Femdom Flatshare Pt. 03

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The girls make Nick discover a new part of him.
6.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 07/30/2022
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I dug through my clothes as fast as I could to find some stuff I could do sports in. I just grabbed a random black shirt but it took me a moment to find some sports pants because it had been a while since I last worked out. I threw those and some sneakers quickly into a bag and sprinted back to the kitchen. Sarah looked sceptically at her phone when I entered. She actually timed those five minutes she gave me to get ready.

"hmm a minute late....." she said and my heart skipped a beat, "...but I will let it slide this time.", Sarah continued after a short moment of silence in between and dragged me out the door without hesitating another second.

It was a bit cold outside but it felt nice to feel and breathe some fresh air after this eventful night. Especially since this morning wasn't going any better so far. My head was still spinning, partly from what Sarah told me but mostly thanks to my hangover to be honest.

Sarah didn't seem to be too talkative. Looking at her it seemed like she had her mind focused on the upcoming workout already. So as I didn't really know what to say and didn't want to get myself into any more trouble, we didn't really talk at all on our way to the gym.

It was only a few minutes by foot until we reached our destination. When we entered Sarah showed me directly towards the dressing rooms. There were two rooms, one for women and one for men. So we split up and I entered the men's dressing room. There were a bunch of lockers were you could leave your belongings while you were working out and some showers in another room. Apart from that it was one big room, no privacy possible. Luckily for me at this moment the room was completely empty. I quickly put my sportswear on before someone could come in and see the cage around my cock. To my dismay I realized that the shorts I had found somewhere deep in my drawer had become quite tight during my time off from sports. In fact they were that tight, that the cage left a clear bulge visible through my pants. People would probably think I would walk around with a hard on the whole time but I guess I didn't have a choice. Sarah would definitely not take that as an excuse. So I made a mental note to myself that I had to buy some new shorts in the next few days as I stuffed all my things into an empty locker.

When I stepped outside Sarah was already waiting for me. She greeted me with a grin as she blatantly looked down at my crotch but didn't say anything about it. I tried to hide it as good as I can although with not much success which left Sarah with an even bigger smile on her face. Thankfully though this early in the morning the gym was pretty empty. The few people that were already there were fully focused on their workout and did not pay attention at all to anyone else.

Sarah told me to follow her and lead me through the gym. While I was walking behind her my eyes were drawn to her ass swaying in front of me. She had put on some tight pink yoga pants that were complementing it even more. I couldn't help but think about how this perfect ass would feel in my hands. My cock was trying to get hard thanks to my imagination. Obviously without any success thanks to the cage. It was beginning to feel quite uncomfortable when Sarah suddenly stopped as we had reached the area of the gym where she was doing her warm-up at.

Snapped out of my thoughts I looked at her a little surprised. I wasn't sure if she had noticed my staring or not. Either way she didn't say anything about it. She just announced that it was time to start our warm-up.

Surprisingly I was kinda excited for this. I mean the circumstances were definitely not what I had ever imagined but it felt good to finally be active again and do something good for my body. We started stretching and afterwards Sarah instructed me on some easy exercises to warm up my muscles.

The good feeling lasted for a moment and it cleared my mind from any sexual thoughts. Therefore the uncomfortable feeling due to the cage slowly disappeared.

Unfortunately what Sarah considered "warm-up" exercises, was making me sweat already and after a short time I was breathing quite heavily.

I took a moment to breathe and looked at Sarah while she was going at it with ease. It was impressive to watch and it was also quite interesting to see the focus in her eyes. I could tell she was really enjoying this and that it was quite serious to her aswell.

Only after she finished her exercise she noticed me watching and taking a break. I prepared myself for her to rub in how out of shape I am and joke about how pathetic that would be but to my surprise she stayed serious and asked me if everything was all right with genuine concern. I looked at her surprised...it was like she was a completely different person than the one I had encountered at home.

I nodded confused.

"I guess I am just more out of shape as I thought." I admitted.

