Finding Mr. Wright Ch. 15

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I allow myself to be auctioned at the elite BDSM club.
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Part 15 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/12/2022
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"Yes, sex is troublesome and beautiful. And only when
we drop our expectations, and know that we'll have moments
of great sex and moments when our sexuality confounds,
pains, or infuriates us, will we be liberated to enjoy it
in a way that's true to ourselves."--Alexandra Katehakis


It was a week or so after my night with Ossie and I realized that the day of the new Society meeting was closing in. Ossie had called the next day surprised that I had left during the night. I told him that it had nothing to do with him and it was more about me and where I was with my own fears and relationship issues. We talked for a while about many things, but in the end, we agreed that we had a fun night but that we would keep it more as friends from this point on.

I also realized that I hadn't called or talked to anyone about leaving the Society. I thought that maybe Brooke or V had mentioned it to someone in charge, but I never explicitly told them to do so, so I wasn't sure. As a result, about a week before the event, just when I figured that I wouldn't hear anything and that I was done with the Society, I received a call from one of the dominants at the Society.

"Elizabeth," the call began, "this is Frederick Hartman, from the Society. You might remember me as Mr. F. I was the one who had hosted the shibari session the first night you came to see us, the one with the woman posed as the blossoming of a tree, remember?"

"Oh of course, Mr. F, how are you? That was a beautiful display!" I was both surprised and delighted to hear from him, and that was reflected in my tone.

"Thank you, I'm flattered you remember," he replied. "In any event, that's not why I was calling. You are scheduled to be auctioned off this next Friday night as you search for a new Dominant. Are you still interested in doing this?"

I stammered, not really knowing what to say. "Um ... I'm not so sure anymore Mr. F. To tell you the truth, I was actually planning to leave the Society."

"What? No, please no!" He begged. "Please, Elizabeth, don't let what happened with one person spoil you with us. We have so much more to offer. Just think about us and what you really want to do. We've all been informed that you are no longer with A, and there are several dominants that have enquired about you. Maybe you'll find one that's a better fit. We'd hate to lose you."

"Can I think about it, Mr. F?"

"Absolutely. Take your time. If you don't want to be auctioned, that's fine, that doesn't have to happen Friday, or even at all if you don't want to. I can cancel it at any time. But please, please don't leave altogether."

"Thank you, Mr. F, that means a lot. I'm glad you called."

"I'm glad I got to speak to you as well, Elizabeth. This is my private number, so feel free to keep it in your contact list. Call me anytime if you have any questions, any questions at all, about anything, Society or anything else."

"Thank you Mr. F, I will." That was nice of him to offer. He seems like less of a truly harsh or strict dominant, and more like a sensual artist. I thought about calling him later and talking to him about domination and submission in general, just to get his outlook, but I didn't know if I was ready to really open up to him about everything.

Regardless, according to Mr. F, I was still a part of the Society. That is, if I wanted to be. Mr. F gave me some time to think about it, so I began to do exactly that. Over the next few days, I weighed the options for and against continuing in the Society. After a day of reflection, I decided I would probably just go to Society events and see where it might lead, always reserving the ability to say no if the fit wasn't right. The deciding factor for me about this had nothing to do with Aaron. I brought it down to base interests. I had not investigated my interest here solely for Aaron. I investigated this for me. I would be giving too much to Aaron by just dropping all of this altogether. It would be admitting this is all about him, where it really should be the opposite. Granted, I hadn't come to the realization about his fiancé until recently, but that just made it more about something that *I* had to do for *me*.

This auction, though, that was a more difficult decision. On one hand, it was exciting, not knowing what dominant guy I would be sold to and what they would want from me. It was a way to maybe do some things that I might never do otherwise, realize some interest that I hadn't yet considered, since I would be sold to someone over who I had no control or say. On the other hand, that was a detriment too. I had no idea who it would be, whether I would like that person, and I worried whether I could actually do what they wanted if it was something extreme. Add to that the moral problem I faced -- was I ready to have sex with an absolutely, complete stranger? It would be fine if Mr. V won, or Mr. F, but what about someone I had not even met yet? I had certainly always held myself to a much higher standard, but my standards had definitely changed as much as my own sexuality and interests.

