Fates Ch. 09: Training Trysh (XXX)

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An all dolled up Trysh awaits the coming her her life mate.
6.3k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/13/2021
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A charismatic smirk came across Aro's face as he stepped back into The Slutty Siren at sundown. The brothel had only become more vibrant with people with the passing of the time. The sleazier men were drunk, and groping any scantily clothed girl who came their way. Most had a woman on his knee, or the male escorts held the female patrons on their laps.

The similarity to the Ripper head base was astounding, yet here the lewdity was tame, and escorts were enjoying themselves, rather than being enjoyed whilst under a love potions influence. In Aro's hands were a small sack of supplies, and in the other, a thin wide box of varnished red wood with a small note attached to the top. He held it tighter than the sack as he made his way through the lobby.

The sweet aroma of cherries overcame the smell of passion that lingered over the open lobby, and with the bustle of people Aro thought how it became even more reason to hide out in such a place. He slipped past the hordes of men gathered around the ladies whom had just begun their shifts...many of them managed to give Aro a flirty wink and a soft tug to try to entice him; he had of course been with a fair number of them...and those that hadn't, clearly knew what lied between his legs. As the handsome man approached the sultry room he could feel the beat of his heart thump faster, it was a surprise, as he wasn't always looking forward to meeting someone again in this way. He opened the door and stepped through, closing the door and locking it with his back turned.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to-" his speech was cut short as he turned to see what sight had accompanied him in the room.

He first saw her bent over body over the vanir table, leaving her ass completely exposed to him. Her fat ass wiggled from side to side whilst she made lewd faces in the mirror with pink glowing eyes shining in the reflective glass. Even with the low-cut robe, and the little triangle of red and black lace visible between her legs, the swollen, drooling lips of her sex swallowed the fabric and softly chewed onto them.

Her cute attempts of giving sexy, seductive expressions suddenly changed to a grin of pure joy from the mirror which Aro could see. The long-knifed ears of the bleach blonde elf from her centre parted, silky straight hair. She couldn't resist spinning around to break into a short jog to throw herself upon him. He noted the severe lack of bounce in her chest, even covered, and with the svelte thigh highs with lace panties...She was wearing a bra. He only had a few moments to realise this before his bond mate exclaimed "You're back!"

Before the sweaty, rugged man could drop his shopping Trysh's arm tightly wrapped around his body, and a firm, wet kiss planted against his lips. It left a deep red print of her lipstick on it as she sank back to her feet from her tip toes. "I missed you, my love." She said, tugging on his shirt to make him come further into the room. "Do you want a massage? I can see you're tense and all knotted up." She kept pulling, and Aro could only stare at her glowing pink heart shaped eyes. He loved her bright blue gemstones that shimmered and glistened beautifully; but something about these eyes, it never failed to want him to ravage her body as she desired.

The short, yet meaty Elf took him by the hands and softly moved him to the ends of their sticky, unclean bed. "Come on, shirt off my love. I can't work all those muscles if you have that shirt sticking to you!" Aro chuckled and planted himself on the edge of the bed after leaving the contents of his trip into the city on a bedside table, Trysh kneeling on her nylons close behind. Close enough to feel her huge bust rub up against him. The shirt was sweaty, and gripped to him more than usual; darkened around some places also. It was a relief to get it off, for the both of them. Trysh swooned as her loins started to drool again, her mouth salivated with her elven spit as her loves bare back exposed itself to her.

Aro felt her small, cold hands work his shoulders, fingers rubbing into his body in just the right places. He relaxed into her quickly, figures that not only was she a perfect lover and a perfect healer, she was also perfect at massages. His relaxed sigh made her smile, but he was not sure if it was her lust for him doing so, or knowing that her hands were making him so relaxed.

Trysh could smell his musk, the intoxicating aroma invading her nose relentlessly. She never thought the smell would indulge her so much, and only naturally she had the need to know if the smell was stronger under his trousers...As she moved her hands down to his hairy, firm chest she kissed him softly on his cheek. "I met the most amazing Elf while you were gone...She was...Something else." the mere thought of Juliette, the red madame of The Slutty Siren made the blonde harken back to just over an hour previous, where she was totally and utterly under the madams spell. She was the trigger in knowing that not only the male gender was what she was attracted to.

