Female Bully Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/21/2022
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The next morning, Jess immediately launches her plan. She arrives at school with Tiffany and Dina, who is subtly squeezing her hand reassuringly as she mentally prepares herself for her task ahead. She looks around the hallway to see where Simon might be. Dina looks at Tiffany, a thousand thoughts going through her mind at once. Tiffany is still moping after the clusterfuck she is responsible for setting up. This will work really well, Dina thinks. It will make Tiffany so jealous she'll admit that she can't live without Simon. Soon she would be asking him to take her back and if he won't, Dina knows that Tiffany will simply rape him until he is mind broken.

Just a few minutes later, Simon arrives. Tiffany looks at him with yearning in her heart. She frowns as Jess walks to him, approaching the boy with really determined steps. This is upsetting her. "Hi, Simon! I heard that Tiffany broke things off with you," Jess says to him in an uncharacteristically sweet voice, one which makes Tiffany's eyes go wide. "I'm so sorry about that. She is such a big fucking moron, you know? She had you and she threw you away." Tiffany gapes in shock as she watches Jess flirt with Simon, who is standing there like some idiot.

Dina struggles hard not to burst out laughing at the horrified look on her black friend's face. The ebony hottie is clearly trying to quell the urge to grab Jess' throat and strangle her. To make things even better, Simon now replies to Jess' words. "What do you mean?" the shy boy mutters, blushing slightly from the close proximity. He has never been so physically close to a girl before, except for Tiffany, who kind of raped him. "How is she a moron for leaving me? I'm just a worthless dork, that's all."

It breaks Tiffany's heart to find out that he thinks of himself like that, and hurts her even more when she think that she is a big part of the reason he feels this way. Dina too feels quite sorry for the boy having such a low self-esteem. And then Jess says "You are really cute! If we aren't at school right now, I'd be making out with you. But only after a date, of course. Dating you would make me a very happy girl." And now Tiffany is back at wanting to choke her close friend unconscious. She knows she can do it too. She is the strongest girl in their year, even more than her friends.

Dina is back to silently chuckling at how visibly jealous Tiffany is. She is sure that pretty soon the very beautiful African American girl would be raping him again, and won't let him get away this time. Simon is now looking like a tomato. "Well, I must say I am very flattered," he says to her, sweating all over his face. "We could start hanging out and go get drinks. But I'm not ready to jump into anything right now. My heart is still, you know, healing." He looks at her very apologetically as he says this.

Tiffany is now boiling with rage as Jess giggles and rests her head on Simon's shoulder. It is now almost impossible for Dina not to start laughing but she is still managing to hold herself together. "Thank you so much for giving me a chance!" she says to him, enthusiastic. "I promise I won't disappoint you, baby boy." Jess looks up and strokes his cheek softly, and Dina now has to hold Tiffany back from heading over to beat Jess up, something that is proving to be harder than she thought. She had to get two of their passing teammates to help out and even then it was a close match, with Tiffany putting up an excellent fight against the three girls by herself.

Jess walks back towards Tiffany and Dina with a shit-eating grin on her face and squares up to Tiffany, who is still being restrained by their friends. She glares at Jess angrily. "What the fuck was that about?" Tiffany demands. "I trusted you and you started hitting on the guy you know I love? What kind of friend are you, you bitch?" The black girl has never been so pissed of before in her entire life. Especially not at one of her childhood friends. This is just something special to her.

Dina places a comforting hand on the ebony beauty's muscular shoulder. She says to her "But you were the one who told Simon you don't want him. It was you who told him you had no feelings and that it was just a game. So me and Jess decided to play a little game of our own." Tiffany looks questioningly at her, prompting Dina to continue. "If you can live without him then there is no reason for you to get so worked up. But you can't."

Tiffany reels back from being directly confronted this way. It is embarrassing since she knows they are. Jess takes this moment to press the issue further and says "By the way, I meant it when I told him he is cute." Tiffany stares at her. Jess looks at her best friend with a certain deviousness in her eyes. "I want you to be happy but you really should get Simon back soon. Otherwise I might control and end up fucking him for real. I mean it, Tiff. Get him back while you still can, because soon it would be too late."

