Ep. 02 Love Me Tomorrow

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Randy and Rachel explore their relationship.
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[AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the continuation of "Tramps Like Us", which details the events leading up to Randy and Rachel's first encounter. I'd like to thank the people who have voted and given me feedback for "Tramps" - it's REALLY appreciated! I hope you enjoy this one as much, if not more.

Italicized dialog preceded with an asterisk denotes subtitled speech as I know only a smattering of words in Korean.]


Randy opened his eyes and, even through the brief period of haziness that lies between sleep and coming fully awake, realized that he wasn't at his dorm in his own bed. As he tried to place the unfamiliar surroundings, the sound of soft breathing filtered into his ears. Rolling to his left, he saw the naked form of Rachel Tarunen beside him, still reclined in peaceful slumber. Her long dark hair draped across part of her torso, the most seductive nightgown he could have imagined.

He smiled. In the moments before waking, his brain had played back the record of the previous night, and he'd thought it all to have been a dream -- some wildly erotic fantasy created by his mind. But it hadn't been, had it? She was here in the bed, next to him, naked -- just as she'd fallen asleep in his arms. Actually, now that memory began to fill in the blanks, he realized that it was he, who was here with her, in her bed

Just to be sure, though, he slowly reached out a hand and gently stroked the smooth, soft flesh of her shoulder with a fingertip. To his utter delight, she was real! The smile split his face from ear to ear and his cock began to harden as memory collided with reality and it all began to sink in.

Her back was to him, and he didn't want to disturb her, she was sleeping so peacefully, and outside the windows, the morning sun was just beginning to creep above the horizon. He slid closer, curling himself up against her in spoon-fashion, his left hand gently cupping one of her voluptuous breasts. His cock seemed to sense that it was in close proximity to her buttocks, and to the treasure-cave located so close to those soft, pillowy globes of flesh. It hardened the rest of the way into full erection almost instantly, pressing tightly up against the warm, soft flesh of her backside, trying to wedge its way into the crevice between her cheeks.

His smile wrinkled somewhat as he suddenly realized that, from the time they had undressed each other the night before, and all through their passionate lovemaking, she had been facing him. He had yet to see the ample flesh of her posterior, and he had to admit to himself that those soft globes his cock was brushing against were something he very much wanted to see. He'd always thought that her boobs were nice but, deep down, he was an ass-man, through and through. From what he recalled of her from school, even clothed she had a nice ass.

With the warmth of Randy's body against her, and the soft exhales of his breath through his nose tickling the nape of her neck, it didn't take Rachel long to stir from her slumber.

"Hmm," she murmured softly, shifting slightly so that her body more fully touched his, "Something seems to be poking me in the butt!"

"Sorry if I woke you, baby," Randy whispered into her ear.

"It's okay, darling," she told him, her voice taking on a definite sultry note. "I can't think of a sweeter way to be awakened.

She rolled to face him, her head dipping forward and her lips pursed for a kiss, but he drew away.

"Let me splash some water on my face, and get a sip of something to rinse my mouth, first, baby," he suggested, aiming what he knew to be his unspeakable morning breath away from her face. "I probably smell and taste like cigarettes and girl-cum."

"Did I mind that, on you, last night, darling?" she asked, a devilish glint in her eyes.

"No," he admitted, giving a slight shrug with his shoulders. She had virtually feasted on his lips after he had finished lapping at her labia and clit.

"And my mouth certainly tasted like cigarettes and man-cum, after I sucked you, " she continued, "and you didn't seem to mind..."

Her hand stole out from beneath his arm, her fingers gently entwining in his hair just below the band that held it in a ponytail, and gently exerted pressure, trying to draw him nearer.

Randy pondered the point for a moment. Yeah, they'd kissed each other countless times, only hours ago, after each had finished binging the other to a thundering oral climax. Cum-breath and stale tobacco halitosis hadn't even been a consideration, in the midst of their passion for one another. And, when he boiled it all down, all he really wanted to do -- at the moment -- was kiss the beautiful woman who lay next to him in the bed. Well, probably not the only thing, but it was a good lead-off move.

"C'mere, beautiful," he grinned, and left her bring their lips together.

