Fates Ch. 07: Juliette

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With Aro out for a supply run, Trysh meets Juliette...
5.2k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/13/2021
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Aro and Trysh'alia laid together, naked. She held onto him, softly circling her finger around a clump of hair around his firm chest. There was a constant content smile over her puffy lips, and every so often, she would lean in and kiss the nape of his neck; deeply inhaling his sweaty musk that caused a pleasurable twitch in her ears. Aro found it cute, that even then, she wanted to be close to him. Mindless sex with whores and farmgirls and city folk was fun, but to feel the affection oozing from Trysh made him feel warm, and he wanted to hold her as much as she wanted to hold him. However, there was one thing that plagued his mind.

"So... What's with the new body art?" He asked, nodding downward to her womb brand that spread over the area of her body a few inches above her now claimed pussy. She rose one of her black eyebrows at him and pouted her lips.

"That, my love, is the sign to show that I have a bond mate. It is a sacred sign to show that an elf has been claimed and is devoted fully to one man." She beamed, and dimples formed over her cheeks as she looked down over her exposed, 36L breasts to regard the faintly glowing pinkie purple womb shaped brand. "It's rather pretty I think. I might just show it off once in a while." She giggled and pushed herself forward to kiss him, he kissed her back; it was tender, softer than the last few times, already they felt like an old married couple giving a simple kiss before they slept.

"I think its sexy." Aro replied, looking into her eyes and recalling the change they had made during the tail end of their love making. Bright pink, with heart shaped pupils. That too must have been an effect of the imprinting process. Unsurprisingly, he found it highly erotic.

Light of the afternoon slipped through the open curtain, beaming down upon Trysh's pale white skin, skin so smooth to the touch Aro could barely comprehend it. He rolled his head back onto the pillow before feeling a hard rumble of his stomach.

"I suggest we stay here for the time being. Until the news of this place's main investor being killed dies down. No one will suspect us, the only people who know I was undercover there are either trustworthy, or dead... At least I hope so."

"Yes, you slew them in my name my love. Such a handsome hero you are...But I agree. Staying in a place like this will be the last thing the stragglers of the gang will expect. Besides, this bed is soooo comfortable, I would not mind getting better acquainted to it. And you."

Aro chuckled, and with a soft touch, stroked one of her ears. She purred softly, and her toes curled hard. A hot breath escaped her and brushed over Aro. "Of course, how can I refuse? But we can't, not right now anyway. I think I need to head out into town, buy some supplies, maybe some better fitting clothes for you..."

"You're leaving?" Trysh asked with a slight whine to her alluring voice. She clung harder to her bond mate, pressing the warm glowing mark on her pubis up against his side. "...come back quickly. I want to get...more experienced with you." A blush formed over her cheeks and she quickly, as if she was happily embarrassed, buried her face into his chest, rubbing her face against the hair that spread across him.

Something caught her eye hanging on the door. A bright red satin robe, one not too dissimilar to her old nightgown which she used to wear at night. Thankfully it lacked the corresponding wet stains that laced within the same satin material of the bedsheets they sat upon. "Well, if you're leaving little old me to fend for herself, I may as well explore a bit..." She left Aro's side after dragging her hand from his muscles to make for the gown. The light simmered back and forth over the wet trail which ran down her legs as her hips swayed from left to right in front of Aro. Her ass bounced and wiggled as she hooked one leg over the other to walk; perhaps it was natural for all elves, Trysh barely noticed that she was doing it.

She took the robe and slipped it on. The clothing itself was as tight as her previous pink satin gown, yet the hem rode far up her legs, so much so that the underside of her thick ass poked out ever so slightly from the smooth, comfortable material. The front just barely contained her heavy and perky 36L breasts. Her nipples were covered, yet the hint of her areola peeking out of the sides of the gown as well as the rest of her heavy mounds were all but covered. The impossibly low neckline ran all the way down, and tied over her hips. Her toned stomach could be seen, as could the tip of her weakly glowing brand. Her breasts spread apart, forming a wide chasm on her chest. Even now, the small beauty spot that poked out of the gown stood out to Aro.

