Envy Ch. 05


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We cleaned up, well mostly I did because the other three were pretty exhausted. I decided to take off most of the items and put them back on the chains. The only three I left on my body were the clit clamp and the nipple rings. They kept their rings on, mostly because I didn't ask for them back. I turned my twin cocks back to my clit and put some clothes on, going to the kitchen to find some food and drink for my three spent lovers.

I mostly looked like myself with only three items on my body, the big change was my breasts were still fuller, firmer and perky with the nipple rings through my nipples. People might think I got some work done but I didn't care. They also protected me, in case others of Lera's possible group sought me out. I really didn't know enough about her or them to count them out of the picture completely. I also wasn't that worried about it either.

I joined the other's and ate with them. Conversations were still going on in our heads which seemed to become more natural than actual talking. They all eventually got dressed and gained some energy back from the hours of sex.

"So, what's next for us," Jana asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Is it just back to normal everyday lives?"

"I guess so... or did you have some other idea?" I asked.

"Well, think about it, Jess... with what you can do, think of the possibilities."

I couldn't quite figure out the direction she was going with this. I could think of a lot of illegal possibilities with my new items. The ease of manipulation I had at my disposal was great. I didn't want anything to change. I was happy with my business and my life, the only thing I was missing before all of this was a dick and now I have that and more.

"Yeah, Jess, you could be a couple's therapist and solve everyone's problems," Amanda suggested.

"Or a madam and start your own brothel," Jaden added.

"Or an organized crime boss and run the city," I suggested.

"Or a circus performer that does everything from fortune telling to trapeze artist," Jaden threw in.

"Okay, enough... never mind," Jana said, thinking we were making fun of her.

"Sorry, Jana... I'm just very happy with my simple life as a photographer and business owner. The only void in my life was my penis envy and now that that is more than taken care of, I can't think of anything else I could want," I explained.

"Okay, that's great if you are happy. Never mind," Jana said.

"No, I want to hear what you had in mind."

"Well, I was thinking since you have all this knowledge and wisdom and Madam Luludja's power... maybe you would take up the gypsy arts and make more gemstone items to help people or to sell."

"Oh, well... maybe I could... is there something you would want?" I asked her.

"I would like two dicks please, but only when I want them," Jaden blurted out.

We all laughed and I knew he was only half joking. Well, let me show you something, Jaden. I got up and knelt in front of him as he sat on the couch.

"Let me see your ring," I said.

He pulled his ring off his finger and handed it to me. Taking it, I cupped it in my hand and whispered a chant I learned from Luludja into my cupped hands and handed it back to him.

"Try it on?" I said.

He started putting it on his finger again but I stopped him.

"Not you finger," I said.

He got the idea and started yanking his pants off, excited to see what I had done. His cock was stirring and stirring on its own at the prospect. Moving his ring down to his cock it was much too small to fit around his girth and he looked up at me.

"It will fit," I said.

As he placed it on his growing head, the gold enlarged as the white opal glowed, and the ring fell to the base of his rising cock. Once it was at the base, his cock separated into two like with the clamp because that was what he thought it would do.

"You're in control, babe... it doesn't have to look like that anymore, it's what you want now," I said.

He looked up at me and smiled and all three of us women watched his cocks change. They morphed to two vertical cocks one on top of the other and grew to be huge, like ridiculously huge, so big he probably could have sucked on them himself. Hard, throbbing, over a foot long and wide cocks, extending up into the air surging above his body.

"Well, I don't know about you but there is no way in hell you're fucking me with those," Jana said.

"Same here," Amanda added.

"Yeah, Jaden... that might be a tad too much," I said, chuckling.

"Fine," he said, shrinking them with his mind back to normal sized twin cocks with one set of balls.

"That's more like it," Jana said.

"Yeah, I can get into that," Amanda added.

"Okay, so Jaden... you got your two cocks and whatever else you my want it to be. What about you, Jana and Amanda?"

"Same for me... I want my ring to do that too," Amanda said, handing me her ring.

