Fallout 06: Accident

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Hell hath no fury...
8.2k words

Part 6 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/19/2021
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Fallout 06: Accident

This is the sixth installment of a new series called, "Fallout" that deals with the consequences of cheating.The current plan is that each entry in the series can be read as a separate story.

The following was inspired by a number of stories dealing with people who learn about their cheating spouses after an auto accident.Several people have written and asked that I write something about a cheating husband, so this is the result.Yes, there is a cheating wife involved as well.

Many thanks to those who offered comments and constructive criticism on my previous stories.For those who want to say this or that would never happen, remember this is my universe, a place where nearly anything can, and often does, happen.At least on paper...

Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc.(Yes, I DO moderate comments)And please remember, this is a work of fiction, not a docu-drama...


Rhonda Greene had a long day at work and was looking forward to a nice quiet evening at home. Her husband, Jake, had been gone on a business trip for the last two days and would be gone for two more. At least that's what he had told her. She knew he was in Dallas -- roughly a two-hour drive from their home in Wichita Falls, and she had the number for his hotel room there.

But she wasn't completely convinced that he was spending all of his evenings by himself. She thought back over their seven-year marriage. Things between them started off great. The first five years were wonderful, and they were both looking forward to having their first child. Then she miscarried. They held each other, cried a lot, but got through it. Then the doctor said he found a cyst on one of her ovaries.

They got through the surgeries -- yeah, they ended up removing both ovaries, meaning they wouldn't be able to have children. More crying ensued, followed by counseling. They both wanted children, but now it seemed the only that would happen is if they adopted. Rhonda was okay with that, but Jake always wanted children of his own.

Despite counseling, things started going downhill for them. Sure, they still loved each other, but something had changed in their relationship. Rhonda did everything she could to keep Jake happy, but it wasn't enough. She even went on hormone therapy, but it became clear to her that he wasn't interested in her anymore -- at least not sexually.

About six months ago, she began to see changes in Jake that she didn't like. He was gone more often, supposedly either out with the boys for a beer or busy with something from work. He was a regional manager for the company he worked for and was frequently gone dealing with one issue or another. In her mind, he could have delegated most of the work, but that just wasn't the way he operated.

But there was more. Several times, she smelled another woman on him when he came staggering back into the house. He would either laugh it off, and tell her she was imagining things, or claim he was working with some of the staffers from the other offices in the area, and they just happened to be women.

But she knew better. Call it intuition, call it whatever you want, but she knew. Something was wrong. She took inventory of herself one night in the bathroom. At 32, she was a very attractive woman with a nice figure. Long, blonde hair fell over her shoulders, framing a pretty face with full lips and deep blue eyes

She sported B-cup breasts and an hourglass figure, topped with well-toned legs. She kept her pubic area shaved, just for Jake. She knew he loved to go down on her and the sight of her shaved pussy usually drove him nuts. She did whatever he wanted -- blowjobs, anal sex, whatever it took to satisfy him.

Apparently, though, it wasn't enough for him. One night not too long ago, he came home and she could smell the stench of another woman's pussy on his face. Then she smelled it even stronger when she pulled his boxers down to give him a blowjob. No way am I sticking this in my mouth, she thought as she pulled his boxers back up.

"What's wrong?" he asked her.

"Who is she, Jake?" she asked angrily.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said.

"Don't give me that shit, Jake," she said. "I can smell her nasty cunt all over you. Who are you screwing?"

"No one," he lied.

"Bullshit," she said. "You're sleeping in the guest bedroom tonight. And you'll stay there until you can level with me. And don't even think about touching me until you get checked for STDs. I'll be damned if I'll let you give me a disease." Things were frosty in the house for several days until he finally broke down and admitted he had sex with one of his co-workers.

"You fucking bastard," she hissed when he told her. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't divorce your ass right fucking now."

"I'm sorry," he begged. "I had too much to drink. It was just the one time. Please forgive me."

"Just one time?" she asked.

"Yes, just the one time," he said. "I'm sorry. It'll never happen again."

"It better not," she said. "Cause the next time, I'm cutting your dick off. But you're still sleeping in the guest room until your test results get back. And I still want to know who you were with." Later that day, he told her it was Angela Carlisle from the Dallas office.

