Entangled Hearts

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She became human, found love with him, but then the day ends.
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Note: Sirina wakes up to find out her dream to be human come true. When she goes out to celebrate she bumps into Ansa, who just recently moved into the same apartment building and they decide to explore the city together, getting real close when evening comes. Close enough to let him tie her up with yarn in their carnal desires and believe they will stay together. But then the next day comes.

Characters are human adults in this fairy tale, of course. ;-)


Dawn slowly lit up the bedroom, and the first rays of the sun peeked through the slit between the bedroom curtains, touching Sirina's body. Like a gentle lover they caressed and warmed her up until she woke up slowly from her slumber.

"Just a little longer." she thought and turned around, snuggling the pillow. The gentle lover persisted in caressing her back, and eventually she yawned and stretched her whole body, hitting the headboard with her hands. She touched the wood with her fingers, and something felt wrong. Carefully opening her eyes, blinking to get used to the light, she looked up at the headboard, then left and right. 'What?' She kept perfectly still. 'Ehm?' she said. She looked left and right, then up again. 'Hel-lo?' This time she was certain something was different from the normal way she woke up at first light. She moved her arms back, then held still, looking at them. She moved her right arm once, then her left arm, then sat up in shock.

'This is unreal..' she said to herself, then looked down at her firm legs. 'This is not..' She looked around the room and found a tall mirror leaning against the wall in a corner. She jumped up from the bed, almost stumbling on the floor, then moved in front of the mirror.

'No way..' she said, waving her arms, moving her legs one by one, then turned around to watch the slightly plump body in the mirror. 'No way!' she shouted and laughed. She took a closer look at herself, admiring her smooth curves and feeling her firm breasts. Her black hair reached down to her shoulders and leaning closer she could see her dark blue eyes.

'I'm human!' she kept shouting as she danced around the room before falling down on her back on the bed. 'I'm human..' she whispered. She sat upright at once. 'If this is a dream, I'm going to enjoy it.' she said and opened the closets, checking out the contents. 'I have to wear clothes. That is what humans do.'

Pulling out everything, examining it closely and tossing it on the bed, she emptied the closets until she found a combination of blue dress, black socks and white shoes to her liking. She opened the curtains and window to sniff the fresh morning air and watched the street coming alive. Birds lined some of the red and greenish roofs, singing their morning calls. She wanted to go out and see what the city looked like from her new perspective.

She opened her front door and bumped into a young, slender man. 'I'm so sorry!' she said as he got up from the floor.

He brushed off his jeans and white shirt and smiled gently. 'It's okay.'

'I'm just in a good mood today and got a little too carried away.'

'Well, I've been in a good mood myself this morning, so I understand.'

She remembered it was polite to greet others and extended her hand. 'I'm Sirina. I..,' she needed to think of an excuse of why she just appeared here. 'I., just recently moved in.'

'Oh.' he said and shook her hand. 'What a coincidence, I also just moved in. I'm Ansa.' he said and she hid her relief of him believing her.

She liked his brown eyes and taller stature. 'Nice to meet you.'

'Very nice to meet you too, Sirina.'

'You were just on your way out too?'

'Yes, I thought I'd go and have a look around today. It's such nice weather. You?'

'Same idea. I wanted to see what the city looks like.'

He looked at her for a moment, then smiled. 'Would you like to join me? We could go together?'

She hadn't expected that, but nodded happily. 'I'd like that.'

They went down the marble stairs to the ground floor and stood outside the entrance to the old building, looking right and left down the small street while a few cars and several people went by.

'I think there's a market that way.' she said, looking to the left, remembering the neighbourhood.

'A good start as any.' he said, and they walked down the street, observing the people and looking closely at the shop's displays and merchandise.


At the market they were greeted by the smell of fresh baked bread from a stall at the corner. Her stomach growled, invoking a chuckle from him until his stomach growled too.

'I didn't think of eating before I left.' she said, fiddling with her dress.

'Hang on.' he said and checked his pockets. 'Ah.' he said as he found money. 'Shall we get something?'

'I don't have any money with me.' she said looking down.

'I'll pay.'

She didn't want to take advantage of her first friend and shook her head. 'I couldn't.'

