailing forms together for the footings of what appeared to be a very large edition to the existing home.

"There." said Jiu, "That's him, with the white helmet."

A large black man wearing a sleeveless undershirt, tight faded blue jeans, a white hard hat, and a leather carpenter's pouch appeared from around the corner of the house. Bending over with a tape measure he checked some dimensions and then had a quick conversation with the other men. They moved off leaving the black man as he made some notes in a small hardcover notebook he'd removed from his pouch.

"Well he seems to have the nice tight ass part down pat. I like that he works his hands. I like being handled by a man with tough leathery hands- working man hands, are very sexy!" said Ellen.

Jiu was chuckling aloud listening to the older woman describing the big black man.

"Nice upper body too. I bet those abs are ripped as well. Can't tell how big his package is with that apron on- Hmmmm." She said. She continued doing an inventory on the man's physique as he moved around the jobsite giving direction.

It was bound to happen, as surely as two large wooden ships becalmed on the sea begin to slowly move toward one another, so did the gaze of the man fall upon the two women studying him from the upstairs window in the house next door. Jiu quickly stepped back from view but Ellen, emboldened now after sizing him up, smiled and waved flirtatiously at him. He smiled warmly in return and tipped his white hard hat at her. Ellen laughed feeling naughty at her boldness but refused to look away.

Her face flushed and she could feel her pulse quicken as the man continued to stare at her intently. Her nipples began to harden and press through her thin white cotton T shirt. She hadn't put on a bra yet this morning. She normally wore an oversized T to bed and nothing else. She had thrown on a pair of boy shorts panties before heading into the kitchen to start the coffee maker but hadn't bothered to dress yet. She felt a slight tug in her loins as the staring contest continued.

The black man suddenly indicated that he was going to head out front of the neighbour's property and seemed to be indicating that she should meet him there. At that point she chickened out and stepped away from the window exclaiming, "I think he wants me to come outside and meet him" she said to Jiu.

"What are you going to do?" asked Jiu, giggling at her predicament.

"Jesus Christ I don't know. I can't go outside dressed like this. I'm not even wearing a bra!" she said, folding her arms across her breasts to hide her pert nipples from Jiu.

It was too late, Jiu had noticed them right away, in frank admiration. Ellen had always been a juggy girl since adolescence. She could barely fit into a 38DD bra on her wedding day but now after nursing two children, her bust had increased substantially. She had to have her bras, custom fitted having grown into an FF Cup size. They settled into a new larger normal as she continued nursing her babies.

If she went without a bra her breasts would settle, round full and heavy, halfway to her navel. Her nipples were very thick, salmon pink, nearly the diameter of her little finger when erect. They were nearly three quarters of an inch long and pointed straight out relentlessly, rooted in thick areolae, the size of the palm of her hand, slightly oval in shape. Her youngest was still nursing several times a day so they were often swollen slightly with milk.

Ellen's ass and legs were her greatest asset however, and she worked hard to keep them that way. She was too top heavy to jog but enjoyed spin class, palates and a daily squatting routine that ensured she could stop traffic in a pair of yoga pants.

The two women went downstairs and peered out the front window looking for the black man in the white hard hat. He was nowhere to be seen. Then the doorbell rang.

"Fuck." said Ellen, "Jiu you're dressed. You answer it. See what he wants..."

Jiu opened the door ajar and spoke very timidly to the large man, "Yes. Can I help you?"

"You sure can China doll-move outta my way and let me in." he said and with that he gently brushed the tiny Jiu Wei Chen aside and walked into the house.

"Hey there's the hot red head. My word girl! Look at the titties on you! You're gorgeous!" he said, leering at her.

"You must be the sexy black man in charge of the crew next door- Mr.?-" she asked.

"Call me Derrick. Yes Ma'am those boys work for me. We here framing a new edition next door." He paused studying the shapely red head. His eyes fixed firmly on her large nipples protruding aggressively through her T. "You are fine girl. What's your name Baby?" he asked, removing his hard hat and placing it on the shelf in the hall closet.

He walked over to Ellen and stood very close, encroaching on her personal space, towering over her. He stared down upon her intently as she returned his gaze, only briefly. She decided that for now she would behave passively towards the large black man until she better understood his character. She lowered her gaze to the floor in submission. She noticed the tool belt was gone but in its stead there was every indication of a large sexual organ between his legs.

"Your name girl?" he insisted. He then looked over at Jiu who was staring at the couple wide eyed.

"Ellen. It's Ellen." she said

"China doll you go sit on the sofa. Go on now, have a seat." Said Derrick. He had a very confident manner that implied menace and authority in the same breath. Jiu did exactly as instructed.

He continued staring down at Ellen, who stood at least a foot shorter than him, admiring her auburn red hair, and noticed that not only was she well breasted but he could see a nice shapely booty- exceptional for a white girl.

"Jiu please go attend to the children while I chat with Derrick." said Ellen.