She was a big fan of having a cock from our adventures at the office. I took her ring and performed the chant, giving it back to her. She didn't bother putting it on or trying it. Instead she just put it on her finger again. Jaden was still admiring his dicks with his pants around his ankles as I looked at Jana.

"Well?" I asked.

"I'll get back to you... not quite ready to make that decision," she said.

"Okay, just let me know... pretty sure I can give you what you want unless it's something Luludja has never done, then it would take longer and I'd have to create the spell from scratch."

"You can do that?" she asked.

"Yes, that's how she did all of these the first time, the gift of phallus is just one I already know," I explained.

"That's what it's called?" Jaden asked, touching his penises.

"Yeah. First time I heard it, was from Lera."

"It sure is a gift," Jaden said, not caring about the women surrounding him as he started playing with his cocks.

"Oh boy, here he goes, zoned in to his dicks," Jana said.

"Jaden, you better be careful, remember what happens if you play too much," I said.

It made little difference and he had already moved on to full stroking of both of them.

"Well, I better get home," Jana said, standing up.

"Me too," Amanda joined her.

"Are you coming into work tomorrow?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I should be back," I answered.

"Okay, see you then."

Jaden, realizing they were leaving suddenly said, "Wait don't go. I want..." be he trailed off.

"Yeah, we know what you want and It's not happening tonight, sport," Jana said as she and Amanda left.

"Nice try," I said to Jaden.

"Worth a shot," he said, returning to his stroking. "What about you?" he said looking up at me.

"Maybe... I did do all the fucking and none of the receiving earlier, but I'm worried about you," I said.

"I'll be fine," he said giving his hard cocks a good stroke.

"That's just the cocks speaking right now... maybe you should put them away until tomorrow."

"Or maybe you should get naked and hop on," he said, grinning.

I knew better than he did what would happen to him if he came with both cocks. I could feel how weak he actually was from the day's ordeal. He had already cum twice with two dicks and once with his normal one and got beat up and knocked unconscious. He was in no condition to ejaculate with magical twin cocks a third time after all that.

I used my influence through the bond with the ring around his cocks to make him understand and to seem like it was his idea.

"You know, I should wait until tomorrow... I'm pretty tired and my head kind of hurts still," he said.

"Good plan."

"So how do I take this off?" he asked, still holding his twins.

"Well, think them back to single and push the opal and slide it off," I explained.

His cocks turned back into his original one and he followed the instructions, removing the ring, and sliding it on his hand once it shrunk back down to size.

I could see the exhaustion set in once the ring was off his cock and he almost fell over asleep on the couch. I helped him into our room and he was out before his head hit the pillow. I took off my clothes and the necklaces of gold and got in bed with him but not able to sleep. It was the craziest day of my life by far. It started with one clit clamp and ended with me having a lot of what Luludja had created and power beyond my wildest imagination.

I ran my fingers over the nipple rings. They made my nipples very sensitive as well as the rest of my breasts. The green emeralds glowed faintly in the dark of my room, illuminating my breasts slightly. My clamp was tightly around my little clit, controlling everything. I was still bound to the rings on my friends even with them miles away. They hadn't taken them off. I had cut their portion of the connection, so they couldn't feel me but I could feel them and knew what they were doing.

Amanda was just getting home to her tiny apartment. She was alone and undressing in her room, standing in front of her mirror so I could see her through her eyes. She was playing with the ring around her finger and I expected what came next, partially. She took it off, and lowered it to her little clit, pulling back her lips and pressing it onto her nub. I waited to see what she would imagine her clit into and was surprised to see something other than a human cock.

It was a penis, but not human... I don't know what it was and I was taken aback at Amanda's mind. I knew she grew up around animals but I didn't expect this. It was huge, arching out from her body and longer than from the tips of her fingers to her elbow. It had a strange mushroom looking head and got wider further down the vein lined shaft. She reached down with both hands and grabbed this massive cock, pulling it up to rest against her body and between her breasts, admiring it in the mirror.

Her arousal spiked as did her heart rate, and I felt mine increase as the sensations passed through the bond to me.

