Feed Me Harder Ch. 02

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Succubus surrender.
2.6k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/20/2022
Created 09/04/2021
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Beware! Non con, erotic pain and scenes of lesbian butt sex!

(unless you like that sort of thing ;)


The Donna is lean, sharp maybe, but not worn out as many older women can be. The lines at the corners of her eyes, the corners of her mouth seem as though they were always part of her.

The smooth lines of her tear drop breasts are the only soft part of her body. Ramona nuzzles against them now, looking up into her lady's face as she suckles.

The ache in Ramona's belly has dulled to a painless but still noticeable hollow sensation. The Donna's tail helps her remain lucid, and the milky semen oozing from those soft tits tames the hunger.

The girl's own firm little tits are at the mercy of her Donna. The lady caresses them lightly, teasing the pebbled little pink teats. When Ramona's concentration fails, and her lust pushes forth the deadly fangs that throb in her gums, the fingers become talons until she regains control. Her beautiful breasts are riddled with pin prick holes and scratches from the last few hours of lessons.

"This trick is called 'the devil's tongue'," the Donna says, "it is the first and most important lesson. If you bite and suckle you will draw directly from the soul of your prey. You would murder them in minutes my dear. If you want to play without heartbreak, you must learn control."

A firm hand in Ramona's hair eases her away from the breast.

"Please, Donna," she begs breathlessly, "I've done my very best..."

"That's so much better than before but it's still too early to give you any freedom at all, Piccola. Trust your Donna."

"Why is this happening to me?" Ramona whimpers as the lethal tail inside her burrows and fidgets against the walls of her soaking cunt.

"You've done nothing wrong." the Donna says firmly. "You mustn't ever worry that you could have somehow prevented this, my hungry little darling."

The sharp tail gently withdraws and the wave of lust briefly steals Ramona's breath. Her heart sinks as she feels her teeth extend but this time her tits are spared punishment.

"You see? There you are, worried that I will punish you. That needs to change. None of this is a punishment. You need to be in absolute control of your body, little one."

Her wings really hurt. It's much more noticeable now that she is empty. She means to beg and plead for mercy, beg to at least be unshackled, but her tongue swells into a strange shape and the teeth, god! They feel enormous, monstrous. She sounds like an animal.

The Donna's eyes narrow, her pupils become vertical slits and the white darkens. Cold, predatory, like a demon lizard.

"Use your tail and calm yourself, must I repeat every lesson unto tedious infinity?"

Tears spill down Ramona's cheeks as she slips her own soft tail into her cunt. The shame of fucking herself makes her skin crawl.

"Stupid girl." The Donna's own tail curls around Ramona's weaker appendage and snatches it out of her cunt. Immediately, the sinuous helix of both tails thrusts up into her unprepared arse.

The teeth immediately retract into her gums and Ramona squeals and writhes. The metal cuffs cut into her wrists and ankles but the hogtie holds.

There is a sadistic smirk on the Donna's face as she buggers Ramona thoroughly into submission.

"Never speak to me with your teeth out like that again. Are you challenging me?"

"Oh no, it's too big, Nonna! Please!"

"What have I told you?" Anger and irritation colour those words and Ramona quakes in fear. After a final merciless thrust he Donna pulls out leaving the abused ring loose around Ramona's smaller tail.

"I didn't mean it, I was afraid..."

"I am not your Nonna. That feeble creature never existed, it is a disguise that suits our purpose, nothing more."

"Please, Donna, my wings hurt so much... my... my... oh..." she snivels, "it won't close. It's ruined."

"That's better. A little humility goes a long way." The rough tail with its wicked barbed end burrows back into Ramona's cunt and the poor girl gasps. "We fuck, Piccola Ramona. That is what these bodies of ours are made for. Fucking can never hurt you, little one. All our sweet lessons are to help you fuck whoever you like, whenever you like until the stars burn out. On this wretched earth, in the seven heavens, in every hell below."

"I'm tired of fucking, Donna Valentino. I need to rest." Ramona says miserably. Even as she shafts her own arse with her sensitive tail she knows that's not true.

"You have been fed enough for now, cara mia, and I grow tired of your ingratitude. We shall move on to another lesson."

"As though I have any choice."