Jiu didn't dare move but instead sat on the chair, watching Derrick intently.

"Jiu. The children please." said Ellen, more insistent now

"It's okay Jiu, you can do like the Lady asks. Of you go." he said, and Jiu quickly headed down the hallway to the children's playroom to attend to them.

"Now Ms. Ellen, was that your husband I saw leave this morning? The zebra dude?" he asked.

"Yes that's my husband David." she replied, looking up at him briefly before looking down at the floor again.

"How long he gone?" he asked

"Five days." she replied. Although she felt mildly intimidated by the aggressiveness of the large black man standing in her foyer, she could sense his sexual energy. He was very brash and perhaps a little scary but there was something magnetic about him as well. She began to feel the stirrings of arousal displacing any feelings of awkwardness she had at being so exposed to him, in her own home.

"Five days." he repeated. "We here on this framing job for five days too. Isn't that a fine coincidence!" he said.

He reached down and placing an arm around her back and pulled her into him. He cupped one of her heavy breasts and gently squeezed and massaged it as he felt the weight and firmness of it. A wet spot appeared, spreading outwards from her nipple.

"Milk filled titties!" he said, betraying his delight. "You nursing little Momma?" he asked.

He didn't wait for the answer to the rhetorical question. Instead he reached down, taking the bottom of her shirt and slowly pulled it over head, revealing her naked torso. This was an exceptionally attractive white woman.

He had always had a thing for white girls. They tended to be more submissive and would do just about anything he asked without hesitation. They were usually more eager to please him sexually, obsessed with sucking dick, and as a rule wouldn't say 'no'. He had never had a problem taking two white girls to bed at the same time, even if they didn't know each other. That would never happen with women of his own race in his experience. His only complaint with white girls was they were often too skinny, obsessed with their weight. But here was a fine looking white girl with big milky titties, wide hips and a large shapely ass.

Derrick examined her sexy, nearly naked body. He would leave the panties on for now. Her very pale white skin, contrasted beautifully with numerous brownish orange freckles on her face and in a wide band across her chest and shoulders. He reached down and took her hand and led her into the sitting room off the foyer and sat down in a chair, with her standing in front of him. Her breasts were at eye level. He took one of her rigid nipples into his mouth and gently suckled her, lengthening the nipple slightly.

The attention that Derrick was giving, soon caused her to feel pins and needles and feeling of heaviness in her breasts increase as she began to let down. He now could taste her sweet milk. He suckled her vigorously for a minute, hearing her moan slightly as she leaned forward, pressing her breast into him. Releasing the nipple he studied it as milk continued to bead aggressively and dribble from her impressive swollen nipple. He then began suckling her other breast, tormenting her in the same way so that both breasts were now expressing milk freely.

He pulled and squeezed both nipples at the same time with his thumbs and forefingers, causing her to spray her milk in several jets in all directions. He then returned to each breast in turn, suckling three or four ounces of the precious fluid from each, giving her relief from the initial burning and heaviness she felt when her milk came in.

Ellen was grateful to Derrick for his taking the time to finish what he started. David had never been willing to play with her milk laden breasts during sex, and she often felt discomfort and embarrassment as she would sometimes leak enough foremilk during sex, that her breasts would engorge. Without a follow-up feeding, it caused her discomfort.

Derrick then abruptly turned her around to look at her gorgeous, ample, heart shaped backside admiring its perfect form and the dimples in the small of her back above each cheek. He raised the edges of her boy shorts high on her hips forcing the hem into the crack of her ass, and then grabbed hold of each cheek in turn, squeezing roughly with his course labourer's hands. She blushed and felt a surge of moisture gather at the opening of her pink center. Oh God, how she loved a man with a pair of strong hands...

He then vigorously slapped each cheek several times, making her jump slightly with each blow and let out a soft cry. Her cheeks turned a deep rosy red colour in response, much to his delight. He turned her around once again and then very deftly pulled her panties down below her knee, where they soon fell to floor with a deft shift of the knee by Ellen, who then steeped neatly out of them.

Derrick examined her pubic area, a well trimmed little stripe of ginger pubic hair, with just the softest hint of a curl. Her sex was sending him strong signals. He was keenly aware of her pheromone assault on his senses, but he wasn't ready to take her just yet. He turned her round once again, studying the outline of her pussy from behind, through her thigh gap. There was the tiniest curl of pubic hair that seemed to disappear into her soft pink labia.

Intent on each other, neither Derrick nor Ellen noticed Jiu peering at them from around a corner in the hallway that led to the children's playroom. All five feet two inches of the Au Pair girl was on fire, as she watched the spectacle unfolding before her. Seeing Ellen being so easily and completely manipulated by the large black man was a huge turn on for her. She could hear them talking but couldn't make out what was being said. She soon had her fingers in her pussy offering some manual stimulation to match the erotica her eyes were being subjected to.