"That's okay, just try to keep up and take a break when you need it. Watch out to not overdo it though. We don't want you to get injured" she reassured me.

I was still astounded by the change in her behavior.

"Well I will still do my sets though and you should stick around.....How about this: You try to keep up as good as you can and for every set you manage to complete I will answer one question about last night on our way back." Sarah proposed trying to motivate me.

I agreed to it since somehow this whole interaction had me motivated already and tried to keep up with her as good as I could but I only managed to complete like three sets according to her count. I lost count of it very early on because I was totally exhausted. The hangover probably didn't help my stamina either, although I started to feel better already. Well "better" is not quite right but at least the pain went from my head to pretty much everywhere else in my body as my muscles were starting to protest against the sudden change in behavior. I guess they didn't get the memo yet that I would have to work out in the near future more often.

I didn't know how long we were training but finally Sarah announced that we were finished for today. The gym was still quite empty although people were starting to come in. When I entered the dressing room I could hear a shower running in the other room.

Although my body was really longing for a nice warm shower after all this, I wasn't going to walk in there with that fucking cage on. It would be way to embarrassing if some random guy would see me in this especially since I would probably have to come here more often in the near future if Sarah was going to follow up on her announcement. So I decided to just put on my normal clothes again and delay the shower until we got home. It was only a few minutes away. I figured I could wait that long.

This time I was the one waiting for Sarah in front of the dressing rooms. Obviously she was taking a shower here, since she didn't have to embarrass herself while doing so. But I was way too exhausted to be angry about it. I could already feel my sore muscles right know....I didn't even want to know how this would feel tomorrow.

After what felt like an eternity Sarah finally walked out of the dressing room. She was accompanied by another girl. She looked at me standing there and giggled. Which was more than enough to bring different thoughts back to my head.... Did Sarah tell that girl about me, about the cage, about last night? I blushed as she waved and then headed towards the workout rooms. Apparently she had just arrived and was about to start her workout session.

Sarah had a big grin on her face when she noticed that I had not showered yet.

"Had company in there?" she asked teasingly although she obviously already knew the answer.

I ignored the question and just asked her if we could go home now.

Luckily for me Sarah did let it slide for now and we headed back home.

"So you got three questions, honestly more than I thought you would get after how the warm-up went." she laughed after we just walked out the door. It seemed like she was already starting to get back into her normal mood.

"Thanks..." I responded. At least she did gave me some credit for trying I guess. It was hard to figure out how to handle her with these two very different personalities I had now met. At least I could now see what Anna meant when she said Sarah could be nice when you get to know her. In some way at least....

"Who was that girl and what did you tell her about me?" I asked to break the silence and change the topic although I was scared of the answer.

"That's technically two questions and they are both not about last night....but I am in a good mood so....I know her from university she is studying with me..." she took a long break before continuing.

"And I only told her that you are our new roommate and that you will be my new workout partner." she explained with a smile on her face. "What else would I tell her?" she added innocently.

I was relieved to know she did not expose me to some random girl. Seems like she was just friendly when she smiled and waved at me. With that off my chest I prepared myself for that second question that needed to be answered. I took a deep breath and asked:

"Okay, so how do I get out of the cage?"

I tried to be as quiet as I could to make sure no random person walking around could overhear our conversation.

"Are you sure you want that tiny cock out of there?" she asked while laughing and not putting even the slightest effort in keeping her voice down.

"I mean seriously having a girl see that tiny dick is probably more embarrassing then showing her that cage instead." she added now being fully back to her annoying self.

"It could even benefit you. She will know for sure that you will be focused on her pleasure. I am sure that will raise your chances with the ladies." she explained further as I was turning bright red and just wanted to sink into the ground.

"Just tell me..." I whispered barely audible.

"Fine, it is actually quite a fun game so you are probably right...it's way better if you want to get out...for us at least. So you know all four of us actually have a key and you can do whatever you can or want to have one of us unlock you." she explained.