"Another Elf? The blue one at the desk?"

Trysh shook her head, making her earrings jingle. "No, red... So red... Red hair, red dress, red lips...She gave me this bag that has a pocket dimension within it. It has all sorts of outfits in there." Now at his abs she felt her hands and thighs tremble at the touch, her lust for him grew more and more by the moment, and quickly she cursed herself for not draining his hairy cock first. As the minute's past in silence, only being cut off by a pleasurable grunt from Aro, which was quickly followed by a cute giggle from Trysh. The elf licked her lips and soon her need to fuck him overcame her admiration to tease as Juliette did to her; practice makes perfect after all.

"She gave me what I'm wearing how in fact...Come, stand my love." He did so, removing his boots as Trysh whipped her hair back over her shoulder, which, due to its extreme length, brushed over Aro's muscular stomach. Her pink eyes lingered upon his torso for a moment, with her fingers fumbling with the tight tie around her thin waist. She sat down and extended her stocking coated legs forward, curling one over the other to hide the dark, wet thong that covered her Aro starved pussy. It burned for him, lusted deeply to feel the kiss of his head spread and split her in two. Trysh naturally arched her flexible spine forward as she let the robe slip down from her shoulders down her toned arms and onto the bed. Her brand glowed against her skin, and sheepishly she looked up into his hazel eyes. "Well, what do you think?" she asked whilst she ran her fingers up her body to her bra to give her massive tits a firm squeeze; she noticed that there was a lot less give to them, but squeezing them only made them spill out further.

Aro's expression told her everything she needed to know. His lips parted and his eyes darted from every inch of her exposed, slim thick body. It made her blush, knowing that he was admiring every part of her. He stood stunned for moments longer, with a bright red flash appear from his cheeks. It too made her shyly smile and bush for him; even from looking up at him from her seated position she could see the growing bulge pushing against his trousers.

"You look like an entirely new Trysh...I never thought I would see a bra on you...With all that bouncing and how you didn't wear the one I gave you...I must be special." he said with his womanising charm. Trysh leaked upon hearing his voice, nails digging slightly into the red satin sheets of their cum coated bed.

"You're my love, you will always be special to me. I would do anything for you Aro..."

Her body froze up like a child at his birthday as he moved up to her, pushing her chin up to forcibly crane her neck up at her love before he kissed her. It was soft, but he moved his body forward onto her, pushing her back onto the bed. Trysh gladly accepted, leaning backward to feel his hard, hairy and moist body onto hers. She cupped his cheeks in her hands as they kissed, tenderly with a lust fuelled undertone. He moaned more than her, but it was obvious that any sort of sexual activity would blow her stockings off from the force of her orgasm. She was grinning, and her knees folded to the side with a flexible ease to allow him to grind his long ten-inch fat bulge up and down her soaked lingerie.

Anyone walking in would see a lump of flesh caressing and kissing each other, both gyrating their hips in firm circles. Trysh felt her ears burn and wildly flick around like the wings of a fly, her toes curled and once the commanding hunk of a man slid his tongue as far as he could down her sticky, viscous spit coated throat, she came. Her tongue stopped as she whimpered in his mouth, lips still suctioned together thanks to her spit.

Aro picked up on the apparent heated feeling of her cum soiling those deep red panties. With more effort than he needed for any other race of woman he pulled away from her mouth, with a loud and wet pop. Her tongue hung outward and she sucked up air; even after cumming, her heart eyes lingered. "You came just from kissing me?" Aro asked before licking her remaining saliva from his rough lips. Trysh, misty eyed and breathing heavily had goosebumps all over her body, she nodded and pressed her hands on his chest; softly she dragged her nails down his forest of hair, past his defined abs and to the ties of his trousers.

"I just love kissing you...And I just keep thinking of all the women you've kissed and it turns me on." She admitted it casually, there was no need to hide her feelings on him with other women. She liked it, liked watching it. She knew there was a word for it. Once, on her many healing pilgrimages a man asked her to have sex with his best friend whilst he watched from the corner. If only she could recall the word...