After pondering this for several days, I finally reached a decision. I was in this already and if I ended it now, I knew I'd never take a step in this direction ever again. On top of that, I would always wonder what would have happened if I had stayed and didn't walk away. I rationalized that I owed it to myself to see this through, to see if it was something I wanted to do long term or whether it was just a passing phase. Rationalization aside, I think I was enjoying the new sexual freedom as it were, and I didn't really want to see that part of it end. I wondered if I could go back to the normal dating scene, which now sounded somewhat boring and routine.

Therefore, I called Mr. F and let him know that I was still interested and ready to proceed with the auction. He was pleased and even surprised I wanted to, he told me. He thanked me for letting him know, telling me he would make sure it was set up and he would let all the dominants know. He said that some would be available in person, some via phone for those who couldn't be there but wanted to participate. I asked if it those not there would see on a video or facetime or anything similar. He reassured me that as with anything else in the Society, there would be no cameras or video so I was completely safe in that regard. In fact, even the phones were all normal lines, so there was no chance someone could send video. The members all want their privacy, too.

I then asked Mr. F about what I should wear, and he said there would be something prepared for me there that night, more revealing and provocative than the dresses I've worn so far, but I wouldn't be completely nude. I was relieved at that, since the thought had entered my mind that I would have to stand in front of everyone and would be stripped bare. I thanked him again and he said he would be there to guide me that night, and he looked forward to it, but he was a little dejected since he was the assigned auctioneer, and couldn't bid.

* * *

Finally, the night of the auction arrived and I made myself ready. I bathed and shaved, again not shaving completely, but making sure everything was trimmed and neat. I wore a simple, comfortable dress, since I knew I would change before the event anyway. I even wore underwear and a bra. I wore my hair in a similar style as I did the first night, with it up over my head. I put on light makeup, but this night, I wore a brighter red lipstick, since I would be seen from a stage of sorts.

Almost as soon as I was ready, the car arrived to pick me up and bring me to the event, several hours before the auction event started. No one was there except a few staff members and Mr. F. There were no events tonight other than the auction, as the regular Society event occurred tomorrow night.

I was nervous like you couldn't believe, since it appeared all of this was for me. I originally thought I would be just a small part of a larger night for everyone else. It was intimidating thinking that all of this was just for my auction, but at this point there was little I could do to stop it, other than calling it off altogether. I did think about this a few times when my nerves got the better of me, but each time, I just relaxed, focused, and tried to simplify everything in my mind.

Mr. F brought me to the gathering room where the auction took place. It was organized a little differently than I had seen before, with all the chairs now aligned towards the stage area, while the stage area was clear of all else except the lectern. Hmmm, I saw myself standing there, in front of everyone, to be sold like a painting or used car. The wave of nervousness came over me again, but I stifled it, resolving to go through with this.

I went to the changing area and there was an outfit set out for me on a table. I imagined several different possibilities in my mind up till now, ranging everywhere from a revealing dress to a stripper G-string and pasties. It wasn't either, but it was closer to the G-string than a dress, since it was sexy lingerie. The upper part was a corset that covered the chest, ruby red in color, with black lacing. A garter and stockings were there, as was matching panties. The panties were bikini style, but were sheer in the back, leaving little to the imagination. A simple pair of black high heels completed the ensemble.

I undressed and took my time putting everything on. As I did, I became more nervous, wondering what people would think of me and whether I would be too embarrassed to pull this off. I thanked the stars I had been exercising and losing some weight, because if I hadn't, there's no way I'd have gone through with this. Once fully dressed, I checked my makeup and hair and made sure I looked my best. As I gazed at myself in the mirror, I felt better, complimenting myself that I actually looked pretty good. My confidence rose and for the first time, I decided that I could make it through this.

I went out to meet Mr. F and he whistled, telling me how nice I looked. I smiled and blushed. He gave me a short silk robe to put on that I could wear until I had to come out on stage. It covered down to mid-thigh, so it was short, but at least it was something to cover me until the time of the auction. As for the auction itself, Mr. F told me that I wouldn't have to prance around or do anything special, just be there and turn a few times when he would tell me to do so. After the auction, I would be brought to a room where the winner would claim me.

