Femdom Flatshare Pt. 04

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Each of the girls establishes their own way of handling Nick.
14.7k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 07/30/2022
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The evening felt like it lasted for an eternity. I was so excited for the night with Anna that everything seemed to drag along endlessly. After my encounter with her in the kitchen I went to Hailey to tell her that I had finished my chores. If I had expected even the slightest form of thankfulness or appreciation I would have been disappointed. She barely even acknowledged me. But the excitement for the upcoming night prevented me from having any negative feelings at all.

Fortunately for me Hailey did not have any other tasks for me and the others seemed to have other obligations as well. So I had time for myself for a while. There were a lot of things I could have tried to wrap my head around after an eventful couple of days. Alternatively I could have simply relaxed, played some video games or watch some Netflix or whatever....but I couldn't do any of that. I could not wait for the night to begin so I walked around in my room restlessly, only taking a small break to grab myself some dinner. Until finally the moment had come.

Everyone had already retreated to their rooms so I felt like it was finally time. With the memories of my first night with Anna in my mind I slowly made my way to her room. My heart was pounding and although I was really excited ever since she ordered me to come by, nervousness was taking the hold of me now.

I took a deep breath and then hesitantly knocked on her door. A few agonizingly long seconds later Anna opened it. Her head was looking around the door that she had only opened slightly. Her body was still hiding behind it and she grinned at me with anticipation.

"Looks like you were quite eager to come here after all." she said.

"Of course I am." I responded eagerly.

She smiled but when I wanted to enter she stopped me.

"Not so fast." she teased and held a blindfold in front of the door.

Her arm that was holding the blindfold was not covered by a shirt and I couldn't even see any sign of a bra or anything like that. Was she really already naked behind that door? I could feel my cock trying to get hard in its cage just from the thought of it.

She didn't seem to notice my brief dream of her naked body or at least she didn't care. Once I snapped back to reality I looked at her and the blindfold, that I only now noticed, slightly confused.

"Well, put it on already." Anna requested.

"But....I....Why?...I want to.." I stuttered frustrated.

"Shhhhh....I know you want to. But you gotta earn that privilege. So..." she shook the blindfold in my face. "Neither touching nor watching for you yet." she explained.

Reluctantly I grabbed the blindfold and put it on while my mind drifted back to my imagination of her naked body.

Anna dragged me into her room and lead me through it once I couldn't see anything. We stopped after a couple of steps and she undressed me. Unfortunately she was very careful when she pulled my shirt over my head to not move the blindfold. So I couldn't even get a small glimpse of her potentially nude body. It didn't take long until she had removed all my clothes except for the cage around my cock of course. She grabbed it with her hand.

"It looks so cute all locked up..." she said teasingly.

I didn't think it would have been possible after all my imagination but my cock tried even harder to break out. As Anna noticed she giggled and then pushed me back without any warning. Since I couldn't see anything I panicked for a second but my fall was stopped quickly as I landed with my back on her bed.

Before I could even protest and tell her to not do stuff like that when I cant see, she had already placed her ass on my face.

"So, let's see if you have gotten any better since last time." she said as she wiggled around a bit to find a more comfortable position.

My shock from the push she gave me immediately subsided as I felt her clean shaven pussy on my face. Without hesitation I started to run my tongue over her private parts and taste her again. I felt like she tasted even better than the last time and I could tell she was turned on already. Although she was not as wet as she was last time, after playing with my cock.

Since I didn't really know what I did do wrong the last time I just tried to follow my gut again. I tried to find her clit with my tongue. To get a bit more control and maybe get my tongue deeper inside of her I tried to grab onto her ass. My hands were moving towards it without thinking about it.

But as my hands only just reached the lower part of Anna's legs she took a hold of them.

"Didn't I say no touching?" she scolded me in a stern voice.

I wanted to excuse myself and also explain to her that I think I could do a better job pleasuring her that way. However, since her ass was still placed tightly on my face the only thing that came out of my mouth were muffled mumbling.

Anna didn't care though.

