Femdom Farms Ch. 11-13

Story Info
James heads home for the weekend encountering an old fling.
6.4k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 12/21/2022
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Chapter 11

"What was that stuff with Dom all about?" I asked Scott as we were settling down for the night.

"Not something I'm really at liberty to talk about, you know that," he replied.

It was the answer I always got when asking such questions. If I was going to find out anything it would have to come from one of the Misses or Mistresses.

The rest of the weekend and the subsequent week were mostly uneventful. I tended to my duties and did my best to serve the women and earn my time back. Unfortunately, the Mistresses were stingy and I was only able to get myself up to 25 seconds. I consoled myself by thinking if I could do the same the next few weeks I could maybe get up to 40. I wasn't sure that would be enough, but I was determined to give myself the best chance possible.

I was becoming more desperately horny by the day. On two separate evenings I was summoned to the house for some fun. Once by my own Miss Lauren and once by Miss Kerri, who still did not have a sub of her own.

Miss Lauren had restrained me to the wall while she got herself off multiple times using a mixture of her fingers, a dildo, and a vibrator. Intermittently between cumming she would get up to whip me, tease my nipples, or add weights to my swollen balls. I could tell she enjoyed my agony which contrasted with her immense pleasure.

I enjoyed our time together, and my time with Miss Kerri which was a similar experience, but all it did was increase my horniness and desperation. In a lot of ways these were my fantasies and they were all coming true. Except when they were fantasies I would be sitting at my desk stroking myself to completion. In reality the experiences were incredible, but the frustration was also agonizing.

I wanted to plead to Miss Lauren to let me cum, but I knew better. There was no hope for that until the end of the month. I thought maybe I could beg her to fuck my ass again but again I did not think I was in a position to be making requests.

The only begging I did was when asked if I wanted to taste her pussy and get her off.

"Yes, please Miss Lauren, I will do anything to be able to taste your sweetness. I would love to make you cum," I pleaded desperately. I wanted it more than anything at that moment.

"Not quite yet subby boy, I want you to keep fantasizing about my taste. You haven't quite earned it yet," she replied with a smile and a twist of my nipple.

In a way I was satisfied for even having been in the room with her. I wanted her badly and would do anything to please her.

I decided that weekend would be a good opportunity to visit home. I thought that time away from this crazy place would do me good. I hadn't seen my friends or parents for nearly a month.

I departed Friday after the work day and pulled into my parents home later that evening. My clothes were returned to me and I was able to take off the collar but of course the cage had stayed on. I felt awkward wearing it while I was greeting and hugging my parents and sister. I was careful to keep my distance, praying that it would not be noticed. I had worn a cage before, even out in public for a thrill, but this was different. It was a part of me now and I was truly owned by someone else. It was something I had become so accustomed to wearing over the past few weeks that sometimes I didn't notice it. But it felt out of place back in my normal life.

Eventually I got over it and spent a relaxing and refreshing night with my family. I did not realize how much I missed them. Being able to let my guard down and get out of the subspace was freeing.

I did my best to answer their numerous questions without giving away any of what I had actually been up to the past few weeks. They were sort of closed minded and there is absolutely no chance I wanted them finding out that I was a cabal of women's submissive chastity slave. They simply would not understand.

"Do they have you working long hours?" my mom asked me at dinner.

"Mostly the typical 9-5, but there are a few late nights here and there."

"How's your boss? Do you like your coworkers?" my dad asked.

"My boss can be quite demanding but I like her. I've gotten pretty close with a few of my coworkers, especially one guy Scott, we have a lot in common."

"Any ladies in your life?" my sister asked, smiling.

"Eh sort of.... but not really." There was of course one girl in particular I was deeply falling for, but I did not want to get into it.

For the most part I answered their questions truthfully by leaving out the finer details.

The rest of the evening was quietly spent watching a ballgame with my dad.

Saturday night I went out with some of my friends. I fielded many of the same questions over a few beers. My best friend Jake had picked up on something when I was asked about girls and he would not let it go.

"Come on man spill the details. You bangin' one of your co-workers or something? Who's the lucky girl?" he pestered.

"Not exactly, but I do really like this one girl Lauren. She's absolutely gorgeous," I said, finally giving in. None of it was a lie.