"That's it? Just convince one of you to unlock me. Thank god...." I said relieved hoping that Anna would understand my situation and would let me out in no time.

"Someones confident" she laughed, "cute, but no that's not it. Only one of the four keys actually works." she added.

"Okay....why do you have four then? Which one is the right one?" I asked confused.

Once again she laughed. She seemed to really enjoy my reaction to all of this.

"Obviously I would not tell you if I could." she explained amused.

"What do you mean... if you could?" I inquired.

"Well that is the fun part. Neither of us knows which one is the right one. And before you get any wrong ideas bitch.....you won't be able to just focus on one of us at a time until you find the right one.......We switch them around every week" she clarified.

I was left speechless. This was way too thought out to be a spontaneous thing which they thought of just last night while being drunk. It seemed like I was played...probably since the very first meeting with Anna. I was shocked but not only about what I had learned....what really messed with my head was the fact that I was incredibly aroused by what Sarah had just revealed to me.

My cock was pressing against the cage trying to break free, obviously without success. It was very uncomfortable which made me groan in desperation.

Sarah looked at me and grinned, she knew exactly what was going on.

"Good knowing you like to serve four super hot girls makes it way more fun." she stated happily as we arrived back home. Sarah walked straight to her room and left me standing at the entry without saying another word. I couldn't help but stare at her ass once more until she disappeared in her room.

I heard voices from the living room as I stood there for a few seconds. The others must have been awake by now. I didn't feel like company at the moment though, I still had some things to figure out before I was ready to talk to them again. So I threw my bag on my bed and then walked straight to the bathroom to finally take my shower, to relax my sore body and hopefully my mind as well.

After a while, while I was still letting the warm water run all over my body I heard the bathroom door opening. It snapped me out of my thoughts, the shower had soothed my body and my nerves a bit but this was ripping me out of that calm state immediately. Like what the hell? Can't they hear the shower I thought to myself as I announced to whoever had entered, that I was in the shower and the bathroom was occupied, in a very annoyed tone. I didn't get any form of response though until a few seconds later, Lynn stepped into the shower with me fully naked.

I looked at her stunned and speechless as she immediately pressed her naked body against mine. The shower was spacious enough for two people to be in there without a problem but she was obviously looking for physical contact.

"I am so sorry that Hailey didn't let us have real fun yesterday." she whispered as her tits pressed against my body. I was paralyzed. Neither could I say anything nor move, I just stared at her with a mix of lust, confusion and frustration.

Her hands were running over my body for a while. Then she took a step back and looked me directly into the eyes. Her eyes had me captivated once again and I realized she could make me do pretty much anything at this moment and I wouldn't hesitate. Lynn grabbed my hands and slowly moved them up.

"Come on...there is no one here to stop us this time....Touch this pair of perfect tits...I know you want to." she said seductively while maintaining eye contact the whole time.

I still couldn't quite grasp the situation but my hands moved towards her tits anyways as if they were out of my control. The feeling was indescribable. Her tits really felt perfect, so soft and full... The first time I touched a woman's breasts and god it felt like heaven to me. I massaged them and fondled her. It was impossible for me to stop like I was hypnotized by them. Lynn got worked up by that and quickly dragged my head towards her tits.

"Suck on them, baby....suck on my nipples" she ordered.

I followed her instructions without hesitation. My hands kept caressing her massive tits while I was kissing and sucking on them. It was like heaven and hell at the same time. On the one hand it was the best feeling ever. Having those tits in my face was more than I could have dreamed about. I never had any success with girls so far due to my introverted and shy nature and my average looks but of course I hoped to finally find a girlfriend some time during university. I never had expected to be intimate with someone as hot as Lynn though.

At the same time however my cock pressed against the cage harder and harder. I cursed myself for letting them lock me in this thing last night as I tried to ignore the pressure for as long as I could since I wanted this moment to not stop anytime soon. Unfortunately it became unbearable at some point. It nearly drove tears to my eyes which finally forced me to step away from those gorgeous tits with great remorse.

