Femdom Flatshare Pt. 02

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Nick gets introduced to the rest of his roommates.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 07/30/2022
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I woke up from a restless sleep. When I opened my eyes I couldn't see anything. For a second I wondered if it was the middle of the night but then the realization set in.

I was still laying in my bed, with that blindfold on.....just like Anna left me. Bit by bit everything came back to me...her soft hands around my cock, the excitement of being in bed with such a gorgeous woman......but also my premature orgasm and the frustration because she ruined it....

The taste of her juices was still sticking around in my mouth. Her cleanly shaven pussy in my face, the taste and smell of her......it felt like heaven, the most amazing feeling.....well apart from the fact that I apparently did a terrible job pleasuring her.

I remembered the sound of the door being shut, when she left me. After the initial panic subsided I thought this might be a part of her game, that she would be back in a few minutes and free me...or even better sit right back on my face. After all she said we would work on my oral skills, right?

She didn't come back though. Even when I yelled as loud as I could I didn't get any response. Eventually I got tired from all the screaming and winding to get out of the bonds and I fell asleep. But how long did I sleep? Is it still the same day? Is it the middle of the night? Panic started to take a hold of me again but my growling stomach snapped me out of those thoughts. My hands instinctively moved to my stomach.

In my sleepy and panicky state it took me a few seconds to realize that I just moved my hands...the bonds were gone I could move my arms and legs. Only the blindfold had remained from Anna's idea of having fun. She must have been in here while I was sleeping and removed everything....

The sun was shining through my window. My phone's battery had died so I had no idea what time it was but judging by the view outside it was already around noon. Which means it definitely was the next day already. I plugged my phone on to the charger and took my clothes from the day before, which were still lying at the same place I threw them yesterday, when I was waiting for Anna. Then I made my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Of course Anna was sitting at the kitchen table when I walked in.....She was doing something on her phone while having a snack. This was going to be awkward...I had no idea what to say. I could feel myself blushing just from looking at her even though this time she wasn't even wearing anything sexy, which was probably a first since I met her. My mind filled with pictures....or rather sounds and smells from the day before.

Anna looked up, smiled and said: "Are you always getting up that late? You are gonna have a hard time when your courses finally start." she laughed and looked back at her phone. I was still at a loss for words so I just nodded, which she probably didn't even see. While walking past her to the fridge I tried to figure out how to handle this situation. I was often lost in common social interactions but this....I was a total loss.

The fact that she didn't even seem to think about yesterday at all confused me even more. My mind was racing while I prepared myself a sandwich. When I was done I stood there kinda lost. It would be awkward to just leave and eat in my room but at the same time sitting at a table with her might be even weirder. While I was still weighing up my options she basically decided for me. She looked at me over her shoulder with a friendly smile and joked: "You know this table stands here for a reason......to eat at it."

"Oh yeah sure....s....sorry......I was......lost in thoughts for a second." I stuttered and sat down opposite to her.

"No worries." she said with a sly grin on her face as she turned her attention back to her phone.

Silence resumed for a while as I was eating and she was typing. For me it was a torturing silence though so I decided to just take the initiative.

"Soooo.........about yesterday......." I tried to start while staring nervously at my plate in front of me.

"What about it?" Anna asked unconcerned.

"Ehm....shouldnt we.....talk....about this......or......" I responded still confused by her indifference.

She was still looking at her phone, although in contrast to me not out of shyness and awkwardness. "What is there to talk about?" she asked while still managing to sound completely uninterested.

"Well.....the fact that... you left me tied up.....the fact that.....we had se..." I started to explain when she interrupted me.

"Listen, if you need to talk about it we can do that some other time. The others are coming back from their vacation today. I thought it would be nice to have a small welcome party tonight. I mean not really a party just us 4...eh sorry 5 with you here now." she said with way more enthusiasm then everything else she said so far this morning.

"Ehm...sure but..." I responded confused to try to stay on the way more important topic before talking about some party plans, but she didn't let me finish.

"It would be a great opportunity for everyone to get to know you and the other way around. But I still need to prepare so would you mind to pick up a few things for later, drinks and so on...I prepared a list." she explained and handed me a shopping list.

I took it out of her hands with visible perplexity but apparently she took it as an agreement anyways because she immediately stood up and made her way out of the kitchen. Already halfway through the door she stopped for a second and said: "Great, oh and you should hurry a bit, its already 3pm. They should be here in 3 hours max, probably even earlier"

And with that she left me alone in the kitchen, very much dumbfounded to say the least.

Even though I found the idea of a small party to get to know my other roommates quite good her behavior had me wondering on how to interpret all of it. Did I ruin my chances with her? Did I even have a chance in the first place? Maybe it simply was normal for these guys here to have sex with their roommates?

All of these questions went through my head over and over again while I was getting ready and they even stuck with me while I was heading to the store to grab all the stuff Anna wanted me to buy. It was mainly some snacks and drinks, nothing special. The store around the corner wasn't really well stocked regarding alcoholic drinks though so I had to go to a second one further away. Since my mind was occupied anyways it didn't really matter to me though. It was probably a good thing to get away from Anna for a while to sort out my feelings.