I was really happy to be home and it was nice to catch up with old friends. I was having a good time but was often reminded of my predicament. I made sure to use the stall instead of the urinal so that nobody would accidentally get a look at my cage. I had to dance around questions and be careful with my answers.

Later in the evening we switched bars and ran into a group of girls we went to high school with. Jake, being an absolute horn ball, immediately approached them and started flirting. Stacy, a girl I was on and off with since high school, was with them. She had been one of my first fucks in high school and although we never officially dated we had eventually settled into a friends with benefits type of situation. Whenever we were home from college, or in the time since graduation, we would occasionally use each other for casual sex. She was a petite blonde and very attractive but we did not share the same interests or ambitions. Because of this our relationship never really evolved past casual sex.

"Hey James!" She said as she hugged me.

It had been a while since we had seen each other, and even longer since we had hooked up. But there were no hard feelings. That's just how our relationship has always been.

"Hey Stacy, really nice to see you" I replied cordially.

But I was anything but happy to see her. Chance meetings like this had almost always resulted in us going back to one of our places and fucking. But tonight I obviously had no possibility of accomplishing that. I was nervous she would want to pick up where we left off and I would have a hard time coming up with any excuse. She was not one of the girls I had ever discussed my kinks with and I was not comfortable dropping this bomb on her here and now.

I wanted to run away, but I didn't. I tried to play it cool.

We caught up and I filled her in (again, sparing the details) on where I had been. We chatted for a while and I enjoyed her company. The night was growing late and the bar was beginning to clear out. Those that remained, including Stacy and I, had probably had a few too many drinks. Jake looked to have been successful in his search as he was making out with one of the other girls from Stacy's group. Stacy had noticed too. Perhaps it woke something up in her.

She reached for my crotch. I quickly stopped her.

"I, uh, I can't tonight. I'm sorry," I stammered.

"What the hell do you mean James? Got a girlfriend or something?"

We had not discussed our love lives outside of each other. We typically did not.

Jake chimed in to my dismay. "Nope! He's got no girlfriend, but he does have a little crush," he said, smiling drunkenly at both of us.

My mind raced as I tried to think of any reasonable excuse as to why we couldn't fuck like we typically do.

"I, uh, got rid of my apartment so I'm staying with my parents. I can't exactly take you back there."

Jake overheard and cut in again. "Ahhh bro! I got a spare room for you two lovebirds in my apartment! Come stay with me tonight, it'll be a party!"

"Fucking shut up man," I thought in my head.

"How generous!" Stacy exclaimed. "What do you say James? For old times sake?"

I was trapped. I had already used the one lame excuse I could think of. And I had brought this on myself by keeping the conversation going. I should have ran when I had the chance. Maybe it was my overwhelming horniness, or the couple too many drinks I had, but I had no clue what to say.

"What's wrong with you James?" Stacy asked concerned. Then she leaned in rubbing my leg.

"I'll even blow you, I know you like that," she said whispering in my ear.

My cock immediately began fighting against the confines of my cage. Fuck! I would do anything to be with her tonight like we so often had. I hadn't cum in weeks and she was always a great lay, even if I never lasted long.

"Can I talk to you outside Stacy?" I asked, trying to buy myself a moment.

As soon as we stepped outside she pounced on me, planting her lips on mine as she pinned me against the wall. In a moment of passion I returned the kiss, forgetting myself. She reached down and grabbed my crotch.

"Shit," I thought.

"What the hell is that?" She said, stepping away.

I was stupefied. I stared down at my crotch and then back at her. How could I let this happen?

"Are you wearing a chastity cage James?" She asked with a bit of laughter in her voice.

I couldn't believe my ears. She knew what it was? I never thought of her as a particularly kinky person. We had almost always stuck to missionary in the past.

"Ummm.. yea," I finally managed to reply.

"Wow. I didn't realize you would be into that. How interesting."

I was dumbfounded by her reaction but at least she had not run away screaming. Maybe I should have brought this up to her a long time ago.

"Please don't tell anyone," I pleaded.

"So this is why you were afraid to come home with me, I should have known you were always a submissive boy," she said smiling.

She was clearly turned on. Even more than she had been before.

"I won't tell anyone James, don't worry."