Trysh tied to robe up, and spun around on the ball of her foot, making her bleach blonde hair flare out and swish back around her back to tickle her ass. "Umm...How do I look?" she asked, tugging down on the hem of the robe slightly. It was very indecent. Trysh had spent most of her two-hundred-year life under a baggy, curve hiding robe, only wearing a skimpy nightgown in private. Going out in such a revealing attire was something she had to get used to, yet it was something which she was all to excited to learn.

Rising from the bed Aro approached slowly, bare feet patting on the floor, soft cock swinging between his legs. He stood tall before Trysh, clearly fucking her with his eyes. He stroked his fingers down the wide gap of her huge chest, down past the bumps of her tummy muscles before reaching the point of the satin that tied together. His eyes looked into her with a hunger whilst his hand lightly tugged the robe apart to expose more of the glowing brand, not too much to expose it fully, but enough for one to see that she was a taken woman. "Now it's perfect."

She smiled, blushed brightly, then rose to the tips of her toes to plant a wet kiss on his cheek. "You're such a sweetie underneath all that gruffness my love." She walked to the bathroom, and emerged moments later with his clothes, damp from the shower, but a few minutes out in the city sun and they would be dry. She tossed them over to him and he caught them. "If you do manage to find some nice, sexy clothes for me, could you also find some new underwear for me? I've been leaking ever since I met you and I'll need regular changes from now on...I have heard many bonded women tend to...Leak a lot when their mates are close by."

She approached once more, looking at him all over, hands stoking his bare arms. "Will do. I'll make sure to make them all lacy and nice. Now get going Sexy." He gave her a sharp spank as she turned to the door. She yelped, and hopped forward to start walking, she looked over her shoulder with a pout.

"Meanie...Come back soon 'Kay?" She shut the door, and the joyous giddy part of her could not be contained any longer. She bounced on the tips of her toes, squealing happily as her voluptuous body jiggled and bounced; with her grin as large as any other. She was happy, truly. But Aro was gone for now, as much as he was on her mind, it would be nice to get a little alone time to relax, and perhaps a drink...

She flicked her hair and again felt the tickle of it swishing over her slightly exposed butt and began to walk. A busty dark-skinned woman in a purple corset and fishnet stockings walk by with a tall red-haired man in tow. Trysh watched the man turn his head and leer at her hungrily even as his arm is linked with the other girl. She pulled him into a room across the hall, but not before he gave Trysh a suggestive wink as if to tell her that the woman he was with was only temporary.

It was a common thing now that she had dumped her priestess robes, having men come up to her and ask how much she was worth for a night. At one time as she descended a staircase there was even a small gaggle of barely legal Donis' arrogantly strut up to her and wanted a group session with her. Every time she politely, and awkwardly declined, saying that she was with a boyfriend and not in fact a whore. This continued almost every few steps, another man coming up to bother her, it started to frustrate her. It was almost like the gown was *too* sexy for her body. It was at the tenth man to come to her when she huffed irritated, about to be straight with him before another voice sounded beside her.

"Leave her be, can't you tell she's taken?" She was a gorgeous elf, taller than Trysh, possibly only a few inches shorter than Aro.

But the aura she had astounded Trysh where her lips parted and a "wow..." muttered from her. It was odd, she looked no older than any other elf, but her killer curves, bright red hair and matte lips of the same colour, along with the tight red pencil dress that had one long slit up one side to allow one thick leg to expose itself; screamed power and control. Trysh knew from the moment she laid eyes upon her, that she was a mother. Possibly a mother many times over. The red woman nodded slightly to Trysh's glow on her womb area, to which the man apologised, bowed respectfully, and left.

"I thank you..." Trysh bowed, and her tits slipped from her gown, gasping she hurriedly pulled the tight gown back and blushed as red as the woman in front of her.

"There is no need." She waved her off and grinned. Trysh examined her more, specifically her dress. It was simple, but beautiful. It was strapless, shoulders bare, with her red sleeves wrapping tightly over her arms as it connected to the main body of the dress. Her cleavage was large, massive, rivalling Trysh's even. Where before she would have wondered what it would take for a woman to wear something so classy yet so revealing, now all Trysh could think of was if Aro would like her wearing something like it.

