Falling for Vivian

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A little sister has her charms.
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+++ Was bored this afternoon. This is what came out. Hope you like it. +++

Nate answered the phone, muting the TV. He smiled when he heard his little sister's voice.

"Hey Nate, How's it going?" Vivian asked, speaking loudly. Nathan thought she might be in traffic from the background noise.

"Not bad. What are you up to?"

"My eyeballs in traffic is what I'm up to. Are you at your place?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because I'm on my way there. I'm at the interchange right now."

He glanced down at the clock on his cell.

"Were you planning on driving in rush hour?" He chuckled.

"No, but that's when I had to go. I'll be there in a few minutes, ok?"

"Yeah, I guess. Probably be closer to twenty minutes though." He answered, still smiling.

"Yeah, probably. See you soon."

Nate put the phone on the table and got up. He would at least have a few minutes to straighten the place up. He gathered up the laundry from his room and crammed it into the overstuffed hamper. Next was gathering the few dishes from the counter and actually getting them to the sink, something he only seemed to do when he had to wash them. He ran some water into the sink and soap so they could soak. He opened the only window and let in some fresh air. His place was a sterling example of a bachelor's crash pad. Small, dingy, and generally abused. He gathered the fast food bags and old pizza boxes off the table and ran them out to the dumpster. He paused at the door to the building as Vivian's battered little car chugged into the parking lot. She parked the shit-heap and trotted over to where he was waiting.

"I don't know which is worse, your car or my apartment." He chuckled as she hugged him.

"Your apartment, I like my little car." She smiled as they went in.

His door was just inside the building entrance. She walked in and wrinkled her nose.

"Geez Nate, you only hose this place out one a month or what?" Shea asked.

"Every other month. Any more than that and the bugs would complain." He chuckled, lighting a small incense stick and propping it over the little stove. The main room had the stove and sink on the far wall, and a small patch of faded linoleum under them. The small fridge sat next to that, doing a good job of not letting the little storage closet's door open all the way. Facing the 'kitchen' on the opposite wall was a ratty couch and an ancient looking recliner. Pushed up against the wall to the right, next to the bedroom door, was an old TV sitting on two stacked milk crates. Classy as fuck.

"Sorry, you want to see the awesome student apartments with the big screen TV and multiple rooms, you gotta go to the dorms. Us poor boy scholarship guys gotta make do with the Shitsack Plaza apartments here. So was there a reason for your visit other than insulting my glorious cave?" He said, smiling a little ruefully.

"What? I can't visit my favorite brother-"

"Only brother"

"-without some ulterior motive? I mean, there is ulterior motive, in this case, but to automatically assume is little rude."

Nate sighed, but didn't mind. He just liked Vivian's company. He didn't care if she needed a favor, he was happy to help.

"Lay it on me, Viv. What can I do?"

"Well, I kinda need a place to crash." She said, getting a little quiet. He didn't think she meant for just a night, the way she looked suddenly apprehensive.

"How long of a crash?" He asked sitting back on the couch.

She held her fingers about an inch apart. "Just a little while." She said, wincing a bit, making it obvious it was more than a little while.

"Well an inch or so isn't long, but how does that translate to time in this case?" He smirked.

"Well, until I can find a place of my own nearby. I've been accepted." She said with a wide grin.

"What here? You got in? Awesome, congratulations! I guess I'll be seeing a bit more of you then, even after you find a place. Cool, so how long did you think you would need, because in case you hadn't noticed my place and your car have about the same square footage." He said, smiling himself, happy for her.

"I don't know. I'm still waiting to get my student loans and scholarship info fully sorted. I have a little saved up, and I'll be looking for part time work tomorrow, so I can help with the rent and food and everything, but I couldn't stay at the Brewsters' any longer. I got the acceptance letter yesterday, so I packed my crap and headed out."