"Right now the only part I want from you is your tongue....so better get back to licking or you will never get good at it." she explained her expectations.

I reluctantly gave up my pleas and let my hands rest on the bed again as I kept going as I did before.

My tongue went on like this for a couple of minutes but once again I did not seem to have too much effect on her.

I was starting to feel embarrassed when I heard her yawn. It seemed she was even playing with her phone while I was desperately trying to make her cum. I could not let myself fail again so I tried to gather my focus and really pay attention to any small reactions I managed to get from her. Every little twitch and gasp whenever I circled around her clit or got deep into her pussy with my tongue.

Thankfully it payed off. Slowly I could feel her getting wetter and every now and again, when my tongue luckily found her clit, I felt like I could even hear the slightest of moans.

Her excitement was rising noticeably and it was the best feeling ever for me. My mind suppressed everything else. The sole focus of me was my tongue and her reactions to it. I found a good rhythm and I was certain that I was going to make her cum this time. But then a short clicking noise pulled me out of my trance....

She had tried out her key...I was so busy focusing on her pussy that I didn't realize that she was playing around with my cage...but she had tried out her key....and it worked. The lock sprung open. My mind was racing. All the build up frustration from the day came back to me and I could only think about one thing...fucking Anna.

Anna obviously noticed that I had stopped licking.

"What's wrong? Anything happen?" she asked innocently.

I couldn't have said anything even if my face was not buried under her thick ass.

"You were doing such a good job....I thought you might deserve a bit of a reward." she continued while stroking over the cage that was still sitting on my cock loosely.

It was dying to get out of there, it tried to get hard and although it had a bit more room than when the lock was on, it was still not enough to get fully erect. I squirmed thinking about her finally touching it and even sucking it.

"But since you stopped licking, I guess you don't deserve it after all...." she said trying to sound disappointed.

I panicked and immediately started pleasuring her again. There was no way to get back in the state of mind I was in earlier. I just had to hope that my body would remember what I did before. Anna giggled when she noticed how I eagerly started licking again. And after a few moments she was back to moaning and she didn't hold back either.

"mhhh..that's better" she gasped as she pulled off the cage and watched as my cock sprung to full attention immediately.

Her fingers just slightly slid across my shaft and it already caused me to moan. A shock of pleasure ran through my entire body. I tried to banish the thought of it from my mind, tried to regain the control and concentration that I had earlier. I couldn't afford to fail this time. My cock needed to cum, I needed to fuck her.

But right at the moment when I started to reenter a good rhythm, Anna let out a loud, long moan as she wrapped her hand around my cock and started stroking. She went agonizingly slow which drove me even madder. Soon after that I was only able to give her the occasional lick in between groans since she had made me a moaning mess within a couple of seconds. Every muscle in my body was tensing as she stroked me.

"Ahh you must be so desperate to cum....aren't you?" Anna asked teasingly.

Every time I was feeling like I could maybe go for it again she switched up her stroking. Sometimes she sped up, then slowed down again. She added a little twist to her stroke or just caressed the sensitive head. It was driving me crazy. Anna was doing a better job pleasuring me than I could have done myself. Not only did it feel incredible, somehow she had mastered it to edge me. As the girls had already demonstrated to me in a very embarrassing manner, I didn't have the most endurance. But somehow she managed to always keep me right there on the edge without giving me that orgasm I so desperately craved. I could feel the precum dripping down my cock. My body was tensing and I was squirming under her ass. But every time right before I would shoot my load Anna stopped and refused to give me any stimulation whatsoever.

"Wow it really looks desperate, I am not sure if I have ever seen that much precum." Anna laughed.

Whenever she had to stop she giggled at my frustrating moans, the tensing of my body and then she started to rub her pussy over my face. I didn't manage to properly lick her anymore. Ever since she had me on the edge for the first time I was just a frustrated, squirming mess. But it seemed like she was turned on enough by my frustration as I could feel her pussy juices flooding my face.

As she started stroking me at a medium pace after a small break she had to take, she asked:

"So do you think you deserve to cum now?"