"Maybe I should have a talk with this Angela Carlisle," she said. "Tell her to keep her mitts off my husband."

"Please don't do that, Rhonda," he said. "It was just a one-off thing and I could get in a lot of trouble and maybe even lose my job."

"It's either that or lose your marriage," she said. The truth was, she didn't want to divorce Jake. Her parents were strict Catholics who didn't believe in divorce and they had taught her that divorce was a sign of failure. As mad as she was at her husband, she still loved him and hoped to patch things up with him.

"I don't have her number with me," he said. "Please, Rhonda, she's married as well."

"Then maybe her husband should know what his wife is doing when she comes up," she said. "Wouldn't you want to know if I was out screwing around on you?" He looked at her, shocked.

"Are you," he began.

"What, getting a little bit on the side for revenge?" she asked with a smirk. "God knows I should. I may not be able to have kids, but I can still enjoy a good fuck now and then. Maybe that's what I should do. Go out and get a couple big guys to come and fuck me in our bed while you watch. Is that what you want?"

"You wouldn't," he pleaded.

"No, I wouldn't," she said. "I'm not going to stoop to your level -- this time. But so help me God, if I ever catch you with another woman again, it's 'Katy bar the door.' You catch my drift?"

"I got it," he said, defeated. He knew that she would carry her threat out, and there were a lot of guys in town who would be more than happy to help her teach him a lesson. Things settled down quite a bit after that. Either he was on the straight and narrow, or he had gotten better at hiding his trysts from her. She didn't know which it was, and couldn't afford an investigator to check up on him. Nevertheless, she decided to keep him on a very short leash.

His tests came back negative, so she let him back into the master bedroom. It still took a while before she began making love to him again, and she kept a close eye on his activities. She also found a picture and short bio of Angela Carlisle on his company's web site.

According to that, she was an office manager in Dallas, married with two young children. A quick check of the online white pages provided her with a home phone number. A search on Facebook and LinkedIn gave her even more details, along with photos of her family. The children in the photos looked to be mixed race, and she wondered if they were adopted. She nearly called the woman several times, but chose not to, opting instead to give her errant husband a chance to prove himself.

By the time this latest trip came up, she thought things were back to some semblance of normal. But she still had a lot of trust issues. That's what cheating will do, after all.

It was just after 6:00 pm when Jake called to let her know his day had just ended and he would be eating dinner with some reps from Dallas along with a couple of their clients. She finished her leftover meatloaf and watched a bit of television, then went to bed.

She jolted out of bed when the house phone rang. Picking up the handset, she looked at the time and saw it was 1:30 am. Who would be calling at this hour, she wondered.

"Hello," she said as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

"Mrs. Greene, this is Terri Gadsden and I'm calling from Parkland Hospital in Dallas," the woman said on the other end. "Is your husband Jacob Greene?"

"Yes," Rhonda said, sitting up. "What's happened? Is he alright?"

"Mrs. Greene, your husband was in an accident and was brought here for emergency treatment," Terri said. "I can't get into the specifics, but the doctor would like to see you as soon as possible. I understand you live in Wichita Falls, is that right?"

"Yes, I can be there in a couple hours or so," Rhonda said.

"That will be fine, Mrs. Greene," Terri said. "Your husband is in surgery now, and may be for a while." Terri gave Rhonda the address before ending the call. She had a sister, Jennie, who lived with her husband in Arlington, a town outside Dallas, so she called.

"Hey, sis, what's so urgent?" Jennie asked.

"It's Jake," Rhonda said. "I just got a call from Parkland Hospital. He's been in an accident and they took him there. Would it be alright if I stay with you for a couple days?"

"Sure, hon," Jennie told her. "Come on down, we'll get the spare room set up for you and meet you at the hospital." Rhonda thanked Jennie, then ended the call. Her next call was to April, her supervisor at the insurance agency where she worked.

"I'm sorry to call so late, but I just got word that my husband was in an accident in Dallas, and he's in surgery right now," Rhonda said.

"Oh my God, Rhonda, are you going down there at this time of night?" April asked.

"Yes, I have to," Rhonda said.

"Alright, go ahead and take the rest of the week off if you need to," April said. "Let me know how everything goes."