The Brewsters were the foster parents that they had been with since Nate was fifteen and Vivian thirteen. They were placed there after CPS pulled them out of their parents' filthy hovel. Their parents had discovered that they loved drugs and partying more than their kids and had quickly sunk to the bottom of the barrel, taking Nate and Viv with them. The kids hadn't seen their dad in almost a year when they were removed, and mom hadn't even realized what was going on. She had drank two bottles of cough syrup for breakfast and had laughed, asking what party the cops were taking her to. The Brewsters weren't too bad. The biggest problem that the Hamlin kids had with them was the religion. The Brewsters were born again Christians, and loved to share the faith with anyone they could corner. Every day was a crusade to get the foster kids under their care to find Jesus, and hard.

Some of the kids went for it, which was fine with Nate and Viv, but they resented being talked to like they were heathens. It wasn't that they didn't like the Brewsters, it was that they didn't like living with them. The religious mania, being forced to say Grace before each meal, forced to pray before bed, the strict rules against most popular media and music, it was a very stifling and aggravating atmosphere if you weren't in the same mind frame as them.

"Well, I would hesitate to call this a one bedroom apartment. If I was being honest I would call it an almost bedroom apartment. But you're welcome to it, you know that. I'll camp on the couch for the time being, you take the bed," He started but she shook her head and interrupted him.

"I'm not taking your bed, no deal. I don't want you sleeping on the couch in your own place."

"I've passed out on this thing a few times, trust me, you don't want to. I'm used to it, so it's fine."

"Not with me it's not. We can figure that out later though. For now, can we get my stuff in here and get something to eat? I'm starving." She said, standing up and pulling him to his feet.

"Yeah. There's some room in this closet, and some in the closet in the bedroom, it should be enough for your clothes."

"Ok, I don't have much besides clothes, so I shouldn't clutter the place too much." She said, looking around.

They went to her car and started unloading. It was two small boxes and a few bags of clothes. They got them inside and stared to put it all where they could. There was just enough room in the two closets for everything, and the stuff in the boxes were put on some of the many shelves that Nate had hung to gain more storage area out of the tiny place. That done they went out to Nate's car (only marginally better than Viv's) and went out. Nate took her to a nice little restaurant he knew of down the road and treated her to an early dinner. She had said a burger joint would have been fine but Nate wanted to celebrate a little and insisted. They talked over the meal, discussing how it would work.

"Look, I don't want to impose any more than I have too, ok? I'm gonna start looking around tomorrow while I'm out job searching, and I'll be out from under foot as fast as I can." She said as she ate.

"Viv, it's alright. I just wish I had a better place for you to stay at while you look. Stay as long as you want, save up some money, and get a nicer place than I have. If I would have had the opportunity to do that I would have. But I just had what little I'd hung onto before applying. I don't want to see you in a dump like mine, ok? So just worry about school and work for now. I imagine you'll be starting next semester?"

"Yeah, everything should be in order by then."

"Ok, so spend the next few months saving up, and worry about moving out when you can afford it. You won't be underfoot; it'll be nice having you around again. I've missed having you around. It might be a little cramped in the place, but I'm sure we'll be fine." He said, reaching over to take her hand. She smiled and gave his hand a squeeze.

"I'm pretty lucky to have such a generous brother, you know that?"

"You and me against the world, right? Just like it's always been." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess so."


They got back to their place after Nate stopped at the liquor store to get a bottle of rum to keep the celebration going. His buddy from class worked there, and sold him booze in exchange for help with his Biology and Chemistry classes. Nate rinsed two glasses and brought them to the small coffee table. While Vivian poured some and cokes Nate turned on the radio to the classic rock station. He knew Vivian like good old rock and roll. He did too, but listened mostly to country. They sat, clinked their glasses, and toasted Vivian's acceptance into college.

After a couple of rounds, a tipsy Vivian pulled Nate to his feet to dance with her. Nate was not much of a dancer to begin with, and alcohol was certainly not helping. After some horribly embarrassing flailing, they both broke down into gales of laughter. The song changed to an old love song and Vivian, still giggling, pulled Nate close and put her arms around him, and they simply held each other, swaying to the old song, smiling and happy. As the song ended, Vivian looked up and smiled at Nate. He leaned forward to kiss her nose and missed. His lips met hers, and they both paused, frozen. Then he felt her start to kiss back, lightly, unsure. He responded a little before they both pulled away at the same time.