"That's true there were lots of women in my life. You beat them all though baby." He smiled, recalling the whores and unsatisfied wives, the baronesses, Ara, even that one time where he was a 'bodyguard' for the Queen. Trysh beamed up at him, and while he was lost in her eyes, she untied his trousers and dove one arm under them to grasp his hot, and rock-hard member in her cold hand. He moaned once he felt her fingers wrap around the hairy base, teasing his appendage with firm pulls. The sweet aroma of her cunt pushed into his nose, and within moments a fire to please her lit within him, his pulsing veins wriggled as she brushed her fingers over them, and his pre already started to soil his clothing.

All Trysh did was stare up at him as she introduced a second hand to help with the first. She finally broke her loving gaze to seek the monolith of meat that firmly smacked onto her brand with a hot clap. Her fingers worshipped it, firmly teasing as much as she could with a grin on her perfect face. "Aro...I want to do it with you again."

Aro chuckled and helped his woman take his trousers off by shimming his hips as she tugged them down. "And here I was thinking you wore a bra so we could sit back and talk about where we're off to next." He started to stroke her tight bicep lightly, almost tickling her creamy skin with his rough hands. "If I'm honest, this getup is doing some nasty things to me." Sucking on his bottom lip to greet the taste of cherries he dove back in for another round with Trysh's lips.

His tongue swirled around hers like a windmill during a storm, round and round as his mouth lathered with her thick spit. Her hands focused on his throbbing ten inch, pumping it firmly with both hands with circular jerks. "You kiss very well for a virgin Trysh." he said, licking the smeared lipstick from his lips before one hand glided down her soft curves to where the lacy garters of her stockings dug deep into her squishy flesh.

She squealed and scrunched her face cutely, gigging moments after as she felt how his hands explored her legs. "I'm not a virgin anymore my love. This thing saw to that." She pulled his cock hard, milking a line of clear pre to squirt over her brand. "And I think you're the one who should be doing nasty things to me... Wouldn't you agree?" Cocking a dark brow that juxtaposed her bleach blonde hair. With a beaming smile Aro wondered what in the worlds this other elf did to his woman, how she had become a lot more assertive with her words, even though her actions told a much different story.

They changed positions. Aro slid off from her thick body and stood up, naked from the head down with his weighty, girthy dick bouncing with anticipation. Trysh followed, on all fours on the bed with her legs spread wide, back arched down with her fat bubble butt wobbling from side to side; her lacy thong disappeared into the crevasse of both soft cheeks. Her pink eyes were pleading with her lips parted, a drooling line of her spit stringing down from the corner of her red lips to the sheets. He too was drooling, from his peeled back foreskin revealed his massive, bulging cock head that leaked as much as Trysh was. Her eyes flashed to it, and her cheeks burned as she recalled her time with Juliette.

*I'm Aro's cum pig!*

She slid her tongue out and craned her neck enough so her face was under his head, cupping her tongue under the tight leathery skin of his third leg she let his pre drop into her mouth, and without fail she swallowed. The taste lit her brand up, and the familiar burning sensation overwhelmed her womb. He tasted divine, and she needed more of him; it didn't matter what, as long as it meant milking more thick, potent cum from those hairy, salty balls. Coming back up she took Aro in one hand, licking up the underside of his massive member with a drawn-out moan. Aro reacted as she thought he would; with lust and a panty dropping moan. Without fail she pushed her face into his balls and took a deep breath. Her eyes rolled back and the tip of her wet muscle teased him by lapping at his balls. To think such a pure woman of the cloth could fetishize the smell of cock and sweat so much, she only imagined how Aro pictured her in this moment.

But even still, the smell and taste intoxicated her with more libido. Expertly she pulled at his cock while her lips suckled on one testicle before slipping it onto her mouth.

Without giving time to think, Aro made his hand a home on the back of his Elf's head, lacing his fingers into her silky centre parted hair. He found it erotic, sexy and downright cute that she had a clear obsession with smells, especially from one which she was soon about to experience once more. One loud smack of her puffy lips sounded, and like a reflex a shot of pleasure rocketed up his shaft and squirted a hot line of pre into her scalp. The rugged young stud wanted to feel more of Trysh on his sensitive shaft. So, with a firm pull he pushed her face deeper into his throbbing obelisk; the thick goddess reacted with a deeper arch and a thick exhale. His cock now pointed directly at the ceiling of the small, yet well-kept room, constantly resonating wet SHLICK sounds from Trysh's hand pulling his foreskin up and down his sensitive head.