The winner. A whole new wave of nervousness set in. I wondered who it might be. I had met about half of the dominants in the Society, but had only really spoken to a few at any length. The rest were all a mystery. I also wondered if Aaron would be here and what he would think, seeing me dressed like this in front of everyone. No, I pushed that out of my mind. I couldn't start thinking about him at all. There's no way he would be here.

The time for the auction drew near and Mr. F came up to me. "There's one more thing for you to wear, Elizabeth. I forgot to put this out in the changing room for you." He handed me a black leather collar with a chain leash attached to a ring in the collar. "This is symbolic. Once we have a winner, he or she will be handed the leash and will lead you away, so that you and the dominant for the evening can get, um, acquainted. Has anyone really gone over what's expected of you once you are sold?"

"No, Mr. F. Not really, not in depth," I told him. I was so focused on the process that I just assumed it would be a simple encounter with light BDSM play. I should have realized it could involve multiple things, so I was glad Mr. F brought this up.

"Not to worry, dear," Mr. F explained, seeing the look in my face. He moved and clasped the collar around my neck, securing it behind my neck with the buckle, letting the leash dangle to the front. He continued, telling me about what would happen after the auction. "Before anything happens, the dominant will discuss things in general with you so there are no surprises. Of course, your safeword is always there for you if things go beyond your comfort level. You have a safeword, right?"

"Yes, Mr. F. It's 'zebra.'"

"Good, I'll pass that on to the winner," he said, looking at me and shaking his head in appreciation, before muttering almost under his breath, "I would absolutely love to get my ropes on you."

I smiled and thanked him for making this easier on me. I heard people gathering and talking outside the changing room where we had gone in anticipation of the beginning of the auction.

I then had a curious question I hadn't thought about, so I asked, "Mr. F, what does everyone bid? I mean, is it actual money?"

"Yes," he said, a bit surprised, "but it isn't really for revenue or for a profit. Instead, I get to name a charity, and all the proceeds go to that charity. Therefore, you are doing this for a good cause. My charity is St. Jude's cancer research for children."

"That's so sweet," I told him. "And how much do submissives like me normally sell for?" I wondered how much my sale would get for the charity.

"Usually between twenty to fifty thousand dollars. We start the bidding at five thousand, but don't worry, it gets higher. The auction itself is part of the fun."

Oh, great. Something else to be nervous about. What if I didn't get anyone to even bid five thousand? I'd be mortified. I hoped there would be someone out there to bid at least that much, so I didn't look like a complete waste.

"It's about time for me to head out. I'll have someone come in and get you when we are ready for you." He dropped the leash and let it hang down the front of me, then went through the door.

I heard him talking to different people, but couldn't really make out what anyone was saying. By the level of the background noise that I could hear, the crowd had grown, too. I wondered how many dominants were really there to bid? Would all of them bid, or were they here just to watch the auction? I again wondered and hoped I would at least go for an average amount.

I heard what sounded like a gavel banging as Mr. F called the event to order. Everyone outside quieted down as he began to speak. Since there was no background noise, I could clearly hear what he said.

"Good evening everyone," he said as he addressed the crowd, one I could not see. "We are here tonight for an auction of a female submissive. Many of you have met our auction subject, Elizabeth. She has recently been surrendered and tendered by Mr. A, and so is unowned and unattached. She is seeking a new dominant, so keep that in mind if you purchase her and the two of you share interests. For tonight though, she belongs to whoever wins her, for one evening and one evening only." He paused to let that sink in to everyone there. "Shall we begin?" There was a slight pause, before he added, "Bring her out."

A woman in a long black formal dress came into the room with me, smiled at me, but didn't say a word. I didn't recognize her, as I hadn't seen her before at any Society event, so I had no idea whether she was a submissive or dominant, or who she might have been with. She bent down and grabbed my leash and led me from the room out onto the stage. The lights were a bit of a surprise since I was used to seeing the room equally lit. This time, though, it was set up so the audience was dark while only the stage was brightly lit. The woman led me to the side of Mr. F and handed my leash to him, bowing, which he accepted. I guess she must have been a sub to Mr. F, but I didn't know for sure.