When I finally was on my way back it was already around 5pm. I wondered where the time went but then again I did wake up real late apparently and I was lost in thoughts the whole time since the conversation with Anna earlier.

On my way back however I managed to finally silence these thoughts slowly. Instead it became clear to me that I was about to meet my other 3 roommates which I would live with for quite some time. I did start to get a little nervous.

It was at this time that I realized that Anna didn't really tell me anything meaningful about them. She only told me that she thinks we would get along well but that was pretty much it. I did not know what to expect at all, I didn't even know their names...Hell I didn't even know how many guys and how many girls I would live with.

It became clear to me that I really need to be able to get a clear head around Anna...how would I not even ask about such simple things before moving in? She must have a more extreme effect on me than I had realized so far.

Whatever I thought to myself....in the worst case I don't get along with them. Then I can still look for something else and move out again once I find something. And best case is, I make some friends who can help me with fitting in at the university, getting used to this new part of my life and who knows, maybe I have got a shot with Anna after all.....

A few minutes later I arrived back at the house. I grabbed all the stuff and carried it inside. When I arrived I heard voices from the living room and I could feel the nervousness rising inside of me. Apparently my future roommates had already arrived. To mentally prepare myself for this encounter and calm myself a little bit I went straight to the kitchen and put everything in its place without greeting them first.

"You took your time." Anna said when she entered the kitchen while I was putting some of the stuff I bought away.

I turned around and nearly dropped a vodka bottle. The exception of earlier turned out to be an exception indeed...she was back to sexy clothing. In fact she was wearing a very tight black dress that was emphasizing her curves and showed a lot of cleavage. Additionally she wore some matching high heels even though I had never seen her wear shoes in the house before. I couldn't help but stare and whisper "Wow....".

She smiled while walking towards me. "You like it?...Too bad you didn't get to see whats underneath yesterday.." she said seductively and stopped right next to me. With the high heels on she was about as tall as me.

"M...Maybe I could get....another chance...." I stuttered without even thinking about it.

She looked me deep in the eyes: "Maybe....Once you learned how to lick me properly." she whispered while grabbing my throbbing cock through my pants.

"So did you get anything?" she asked a second later as casual as possible, as if nothing just happened. I stared at her confused and speechless thanks to her stunning looks.

"Are you alright?" she asked seeming sincerely concerned. For a second her erratic behavior even had me as far as thinking that this was my head playing tricks with me and I was just imagining things between us.

Managing to regain at least a bit of composure I nodded slowly and answered:

"Yeah, ehm everything you wrote down is there." I pointed to the bags that I had put down on the table.

"Great, then let me introduce you." she said joyfully. She grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the living room.

I tried to quickly remove whatever happened in that kitchen from my mind and refocus to at least attempt to make a good first impression with the others. When I stepped into the living room though all hope for the tiniest bit of focus and self control was gone.

"Ladies, let me introduce to you, our new roommate, Nick." Anna announced.

I went through a lot of scenarios in my head while I was on my way back from the store, some great ones, some really awkward ones and also a lot of embarrassing ones. Thinking about it I guess I was quite pessimistic about this whole situation overall.

However not even once had it crossed my mind that it could be that none of my roommates would be guys. I mean don't get me wrong living alone with four girls was probably a dream come true for most young men going to university. But me? The shy, introverted dude that had no experience with women whatsoever....I was not prepared for that.

I stood there in silence while the first one of the three girls stood up. She looked me up and down resting her gaze at my crotch for a little longer than the rest of my body and smiled.

"Ooooh a cute one" she said interested and walked towards me to give me a hug as a greeting. She had long curly brown hair and although she wasn't wearing any high heels, like Anna, she still was nearly as tall as me. While Anna was wearing sexy but still reasonable clothes nearly all the time I saw her so far, that girl was more on the slutty side regarding her clothing. She was wearing some jeans shorts, and shorts was really putting it generously, with a small strapless crop top and I could tell that there was no way in hell she had any underwear underneath all that. It really left very little to the imagination and just barely covered the necessary parts.

Her tits were bouncing as she walked towards me. They were probably a similar size as Anna's were but to my surprise it weren't her tits that I was staring at during these agonizingly long seconds. Instead her dark brown eyes, that were staring directly into mine, were captivating me.

She finally arrived at my position and gave me a hug. I could feel her tits press against me, her hands were slowly moving down my back towards my ass and then she basically pushed me into her. I was not able to move or say anything, my cock was throbbing in my pants as I was completely caught off guard by her vigorous greeting.

"Jeez Lynn, do you really have to try to jump on every single cock that is within your reach?" one of the other two said annoyed.

The girl, whose name obviously was Lynn, released me from her hug. She looked at me and then down at my crotch where now a quite obvious bulge was visible. She bit her lower lip and responded: "Well...at least nearly everyone." she winked at me and then sat back down on the couch.

"How do you even think he is cute....he is at most......average." the other girl said. So while I was still recovering from whatever the hell Lynn did to me I was already being....insulted? Was it an insult? I mean I didn't really blame her for the statement. I knew I wasn't the best looking guy but...why would tell that to someone you just met?