Lynn looked at me disappointed.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Unable to speak I just looked down to the cage.

"Oh right...... I am so sorry about that." she said with seemingly sincere sympathy in her voice. But just a second later she dropped down to her knees, wrapped one arm around me to pull me in and grabbed the cage with her other hand. Before I even knew what hit me she started to give me a blowjob as if the cage wasn't even there.

I could see her tongue circling the tip and licking the full length of the cage. However I could only imagine how great that would feel right now. My cock was pulsing trying desperately to find a way out of this agony and get some satisfaction. When she started to wrap her lips around it and actually take it in her mouth I lost it. The world was spinning around me. I could see her right there in front of me on her knees giving me an incredible blowjob. I could have been in heaven spraying my cum all over her face in a second but instead I couldn't feel a thing.

"Oh god please Lynn, unlock me. I am going to fuck you. It's gonna be good I swear the best sex you ever had. I will do anything just let me out of this thing." I pleaded in desperation.

Lynn didn't even react as if she didn't even hear or see my painful frustration. She just continued to take that cage in to her mouth as if it was the best dick she had ever sucked. She took it all the way in to the point where I could feel her lips touch my balls. I continued to beg her and grew more and more desperate with every second. I pleaded her to at least pay attention to my balls since I would be able to at least feel something there. Lynn did not react to my wishes at all though she ignored my balls, kept on licking and sucking that cage as she played with her tits and got more and more turned on.

Finally, after an eternity of despair on my end, she stopped. She got up swung her arms around my head, pressed her body against mine once again and kissed me.

"I am sorry. I tried my key last night immediately, but it doesn't work. Believe me I would like nothing more than having that dick in me right now....God I need a cock right now." she explained. Apparently she did hear all my pleadings but just decided to ignore them or was just caught in her horny rush.

Meanwhile I was close to crying at this point. All the frustration and pain of my cock pressing against the cage had messed me up. I closed my eyes for a second trying to calm myself a little, focus on the water running over my body although that had turned relatively cold at that point in time.

When I opened my eyes Lynn was crouching on the ground again. This time she was not paying attention to me or the cage though. Lynn was about to lower herself on a dildo. She must have brought it with her in to the bathroom and grabbed it as I was trying to calm down.

A powerful loud moan filled the room as this thick, pink dildo was entering her pussy. I would have never imagined that I would be jealous of a dildo at some point in my life but here I was. It was way bigger and thicker than my cock and most importantly it was inside Lynn's pussy. Right where I could be if I wouldn't be wearing this dumb fucking cage.

Watching her ride that thing made me and my cock go insane but I couldn't help but stare at her. It was hypnotizing seeing her pink, clean-shaven pussy bounce up and down on it. Her tits were matching the rhythm. As the pain became too much I dropped to my knees. It was only then that Lynn seemed to realize again that I was still there. She looked deep into my eyes. Seeing my frustration, my despair....it turned her on even more. Her fingers started playing with her pussy while she was increasing the speed until she went as fast as she could. All the while maintaining eye contact with me the whole time.

It didn't take long until she came to an incredible intense orgasm. Her eyes rolled back and her whole body was shaking before she collapsed on the ground with her back resting on the wall. For a few minutes she just sat there licking her juices off of the dildo in her post orgasmic euphoria.

Meanwhile I was a complete mess. Also sitting on the ground but sobbing and begging her to get me out of this cage, to let me fuck that gorgeous pussy of hers. Although I knew that even if she wanted to she couldn't, not at the moment at least. Based on what happened next I wasn't so sure if she truly wanted to get me out of this though....

"God it's so hot seeing you like this." Lynn exhaled as she crawled towards me. She pushed me gently on my back and lay on top of me. I was unable to resist her, my body and mind both were exhausted from the workout session with Sarah earlier and this shower had sucked the last strength out of me. Her clit was rubbing over my cage, her tits were pressed against my body and she kissed me. Her hips were starting to move as if she was actually about to ride me.