It was a wonderful kiss. Not that her previous kisses hadn't been wonderful; they had. These were simply...different. Her warmth was there, and her playfulness as she sucked gently at his lower lip and let her tongue slip forward briefly to toy with his. The passions he'd felt within her were still there, just rippling below the soft, surface civility of her gentle good-morning kiss.

"Good morning, Rachel," he said, when the kissing finally stopped.

"And good morning to you, too, Randy," she replied, leaning back a bit to look at him. "I was so hoping that last night wasn't just a dream..."

"Can a dream do this?" Randy asked, with a sly grin, as his hand left her breast and he brought it down across her body, into the heat that smoldered between her thighs.

"Mmmm, no," she purred, and kissed him again.

Her eyelids hooded her eyes and her lips formed a soft, silent 'o' shape as parted her legs a little to allow Randy's fingers to enter her quickly dampening pussy. The hiss of her indrawn breath at his touch, and the moan that followed, voiced both her permission and her approval. She opened them again in surprise when she felt his hand move away.

"Randy?" she let the question hang.

"Relax, baby," he grinned at her. "I'm not going anywhere. Enjoy..."

The hand that had briefly touched her sex drifted upward along the curves of her body, stopping long enough to move her hair away from her neck, as he raised himself up on one elbow. Then, his lips touched hers again, brushing wetly for an instant before they moved to her chin. She felt them linger for an instant there, then trail down along the line of her jaw, leaving feather-soft kisses in their wake. When he reached her ear, he opened his mouth and let a gentle draft of his warm breath caress her earlobe before giving it a soft, wet swipe with the tip of his tongue. He stayed nowhere, for very long; his kisses were soft and insistent and everywhere, now moving around to the skin behind her earlobe and thence down along her neck and out onto her shoulder.

He paused, there, and she thought that he was debating his next destination. Thus, she was taken fully by surprise when he bared his teeth and let them gently rake across the skin along her shoulder, before pressing his lips tightly against her skin and sucking hard on her sweet flesh.

"Yessss!" she hissed, the heat rising within her. "Yes, darling; do it! Mark me!"

Realizing that the sweet torture he was administering wasn't going to end anytime soon, she left her body collapse onto the mattress, flat on her back, She was utterly his, and wanted nothing more than for him to do to her as he wished.

"Mmm," she moaned, letting the sound rumble and purr and growl in her throat to let him know just exactly what he was doing to her. "What a delightful way to start my day!"

Randy raised his body for a moment, noting with a smile the mark he'd left on her skin, its shade already beginning to darken. It wouldn't show; not unless she wore a bathing suit, and she'd given her blessing to being thus marked as his. He paused for a moment, again wondering for a brief, fleeting moment if this were nothing more than the continuation of that so-real dream...

"If this is a dream, then I don't ever want to wake up!" he thought, briefly.

Lowering his mouth to her skin once more, he trailed his kisses ever downward, from her soft shoulder to her sumptuous breasts, where he alternated the fluttering of his lips with darting licks from his tongue in an agonizingly slow spiral. Round and round he traced, until he came to the sweet summit of her bosoms. There, he bared his teeth once more and bid down gently on her nipples, remembering her delight when he'd done it hours earlier.

"Oh, god, Randy, yes! Bite me! I love it!" she groaned, leaving no doubt in his mind as to her approval of that slight kink.

Eventually, when he had administered the full 'treatment' to both of her abundant breasts, he moved on to kissing her tummy, slowly working his way down along the delicious curves of her beautiful body. He hadn't realized how difficult the effort would be. He was fighting a small battle within himself. On the one hand, he wanted to tease her mercilessly, raise her state of arousal to the highest pitch she had ever experienced. On the other hand, he was dying to get another taste of those sweet, sweet juices that her pussy dispensed. Somehow, he managed to make her torture last and, when he finally slid his tongue inside the opening to her vagina and then licked forcefully upward to her throbbing clit, Rachel responded with a delighted squeal. Slowly, but firmly, he flicked the inflamed bud with his tongue and then wrapped his lips around it and sucked on it gently.

"Oh, yeah, baby!" she groaned as he suckled on it like a nursing infant. "That's so wonderful! Mmmmmmm!"