"So... You are just glowing, something tells me you've just come back from having the time of your life!" Like the strong, confident woman she was, the red elf turned and beckoned Trysh to follow to the bar. She did, like a ducking would follow a swan. They walked in the exact same way. Strutting long strides, curving one leg forward and the other leg curving over that, which made their asses bounce and jiggle. Trysh felt Aro's cum leak down her thighs, and quickly pressed them together once they both sat on a stood beside on another at the bar.

"Jenson. Black bourbon with fairy glitter. My new friend will have the same." The barman nodded and went to work. "So, tell me, which one of my many workers bonded with you? Have you been dating for a while? I'll be sure to give him a raise to help with children."

Trysh giggled and combed a loose strand of her bleach blonde hair back behind a pointed ear and shook her head. "No no...it wasn't a worker. My boyfriend and I... Well, I guess we're together now. We kind of confessed that we liked each other...And, um...I really love him, so I bonded with him." The red lady nodded, clearly hanging on every word, two drinks slid across the counter toward them. A dark, transparent liquid with a healthy bed of golden glitter over the top.

"Madame Juliette." The barman bowed and walked off. Leaving Juliette and Trysh alone. Trysh rose a brow in surprise. This was the owner of the establishment? Now it all made sense. How she commanded the room, how confident she was in herself. Trysh felt envy boil up in her, either that or more of Aro's cum leaked out of her and stained the stool she sat upon. She only wished that one day she could be so commanding and confident in her appearance.

Juliette wrapped her fingers around the small glass and took a small sip, licking the glitter from her lips and sighing. "Oh really? I could tell it was a fresh brand, the pheromones aren't as strong as they will be after a few months... This boyfriend. Tell me about him? I must admit being an old woman, it gives me a little warm feeling to hear about young love. Besides any man who got to bond with such a gorgeous thing must be special." She took another sip.

"Old woman? You don't look a day over three hundred!" Trysh said with a dimpled grin. She took a sip, and the alcohol burned her mouth and throat. A good kind of burn. It warmed her, but made her slightly dizzy. Juliette chuckled and shook her head. "But...My boyfriend...He's brave and so handsome, but a little scruffy, sometimes when I look at him, I wonder when the last time he combed his hair! He's charming and a little corny, but in an endearing way. I'm used to being desired, but he was the first to make me feel safe. He's very experienced with a sword too." She blushed at the double entendre she made, one that she would have never dreamed of making before. She looked down at the brand that peeked out of her gown, bit her lip and was reminded of how amazing his sword really was. "And... Well...You know...His penis." Trysh looked from left to right, seeing men look at them from the corners of their eyes. Crudely she poked her fingers out and extended them apart roughly ten inches long, she sucked on her bottom lip and began to salivate just at the vivid image of him fucking Arabella. Arabella. Instead of her. Why would she picture that first, rather than the recent memories of her deflowering? Her juice leaked from her pussy, and she quivered with pleasure.

"Oh my. He's a big boy? I would lie if I said I hadn't had a few...Gifted men in my time, being almost nine hundred means you get around a lot." She spoke with such a casual tone, whilst taking a sip. Trysh gasped.

"Nine hundred?! My you look amazing...I'm only two hundred."

"Hm? I see, sounds about the right age to bond with someone. Your looks would have settled only a few years ago...You'll look as good as you do now in your thousands you know." Juliette sipped again, and noted the blush over Trysh's cheeks. "Would you like to talk more candidly, in private? I see the way men look at you embarrasses you, maybe turns you on just a little bit?" Juliette took her drink and made for the staircase on the opposite end of the bar. Trysh began to protest, but caved and stood, snatching her drink and went to follow Juliette. Usually, the blonde would be sceptical of her, being so interested in her sex life, and her in general, all Trysh was to her was a stranger. Someone who was only passing through, why did the owner of the brothel seem so interested in her?

Men followed, confident men, looking to score a bit of elf pussy before leaving. Juliette looked at each of them and sharply shook her head. "She is a taken woman boys. Leave her be." The men immediately backed away, bowing to Madame Juliette as they both left the bar.

Madame Juliette led Trysh'alia to her private room. From the second the bare footed blonde stepped into the room she could tell that Juliette was one whom enjoyed extravagance. The room itself looked as if a bedroom from a palace had been built inside the brothel. From the outside it would be impossible to believe that a room such as this could fit within the structure of the building. The wonder and awe across Trysh's face spoke hundreds of words that Juliette had heard thousands of times before. "So, this man of yours. Does he appreciate you? Like any decent man would to an elf?"

