Extra Credit Assignment


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She was rubbing off on me, and I liked it.


My luscious teacher /writing coach /lover /potential relationship partner hadn't set a deadline for my special assignment, but I set about my task with enthusiasm. By Saturday, it was ready, and I sent it to her.

Within an hour, she responded, sending me a text.

>Got your story. Perfect timing. I'll read it this afternoon. I was looking for something fun to read today.

Knowing she was reading my thoughts about our physical relationship made me a little nervous, but mostly excited. I decided to read it again, as well....

I'm sitting in my chair, alone in the quiet classroom. The fluorescent lights are buzzing overhead, and I'm wondering exactly why I'm here tonight, when you suddenly walk in through the door.

I don't know what to think. A part of me can't help thinking you are the most beautiful, sensual woman I've ever seen. The rest is aware you are the teacher, and to be respected in the classroom.

I watch you, as you put your bag down, and begin to remove your jacket. First one button is dispatched, leaving only one more, straining to contain your plentiful, curvaceous breasts. My attention focuses on that last fastener, willing it to fail. It is just below the bustline on your flattering, tailored jacket; just below the abrupt swell of your chest, making it more pronounced, and more tantalizing. At last, you unfasten it.

I can feel my pulse race when you remove your jacket, arching your back slightly to free your shoulders, in so doing, thrusting your breasts outward, and drawing my eyes to those smooth, rounded curves I want to experience so badly.

Your fashion sense is impeccable, as usual, with a classic white blouse under your gray suit coat and skirt. The simple colouring of your clothes brings out the brilliance of your hair and eyes. I am entranced.

Your jacket is placed over the back of your solid, wooden chair, and you unbutton one or two buttons on your blouse, fanning yourself with your hand. It is warm in here, but that's not the source of the heat I'm feeling. That honour falls to you.

Apparently oblivious to your effect on me, you open your book, and lean over, reading from the pages silently, while I drool, and get lost in the darkness of your cleavage. Such a spectacular sight, the division between your magnificent globes. My heart is pounding now.

You turn, holding your book, and begin to write on the large blackboard, grasping a long, fresh piece of chalk in your delicate hand. My eyes fall to your equally enthralling backside, taking in the less abrupt, but still enticing curves. You have a classic, hourglass figure from this angle, with long, sweeping arcs defining your thighs, rump and back. Your writing action causes subtle movements in the firm flesh, from your ass up your back. I can still see the fullness of your breasts, swaying slightly from side to side as you write.

I can no longer merely watch.

Standing, I step quickly over to you, stopping behind your body. I place my hands on the blackboard, outboard of your writing. Leaning closer to your ear, I whisper.

"I want you."

You pause, then reply.

"Not here," you say, resuming your transcription.

I lean closer still, pressing my very aroused penis against your ass, and trapping you between my body and the wall.

You pause again. I can hear you breathing, slightly faster than just a few seconds ago. My hands drop to your hips, holding you close, and you lean back against me, tilting your head to the side. Exposing your neck to my lips, I kiss the long, elegant lines, inhaling your perfume, and the scent of your shampoo. Your resistance is melting away, and I wrap an arm around, palming your flat, tight tummy. I slide my hand down, stopping just above your crotch, feeling the heat radiating from you.

You push back, and resume writing, shaking your head.

"Not here," you repeat.

I'm not willing to wait. My hands come around you, and cup your breasts, fondling you gently, but commandingly. You sigh, and pause again, with the chalk still touching the slate. Your breathing is quivering, anticipating my next touch. I paw at your chest, mauling your breasts.

"Yes. Here," I growl, and grab the front of your blouse, reefing it wide open, sending buttons flying. Your hand trails down, scrawling a line of surprise across the blackboard, as I ravish your neck from behind. You gasp in shock, but make no effort to stop me, as I tear the ruined blouse off your body.

My need drives me, as I yank your bra straps down, pulling your bra around your waist. I press your body against the blackboard, squashing your breasts flat between the hard surface and your sexy form. My hands go down, urgently peeling your skirt upward, and baring your supple hind quarters.