"Um, not what I was trying to do," He started.

"Wow, that was, uh," She said at the same time.

They both stopped and just looked at each other, cheeks red and nervous smiles on their faces. They realized that they were still holding on to each other quite closely, and stepped back. Vivian grabbed her drink and took a sip, avoiding Nate's eyes. He grabbed his drink as well, feeling rather sober at the moment. When Vivian finally looked at him, he felt he had to say something.

"Viv, I was just going to kiss your nose, like I used to. I wasn't trying, to you know, like we did, and I guess, I don't know why I stayed there like that." He stuttered, afraid that he had hurt their relationship.

"No, it's okay, I know, I was just surprised is all. I mean, you weren't the only one who didn't step back. I dunno. It just felt, well, nice. To be kissed. It's been awhile." She said, the tips of her ears going red to match her cheeks. They stood there a moment, looking at the floor before Nate went and sat on the couch. After a few minutes of halting conversation, they seemed to get back to normal.

A couple hours later and they were both ready for bed. Which brought up the problem they had put off for later. Vivian was rather insistent that she take the couch, and after a bit Nate agreed. He pulled out his comforter and one of his pillows from his bed for her and took the thin spare blanket for himself. After washing up they said goodnight and went to sleep. Nate lay for a while, thinking about the day. He was definitely glad that she had got in to school, and was glad that she would be around. He thought about the accidental kiss, and her reaction to it, trying to figure out just how he felt about it. Which was odd, because he figured he should feel embarrassed, and perhaps a little wierded out, which he did, but he felt something else as well. He just couldn't pin what that other feeling was. Giving it up for the time being, he turned over and went to sleep.


He woke up a little while later, disoriented, with a bit of a headache starting. He felt the bed move. Viv was draping the comforter over them and stretching out next to him.

"Viv?" He mumbled, still mostly asleep.

"You're right. Your couch blows. Good night." She said sleepily, growing still. The small clock radio gave off a dim green glow from the display that let him make out a bit of his sisters form in the dim. She was facing him, her arms curled up to her chest. Her face was only a few inches from his. He could feel her breath in his face, smell the light remnants of toothpaste and rum. He went to kiss her nose again, this time taking more care to hit his intended target. His lips brushed the bridge of her nose and she wiggled, a tiny giggle escaping her, making her seem like she was when he did that as a kid. He fell back asleep watching her.


He woke up in the morning and found his sister against him. Her arm was curled under his, reaching up to hold the back of his neck. Her other hand rested on his chest. His own arm was around her waist. Her forehead rested against his. He could feel her long, smooth legs tangled in his. He could also feel that her hips were tight to his, squeezing his morning wood between them.

'Ooooh boy.' He thought to himself. Trying to figure out how to get some space between them without her waking up to the feeling of his dick against the bottom of her stomach. He closed his eyes a moment to think without his sister's pretty face distracting him. When he opened his eyes again, her eyes were open and staring at him.

"Oh," She said quietly. She sounded like he felt; sleep-muddled and groggy.

"Um. I think we may have shifted in our sleep." He mumbled, trying not to shift his dick against her.

"Yeah, I think so." She said quietly. She still hadn't moved. His arm was still draped over her waist, and hers still on the base of his neck. She shifted her legs a bit and disentangled them, but didn't move anything else. Just watched him, her large eyes boring into him. He didn't know if she was mad or scared or what. He was scared. He didn't know what to do that would put this situation right. He slowly lifted his arm from around her waist, watching her as he did. When her arm was no longer pinned, she moved it from his neck. She surprised him by taking his hand and moving it right back down to her hip. Her eyes never left his as she threaded her arm back through his and took his neck again.

"Still sleepy." She said when her arm was back in place, and closed her eyes again. She didn't sound sleepy, but Nate didn't know what to do. He weighed his mild hangover against getting up and what that may entail and decided 'fuck it' and closed his eyes again. It wasn't every day he had a beautiful woman wrapped around him and wanting to stay that way. She was his sister, and this was a little weird, but his headache and complete lack of energy rationalized that it was innocent enough. She just wanted to feel comfortable and warm, and her own hangover was probably making her think along the same lines. He drifted off to sleep in his confusion of feelings.