"Stimulating your holes to keep the beast at bay is a nice easy way to maintain control. But the very best way is to come to terms with your beast. Know and accept that it is not some creature to control, but that it is intrinsic to yourself. And that self awareness, together with acceptance is the key to true self control. Deep down, you know why this is necessary."

"How can you say that?" Ramona says bitterly. "All my life my parents kept me pure, now you're defiling me, torturing me, how dare you say this is for a reason you monster!" Of course lying to herself has always been second nature to the girl. Lying to the Donna, mistress of this true form, hurts somehow. She feels it acutely now; her parents kept from getting close to others because they knew. They must have known innocent Ramona was really a demonic hungry cunt.

"Self inflicted pain can also help if you have no opportunity to penetrate yourself." The Donna smiles broadly. "Why, I do believe you've got it, Piccola. You anger, yes? And yet you remain in control."

"You don't have to treat me like this! I will learn, I will listen, if you explain..."

"You're right, of course. There are many ways to educate a newly awakened hungry girl." The Donna's eyes become more human, wistful even. "Traditional teachers stalk their students. They wait until the young ones succumb to lust, then they help the Piccola come to terms with her nature, help her hide the bodies and flee the authorities. Perhaps even bind the student's soul to enforce self control."

Ramona is so uncomfortable, it's difficult to allow herself to take in the Donna's words. Could it be worse, the girl baulks? What if...

"Donna Valentino, I would have killed Salvatore, wouldn't I?"

"Now now little one. That could still happen, so I make no promises. Not all girls would have the sense to take my lessons to heart. And you may yet be swayed by the arguments of others. Those who believe men are fit only for meat." The Donna strokes Ramona's hair gently off her face. "I doubt that though. You're a good girl, aren't you cara mia?"

She doesn't feel like a good girl. Already a hunger niggles, and now she knows what it is, everything else that ever seemed important is not.

"I wanted him to be my first." Ramona says miserably. "He wouldn't want me now, he's a good boy. My body is inhuman and you've whored me to a hundred men."

"He needs you, sweetest, your whole self, whore included. Our bloodlines and our fates are entwined."

With that, the thick tail inside Ramona's poor cunt begins to move with more purpose and her little clitoris, a scrap of flesh she has tried to ignore for years is relentlessly petted and stroked. Her little tits jiggle in circles as Ramona's body lurches back and forth at the Donna's whim.

"Fucking my hungry little darling is the least I can do to ease her suffering." The wicked lady croons.

"Ow, my wiiings!" Ramona wails as their folds are ragged and crushed between her ravished body and the Donna's thighs. Her hands hurt, her thighs burn, but her wings are as sensitive as her tits.

"You must get used to that suffering pet. I cannot resist, you weep so beautifully."

Ramona grunts and sobs as her body shudders, claimed once again by her cruel mistress. The hand leaves her sensitive clit but the tail keeps idly fucking her during and after the climax and Ramona suffers, staring up at the Donna's face, wordlessly begging for reprieve.

"This place has been my home for many centuries, I do more than just survive here, I have crafted a dynasty. It is built on absolute authority. Obedient servants that know their place, horny nobles that lust for power, and commoners that keep their mouths shut and their legs open. In return, they live a peaceful and prosperous existence and I am somewhat satisfied. But nothing beats this, Piccola mia."

At last Ramona is shoved onto the soft carpet belly down and the relief as her poor wing buds unfold a little almost makes her come again.

"Oh thank you..." she whimpers, "Ah!" A talloned first closes tight around both buds, lifting her up just enough that her tits dangle free. Then the Donna drags her along on her knees over to the french doors and out onto the patio.

"We will make sure your wings will never carry you away from me." The Donna says with a gently mocking tone.

Casa Valentino clings to the side of a mountain. The patio ends with a wide stone guard rail about waist height. Beyond it is a panoramic view of the bay spread out far beneath. Ramona is placed over that stone balcony, still hogtied, tits dangling over a two hundred foot drop. She stares up at the horizon and the blue sky, not daring to look down as her bonds are adjusted. Now bound wrist to ankle only, she is bent over, her arse more easily open to abuse. If she struggles with the added freedom of movement she may well fall.

"I'm so afraid," she whispers.

"I know darling, it gives you the rarest scent. Put your tail in my cunt, do not move or thrust. Just enjoy the view. And do your very best to stay close to your human form, it will hurt less that way."