It's unusual for you to wear panty hose, but today you are, and they form a barrier, blocking my access to your rapidly dampening pussy. Hardly an impenetrable barrier, however, and with my fingers, I rip the entire gusset out of the hose, baring your wet, needy pussy.

My cock is straining to be free, and I let it out, dropping my pants, and stepping out of them. I just have to take you, right now, and pull your hips away from the wall. Your breasts and face slide down the slate surface, leaving a Rorschachian smear on the board, and I drive my shaft home, splitting your wet vestibule wide open.

"People will see us," you groan, feeling my thickness stretch your birth canal wider, until my balls rest against your swollen labia.

"Let them," I say defiantly, as I pull back. I watch my shaft as it reappears from deep inside you, now slick with your feminine juices, glistening in the fluorescent light. My cock moves in and out, smoothly probing your depths, while you grab the ledge of the chalkboard and hold on tight.

"Oh god, you bastard," you hiss at me, desperate to be quiet. "That's so fucking good. I love it slow and deep like that. Keep going. Fuck me."

You rise up, lifting your upper body into a standing position, and pull your hair aside, again offering your neck. You're enjoying this, both the sex and the prospect of being caught.

I ravage you, pulling your hair and crushing your chest against the slate again, fucking you harder as the urgency overtakes us. You moan as I bite your neck, and stifle the scream you want to let loose, feeling my cock drill into you furiously. The sensation washes over you, and you cum, drenching my cock with your flood of passion.

I release you, and pull out, my dripping penis bobbing before me. You gather yourself, and turn to face me, letting your eyes wander down to the object of your obsession. Without a word, you drop to your knees, and engulf my cock in your mouth, sliding your lips all the way down until my whole shaft is safely hidden down your throat.

I look into your sexy green eyes, surrounded by those long lashes that make them so expressive. You're no longer reluctant to participate, and are moaning softly, while eagerly sucking my cock. Your movements swing the long, loose curls of your thick, red hair, adding a hypnotic aspect to the heavenly sensation of your sucking mouth and gripping lips. Of course, your hair isn't the only part of your body being effected by your motions, and my attention is split between your eyes, and and your beautiful breasts, which are wobbling and bouncing enticingly.

I glance at the blackboard, where you began to write the items for today's lesson, before I derailed your well laid plans by ravishing your body. Your elegant cursive writing faltered, then scrawled downward, ending at the bottom of the surface. Some of the words were smeared by your face and breasts being pressed against the smooth slate. A clear impression of your full, round boobs was visible, as well as your cheek and hand, where your body wiped the board clean.

The slurping sound of your lips on my hard shaft, draws my focus back to you, and you nod at me, smiling as much as possible with my cock filling your mouth. Your smile fades quickly, and your eyes grow wide in horror, as a few students walk in. You are frozen in place, mouth still full.

The strangest thing is happening, as more and more of the class arrives. They are merely walking in, and taking their seats as usual, as though we weren't having sex right in front of them. Their reaction seems to calm your fears, and when I look down and shrug my shoulders in wonder, you shrug back, and resume your blowjob, letting your exhibitionist side show.

Your mouth is definitely working its magic, and I have to close my eyes, gritting my teeth to stop from losing control. I really love a good blowjob, and you give the best head I've ever received, but I don't want to cum yet. I just need more of your hot, wet pussy.

Reaching down, I help you to your feet, watching your eyes flit over the nearly full class. Most of them are writing, peering around your half naked body to see the notes you had put on the board. I guide you into a sitting position, on the edge of your desk, and help you lay back on the utilitarian, wooden furniture. My cock is hard as steel, and ready to fill your vagina again, so I aim it between your splayed legs, and push inside.

"Oh god, yes, fuck me, André," you sigh, lifting your legs higher, and wrapping them around my waist. "Ram that big cock into my juicy cunt! I've always wanted to fuck in my classroom."