"MMMMMMMMM" I responded. Well I tried to respond with a pleading YES PLEASE but her pussy was still grinding on my face.

"Sorry I couldn't understand you. What did you say?" she asked teasingly as she increased the pace.

Another try of me pleading but ending with muffled sounds followed.

"Did I get that right? You want an orgasm just like last time?" she asked with a big smile on her face.

Last time she ruined my orgasm and it was already incredibly frustrating. But now after this teasing and what happened during the day I could not endure that again....not now....I needed that orgasm.

She was going faster, my body tensed up and I pleaded and begged her to not ruin it again. She was clearly enjoying it.

"Well you didn't make ME cum so I don't think YOU deserve a proper orgasm either. That wouldn't be fair would it?" she added teasingly.

I was almost crying, I needed to convince her somehow. My mind was at another place apparently since I did not realize my mistake as my hands were moving on their own. They wanted to lift her ass out of my face so I could beg her to let me cum. But once I touched her perfect thick ass cheeks she immediately stopped touching my cock.

She smacked my hands and jumped off of me.

"Have you still not learned the rules...." she complained very much annoyed, although the smile on her face, if I could have seen it, would have given away that she got me exactly where she wanted me.

"I...I am sorry.....please...Anna...I need to cum.....please......" I sobbed.

"No, no no! Bad boys like you don't get to cum." she said strictly as she grabbed my hands and tied them above my head to the bed with a rope.

"Please Anna,I beg you...." I pleaded.

But she remained strict.

"No! You need to learn to obey rules. And now I don't want to hear anything from you anymore." she demanded.

I sobbed while my cock was still throbbing. I heard her walk around in the room. She was grabbing something from a drawer. Then she sat down next to me on the bed.

Seconds after that I heard her moaning right next to me.

"Disappointing....that I.....have to do it......myself once.....agai....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" she gasped as she came hard.

My body was still tensing up from frustration and desperation but I didn't dare to speak anymore. Staying quiet might still leave me with a small chance to redeem myself,or so I hoped.

She kept going with her dildo though.

"Ahhh...at least....a dildo does.....what I expect of it.....AAAAAAAAAH FUUUUCK" she moaned loudly while cumming a second time.

"Please Anna...I am sorry.....let me" I tried once again since her moaning and teasing drove me crazy.

"No!" she interrupted me annoyed, "you have done enough for the night. You will sit there and listen to how it sounds when I am actually satisfied."

She brought herself to two more orgasms after that before finally collapsing onto the bed exhausted and with a big smile on her face as she watched my still rock hard cock bounce around and desperately seeking some attention.

Anna lay there for a while catching her breath and teasingly running her fingers over my body.

"I guess I won't be able to lock that thing back up in this condition" she said while gently caressing my cock.

I couldn't help but groan just from these light touches.

"You could just......let me cum real quick" I suggested carefully.

She got up from the bed and walked around the room while laughing wholeheartedly as if I made the funniest joke ever.

"You must be either really forgetful or really desperate....You messed up your chance silly. But I am too tired to take care of this,", she flicked my cock, "problem right now." she continued as she pulled off the blindfold.

Anna had dressed again, apparently wearing a shirt that was long enough to cover everything up.

Although she still looked beautiful I was a bit disappointed I didn't get to see more.

"So....what are we doing" I asked unsure of what she was aiming at.

"Well I can't let you leave. You would jerk off immediately you little pervert." she thought out loud.

"So I guess you will have to stay here for tonight." she added with a smirk on her face.

For a second I thought she was saying I was gonna sleep with her...fuck her after all, but that was not what she meant.

"Obviously I can't supervise you while I am asleep so your hands will have to stay tied for the night." she continued while laying down next to me.

"I hope it won't be too uncomfortable for you." she yawned.

I looked at her in disbelief thinking that she couldn't be serious right now. But Anna just turned on her side and as she pressed her thick ass against my body added an innocent "Good night".