She was sitting in one of the armchairs and was looking at me with a look I couldn't quite make sense of. There was some curiosity in there I believed but at the same time it felt like she really meant what she said and had not a drop of sympathy for me. But there was something else in her look that I couldn't pin down at all.

At first sight she didn't seem like my type anyways. She looked attractive with her small perky tits and her short blonde hair, don't get me wrong. But it didn't flash me like Anna or Lynn did with their first impressions and additionally to her looks she was simply missing the friendliness and happiness of Anna in her face.

Her clothing was nothing too sexy, although her legs in those yoga pants she was wearing did catch my eye for a moment. You could definitely tell though that she looked very fit and that she must be working out quite regularly.

"Don't worry about her, Sarah can be nice once you get to know her." Anna tried to save the situation. Hearing that I finally found my voice again, although my cock was still rock hard.

Not wanting to get off on the wrong foot with anyone I decided to let it slide for now and just said: "No worries, nice to meet you."

Sarah just nodded as a response and then turned to her phone.

The last girl was sitting on the other end of the couch. She was equally attractive as the other three which made me wonder once again if this was all a dream or how the hell I ended up in this situation but these were thoughts for some other time.

The girl was a black women with long brown hair and dark brown eyes which were hidden behind glasses. With her jeans and the hoodie that she was wearing she was the only one of the four that was not showing off her body. Somehow it made her seem to be the most honest or real to me.

She sat there in the corner of the couch with a book in her hand. I could tell that she was more of an introverted person, the shy kinda type, just like me. I walked towards her, offered her my hand and introduced myself once more while awkwardly trying to hide the rest of the bulge in my pants that was still left. She briefly looked up at me shook my hand and introduced herself as Hailey just to focus her attention back to reading immediately after.

As I turned around I realized that Anna had taken the second armchair, so the only place left for me to sit was on the couch in the middle of Lynn and Hailey.

Anna grabbed a round of beers from the kitchen for everyone to start off the night and we ordered some food. In the beginning of the evening the three girls reported on how their vacation went. I was glad about the way things were going because this way the others were doing most of the talking and I could just sit there, eat and drink and most importantly try to wrap my head around the fact that I was living together with four attractive girls as the only guy in the house.

The initial surprise and fear of not being able to connect with them, to just be the awkward roommate, the third wheel, quickly faded away and I started to realize that this could become quite fun and maybe even hot if I play my cards right. I mean I already was close to sleeping with Anna and Lynn showed her interest very aggressively as well....

As the evening moved on I occasionally listened to their vacation stories but most of the time I was fantasizing about my future. Then, while Sarah was showing Anna some photos and I was taking a sip from my drink, a hand landed on my lap and was slowly moving upwards towards my crotch. I nearly spit out my drink as I looked down and then with a surprised face towards Lynn. She wasn't even looking at me but her hand was still rubbing my cock through my pants just long enough to make it rock hard. Then she took her hand away again. I suppressed a frustrated groan which no one else seemed to notice or maybe they just didn't care.

However from that point on Lynn was constantly touching me. Most of the time it was just on my arm or it was her leg just slightly grazing mine but her body was constantly there and it turned me on. The arousal also resurfaced the memories of Anna's teasing from yesterday. I looked around nervously and blushed but still no one, not even Lynn herself seemed to pay attention to me.

Later that evening when the four them told each other all about what happened during the time they were apart....well at least nearly everything...luckily for me Anna had left out the intimate part between the two of us, which I was very thankful for since I still had no idea on how to contextualize all of that.

Anyways, Anna suggested to play a game so they could get to know me better and the other way around. I don't know if it was because Anna suggested it, if it was the constant arousal because of Lynn that shut off my brain or if it was simply the amount of alcohol I had drank that far, since alcohol always had a tendency to make me a bit more looser and more open. Probably it was a combination of all of these things. Either way I didn't hesitate a second to announce how great of an idea I thought this would be. Anna smiled happily at me, obviously satisfied with my reaction.

Lynn seemed enthusiastic about it as well.

"Great idea, so what are we talking about? Like truth or dare or something like that?" she asked excited.

"What would be the point of that? The four of us know literally everything about each other." responded Sarah showing of her clear lack of enthusiasm. It seemed to convince Anna and Lynn that games like truth or dare would indeed be kind of pointless in this group though. After a moment of silence where the two tried hard to find a different game that would fit the purpose and make fun at the same time Hailey joined the conversation.

Although she had put her book to the site once the food had arrived this was one of the very few times I had heard Hailey's voice. It seemed like I was right with my initial assessment that she was quite introverted. But somehow this made me really wanting to get to know her better.

"Why make it so complicated...you want to get to know each other and get drunk. We ask him something, he asks all of us and in between you drink...we can just skip the questions between us" she said slightly bored. Seems like she was not the type for games, at least not party games.

"But then we would miss the fun of dares." Lynn reacted genuinely disappointed.

After a couple of minutes of discussion between the four of them they decided on a proposal of Hailey.

I would ask each of them a question and then each of them would get to ask me one. If the questions were answered whoever asked had to drink. But if someone wouldn't want to or couldn't answer, that person would have to drink and do a dare.