A startled gasp makes us both turn our heads toward the door, where Pam is standing, her mouth agape, hiding behind her hand. Her gaze shifts from my face to yours, then to your naked breasts, swaying rhythmically across your chest as I stroke into your pussy. Her eyes finally lock on the point of our union, where my wet shaft is gliding in and out of you.

"Nice of you to show up, Pamela," you moan, grabbing my ass with your hands. "Please, take your seat."

Pam stands still as a statue, watching us fuck for another few seconds, before your words finally pierce her stunned brain. She slowly walks in, and sits down, looking around her at the other students, who are still taking notes. A few are reading the assignment, but still, none are paying any attention to the writhing couple feverishly enjoying each other, right in front of them.

The desk is squeaking and groaning, obviously not built for sex. It's a little too low for me to take a normal stance, so I have to spread my legs wider, and make a more vertical motion, but from your sounds of delight, I can tell you're enjoying it. You have your ankles crossed behind my back, and your hands on my shoulders, clawing at my skin in encouragement. I'm watching your tits dance, so I see the flush bloom on your chest.

"Oh, fuck, YES!" you grunt, your body clenching tight in orgasm. "FUCK! DON'T STOP! FUCK ME HARDER! MAKE ME CUM AGAIN!"

This time, when I look up from your body, I notice that one pair of eyes is watching.

Pam. Her attention is riveted on us, and I have to laugh, even though I am still pounding your pussy toward another orgasm.

"What's.... So.... Funny?" you ask, between strokes, breathing heavily. I nod in the direction of our enraptured audience of one, and you twist your head to see.

Pam is still staring at us, her nipples poking hard at her top. One hand has dropped down between her legs.

"Oh, my, we're running late!" you gasp, noticing the clock on the wall behind her. Your hands pat my chest, telling me to stop, and I pull out, helping you sit up. "I'm sorry class. I lost track of time. The subject for today is irony."

I take a few steps toward my desk, when you look at me.

"Where do you think you're going?" you growl, in that sexy bedroom voice I know so well.

"My seat?" I ask, gesturing in the general direction of my normal position in class. My cock is still hard, and dripping with your tasty syrup.

"Park your ass in this chair," you command, pointing behind you to your teacher's chair. "I'm not done with you yet."

"Yes Ma'am," I smile, moving quickly to sit behind you. Your skirt is still bunched up around your waist, and your bra is likewise pulled down. I watch you begin to do your usual routine, pacing back and forth while you discuss the topic. You unzip your skirt while you go, letting it fall away, and dispose of your bra a few seconds later.

Now standing virtually nude before the class, in only your shredded panty hose and high heels, you ask the class a question.

"Can anyone tell me the irony of this situation?" you smile, gesturing around you. Your huge, bare breasts jiggle as you do so. Hands go up. "Yes?" you point.

"You're the teacher, yet you started class late?" someone offers.

"Not quite," you reply, moving to the next student.

"You don't usually conduct class naked?" came the next attempt.

"That's true, but I don't think that really qualifies as irony, on its own," you shake your head. You're still pacing, and bouncing your tits with each sexy step. "I think that would come more under the heading of 'incongruous elements' in a story. Something unusual placed there for effect."

You stop pacing, and find yourself in front of Pam, who is looking at you sheepishly, out of the corner of her eye. You put your hands on the edge of her desktop, and bend forward slightly, flaunting your breasts in her face.

"Pamela? Perhaps you have an idea?" you say, met only with silence. "Come on.... Don't be shy now. Tell me, what is the irony of this situation? You, of all people must know." At last, she nods.

"Yes, Virginia," she says softly. "It's ironic that André only signed up for this class because he wanted to get to know me better. It's ironic that I liked him, and when we finally did sleep together, he told me that, and I kicked him out."

"That's very good, Pam," you giggle, swinging your hips as you saunter back to me. My dick is still pointing straight up, as you turn your back and straddle me. You reach under, grasping my shaft with one hand. "Anything else here qualify as ironic?" you goad her, slowly lowering yourself onto my cock.