He woke an hour or so later, and Vivian was gone. He looked around the small room, blinking owlishly and sat up. He pulled on some clothes and walked into the living room. He saw Vivian sitting on the couch, her legs pulled up under her, a steaming cup of coffee cradled in her hands.

"Hey," He said cautiously.

"Hey. Coffee's up." She said with a little smile.

"Thanks." He said, shuffling to the counter. He poured himself a cup and went to the bathroom. He came out and tossed a bottle of aspirin onto the couch.

"Thank you, I was looking for this earlier. Where was it?" She asked gulping down three.

"Under the sink. Behind the mirror tends to hold moisture from the shower, making them all soggy and gross."

"Very gross, but good to know." She said, tossing them back.

When Nate came back out he sat on the other side of the couch, trying to figure out how to start a conversation about last night. Vivian kind of short circuited the thought by setting her mug on the table and stretching out on the couch, putting her arms around his waist laying her head against his side. He let his arm rest on her shoulders, and toyed absently with her hair.

"Listen, Viv, about last night," He began, hesitating.

"Yeah, I know, sorry I smashed your boner. I was just cold and I don't like sleeping in new places. I just wanted to feel secure. I didn't mean to wake you." She said, the movement of her jaw tickling his side a little.

"Ok, I just wanted to tell you that guys, you know, in their sleep they can't control," He stuttered.

"I know guys get erections in their sleep. Unlike you, I paid attention in high school. I'm not as gifted as you are in the smarts, I had to actually study." She giggled.

"You're just as smart as I am, Viv, and you know it." He answered, relieved to hear her shrug it off. Relieved, and if he was completely honest with himself (which he wasn't) a little disappointed. He struggled to tell himself it was because he was a guy, and wanted to know that he was attractive to women, not because it was his sister who was the woman in question.

After a while he got up and went to wash the dishes so he could fix them something to eat. Vivian came over and took the sponge from him, telling him to go relax.

"I remember your idea of a clean dish. I'd rather only eat the current meal if it's all the same to you." She said with a grin.

"I'm not that bad." He said.

For an answer she picked up the plate he had set in the strainer and pointed to the smear of food still on it before setting the plate back in the water and turning on the sink. He shrugged and went to the couch, drinking his coffee and just watching her. He was seeing her in a new way, he noticed. He had always thought of her as his kid sister, constantly watching out for her, a reflex from living with their parents and whoever their parents let into the house for as long as they did. He was now seeing her as the young woman she had become without him noticing. He watched her as she moved; her long legs, the way her ass filled out her shorts, the curve of her slightly wide hips narrowing to her waist, her shoulders and toned arms. The way her hair fell down her back, dark and thick.

He shook his head and turned to his coffee, wondering what the hell was wrong with him. He looked up again and she was looking over her shoulder at him. When he looked up she smiled and turned back to the dishes. When they were finished he shooed her out of the kitchen so he could cook, explaining that she couldn't cook because the smoke alarm was working and he did not want to set it off.

"One time, and you never let me cook again." She griped from the couch, smiling.

"Well, I would like to be able to eat what is cooked, so that kinda rules you out, doesn't it?" He replied, smiling over his shoulder.

With two plates heaped with eggs and bacon, they sat on the couch and dug in.

"Wow, you still spice the shit out of your eggs." She said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Yeah, sorry. I'll go easy next time."

"No it's ok, I like it, I just forgot. It's been a little while since you cooked for me."

"I know. I didn't want to leave you with the Brewsters last year, but I couldn't stay there and go to school. The commute would have killed my car." He said.

"It's ok. I know you didn't want to. And I didn't want you to not go to school because of me. I've missed you, but I'm happy you got out. Now I'm out to, so we can go back to you and me against the world, right?" She said, watching him.

"Yeah. You and me against the world. Just like it always was." He said with a smile, wondering why she was staring at him with such intensity.


She spent the afternoon going around town, collecting applications for various businesses, and brought them home with two new pillows and a new blanket. Nate looked at these and raised his eyebrows.