"I will, thanks, April," Rhonda said. After ending the call, she jumped out of bed, showered, dressed and threw some things in an overnight bag. Making sure everything was shut down and locked up, she headed out.

Jennie met her in the hospital parking lot and the two of them went into the emergency room. Eventually, they were directed to a waiting area and was told Dr. Kim would see them as soon as he could. Looking around, she saw a man sitting in the room, his head buried in his hands. She could tell he was crying and felt bad for him.

When he looked up, she recognized him from the pictures she had seen on Facebook -- Fred Carlisle, Angela's husband. She got up and walked over to him. He looked at her, tears streaming down his face.

"Mr. Carlisle?" she asked.

"Yes, that's me," he said quietly. "What can I do for you?"

"Is your wife's name Angela?" she asked. He slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah," he said. "She was my wife. She's dead now. They said she lost too much blood and there was too much damage."

"I'm so sorry to hear that," Rhonda said. "Was she in an accident earlier tonight?"

"Yes," he said. "How did you know that?"

"Was she alone?" Rhonda asked. He shook his head.

"No," he said. "She was with some guy from her company in his car." She looked away for a moment, fearing the worst. She saw an Oriental doctor come into the waiting room and saw the name on his tag -- Kim. She turned back to Fred.

"Mr. Carlisle, my name is Rhonda Greene," she said. "Can we talk, later?"

"Yeah, sure, what the hell," he said. "I'm not going anywhere for a while."

"Okay, Mr. Carlisle," she said. "Again, I'm so sorry for your loss." He nodded his head, saying nothing as Dr. Kim walked up to her.

"Are you Mrs. Greene?" he asked.

"Yes, that's me," she said.

"I'm Dr. Kim," he said. "Can we talk?"

"Sure," she said. "Is it okay if my sister joins us?"

"I suppose so," he said. "Please, let's go into one of the privacy rooms." Rhonda motioned for Jennie, who got up and followed the two of them into a small room off the waiting area. Dr. Kim closed the door to the room before sitting down across from them.

"Your husband is recovering from surgery," he said. "We've stabilized him and reattached his penis, however, he's still in critical condition at the moment and is in a medically-induced coma."

"Wait," Rhonda said. "You reattached his WHAT?"

"Um, his... penis," Dr. Kim said. "You know..."

"Yes, I know WHAT a penis is, doctor," she said. "What I want to know is HOW it got unattached."

"I'm not 100 percent certain of that," he said. "Perhaps you should speak to one of the officers who responded to the accident. I believe one of them is still here."

"I will," she said. "You said my husband is in a coma?"

"Yes," Dr. Kim said. "He suffered a significant number of injuries in the accident and there's some bleeding and swelling of his brain. His head hit the driver's side window pretty hard."

"I see," Rhonda said. "Is he going to make it?"

"If he makes it through the next couple days, I think so," the doctor said. "Of course, we'll know more as time goes on. But if he does recover, I doubt very seriously he'll regain the full... use... of his penis."

"Actually, that may be a blessing in disguise, doctor," she said, prompting a look of surprise on his face. "When will I be able to see him?"

"Right now, he's in ICU, and he's in a coma, so it may be a few days," Dr. Kim said. "I want to give his body a chance to heal a bit before we proceed any further. I understand you live in Wichita Falls, is that right?"

"Yes," she said, "but my sister said I could stay here with her for a while." He nodded his head and handed her a card.

"Okay," he said. "Make sure we have a good number to reach you and we'll call if there's any change in his condition. You can also call the ICU yourself if you want to check on his status. Don't worry, he'll get the best care possible here."

"Thank you, doctor," Rhonda said, looking at the card he gave her. When he left the room, a nurse came in, took her information down and had her fill out some forms, including a DNR -- do not resuscitate -- order, just in case.

"One of the officers who responded to the accident is here to see you," the nurse said when she got up to leave. "You may want to speak with him. I hope everything works out for you."

"Thank you," Rhonda said. After the nurse left, a large Hispanic man in a police uniform came in and sat down across from Rhonda holding a folder.

"Sergeant Hernandez," he said, introducing himself to them. "Are you Mrs. Rhonda Greene?"

"Yes, officer, that's me," she said.

"And your husband, Jacob Greene, drives a green Toyota RAV4?" he asked.

"Yes, he does," Rhonda said. "What happened?"