Tiffany now understands the situation she is dealing with. She knows that her friends mean well but still feels slightly irritated at how they plotted behind her back to make her feel jealous. "What I do is up to me, not you two," she says to them with a little snarl, making Dina and Jess since. "So just mind your own business, okay?" Both of the two nod as she turns her back and walk off to her first class of the day, leaving the duo standing there by themselves like a pair of idiots.

As Tiffany stumbles off though, she can not help but wonder if her friends were correct. She knows for certain that she is in love with Simon and that he feels the same way too. But she is a damaged person who has spent years bullying the other kids as a way of acting out and getting the attention she craved. It makes her hate herself yet she's never been able to stop doing it until Simon came along. He is a much better person than she is and deserves someone who hasn't done any of the horrible deeds she is very guilty off.

But then Tiffany thinks about how cute he is and what she once said to Simon earlier. That it is Simon's own fault for being so adorable that she can not help herself. She sighs and rubs her temples to fight off the oncoming headache. It is so fucking complicated and Tiffany doesn't know how to process this. Then it becomes clear to her and she smiles. She might be a better person now than she was before but she is still selfish and that won't change. No point trying to become less self-centered because it will never work. She is going to make Simon be with her again, and she won't be letting him get away this time.

During the morning break she hurries to find him in the library. He is sitting by himself. She feels her heart breaking as she sees him all alone but then the girl realizes that this wouldn't be a problem for much longer. Tiffany sits down across from him and he looks up in surprise. "Hey, Simon," she says to him with a warm smile, almost melting his heart. He has tried to build up a wall around it after what she said and it is rapidly crumbling down, just from her saying hi to him.

Simon tries to stop himself from feeling all the flutters in his stomach but it is proving to be impossible. He can never stop his damn heart from beating too fast whenever she is with him. This girl just makes him lose control of himself. "What do you want, Tiffany," he asks the black girl curtly. "Are you here to tell me more about how you think I'm worthless?" His tone cuts deep but she can't blame him for saying that to her.

Instead she puts up a brave front and smiles, giving him a rakish smirk. To her delight this smile seems to still have the same effect on him as it did before when she made him fuck her. He is now blushing as she leans in really close. "I raped you once and I could do it again, Simon," she whispers as he turns even redder. He almost swoons as she says "Face it. You've been mine since the day I face fucked you in the locker room. We'll end up together." Then she leaves the table, swaying her round buttocks as she goes.

As she rejoins her friends, she grins at both of them, looking like the rogue she is. Both of them stare at her as she tells them "You were right. I want that boy in my life. I need him. If he doesn't come to his senses and accept me back soon, I'm going to rape him again." Jess and Dina squeal in excitement and they hug her tightly, making Tiffany roll her eyes before hugging them back. "Thank you for making me realize what I should do."

They spend the rest of the day together coming up with different ideas of what they could do. Tiffany has already given Simon a chance to willingly be with her again but since his response was being silent she is going to have to pursue the more nasty option of forcing him to. It would be more difficult to get him to come to her place, but she will have to do it soon, when his feelings for her are still strong. Right now she has already declared him off limits and had her friends enforce the dating ban. But it won't last forever. Sooner or later someone would be brave enough to fight for him.

That evening when her father is back home, he can tell that she is up to no good when he sees how she is acting. He frowns at the way she is skulking about with the glint in her eyes. "What are you plotting this time?" Harold asks, knowing that his daughter is a very manipulative schemer. "Seriously. You look like one of those people who commit murder rapes." Tiffany thinks to herself that he is only 50% right. She is only plotting rape, never murder. Harold gets the feeling that his daughter might be thinking about doing something really terrible and he really hopes that he is wrong about this.

Tiffany crosses her fingers behind her back with an impish smile. "There is nothing going on that you need to worry about, dad," she promises him. He still remains skeptical and she can clearly see that, so she continues "Seriously. Just relax. It is going to be fine." She then skips all the way to her bedroom where she locks the door and then get into the bathroom for a quick shower, brushing her teeth right after. The ebony bombshell slips on a tight, form-fitting nightdress and then gets in her bed, lying under the covers.

