Extending the MILF List Ch. 14


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I felt a little jealous. I wanted to be the one who made her scream but having her screaming had to be enough. Dori Hamilton crept into my conscious mind and I felt her hands on my shoulders and her lips at my ear, breathing heavily as I entered her.

"Fuck me." I groaned.

Natasha brightened. "Okay. Who is that, anyway?"

"That's my girlfriend, the one intent on fucking all my friends before I get a slice of her pie."

"Don't be crude."

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm just not in the mood."

Natasha squinted at me. "Sonny, is there something wrong?" The bitch didn't give me enough space to fit a nice plump whine into the conversation but rattled on without taking a breath. "I don't care. Where is Norma?"

"I am sure I have no idea." My hand was telling me about Natasha's ass, it had a firm hold on her buttocks, the left one. She made no move to escape my hold on her.

"Where did you see her last?"

"Riding the rail, fucking the rest of your son's friends."

Natasha colored. "Do you have to put it like that? God, Sonny, what's wrong with you?"

I finally looked at the woman I had my arm around. She posed in the circle of that arm like it was the most natural thing in the world, to have her ass groped in the hall of her house where I had fucked her crazy while Annie was servicing the other guys in the basement.

D. Debra screamed again, panting around it so that the sound throbbed, pulsing as she pumped what air she could rob from her orgasms into the sound.

"God, what is he doing to her."

"He's your son..." I stopped. I realized I was feeling put upon. All this pussy and I suddenly realized I was worried about running out of starch or cum or god forbid, interest. "He's fucking her and she's done without for a while. I think its therapeutic. Not covered by insurance though, at least I doubt it."

Natasha smiled a little and I realized she was watching me like she was looking for signs of hereditary insanity.

I smiled at her. "Where's your man?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "I thought Norma would be coming back or should any way so I maneuvered him out to a hotel for lovers and other illicit liaisons. The idiot forgot his razor and he's all sandpaper face this morning. He wanted to go down on me after I did the wash and wear. I told him no way till he shaved. I didn't want to be raw down to my knees for the next week." She grinned. "You might have another assignment for me. God, Sonny, that was sort of fun, you know. Playing like you were raping me in front of that knucklehead and then fucking while he watched again, yesterday. Who was the pansy?"

"Are you supposed to call them that anymore, gay guys I mean?"

"I am a woman, what does it matter?"

"So Joey's not here?"

Natasha nodded.

I kissed her and she kissed me. Below us, D. Debra sounded her mating call, or more accurately called her mating successful. I grinned against Natasha's lips, realizing that the better D. Debra had it, the more fun it would be when I finally got her and Dori in the same bed.

Dori! God, I could not believe it. I was randy as a three peckered billy goat. Practice does make the heart grow fonder. I kissed off the side of her mouth and down to her neck then up to her ear. She wiggled against me.

"Where's the collar?" I whispered.

"In my purse."

I pulled back and looked at her. "Really?"

She nodded vigorously. "I take it everywhere in case I see someone I want you to tell me to fuck."

"I thought you were wearing it for Joey, inspiring him to try harder."

She kissed me on the lips and turned out of the crook of my arm. "He is. I did. It works. Now, though, it just seems mean." She grinned.

"What if I introduced Joey to the MILF list." I asked Natasha's rolling hips as she walked out to the kitchen. I wasn't sure she heard me, she did not show it in any way.

She stopped at the kitchen cabinet and fished the collar out of her purse and with a minimum of fumbling snapped it into place around her neck. She struck a pose. "How do I look."

Her breasts filled the tight shirt like twin puppies in a bag, alive and squirming for release.

I hesitated to speak. I wanted her, right here, right now. I moved in behind her. The blue sweater was tight and soft against my hands. I caressed her ass and ran each hand up to clutch her mammoth tits. My god, she has huge tits.

Natasha sagged back against me. "I have been fucking Joey for a week." She said. She shivered. "God, the idea of having you in me like this, and then going back to him..." She shivered again. "You can't come in me. I, I want him to go down on me and it just wouldn't be right to be running with eau d'Sonny when he did."

I kissed her neck through the tumble of her dark brown hair. "But its still okay to fuck me." I whispered.

"Oh god, Sonny, I am so horny, to tell you the truth, I was going to fuck Brent, just a little." She giggled.