'No worries.' he said and grabbed her hand. 'It's in return for spending the time with me.'

He pulled her to the stall before she could say anything and checked out the selection of bread, cakes, cookies and pastries.

'What would you like?' he asked her.

'Really?' she asked, looking at his smiling face.

'I told you, it's on me.'

She looked at all the tasty things, taking in the sweet smell of fruits and bitter of chocolate, unsure what to pick. 'I don't know.. It all looks so good.'

The baker chuckled. 'Thank you.'

She looked at the baker who took a paper bag. 'May I recommend the cherry jam filled mini buns? They're a favourite for the mornings.'

She looked at the brown buns with light sugary coating, then nodded.

'How many would you like?'

She looked at Ansa, who turned to the baker. 'Make it four. I think she couldn't settle for less after tasting one.' he said. 'And for me four croissants with ham and cheese.'

The baker filled two paper bags and put them in front of them. 'Four cherry buns and four ham and cheese croissants for the handsome man and his lovely girlfriend.'

'Girl-?' they said, then looked at each other.

She blushed. 'I'm not really his girlfriend.'

'Yeah, we only met this morning.' Ansa said, feeling a little awkward.

'Ohh, I thought you were, seeing you holding hands.' the baker said.

'Oh, right.' Ansa said, then let go of her hand. 'I had dragged her along just now.'

'Aha, I see, the baker said and winked. 'Well, the day is young.'

Ansa paid him before he died from embarrassment and they took their bags with them to sit on one of the wooden benches at the side of the market square. They ate in silence, avoiding looking at each other.

'Is it good?' he asked after his first croissant. 'The buns?'

She nodded, licking her fingers. 'They are, thank you.'

'I'm glad you enjoy them.'

'I'll be sure to pay you back.' she said, stroking the paper between her thumb and finger.

'Then next time, breakfast is on you.' he smiled.

She smiled. 'Deal.'

A cloud of colourful balloons drifted up above the market. The wind spread them slowly and people looked up at them with kids cheering.

'Looks like there's something going on in that direction.' he said, looking at the couple of balloons tailing the rest.

'I think there's a flea market going on at the park.' she said, pointing at a sign tied to one of the stalls close to them. 'Want to go have a look?'

He nodded and they rounded the market to follow the broader street to the nearby park, hearing music coming from that direction.


Plenty of people were buzzing around, rummaging through cardboard boxes with books and comics, old records, electric parts. Some sold handmade fantasy figurines, and Ansa was pretty impressed by the couple of dragons in a fighting pose. Sirina liked the fat cow plushes at a toy seller and they both enjoyed the soothing soft colours of several nature paintings from one of the local artists.

Ansa got them fruit drinks and they looked around at the various trinkets and used items offered by people getting rid of their unused stuff. Someone had a tree trunk with several different species of stuffed birds perched on the short branches and they both felt icky, clinging close together. They looked at each others face, then laughed.

'Let's go around the park.' he said, and offered his arm.

She hooked her arm in his and they leisurely followed the gravel path.

'The sun feels nice.' she said after a while.

'Yeah. it's a great day to enjoy outdoors.' he said, watching people relax on the grass and sit on the edge of a fountain, a statue of three fish jumping up from the water.

They ended up at a shopping street at the other end of the park.

'Let's have a look there.' she said and pulled him along.

The street was busy with people doing their shopping and hanging around, watching other people. Sirina and Ansa browsed the window displays, looked at the statues placed along the street, the old buildings and modern art galleries. A street performer played cheerful music on his acoustic guitar and Ansa threw a few coins in his open case.


For lunch they ate rolled up pancakes with sweet filling on the wide steps in front of a library. When they reached the end of the shopping district they strolled through the small streets of an old neighbourhood, surprised at how quiet things were despite being so close to the busy shopping streets.

They listened to the echo of their footsteps and the distant sounds of voices, the occasional television or radio, kids playing in a courtyard.

'It's peaceful.' he said.

She nodded. 'To think there are such lively and quiet places this close together.'

'Humanity is interesting.'

She chuckled. 'Getting deep now?'

He nudged her. 'Shut up. I always tend to think about things when I'm relaxed.'