The Donna's tail settles into Ramona's cunt in turn. The girl winces as her ravished nether flesh is parted, but it is a gentle insertion.

"Those people down there are mine, but most of them don't know it. They have not the smallest superstition of who keeps them safe. All that come in your body, that's the source of our power, but very few human males can really set their seed in us. You are rare indeed my darling."

Ramona sighs as her tiny wings are smoothed out unbound, hands lightly brushing across them.

"You will bear Salvatore's children until you produce a male, then you will serve me until I tire of you. But I will never tire of this. I've waited thirteen generations for you, blood of my blood. Soft sexy little fuck pet, fertile ground for the Grimaldi to plant their strongest seed. I would like to bugger you again little lamb, if it pleases you. Now your legs are open, would you like me to stretch out your little hole properly?"

It had felt so intense before, so out of control. The Donna will take all, whether Ramona assents or not.

"T... together please," Ramona says meekly. She curls her lusty tail around the Donna's in submission. "Can you please be gentle with your hands?"

"Unfortunately that would defeat the object, Ramona dear. I must destroy your wings for good."

Ramona stares open mouthed, imagining the terrifying reality of such a fate. Forever maimed and helpless, she will truly be a cur, a mere neutered pet to the Donna. The young demon's budding desire for her mistress could never survive such a betrayal.

"And if I beg you not too?"

"Go ahead. It is unbelievably sexy to hear you beg."

"Your hands feel so good on them, just like my tits, and I'm yours Donna Valentino, my wings are yours, I swear I won't run or fight, please give me a chance, I swear I won't."

"They are mine, aren't they." The Donna frets. "And as beautiful as the rest of you, but I cannot allow you freedom to fly."

Ramona tries to calm her panicked thoughts. "Fold them away and tie them up instead? I swear I'll never complain."

"But they will grow bigger, Piccola, you won't be able to hide them away. You want to pass as human sometime soon, don't you?"

In that surreal pause, birds are singing, the sound of cars carries from the road below.

"But... but I don't." Ramona says, surprising herself. "There are things I hate about what you've done to me, but you love my body. Why break your long awaited lover just to please other people?"

"Quite so. But if I please myself? Before you were born, I always imagined you would be a high society girl, harvesting come from powerful men for me. These are in the way." A wistful taloned hand strokes the skin on Ramona's back between the buds. "And they would taste so good."

"That's not how I want to feed you." Ramona says timidly. "I want to do what we did yesterday. With all those commoners. You can tie me up on my back, easily hide my wings beneath while they use me. Please my Donna? Only you can love all of me. Salvatore would only ever love the lie. Do my desires mean nothing? Have you waited all this time just for another slave?"

The Donna doesn't answer in words. The coiled length of the two tails begins to open Ramona's slick rim, sharp tip folded skilfully away, so that only the sliding pleasure of flesh on flesh remains. It is a measured ascent, deep into the core of her.

Hands rest on her shoulders to balance the thrust, and Ramona feels the girth at her anus expand as the length impales her, curling around her soft anatomy within, bulging her belly against the stone beneath. The Donna uses one hand to release the bonds and Ramona gasps as her knees unbend for the first time in days. Her legs cannot support her as the Donna pulls her upright, her weight sinks the tails deeper still, her arse split wider than her cunt has ever been. An eager tongue, rough like a cat's, laves the much abused wing buds on Ramona's back and the girl keens softly as she comes.

"Oh Donna!" she cries, reaching her hands back at last to grasp the woman's hips. "You're killing me, please! Please! Fuck meee!"

Sweet surrender has the girl's body loose as rubber, bent over the stone and buggered slow and hard, limbs flailing and jerking in time as her song of approval carries over the bay below.

The caress on her back and down her wings is heaven, the cruel lover laying over her writhing in lust possesses her entirely, hands all over her skin.

Only time will tell, but for now, the buds are spared. Donna Valentino gives the wings her finest attention, stroking them like a pair of cocks, splaying them out and kneading them into her back, kissing and mauling them for her own sadistic pleasure at will, all while buggering the girl to climax after climax.

Ramona's ass still gapes after her ravishment. Her arms are bound behind her, wrist to wrist elbow to elbow, and the Donna allows her to limp unsteadily back inside.

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