I released her breasts and moved my hands down her slender belly to the top of her jeans. Bite me, they were painted on. I found the snap, though and opened them. I slid a hand down her abdomen, the zipper whined as I forced it open, cupping her pussy through the granny panties. Natasha groaned and sagged back against me again. Her hips popped forward, trying to increase the contact with my hand between her legs.

"Oh Sonny." She whispered. "Are you going to use me?"

I answered with both hands, pushing the jeans off her hips and down her thighs where they got stuck. I ignored that. I peeled the panties down as far as I could. I fingered her pussy. The woman was wet, just like she intimated. I put a finger inside her and felt around, searching for god knows what. Searching was the whole point. Finding nothing was perfection.

Natasha sagged and groaned. I felt her legs weaken. I removed my finger from her body, fighting her one hand on my wrist holding me in place, that simple gesture that said, yes, yes, yes, irrespective of what the lips and mouth may speak. I ran both hands up under her shirt and onto the stalwart bra guarding her assets. I squeezed her breasts and she moaned softly. She was completely still.

I peeled the sweater up off her body. Her arms dangled upwards like we were hanging from the floor. I had to stretch to get it off her hands. She groaned as I ran both hands down her arms onto the wondrous upper slopes of her tits. I stepped back and unhooked the four hooks on her bra, built to contain and support, not to display. It lost containment and her mighty breasts swung free. She shed it like a butterfly shedding confining skin. She grasped both my hands and pressed them onto her breasts.

She hissed and massaged her own breasts with my hands. Finally I caught up and took over. She relaxed as I squeezed and kneaded her giant tits. My hands sank into them like great mounds of dough.

"Sonny," Natasha breathed, "I love your hands on me. God, how many times have I had Joey in me and been thinking of you."

"Flatterer." I muttered, mashing both tits at the same time, my cock swelling against her bare ass. As if she read my mind, she reached behind her and fumbled with my belt and pants. She got them open and tried to push them down off my cock and got half done. Half of my cock stuck up like a periscope. She wiggled her ass against me.

"No, really. I, Joey and I do have that connection but, even with that zinging through me, all I could think about some times was you and me and Norma. Having you fuck into her and then fuck into me. I'd be thinking of that and I'd come and Joey'd get all proud and shit. God, I wanted to laugh but that would have been rude and cruel."

"Maybe we should arrange for Joey to have a little bit of stuff compliments of the MILF list." I said, kissing through her hair again to her neck. Her hands rose up like wedding doves and bunched up her hair.

"Joey gets plenty on his own. I don't think he needs your help." She groaned as some ethereal sensation flashed through her. "Mark me. I want to see if he notices."

"You and me and Norma?" I asked before fastening my lips to the middle of her neck and sucking. She hissed and twisted, her body responding to the use of it. My hands remained at her tits. She was trembling when I released her neck, leaving a dark bruise there.

"Oh god, Sonny, what you do to me. You make me desperate."

I hoped I knew for what. I released her tits, reluctantly for sure. I move them to her snagged jeans and wrestled them lower, not quite to her knees. Natasha bent over the cabinet, plopping her tits on the the chilly surface. She shivered again as she perched on her cushions. I felt between her legs and found her still wet. She arched her back, the classic motion of a female wishing to mate.

I got the message. I entered her. Her body was afire. She felt hot, fevered with the need throbbing in her. Her pussy enveloped my cock like it was a lost part, long displaced but only now returning to its proper place in the world. I certainly agreed. I grasped her by the hips and rammed into her. The pleasure was nearly unbearable and for a moment I thought I was going to contaminate the operating field.

"God, oh god, Sonny, fuck me!"

I wondered if she had forgotten about her earlier proscription. She hadn't.

"Don't, uh, don't come in me, please."

She said "please." I had to obey. I pumped her till I felt the inevitability of it. I pulled free from the incredible delight of her pussy. I lifted her by the elbows. She turned and dropped to her knees automatically. One hand found my cock and she licked her own fluid off of it. She sucked it deep, slurping around it as I thrust into her mouth."

She sucked my cock and for a moment all I felt was her mouth on me. Her tongue wrapped round and round. Her lips pursed and she sucked on my cock. The pressure was fabulous and in the next moment, I came. Natasha sucked and swallowed, sucked and swallowed.