She thinks about Simon a lot that night as she lies away for half an hour, before falling asleep and then waking up, and then falling asleep again. It is a long night for her as she keeps waking up until she decides that she really needs to sleep and somehow manages to will herself to stay asleep for longer. The night provides a much needed refuge for the long-legged black girl as she slumbers, preparing herself mentally for what she is going to have to do the very next day.


Tiffany spends the entire next morning thinking about what she should do. It is Friday and she doesn't have classes in the morning so she can take her time. She has by now decided that she will pull out all the stops in her attempt to get the boy she wants back. There will be no holding back. She is not going to consider any ethical issues or moral dilemmas in her pursuit of his cock and eventually, his heart. Why should she after she already raped him once? It is not like anything she could do to him now could be worse than that. Nothing is off limits to her now as she tries to work out a way to get Simon back in her bed again. All she needs is to get a good idea.

That's when she realizes she just need to get more information about Simon's parents, in order to find a good way to manipulate him. But she couldn't go and snoop around by herself because he could notice that. So she calls one of the private investigators her father's law firm employs and asks him to come over to her place, while she tries to think of the sort of blackmail she can use after setting up something. It is going to have to be good enough to get Simon into bed with her one more time so that she can persuade him to take her back during pillow talk, when he is most vulnerable.

She is casually sipping her coffee when he arrives. Jeff is an unassuming man in his thirties. Tiffany gives him a curt nod before handing over a basic form that she filled on Simon. "I want you to find out everything you can about his family," she says to him. Jeff nods so she continues "If his parents have done anything wrong, I want to know about it, no matter how minuscule the offense is. Get that? I want dirt on them." She knows that getting her dad's employee to try and find some blackmail material on her beloved's parents might not be the most romantic thing, but it is very necessary.

Jeff look a at the basic form containing the boy's full name, address and phone number. He nods to his boss' daughter and gets up from his seat at the table. "I'll be back tomorrow," he tells her and she thanks him for his time as he leaves the house. She then has her own breakfast before getting into her car and driving to school. As she drives she listens to some music from her phone. It helps to take her mind off Simon for a while, which is a good thing since her panties would be totally creamed and she hasn't brought any replacements.

Once she gets there Tiffany resolves to keep her cool and not act suspicious, to avoid Simon from finding out that she is up to something. She focuses on her classes and does well in them, jotting down notes and working on all of her assignments like everyone else. The girl puts on an effective charade of being a normal student who isn't plotting to coerce the love of her life into fucking her again. Tiffany puts on a convincing performance and remains completely under the radar for the entire school day.

As soon as she gets home, she goes to her bathroom and showers, before she sits down and then takes deep calming breaths in her bedroom. Tiffany does all her homework and studies on her bed before going down to dinner. She is silent all throughout the meal, which is suspicious, but her parents does not question it. Tiffany is grateful for that, and quickly shovels food in her mouth before heading back to her room to jot down ideas of what she can do to get Simon in her bed again.

The next day, Jeff returns. She is most anxious to hear of any discoveries he might have made. Tiffany ushers him in to the living room and makes him sit down opposite her, her face betraying how excited she is. "So tell me," she says to him. "Did you find out anything that I can use to blackmail Simon with? Any dirty secrets? Come on! I've been waiting for this for the entire yesterday. Just tell me already, man!" She has never been in such a state before in her entire life.

The investigator nods as he sets his thin briefcase on the mahogany table and opens the latch. Pulling out a thick envelope, he opens it, retrieving a pile of photographs. He hands them over to Tiffany, who carefully examines all the pictures. "The tall guy in the picture is Simon's father," Jeff says. "As you can see, he is groping a woman's buttocks, and that woman isn't his wife. Sadly, it doesn't show his face clearly enough to be damning. I will have to try again to get something more incriminating. He frequents the local pub often enough. Seven days a week. I will find him there again tonight."