At that moment Jake and the girl he had picked up, Tara, stumbled out of the bar.

"Come on you two! Get a room!" he said laughing to himself.

"I gotta go pay my tab," I replied.

"I got you brother. Paid for it! Now come on, my apartment is just a few blocks from here and we can walk," Jake said gleefully, with his arm wrapped around Tara. He was always loose with his wallet after a few drinks and he was showing off for his new girl.

"Let's go!" Stacy said to me with a wink as she grabbed my hand.

Thoughts ran through my mind as we walked. Okay so she was aware of the kink and into it? So that's okay. Maybe we can have a little fun. But what if she asks who locked me up? And am I even allowed to do this? Would Lauren be upset? Would I be punished?

Jake made us all some drinks that we probably didn't need and threw a frozen pizza in the oven. We hung out and played some drinking games, getting even looser. I was having a great time and almost forgot my predicament.

"Alright I'm calling it, let's go to bed baby," Jake said to us as he leaned in for a kiss from Tara. "Room is over there, the bathroom is down the hall. Sleep tight."

Jake and Tara stumbled drunkenly laughing into his room, leaving Stacy and I sitting alone on the couch.

"I'm gonna go freshen up. I want you nude when I come in," she said in a more direct tone than I was used to.

"Okay," I replied. I caught myself before saying "yes miss". This time I did not receive a spanking or punishment for failing to say it.

I stepped into the bedroom and stripped down as I was told. We had done this many times before but this time was different. I stared at myself in the mirror. My deepest darkest secret was on full display hanging in front of me. I was a submissive, and my cock was caged. And now Stacy knew it and was going to use me.

She stepped into the room wearing only a bra and panties. She was petite but had decent sized breasts and a big ass. She looked gorgeous standing in the doorway, her silhouette illuminated by the light of the room behind her.

"Oh my god you really are locked up!" she said loudly as if she hadn't expected to actually see me standing there naked and locked.

"Shhh please I don't want them to hear!" I pleaded with her, motioning for her to shut the door.

The walls were thin and I could hear Jake and Tara giggling to each other in the other room.

"Awwwwe you're ashamed of your little kink then are you? That's okay. I don't think it's weird. I'm actually kind of turned on by it. I've seen it online but never seen one in person. Does it hurt?"

"No, not really. Sometimes if I get really turned on it does."

"Get ready to be hurt then," she said with a devious smile.

We laid down on the bed and I did my best to answer what felt like a million questions. She was genuinely curious about it. When did I get into it? How long have I been wearing it? Can I get hard?

I answered most truthfully, until the question I dreaded came.

"How do you take it off?"

"You need a key to take it off."

"Okay so where is the key?"

"It's uh, back at my house," I lied.

"So even if you wanted to fuck me right now you couldn't?"


"Wow. Hot. So you'll just have to take care of me in other ways then. It's not like our two minute fucks ever really got me off before anyway. You know that's why I always had you eat me out before we fucked right?"

"I... uh, I guess so? You always seemed like you enjoyed it?"

"Ever hear of faking it? Sorry James I need a lot more than a few quick pumps of your average cock to get off."

Holy crap. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I genuinely thought that she had enjoyed our sex as much as I had. It was tough to hear but my cock clearly disagreed. The rush of blood to my caged manhood caused it to bounce up and down.

"Hah! Did that turn you on hearing that? You really are a little slut. Wish I knew sooner. We could have had some fun. I've always wanted to play Domme."

She reached down and began playing with my locked junk. She fondled my balls and tapped on the metal cage with her long nails. Surprisingly, she took the cage and put it in her mouth. I let out a moan even though I felt no pleasure.

"You like that? I did promise you I'd blow you, and I always keep my word. Of course I didn't know you were locked in a cage when I said that," she said, smiling up at me.

She took off her bra and wiggled out of her panties. She grabbed my head and pushed it into her chest. I breathed in deeply before taking her nipple in my mouth, nibbling it gently.

She let out a moan of pleasure as she lay back on the bed.

Despite the cage on my dick I forgot everything about the farm. I was in heaven. Even though I would do anything to fuck her in that moment I had no possible way of doing it. But I was glad for the connection and to share a bed with this beautiful woman. The experience was not that unlike those we had before.