My cock remained hard but she left it and struggled to stand, her jeans still around her thighs. I pulled her upright. She unbuttoned my shirt and pressed her bare tits against my chest. She clung to me, shivering.

"Sonny, I have to tell you this. Sex has always been pretty good with Joey, even when he's been an asshole. But now, it is like it is a world better knowing that I have your collar in my purse. If he turns into a jerk, I put on my collar and tell him to fuck off, I'm yours!" She giggled a little, her cheek pressed to my shoulder her tits flattened against my chest. "I still haven't told him who owns me. I was wearing the collar when I met him at the airport and I told him I had sold my body, pussy, tits and all to another man and all he could do was look while I wore the collar. It made him crazy. He did what he always does, he made all sorts of promises he'll never keep."

Natasha lifted her head and looked up at me. She licked her lips, glistening with our cum.

"You know what I told him? You know what I shut him up with? I told him he had to share his lovers with me and I'd share them with you. It was so funny. He didn't know whether to be pissed or to sign on the dotted line. I told him about Marty and Linda. Fuck, he didn't believe me so he called one of them and I sucked his cock while she told him about that day with us. I thought they would tease him and she did, I think it was Linda. She never told him who it was that she fucked with us, just that they'd have you again if they ever got the chance. Joey's is a suspicious fuck and he said I set it up."

Here, Natasha laughed deep and full.

"I told him, I asked him what made him think I cared that much to go to all the trouble?" She stepped back from me. "I do love him but he just makes me crazy and now, now I see that I can have him and you too. You have been generous with me, I'll be generous with you. If he brings me pussy, I'll call and you can come fuck it."

"What about Brent?" I asked automatically.

Natasha chuckled and leaned towards me, sweeping her tits across me chest in a way that made her moan.

"That is what I love about you. Never greedy. Don't you worry about Brent. I think I am about ready to blow his mind." She laughed again. She seemed relaxed, merry and incredibly calm, compared to the woman I had twisted up.

I had to admit to myself, she did really seem good after spending a week fucking her husband. Who would have thought?

"I'm happy for you, Natasha. I won't get in the way. You do what's good for you and your family."

"I am. I did. I just did. I'm going back to Joey and I am going to blow him and his mind with these very lips I just blew you with. And I am going to tell him I had you for breakfast. You know, its like he's suddenly not jealous which is weird because I tease him with you all the time. I haven't even mentioned the other boys and I doubt I will. Sonny, I want to tell him its you. What do you think? Should I?"

Another day I might have been less laissez-faire about it but this morning, after meeting Jeb Wills and double-teaming his mistress, literally on both counts, verb and noun, I just shrugged without concern.

"I am sure sharing you with Joey would be a hoot." I mumbled.

Natasha smashed her tits against my chest and kissed my ear with her wet, wet lips. "You are such a dear!"

Wow was she a happy girl. I felt a little bad that I hadn't managed that sort of happiness but that seemed greedy. I inspired lust, not happiness. I guess I'd have to settle for that.

"I have to go." I muttered and put the rest of my clothes back into place.

We stood closed together, brushing against each other as we recovered our former appearances. I bent over and kissed her on the lips and left. I realized it had been quiet in the basement and wondered what happened. I was about to drive off when my phone rang. I answered. It was Landon.

"Dude, where are you?" He whispered.

"What is so urgent...?"

"The Duke-North Carolina game is about to start and I want Darlene out of here."

"I'll be there in ten, keep your knickers on."

He hung up.

I drove to his house, finally focusing on how I was going to manage to fuck Dori with Darlene watching. I had it all planned out, like my plans are so fucking great. I should give myself more credit but still, I have this feeling that plans are just dreams and they vanish when I wake up. Sometimes it is very useful to think that.

I got to Landon's house and wondered if Kyla was available. I thought about her lovely ass planted on my cock but couldn't see a way to manage that. My mind clicked over to Dori Hamilton's ass mounted on my cock and suddenly I was hard as a rock. God but the woman did it for me.

The door opened before I even touched the bell. Darlene stepped out and pulled the door closed. She beamed at me. "Let's go before he comes back." She hissed. "He's upstairs fucking Kyla. This is her day." She looked around. "Holy girdles, Sonny, is that your car?"