"It's ironic that he only met you because he wanted to have sex with me...." Pam began.

"And now, he's mine," you grunt, grinding your cunt all the way down. "It is irony that I'm fucking him, right here, in front of you, because you threw him away. What's not ironic is that his cock is so fucking good inside me," you smile. "That's just a happy coincidence."

Your hips begin to bounce up and down, and you drag my hands up to your big tits, encouraging me to fondle and maul them while you fuck yourself furiously.

"Any, um anything else.... for.... Oh fuck, that's good.... Thank you, Pam.... That will be, um, oh fuck, I'm so close," you mumble, trying to find words while the pleasure wells up inside of you. You slap the desk hard.

"Class dismissed! I'm CUMMING!" you scream.

Your voice rings out, echoing through the silent hallways, taunting Pam as she leaves with the rest of them.

"I'm cumming, cumming, cumming......"

After reading it again, I was a bit concerned that Virginia might misinterpret Pam being in the story. I had failed to be 'Eiffel tower clear' on my feelings about that fact. It was too late now to fix it, a point made abundantly clear when my phone rang.

It was Virginia.

"Hi, Teach," I smiled, answering it.

"André. Just finished your story," she purred. I could hear her breathing, a bit more ragged than usual.

"Calling to give me the bad news?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not sure it's all bad news," she giggled. "In my opinion, you won't need to be saving space on your mantelpiece for your Pulitzer, but then again, neither will I. You did, however, get a four-star rating on the Virginia Brody scale. One for each orgasm I had reading it."

"Thank you," I nodded.

"No, thank you!" she sighed. "So, you want to fuck me in class?"

"Not necessarily," I explained. "I was just going for heat. Truthfully, I'd fuck you anywhere you want."

"Hmmmm. I admit, I've considered sex in the classroom, as a fantasy only, and found it very arousing. I guess I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, after all. I'm not sure about actually doing it though."

"Not a problem. As I said, I was just trying to get you sticky," I laughed.

"Mission accomplished," she moaned. "I'm still dripping. I can't seem to keep my fingers out of my pussy. You're a very bad influence on me."

"Funny, I'd say you were a good one on me," I replied.

"You say potato...." she sighed.

"You weren't upset about me doing you in front of Pam?" I asked, cringing at the question.

"Upset? Hell no! It's a story, nothing more. Besides, that part was hot as hell! Now that, I'd do!" she giggled. "I may not fuck you in front of the whole class, but I would definitely cum all over your big dick in front of her. She had her chance. Too bad, so sad.... My turn! I loved the way you had me riding you while I forced her to see the irony! Came twice! Might cum again, just thinking about it."

"I was worried you might not see it that way," I smiled, relieved.

"André, honey, the only thing you need to worry about is how fast you can get your ass over here. My fingers are good, but I find myself in desperate need of a long, hard fucking. Don't leave me hanging!" she begged.

"On my way," I said, grabbing my keys.

"Good. I'll be the redhead with the big tits, naked in the bedroom, just in case you need a reminder. I'm waiting!"

Like I needed a reminder about that?


Thanks again for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

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ehppmsehppms3 months ago

Another great story, I really enjoy the way you write. With this one you could possibly write another chapter and take it in any direction you want with any type of action, but if you don't it stands by its self.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I have tutored many people over many years. And, I have done what is described here. I have let many men of various ages enter me and fulfill my womanly needs. I wonder how those men would describe my wet pussy.

lwiltonlwilton10 months ago

This story is an absolute delight! While all of it serves it's purpose of being hot, the thing that put the biggest grin on my face was when you switched from your normal writing style to textbook bodice ripper prose at the start of the italics. I was really having fun counting off the plot points. Rips bodice open? Yep. Presses bare breasts against chalkboard, leaving breast-shaped mark? Yep. Bends her over the table? Yep. She glories in being completely controlled and ravished by the big handsome stud? Yep.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


wish_thinkerwish_thinkerover 2 years ago

For crying out loud why can't you add a few chapters more? 😢

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