Trysh popped Aro's large testicle from her mouth, feeling a strand of his pubic hair stick in between her teeth as he pushed her face hard into his balls. She was close to cumming again, the heat between her legs becoming uncontrollable and her folds practically tried to tear at her thong to get free from the clothing. But getting his pubic hair stuck in her teeth and up her nose wasn't enough, she needed his cum, to taste that delicious cock of her love. With Aro's hand making its presence known, but not forcing the pretty girl, Trysh transitioned from his ball sack up the underside of his veiny shaft. It was slick, and intoxicated the slutty Elf. As she worked her way up his shaft, lapping and licking as much of his dick as possible she heard Aro coo softly, and felt shots of his precum land on her face as she worked her way up.

By the time she had made it to the engorged tip, her powdered cheeks were moderately coated in his pre; a look that Aro had seen many times before, but incomparable to the one with him now. Hungrily Trysh took his head into her mouth, sucking firmly whilst tonging his slit. She coaxed his pre out more, pumping his shaft between pushing her muscle against it to take all his clear juice. She teased for a few seconds, revelling in the taste and his moans; and to make her love feel even better, she slid her well worked tongue between his foreskin and head. The taste was even more intense, causing her back muscles to flex and her thickness to sink and form into her toned bumps, her eyes rolled back as she let out a moan akin to an animal.

Aro felt his strong legs wobble, and his moans were sounds that even he never made before. His girlfriend's spit covered mouth working its depraved magic around his cock was nothing short of euphoric, and as she infiltrated his foreskin with an eager clean, he could feel the shockwaves of it pulse through him. No one he had been with did that before, lapping at the strong taste of cum that was left over from earlier in the day. Her amazing service was rewarded with more pre, as it squirted and shot into her mouth which she swallowed without making much of an effort to do so.

Once she recollected herself from that otherworldly experience of taste and depravity, she began to bob her head forward and backward on his girthy, long dick. with her lips spread thin over such width she took as many inches as she could, slowly though, her love needed to be pleasured slowly and tenderly. Her red lipstick marked itself on his length, rubbing off when she reached a deeper depth than the last bob. Letting go of his shaft she dragged her hands around his naked hips and she grabbed onto her lovers' firm ass, thinking that holding this position would help her inexperienced blowjob feel like heaven for her hairy human.

The rowdy bustle of people outside made it impossible for the twosome to receive any peace and quiet; yet the locked door allowed them to hear to the sounds of Trysh's wet sucking of the bitch breaking cock rattle through the room. It felt good for them both, wetter than before; with her thick elf spit drooling out of the corner of her stretched out lips and down onto the bed. Her throat had started to make wet SHLUCK SHLUCK SHLUCK sounds as she pushed her face deeper until her neck began to stretch and constrict around Aro.

The intense feeling sent a shot up his spine, throwing his head back and moaning a manly moan as his inexperienced Elf worked him better than any professional could ever do. "Fuuuck..." He exhaled, seeing how multiple red rings surrounded his veiny girth in different spots where she had paused to suck air through her nose. Now she was deeper than any woman had ever taken him, throat bulging with a thick line of his cock shooting pre well past her taste buds and straight into her gullet.

And the blonde swallowed every glob of the seed that came out of his throbbing head gleefully, and with a ravenous pleasure like she had been lost in a desert without water, that drinking his lovely clear pre was her only way of survival. Her moans and whimpers send unbelievable pleasure up his sensitive cock, as now Trysh lost herself within the act of blowing the man she loved. Forward and back she went, massaging the sensitive underbelly of her lovers war club with her admittedly tired tongue. But the look on his face, the visible pleasure that was so apparent on that manly, rugged face filled her with pride and joy, her butt wiggled, and from the corners of her spread thin lips, a smirk tried to show itself.

The slurping and smacking of her plump lips against his cock was better than any bard or choir that Aro had ever heard in his young life. Sounds he was all too familiar with, but without the ferocity and eagerness of Trysh was expelling from her perfect body. Her sucking sped up, to the point where her bleached hair slipped down her shoulders and draped over the bed under her; and once she forced her loves cock deep enough to feel the tips of his pubic forest on his pelvis, he came.