Trysh did not respond right away, she was too busy examining the room around her. Tall portraits of the red haired madame in elegant clothing spotted across the room, as was paintings of elf girls, and human men. The largest portrait was what Trysh assumed to be a family painting. Juliette in the middle with a tall, handsome looking man with grey hair and rough skin of a middle-aged man, to the left and right of them were a dozen others, six elves and six men, some held each other a little too closely, one such man she noticed reaching far down the backside of a blonde.

"Yes, I think so, in fact I know so. He's not very subtle looking at me, at times I caught him looking at my boobs when he should be looking at me in the eye. Even in my robes he couldn't stop wanting a longer look at my chest and behind."

Juliette laughed and kicked her red heels away from her feet and gave a nonchalant flick of her wrist. At that moment, her tight red pencil dress started to dematerialise around her body, slowly revealing more of her as the dress faded around her like a thick red fog. The red mist of fabric spun and bent around the immaculate curves of her hips, moving up and down her body before, in a sudden pop, a satin red nightgown hung loosely around her body.

It was similar to Trysh's, deep red and shining brightly as Juliette stood with her hand on her hips beside the crackle of the fireplace. It was elegant, tightly hugging her as one long slit across one side of the ankle length hem permanently exposed her long, creamy leg that rivalled the blondes. She turned and smiled that beaming grin toward her, eyeing her bare legs and the glistening residue that stained them. Once she collapsed onto her deep red sofa, she hiked the exposed leg over the other and beckoned Trysh once more with the curl of a fingertip. Trysh smiled and followed, sitting on the comfortable seat beside Juliette. "I figured you were an ex-temple girl."

"Oh? How come."

Juliette sighed, her expression changed to a disappointed one, her puffy matte red lips pouted. "I must admit something to you Trysh'alia Everlove. I know your face. And name." She clicked her fingers as her red eyes lingered on her creamy body. Moments later a small leather sack hovered to her, pressing itself on the gap between her heavy bust. "A zealot from the temple came a number of days ago. Told me an infidel abandoned her post and likely broke her sacred vow to Vernande." She pulled out a small crystal orb no larger than her palm, and in the ball was the familiar figure of Trysh. Brilliant blonde hair shimmering, every bump and curve as identical as the real thing sitting before her. Trysh's body stood solid, hairs over the back of her neck stood up, quickly she looked to the door, ready to run away from this woman.

A pout formed over the Madame's lips "Not to worry. I will never turn you in..." she raised a brow as her free hand made towards her thin string that held her gown together. Pulling at the knot caused it to come loose, freely exposing her naked body. Her bust was huge, firm and perky; hips wide and made for child birth like all other elves. Her pale skin complimented her flaming red hair perfectly...As did the brand of bonding that was engraved over her womb. The colour had gone, leaving it to look nothing more than a black tattoo. "The followers of Vernande's REAL message must stick together after all, don't you agree?"

"Wha- how?" A million questions raced through Trysh's mind. "How do they not know you? Why is it black? Nobody you've bonded with could still be alive today!" Trysh felt the need to follow in Juliette's moves, opening her own string that held her robe together. The pink glow was a light one, filled with life. A stark difference to Juliette's black one. Running a hand over it revealed that it was still warm, and just rubbing her feminine nails over it made a pleasurable shiver run through her. Her robe fell open completely with the loose satin falling down her shoulders and letting her tits bounce back with a clap as the robe released its grip on her thickness. Her well fucked pussy was also on full display to Juliette, who smiled at how easy it was to get other women to follow in her casual nudity.

The smell of her sex hit Trysh's nose as she looked over the black brand and she could not stop herself looking over her perfect pussy sitting just below it. No trace of her fiery red hair, only smooth creamy skin and a lovely slit running down the middle and only the faintest hint of pink showing between her puffy lips. Trysh had begun to feel many different things. From feeling heavy tingles thinking about Aro and other women he's been with, to the fine red woman beside her, she had felt that very same tingle in her pussy the more she looked over Juliette's naked body.