I almost cut the connection, not sure I wanted to watch her and this nonhuman appendage, but I couldn't stop my voyeurism. I was too intrigued. She started stroking it as it rested on her chest, one hand under the other, watching herself in the mirror. Lowering her head, she was able to lick the weird shaped head that had a round hole that wasn't centered. Her tongue worked around the entire glands and I could see she was oozing from the hole. I could feel how incredible it felt through the bond, stroking her own strange cock and licking the head. It was way too big to put in her mouth if she tried.

It suddenly changed shape and became a long human cock, longer but narrower than the other one. So long she was able to suck on the head as she stroked the massive shaft between her small breasts. I could feel everything and quickly noticed I was getting aroused and wet from watching and feeling what she was doing. She sucked and stoked it very slowly, still a novice with having a cock and she didn't want to blow too fast.

It was a strange sensation to not only feel a cock in your mouth but feeling it being sucked by your own mouth. I could feel her pussy dripping down her leg as she stroked and sucked her long cock, standing in front of the mirror. My own pussy was oozing and my clit was throbbing with the clamp around it. Amanda was getting close and I thought she was going to take herself over the limit until suddenly she stopped and let go of the shaft, which fell forward away from her. It was so long and heavy the head hit the floor before rebounding to hang a few inches off the carpet, pulsing and bobbing in the air.

She had barely stopped in time and if she had touched it just slightly she would have cum right then. My heart was racing and I was breathing as fast and as hard as she was I was so connected to what she was doing. She kept it huge, walking with it to her bed before turning around and falling down onto it backwards with this extremely long cock between her legs.

In her mind, she made it more flexible, bending it at the center. Lifting her legs, she fed the end into her wet sex. The dual rush of pleasure made me moan loudly, causing Jaden to stir in the bed next to me. It was a crazy sensation to feel her cock and her pussy being stimulated at the same time by the same movements. My body was fully aroused, feeling everything she was doing and basking in the power of the pleasure and the bond; her not even aware I was.

She started fucking herself with her own long cock, forcing it in and pulling it out with her hands as her back arched and legs trembled. I knew she wasn't going to last very long, not with how it felt and the excitement of what she was doing with the ring I bestowed upon her. Both her sexes were being stimulated. I could feel her vaginal orgasm growing as well as her penile one on the verge. She was trying to time them to climax at the same time and I'd be damned if she didn't pull it off.

Just as her cock exploded, her pussy started to spasm, sending a phenomenal burst of pleasure and power to me through the bond. I shook and trembled as her body was overwhelmed with the dual climax only accomplished by the ring. It was like nothing she had ever felt before, to cum from both vagina and cock at the same time. She filled her pussy full, her cock convulsing over and over inside her contracting pussy until she lost consciousness in a puddle of her own fluids. It was beyond amazing.

I lay there, panting and radiating power, sweat covering my naked body as her orgasms came through the bond to my clit clamp and throughout my form. I sucked up the power and energy, feeling invincible again. It took over five minutes before she stirred awake and was able to change herself back to normal and put the ring on her finger. She was too exhausted to clean up and fell asleep with her pussy oozing between her legs from the load she had deposited herself.

With her asleep, I focused on Jana. Who was sitting up in her bed, twirling the ring between her fingers and thinking about what she wanted it to do. She accidentally dropped it and our link was severed until she picked it up again. She was running possible scenarios through her head. Things like strength, stamina, intelligence, youthfulness. Mostly things the other items did and not the clamp or the gift of phallus, which kind of saddened me.

I knew if she picked something other than sexual, I wouldn't benefit from her choice like I would with Amanda and Jaden. I knew every time they enjoyed their rings I would collect the energy and pleasure. It didn't look like Jana was going in that direction and I wondered how much I should influence her. I struggled with the morality of this bond knowing how far I could take it and what that could mean. Did I want to guide her in picking the same as Amanda and Jaden, or give her, her agency.