I nodded dumbly.

"Who'd you trade for that? If you ever sell me you better get a Porsche."

I grunted, put a hand at the small of her back and guided her to the car. When I was inside with her, she was looking around, touching things.

"This is nice!" She said. "So? Really, where'd you get it?"

I chuckled and drove away. As I backed out I saw Landon's face in an upstairs window. He gave me the thumbs up. Or maybe it was the middle finger.

"You and Landon on the outs or something?"

Darlene laughed.

"Sonny, I think you are the only guy I could say this to but I am getting a little bored. Kyla added some spice but I miss those evenings trolling the upscale bars seeing what sort of interest I can get with a wink and some cleavage. I always looked for interesting combinations. Once I did a guy's younger brother and then, after a couple rounds, I did the brother while the kid watched. They seemed so riled up by the whole scene. I always liked doing couples." She fell silent. After a few minutes she looked around.

"Hey, where we going? I thought you were taking me to your house and you were going to tie me up and fuck me silly."

"That's what you get for thinking by yourself. Besides, my house is uncomfortably full right now. So, no. You are a friend and I am taking you to see a woman I want to have sex with. She, she's nervous about being in a room alone with me because she can't resist me. So, if I have my lucky rabbit's foot working, you'll get to sit quietly and watch me have sex with Double D Hamilton's mother."

Darlene stared at me. "No fucking way? Mrs. Hamilton? You are boning Double D Hamilton's mother?"

I grinned, pleased despite myself.

"Every chance I get and I think my chances will go up if you are there." I wasn't exactly sure how that would work but I was determined to find out. Saying that out loud made me feel just a tiny bit crazy. I shook that off.

"Your girlfriend?" Darlene said doubtfully.

"No. Just a friend. One that doesn't mind watching. My voyeur friend, then."

"Oh, okay." She fell silent till we arrived at the Hamilton's house.

I parked the car and got out. I opened her door. It was only then that I gave much notice to how Darlene was dressed. She stuck out a leg and slowly set her foot down on the pavement. She wore high boots of brushed green leather with fishnet stockings and a matching green skirt that looked like velvet. It was soft leather that matched the boots. I had just extended my hand to help her from the car when my phone dinged. I reached for it and left Darlene hanging.

"You are such a fucking gentleman, Sonny." Darlene said, her voice replete with sarcasm and amusement in nearly equal measures.

I checked the text. It was from Lydia. "Holly is available. Sixish?"

I sent a quick yes and helped Darlene out of the car. The text bell sounded again and Darlene rolled her eyes.

"What is this, now?"

"I might have a date tonight." I said and that piqued her interest, I could tell the pussy-killing curiosity was clawing at her. She restrained herself and did not probe.

The text read: "Fine. I'll make reservations some place and you can meet her there. I'll send you details when I have them."

That was that. I was going to meet Holly Morrison, or Romelingame after I finished fucking Dori Hamilton. The hell with homework.

I escorted Darlene up to the door and rang the bell. After a few moments it opened and Dori appeared. The shocked look of fear and lust seemed like a logical response to me but I had no idea what it really meant until she escorted us into the house. At the table sat a woman of simply incredible dimensions. I stared and only got my tongue back where it belonged after Dori spoke.

"Sonny, this is my sister, Doreen Fallgate."

I stared. Now, I have to insist that it wasn't totally because the woman had fabulous tits. That she was there at all more or less fucked up my picture. That it was D. Debra's Aunt fucked it up more. That she was Dori's sister, well, you get the picture. My whole picture about how I was going to ravage Dori with an audience got all messed up.


After last night, I think I had some blank spots rubbed into my brain that just left me dangling and mindless.


"You going to introduce your friend?" Mrs. Hamilton spoke softly and gently.

I had forgotten Darlene. I turned and looked at her. That sound I heard was my plans crashing nose first into reality. I looked back at the woman sitting at the table. She picked up the cup and sipped. Her eyes were cool, watching me from under a tad too much make up, enough that it gave her that sinister look. A woman with makeup like that struck me as being disguised and daring you to find her behind the mask. That always bothered me but there was something else that bothered me about the woman, beyond all the other bothersome things about her presence at Dori's table. She sat where I'd had Dori's salad last weekend. That set me to shivering.