"You may have never satisfied me with your cock but I kept you around for a reason. I know what you can do with that tongue. Get in there" she said as she forced her head down between her thighs.

I immediately got to work licking slowly up and down and side to side. I played with her clit, moving it slowly back and forth, compressing it with my tongue. I kissed and sucked and savored her sweet essence. She was moaning with pleasure. Clearly I had not forgotten how to please a woman with my tongue.

I inserted a finger into her opening, moving it in slowly as I continued massaging her clit with my tongue. I moved it in and out and then added a second finger. Without thought my other hand had reached out to grab my cage. I sighed in frustration. There was no hope. My cock was locked and the key was half a state away. It tried its damndest to get hard anyway, pushing up against the confines of the cage in swollen frustration.

After only a few minutes I could feel her begin to quiver as she approached an orgasm. She convulsed and grabbed my hair, securing me in place as she writhed in pleasure letting out loud moans one after another.

"Fuck!!! You're so good with your tongue!" She exclaimed breathlessly.

When she was satisfied I got up and lied down next to her.

That's when I noticed the sound of a headboard hitting the wall and screams of female pleasure coming from the other room. Jake had sealed the deal. He was getting it in.

Apparently Stacy had noticed too.

"Bet you'd love to be fucking me like that right now huh?" she asked as she rubbed my chest.

"Such a shame you are all locked up," she said as she playfully grabbed the cage.

All I could do was let out a mixture of a sigh and a moan.

I made her cum two more times that night. The second time she rode my face as she grabbed my locked cock for support. The third I used just my fingers as we made out.

After her third orgasm she rolled over and went immediately to sleep, apparently very satisfied.

It took me a while to fall asleep. I toyed with my cage fruitlessly as I pondered all that had just happened. My horniness was unending and this night had just exacerbated it.

Eventually I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter 12

"Morning lovebirds!" Jake said standing in the doorway in only his briefs. I tried not to stare at his bulge.

"Coffee's ready and I'm making pancakes when you're ready," he said as he started back towards the kitchen. Tara was there, in panties and one of his tee shirts, to hand him his coffee. She was a looker and I was jealous Jake had gotten to fuck her while all I got was a night of more frustration with Stacy.

Panic set in as I realized Jake had left the door open and I was still naked and caged under the sheets.

"Could you go close the door?" I asked Stacy.

"Don't want your bro to see your little cage huh?" she asked a little too loudly for my liking.

"Please," I begged.

She got up and shut the door. She wasn't as cruel as the mistresses I had dealt with the past few weeks.

We both got dressed and met Jake and Tara in the kitchen for breakfast.

Tara was clearly into Jake. She was still all over him this morning even after the effects of alcohol had mostly worn off.

"He must have fucked her good last night," I thought.

After breakfast I offered to drive Stacy home and we left. As we got down to the street I could hear the sounds of sexual pleasure coming out of the open third story window of Jake's apartment. They were going at it again.

"Does it turn you on that your best friend is fucking her up there and you're all locked up?" Stacy asked inquisitively.

"Yea, sort of," I told her truthfully.

"Interesting," was all she said.

We were quiet and did not discuss much of the night before as I drove her home. Before she jumped out of the car she leaned in for a kiss.

"Let me know next time you're in town. I had fun, but next time bring the key. Maybe I'll give you that promised blowjob, for real this time," she said giggling.

"Sure," I said, knowing that wasn't a possibility. Maybe I'd explain it all to her eventually, but for now I'd decided to leave it at that.

I went home and was greeted by my parents.

"Late night huh son?" my dad asked knowingly. I was an adult and they did not mind me staying out all night.

"Yep, didn't want to drive home after the bar so I stayed at Jake's," I let him know.

"Very responsible dear, I'm happy to hear that," my mom replied with a kiss on the forehead.

I stayed for lunch before heading back to the farm.

I had a lot of time to think on my lonely drive. In a way I wasn't happy to be going back. Maybe it was my horniness but I wanted nothing more than to turn around and head to Stacy's house to give her the key and get my promised blowjob. Even though we had always been casual, I did like her. She was sweet and beautiful and now she knew the most intimate part of me. She had "dommed" but it had been a more gentle variety than I had grown accustomed to. And it was nice.