"One more question, Mrs. Greene," Sgt. Hernandez said. "Do you know a woman named Angela Carlisle?"

"I've never met her, but I know who she is," Rhonda said. "Was she with him at the time of the accident?"

"Yes, she was," the policeman said. "I, uh, don't quite know how to tell you this..."

"Was he screwing her when it happened?" she asked.

"Not... exactly," Sgt. Hernandez said. "But they were... engaged."

"What does that mean, Sergeant?" she asked. "Engaged? How? Please, tell me what happened."

"It looks like she was performing fellatio at the time his vehicle was struck," he said.

"You mean, she was sucking his dick when the accident happened?" she asked.

"I'm afraid so, Mrs. Greene," he said. "I'm sorry."

"And that's why they had to reattach his penis?" she asked as Jennie gasped in shock.

"Yes, ma'am," he said, embarrassed. "It was found in her mouth. According to witnesses, he was driving erratic, crossed a median and was struck head-on by an oncoming vehicle. It looks like that's when she bit down..."

"Was he drunk?" she asked.

"His blood-alcohol level was below the legal limit," Sgt. Hernandez said. "From what I could tell, he was simply too distracted to operate the vehicle safely."

"And my husband was at fault?" Rhonda asked.

"That's exactly what I'm saying, Mrs. Greene," he said. "And since Mrs. Carlisle died in that accident, your husband may face criminal charges. That's up to the District Attorney."

"Crap," Rhonda said. "What about the other driver?"

"The other driver was banged up pretty bad, but he'll be okay," Sgt. Hernandez said.

"So what happens now?" she asked him.

"Again, that's up to the District Attorney," he told her. "We're still investigating the accident, but it appears that your husband may be held criminally liable. There may also be civil litigation as well. You may want to seek legal representation."

"That fucking bastard," she hissed.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Greene," he said. He handed her a card with a case number and contact information. "You can get a copy of the police report by calling this office. Just ask for that case number. If there's anything I can do, let me know."

"Thank you, Sergeant," she said, taking the card. After the sergeant left, Rhonda looked at her sister.

"What are you gonna do?" Jennie asked.

"I feel like going in there and killing that stupid son of a bitch," Rhonda said. "I shoulda kicked his ass out the first time I caught him."

"He's cheated on you before?" Jennie asked.

"Yeah," Rhonda said. "I laid the law down and bought his bullshit lies. I shoulda known he'd never quit."

"Let's go to my place, get a good night's sleep," Jennie said. "Tomorrow, we'll see about getting you an attorney."

"Thanks, sis," Rhonda said. "I appreciate all your help." After they left the conference room, Rhonda stopped to speak with Fred, who was still in the same chair.

"Mr. Carlisle," Rhonda said. "I really am sorry about all this. If there's anything I can do, please let me know. I'll be in town for a few days, in case you want to talk." He looked at her, his eyes red from crying.

"Thank you, Mrs. Greene," he said. "I may take you up on that. Please call me Fred. I know it's not your fault. It's probably just as well it ended like this."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Things weren't going too well between my wife and I when this happened," he said. "I guess she wanted to recapture the thrill of her youth."

"So you knew what your wife was doing?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said quietly. "She told me I didn't have any choice but to 'suck it up' and deal with it. Said it was 'just sex' and didn't affect us at all. I practically begged her not to go out with your husband. Yeah, he was the one behind the wheel, but she's the one who chose to be with him. And now it's cost her everything. On the bright side, I guess you could say she died doing what she wanted to do. At least I won't have to deal with her cheating anymore. I still don't know how I'm going to tell the kids."

"At least you still have your children," she said, trying to comfort him. He looked at her with sad eyes.

"Yeah, I guess," he said quietly. For a moment, she thought he was going to say more, but he didn't.

"Please feel free to call me anytime," she said, writing her cell number on the back of a business card. "Again, I'm sorry." He simply nodded as he took her card and pocketed it. The two sisters left the hospital and drove to Jennie's house.

The next morning, Jennie made a call and got Rhonda an appointment with Durwood Schnablegger, Attorney at Law, that afternoon. According to Jennie, he was a shark who hated cheaters with a passion. If he had his way, Jennie said, he would personally castrate cheaters with a dull butter knife and a blowtorch.