Rachel's body writhed on the mattress under his loving attentions. Her moans began to grow quickly in volume and pitch, and the interval between them grew markedly shorter. She wondered if she would cum again, the way she had the night before. She knew that she squirted occasionally, when she masturbated, but it wasn't something that occurred every time. Yet, last night she had squirted twice in a row, drenching first his face and then his entire midsection with her torrent of juices. The way he was teasing her, licking and kissing her flesh, the way her insides were beginning to squirm and clench, she had a feeling that it was going to happen for a third time.

Randy allowed himself a brief smile. It was a smile of acknowledgment, as he noted his lover's responses to his efforts, and a smile of pleasure as he licked her luscious juices from his lips and savored their sweetness.

"I think you've just replaced chocolate, as my favorite taste, baby," he grinned, and then set to work on her again.

Changing his position slightly between her thighs, he brought up his right hand and inserted two fingers into her opening. Curling them around and upward within her, he searched for and found the spongy-feeling tissue that lay inside and just behind her clit -- her 'G-spot'. The fingers that had spent years developing the skill and dexterity of plucking his guitar strings in intricate patterns now strummed a solo of a different sort altogether -- one calculated to take her arousal far beyond any level she'd experienced before. He'd read about it on one of those sexual 'how-to' sites on the Internet but, in the heat of their previous night's passion -- and the awe and wonder of two people in love, discovering the pleasures of sexual intimacy for the first time -- it had totally slipped his mind. Now, though . . .

Rachel felt the fingers slip inside her, felt them begin to rotate and strum. Her eyes went wide as a series of orgasms different in texture and intensity than anything she'd felt before began to wrack her body. Her back arched involuntarily on the bed, burying Randy's face and tongue deep beneath her plush thighs as she bathed him in a geyser of girl-cum. A sound slipped its way into her consciousness, and it took her a moment to realize that it was her own voice, screaming.

"Oh, god, baby! Yes! Yes! YESSSSSSSS!! " she urged him. "Oh, holy fuck! Don't stop, baby; please, don't stop! More! More! MORRRRRE!"

Her left hand was pounding the bed with each spasm as her body bucked and heaved outside of her conscious control, and her right hand shot out and grasped his ponytail, pulling on his head and grinding his face into her flooding pussy.

She was panting wildly, now, gasping for breath between paroxysms of sheer physical pleasure. Randy didn't want her to pass out from lack of oxygen, so he gradually slowed the movement of his fingers inside her dripping tunnel. Easing his tongue away from constant contact with her clit, he set about licking up the wash of juices that had streamed from her. He slurped them up on his tongue, gathering them into his mouth, filling it and relishing the wonderful, sweet essence of his lover. Occasionally, his quest for more of the delectable fluid sent his tongue grazing over her rosebud.

With the lessening of the sensations, Rachel was finding it easier to grab a breath, easier to feel and separate the individual sensations of Randy's actions on her body. She felt his tongue swipe at her anus, and the subtle twinge of pleasure that slithered its way along her spinal cord to her brain every time that contact was made. It was a delicious little kink that she hadn't realized was a part of her, and she made a mental note of it. It was certainly worth exploring, if her new lover was at all in the mood!

When he'd licked and swallowed the last of her squirting that hadn't already soaked its way into the sheets, Randy began kissing his way back up her body, following a somewhat shortened version of the path he'd originally taken to reach her pussy. His last kiss was on her chin, and then he raised up on one arm, looking down at the woman he had just pleasured. Dimly, he was aware of the fact that everything he had done to her, he had either read about somewhere, or seen in a movie. Still, those actions had all been things he wanted to do to her.

Amazingly, it appeared that they had all worked. Her face was glowing, the sort of glow he'd read about but never seen in person. Her eyes were closed, and a soft smile played across her lips, her body still gently undulating on the mattress as the last echoes of ecstasy slowly faded. He allowed himself a contented smile, vowing to put this same look on her face as often as he had the opportunity for as long as she wanted to be with him. As the notion occurred to him, he granted himself the barest fringe of hope that it would be forever.

Moments passed, and Rachel slowly became aware that Randy's ministrations to her flesh had ceased. She opened her eyes and looked up into the face of her lover, the man who had just taken her to heights of passion the likes of which she hadn't realized could exist. In a dim way, in the recesses of her mind, she understood that there was something very special between them, that the sort of pleasure he'd just given her was born out of burgeoning love, and not merely the desire of a horny male for a quick fuck.