Tiffany is impressed by the his ability to find something so soon. But the girl does not want to leave it up to chance. There is, after all, the possibility that he might not be horny the next night. That is when a brilliant idea occurs to her. "I will hire a hooker," she tells the reedy investigator. "She will walk up to him and flirt, and when they kiss, this time you will be fully prepared. Take a very clear photo of them so I can use it to blackmail him. I'll also book a room at the Sheraton now and go there to get the key. I'm going to give him a key and get him to take his son to the hotel room under false pretences, in exchange for me keeping his infidelity under wraps."

Jeff nods, highly impressed by the plan that the teenage ebony girl can come up with in such a short period of time. He has, of course, used schemes to get into places so he can take compromising photos before. But not at the young age of 18. "Very well, he says to the girl as she gets on her laptop and then uses her dad's credit card to book a suite at the Sheraton. "I'll go charge my camera for this evening." Tiffany nods with a grin on her face as she merrily types away, delighted that she now has a way to get Simon to be hers.


It does not take Tiffany very long to find a prostitute up to the task. She is offering a very simple job that pays well and won't take much time. She and the woman, along with Jeff, heads to the pub where Jeff followed Simon's dad to last night, and then get inside quickly, closing the door behind them. It is a fine establishment with many people lounging about. Tiffany finds herself disgusted by the heavy smell of booze though.

The trio makes their way through the joint, looking at people dancing and trying to find where the boy's father might be. Finally, the ebony athlete spots him on a stool and points him out to the hooker she paid for. "There is your target," she says to her. "Go over there and work your charm on him. Dazzle him and let him cop a feel. Tell him to grab your breasts and then kiss him."

The whore nods as she ambles towards the middle aged man. She sits down next to him and gives him a flirtatious smirk. He clearly relishes the attention, returning the grin and ordering a drink for her. The two of them chat as Tiffany observes, with Jeff at the ready, holding his prized camera. The prostitute Tiffany paid for is clearly good at her job, leaning in close to the target and hunching over, so that the top of her breasts is visible, her nipples poking through the thin material of her T-shirt. She isn't wearing any bra.

Jeff watches, waiting for the perfect moment. He finds an appropriate angle that will allow him to take a clear shot at the other man's face. Soon, the prostitute goes in for the kill, she leans in close to whisper something into his ear and Jeff takes one preliminary picture to add to the narrative and make it all the more compelling. Simon's dad then fully compromise himself by placing his hands on her tits, allowing Jeff to take another picture. Tiffany smirks and she nods appreciatively at Jeff, and the two walk over to where he is.

Simon's father is surprised to see the African American girl. He has seen her before during a parent teacher conference and recognises the girl. "Tiffany, right?" he asks, sweat rolling down from his forehead. One of his son's classmates just caught him cheating on his wife. This is so bad. Then he notices the camera. Oh, this is really bad. "Um, really surprised to see you here! Heh." He mumbles on incoherently as she places her hands on her hips, staring at him smugly.

"I want to fuck your son," she tells him bluntly. "I have a picture of you cheating on your wife and I can ruin you by sending it to her. But I won't, as long as you help me. Here is the key to a hotel room at the Sheraton." At this point she hands the key card to him. "Get the fuck home and take him to meet me there. I upset him so you have to tell him some creative lies. Otherwise you can start preparing to pay a hefty amount of alimony, because I will get my dad to represent her and he will take you to the cleaners."

The middle aged man nods, gulping as he takes the key card from her and quickly rushes off. Tiffany smirks before handing some cash to the hooker she hired. "Here is reward for you work," she says to her. "You are dismissed now." The prostitute takes it and quickly leaves. Now Tiffany turns her attention to Jeff. "As for you, I'll put in a good word with dad when he considers who to give pay raises to on New Year's." Jeff thanks her for that as the two leave the glaringly loud establishment.

As Jeff enters a cab, Tiffany walks to where she's got her car parked. She gets in behind the wheels and starts driving, humming along to the song on radio. The black girl is in an exuberant mood right now. She is about to have what she wants, again. Getting a kinky idea, she stops on the way to get a box of strawberries before taking it with her as she gets back in the car and continues driving to the Sheraton, her legs trembling in anticipation.