I pushed a little, just a memory really. Reminding her when she had a cock and I had sucked on it and she had cum. Just a little memory to see what she would do. She hadn't had it on very long, just long enough to parade around the room before I grabbed it and started sucking on her new cock. She had blown her load less than a minute later and then I took it off. The memory filled her mind. Her thoughts of other things vanished as she recalled my mouth sucking her cock and the massive and pleasurable orgasm she experienced just the once.

I pushed again, making her clit tingle as she recalled her gift of phallus experience. Her arousal grew, she breathed deeply as her nipples hardened under her night shirt, which wasn't me, just a natural reaction to her clitoris humming. I thought I had her, when suddenly, she set the ring on her nightstand and the connection was severed.

I was worried I may have tipped her off with the clit stimulation and she knew I was messing with her so she put the ring down. I didn't know for sure, not now that she had stopped touching it. I got up, not able to sleep after Amanda's dual orgasm and now worried Jana was on to me.

I went into the kitchen for a glass of milk, still naked but not feeling the chill of the perspiration on my body because of my nipple rings. Getting my milk, I walked around my house drinking and waiting to see if Jana would pick up the ring again. I would know instantly if she did. Amanda and Jaden were fast asleep.

Finishing my milk, I put the glass in the sink and to pass the time went into the bathroom, closed the door and turned on the light to look at myself in the mirror. My breasts were amazing with the nipple rings. I had removed the chain between them so it was just the two emerald encased gold rings through each nipple, an exact matching pair. My clamp could be seen among my folds, the ruby showing prominently as the gold disappeared among my flesh.

Smiling, I viewed my naked body, watching my clitoris slowly grow into a beautiful new phallus of my own creation. Thick and heavy, it had the head of a human penis but the shaft was lined with ribs that increased in diameter the further down the shaft they went about an inch apart. I wondered what it would feel like inside of me or what fucking someone with it would feel like in that shape.

I began changing it, making the head different shapes and sizes, lining the shaft with different designs, bumps and ridges. I could feel it morph as it changed shapes, arousing me as I thought of different things. I turned it into every sex toy I had ever recalled, the possibilities were endless. I did notice that no matter what I changed it to, it always had a hole or slit for the fluid to passthrough even as a buttplug or other sex toy. The ruby would glow brighter when I changed it as well, the magic passing through the gem.

I did notice, however, that it was draining me the more I changed the shape. The magic took energy to use and with each change, I felt it take from what I had received from Amanda and the others. So, I stopped after turning it back into my favorite thing, a huge cock of the human variety. Now I just needed someone to fuck. Problem was, it was the middle of the night and Jaden was the only person in the house.

Suddenly, I felt Jana... she had picked up the ring but something was weird. She was outside my front door instead of in her bed. She had apparently driven back to my house while not touching the ring and now she had put it back on. She was definitely onto me.

"Hi, Jana," I said in my head.

"Hello, Jessica! We need to talk," she said forcefully back in my head.

I had two choices. I could take over her mind like I had Lera or I could be a friend and talk to her and confess what I did and could do. My cock, staring at me from the mirror, wanted me to take her over, bring her in the house and fuck her silly, but I couldn't do that to my best friend from forever.

"Okay, hold on... I'll let you in," I said, leaving the bathroom and going to the front door.

I opened it and she didn't look happy, pushing past me into my house and ignoring the fact that I was naked and had a huge cock again. I closed the door and turned around, turning on a light in the process. She was already pacing back and forth; her emotions were mixed but anger was leading the charge.

"I know what you tried to do... you may have ended our link to you but you didn't end yours to us. You tried to change my mind, why?"

"I'll be honest with you, Jana... all this... the magic the items, they take energy. The core energy Luludja tapped was and is sexual. I can feed off your pleasure, yours, Amanda's and Jaden's, but not if you don't choose the gift of phallus. If you change the ring to whatever you want the link will remain but no power will transfer since it probably won't entail sex. You'd be amazed at how much energy is produced by an orgasm."

"So, you need me to harvest energy now? Why don't you just stop using them?"

"Could you?" I asked.

She started pacing again and then turned back to me. "Probably not. Aren't Jaden and Amanda enough?" she asked.