"Hold onto this one, girl," she told herself. It was an instruction she intended to follow to the letter.

"Darling," she breathed the endearment as her hand snaked up to catch the nape of his neck and gently draw his lips down to hers.

The kiss was long and passionate, filled with a pair of tongues fighting a splendid duel that was won and lost -- joyfully so, on both counts -- by both sides. When, at length, their lips parted, she drew back and looked at him again. His face was dripping with her juices. She squirmed and slipped out from under him, levering herself up on one elbow as his body came to rest at her side. She grasped his ponytail again, noting in passing -- with a giggle -- what a lovely 'handle' it made, and gently pulled his face close to hers. She planted one last soft kiss on his lips.

"My turn, to clean you up, darling," she breathed the words into the open hollow of his mouth.

Turning her attention to his dripping plight, she began the task of collecting her juices from his chin, his cheeks, and even from his nose, collecting them on her tongue and drawing them into her mouth. When she finished with his face, she lifted his hand -- the hand with the fingers that had played that most excellent virtuoso solo on her insides -- to her lips. Putting on a little 'show' for him, she treated each finger as though it was a miniature version of his cock. Slowly, and with loving care, she sucked her moisture from them, as well, savoring the taste.

She hadn't considered the notion, before, but -- she had to admit -- she tasted pretty good. She wondered briefly what other women might taste like, before putting the thought out of her mind. Discovering the answer to that question would mean she'd have to actually go down on another woman. Twelve hours ago, she wouldn't have ruled that out as a possibility. Now, though, it felt to her like it would be cheating on Randy. She'd promised herself, from the time she was old enough to understand the concepts of love, sex, marriage, and infidelity, that -- if she was ever lucky enough to find that one special man who wanted to spend his life with her -- she would be absolutely faithful to him in every way. The only other possible way for her to fine out, without cheating, would require a threesome -- her, Randy, and the 'other woman'. And she was pretty certain that she wasn't willing to share this man's charms -- not to mention his talents and his body -- with any other woman. She didn't have a large circle of friends, but she'd heard enough of what the guys would term 'locker-room gossip' to know that what Randy had done to her in the last twelve hours were things that most of her peers had dreamed of or read about, but never experienced. If Randy were to treat that 'other woman' in the threesome even half as wonderfully as he had just pleasured her . . . she didn't want to think about the possibilities.

She took a final swipe of her tongue at his fingers and then licked the last residue from her own lips. Letting her eyes roll upward in their sockets beneath half-hooded lids, she flashed him her delight in a coquettish expression.

"Mmmmm," she moaned. "No wonder you like licking me down there!"

"I could do it again," he offered with a big smile. "It's something I know I'll never get tired of doing."

"Mmmmm," she moaned again. "Maybe later, darling. Right now, I want that beautiful cock inside me!"

A sly smile crossed Randy's face. He remembered seeing a section in The Joy of Sex about the doggie-style position.

"Get up on your hands and knees, baby," he suggested.

"Ooohh, darling!" she cooed, flashing him an evil grin as she rolled to her knees and stuck her plump ass into the air, wiggling it at him.

"Is this what you want, baby?" she teased, looking back at him over her shoulder.

Randy took in the sight with a grin. He'd always thought that Rachel had a cute butt, even camouflaged by the ill-fitting slacks or skirts and dresses she'd worn when they were in school together. Now, revealed to him at last, the sight didn't disappoint in the least. It was like two large, perfect pillows just waiting to be squeezed. Her wet pussy was visible, begging to engulf his cock. He approached slowly, giving Rachel's ass a squeeze as he did so.

"You like what you see, baby?" she purred.

"'Like' doesn't do it justice, baby! I love it," Randy replied enthusiastically. "I've always thought you had a nice ass."

"Just don't put it in there, not yet at least," she said.

Until her mention of it, he hadn't even thought about doing that. But he hadn't really been toying with the idea of trying it any time soon. Now, her comment planted the seed of possibility in Randy's mind. He began wondering how his cock would feel buried in her ass. Well, there was time enough to consider that later. Her 'at least, not yet' indicated that she, too, was obviously toying with the notion. She'd let him know when she'd made up her mind about it, he knew. And the fact that she was already toying with the idea, this early in their relationship, was a good omen.