"This is Elizabeth, for all of you who have not yet met her. She is a rare beauty, is she not?" He dropped my leash, letting it dangle from my neck, before looking at me and ordered, "Take off your robe, then turn around."

I took off my robe, exposing the lingerie garments underneath, blushing profusely as I did, and hoping no one could see. I turned slowly in place, letting everyone gaze at my scantily clad body. While I did, my eyes adjusted, and I could make out some of the people in the audience. I saw Mr. K and Mr. R, and each of them was there with a partner, but whether it was their submissive or normal partner, I didn't know. I saw Mr. V and Brooke together, and I had a strong hope that they would bid and win. I wondered why Brooke didn't mention this to me? Maybe they were just here to watch, or maybe she meant to surprise me.

As I gazed around the room, there were other Doms and Dommes that I had seen or been introduced to, but didn't remember their names. I didn't see Aaron, but I didn't expect him to be here. Even still, I felt a little pang of sorrow that he didn't think enough of me to even show up.

Snapping out of that, I noticed several people sitting in chairs off to the side, and each of them was on a telephone. Not a cellphone like what was most use, but a land line telephone, just like Mr. F had stated.

After I turned, Mr. F had me walk to one end of the stage, turn, then walk to the other end, leading me by the leash. I thought about it, about how I might be observed at by everyone there, and I had to admit that the nervousness was gone and replaced by excitement. I was wearing sexy lingerie in front of a crowd of people and being led around by a leash. I found that realization highly erotic.

Mr. F led me back to the center of the stage and attached my leash to part of the podium, similar to how horses were tied to poles in the old Western movies. I stood there as the auction began. "Shall we start the bidding at five thousand dollars?" Mr. F announced.

"Five Thousand," came the first bid from Mr. V. I was so relieved that someone actually bid that much on me! It took an immediate burden from me and allowed me to focus on the bidding, to enjoy the process, to realize that I was being sold for money.

"Ten Thousand," came a second bid from a female dominant, a young, blonde woman that I didn't recognize.

"Fifteen," came a third bid from someone on the phones. This was proceeding faster than I thought.

"Twenty," I heard, followed by "Twenty-five," then "Thirty." I tried to look around and follow who was bidding what, but I couldn't follow everything quickly enough. As I looked around, the bidding had increased to seventy thousand. Wow, I thought, that's a lot of money to pay for me. Maybe they were just going that high since it was for a good cause.

I heard eighty thousand, and my attention was drawn to the bidder. It was Mr. V. I began to smile inside, hoping he would win, so I could feel his whip. I imagined myself like Brooke that first night, naked and tied to the posts, being whipped in front of other people, then Aaron plunging his cock inside me as people looked on. Wait, Aaron?? No, not Aaron. Where did that thought come from? I pushed him out of my mind and my thought went to Mr. V doing it instead.

"Ninety thousand," one of the phone bidders said, breaking my daydream. "One hundred thousand," came another bid, this time from Mr. V. Most of the other bidders had grown silent, and things slowed down quite a bit. It was down to Mr. V and the unknown phone bidder.

"One ten," "One fifteen", "One twenty." The bids began flying back and forth between Mr. V and the unknown phone bidder. I noticed that the phone bidder was quick to bid once Mr. V placed his bid, Mr. V wasn't as quick in return. I quickly realized that whoever was on the other end of the phone, they were determined to win. I was let down that V wouldn't be the one.

"One Thirty," came the bid from the phone bidder. The bids were really high now, and I even heard some gasps from the audience each time a new bid was announced. Mr. V hesitated, way too long this time, before bidding "One thirty-five." "One forty-five," came the immediate bid from the phone, jumping a bid increment, going up ten thousand instead of five thousand, signaling to the other bidder that they were prepared to go even higher and were determined to win. I could see Mr. V shake his head, and no further bidding came from him. All was quiet.