When I finally had found my ability to speak again she was already fast asleep. And if my hands being tied above my head wasn't enough to prevent me from sleeping her ass pressing against my groin definitely sealed the deal. It was going to be a rough night. When I finally dropped into an uneasy sleep the sun was already rising. Of course Anna was shuffling around during her sleep but somehow, as if she could control it, there was always her ass or her tits pressing against me. Sometimes she even had her leg wrapped around me. It drove me mad and it followed me into my dreams where I fucked the shit out of her but somehow even there I never got to cum.

I was violently pulled out of my scarce sleep by a bag of ice that Anna pressed against my cock.

The surprise and shock when I felt it had me screaming and sitting straight up in bed immediately.

Anna however was just laughing at me.

"Sorry for the rude awakening. But damn...you might not have the control to restrain from cumming for long but your cock can sure as hell stay hard for long." she laughed.

I still needed a moment to catch my breath. Waking up like this felt like jumping under an ice cold shower.

"The.....hell....are....you...doing" I grumbled.

"Oh come on don't be so grumpy...its a beautiful day.....and I even have been so kind to untie your hands beforehand.", she said as if it was the most generous thing anybody has ever done.

"I just have to leave in a second, so I need to lock you back up and you were still hard sooooo...." she looked down at the bag of ice instead of finishing her explanation.

"You can't be serious..." I realized in disbelief.

"Of course I am...after all that is how we got you into this thing the first time." she explained.

Now that she said it I briefly remembered it from that night. The laughing and joking while someone was sitting on my face. Whoever it was still had their pants on though. And then there was this icy sensation just like now before they locked me up...These girls were crazy...

As I escaped my returning memories of that night my cock had gone numb and limb and Anna quickly grabbed the cage and locked me back up. While I was staring at her apathetically she put the key back on her necklace and let it dangle between her tits again. I stared at it as if I was hypnotized by it and she smiled as she noticed.

"Maybe next time you will have more luck. But for now I got to go....have a nice day..." she announced happily as she walked out of the room leaving me alone with my constantly building up frustration.

I tried to go back to sleep without any success. As I got up later that day I walked into the living room and saw Hailey sitting there reading a book. I still have not managed to figure her out at all. It feels like there are different personalities inside of her.

At times there were days going by where I did not talk to Hailey at all. Sometimes because she spent most of her time in her room, probably reading or studying which supported my initial impression of her being introverted and maybe a bit nerdy. At the same time she was out quite regularly. In the beginning I thought she would just spent a lot of time at the university, maybe in the library or something like that. But after a while I learned from the other girls that Hailey actually had a boyfriend.

I mean she was an attractive woman and very intelligent. It didn't surprise me that a guy would be interested in her but somehow it still did not fit at all to the picture I had of her. She seemed to make quite a mystery out of the guy though. I had never hear her talk about him and even the girls said they had only seen him like twice. It only underlined this whole confused, mysterious picture of her in my mind.

But then there also was the dominant Hailey. She was always present in my mind since that moment she had sent me to the ground and as I walked into the living room that was the Hailey I was about to meet. I just didn't know it yet as I carefully greeted her and said:

"Hey, Hailey."

She stared at me with a look like she wanted me dead.

"What? Is there a problem? Did I do something wrong? I didn't want to disturb you, I am sorry." I stuttered scared.

"I liked you better when you were down on your knees yesterday." she said sternly.

"I....what do you..." I stumbled over my words.

"KNEEL" she ordered.

I went down to my knees immediately. Partly because I was scared of the pain but also because I found it incredibly arousing to see that introverted, shy girl act so dominant with me.

"Good, now crawl over here." she continued.

Embarrassed but also aroused I crawled my way through the room until I knelt right next to her on the ground. Scared I looked at her feet but she pulled up my chin and looked me deep in the eyes.

"That looks like a way more natural place for you don't you think?" she asked.

"Y...Yes, Hailey." I responded.

Immediately she slapped me hard on my right cheek.

"What did you say?" she asked angrily.

"I....I said....Yes, Hailey." I repeated confused about what I possibly could have done wrong now.

Again she slapped me, this time on the other side.

"You will call me Goddess Hailey....and nothing else. UNDERSTOOD?!" she demanded.