'So, what are you thinking of then?'

'Just how nice it is to experience days like this.'

She nodded and leaned her head against his shoulder. 'Yeah. Sunny days should happen more often.'

He looked at the blue sky. 'I wasn't thinking of the sun though.'

'Then what?'

'I thought about how nice it is to get to spend it with you.'

Her heart skipped a beat and a giddy feeling came over her. 'I guess we were lucky to bump into each other this morning.'

He nodded and they continued their walk in silent thought.


They came across a stream flanked by more parks and followed it, stopping once for a drink on a bench next to a stall with snacks.

She was about to put her empty bottle in the garbage can when a fat, black spider crawled on the lid and made her yell out in surprise.

'Sirina!?' Ansa asked, quickly moving to her and looking at what scared her.

'I'm sorry.' she said, holding tight onto his arm. 'It just appeared so suddenly and scared me.'

He tapped his finger in front of the spider and it hurried away.

'You're really scared of spiders?'

She nodded. 'Have been my whole life.' She saw him looking at the garbage can, yet it seemed he was looking much farther away. 'I know I shouldn't be afraid, but I can't help it.'

He nodded and she saw a hint of worry in his eyes.

She put on a smile. 'I guess they're the ones who replaced dragons as the monster to rescue damsels in distress from nowadays. Otherwise modern day knights would be completely out of a job.'

He chuckled at that. 'Right. What other purpose would we have?'

'Well, you did provide entertainment today, so that alone deserves a reward from the damsel.' she said, gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, then looked away, her face feeling hotter.

He watched her for a moment while he confirmed he was still awake.

'Thank you..'

She shook her head. 'Thank you for spending this time with me, and treating me all day.' She grinned a little. 'If I could cook I'd make you dinner.'

He smiled. 'I'm not good at cooking either.' he said, then noticed a small restaurant with tables outside. 'How about having someone else make us dinner?'

She looked at the place he gestured at. 'Are you sure? You already spent so much.'

He checked what he had left. 'No fancy food though.' he said and took her by her hand with him.


Inside the small restaurant they were welcomed by soft music and the single waiter. He guided them to one of the free tables. 'It's a quiet evening today because there's a big game going on. That means romantic couples evening for us.' he said with a wink as he lit the candle on the table. 'I'll come back with the menu.' They looked at each other and blushed.

'I can imagine why.' Ansa said and moved his knives and forks a little.

'Yeah.' she said, looking sideways at a young woman, feeding her partner a piece of her meal.

The waiter came back with the menus and Ansa let him suggest the choice of wine. When Ansa asked about where she lived before she almost panicked. She hadn't thought about any of that when she came up with the excuse of just moving here that morning. She remembered names from a map of the country she had seen at the market though and used that to make up a previous life. He nodded as she told about growing up in a small village and funny things happening there. She felt relieved that he believed her story. When she asked about him, to avoid having to come up with more, he told about how he grew up in one of the other major cities and how he wanted to do something else as the reason for moving here.


By the time they walked out of the restaurant it was dark, but still comfortably warm enough to walk back home. They walked silently hand in hand, satisfied by the good meal and wine, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of evening. Before they knew it they had arrived at their floor and she leaned back against her door, looking down a little while holding his hands. He stroked them gently with his thumbs.

'I had a great day.' he said.

She nodded. 'Me too.' She gathered the courage to look at him. 'I don't really want this day to end.'

He looked into her eyes and cleared his throat. 'I feel like I'm still hungry.'

She smiled softly. 'Yeah.'

'I'd..' he said, leaned towards her and placed his lips on hers.

Her pleasant surprise became more passionate soon. His warm lips invited hers to to dance. She closed her eyes, he traced her lips with his, pulling softly, then caressing. She stuck the tip of her tongue out to him, touching his lips and he opened his mouth slightly, inviting her in. Her tongue met his and they continued their deep and wet dance, twirling and sliding along each other until she had to pull back to catch her breath. She had no idea how long they had kissed, but she found herself in his embrace with her arms wrapped around his neck when she opened her eyes again.

'I want to eat you.' he whispered.

She nodded and he stepped back slowly, taking her hands and pulling her with him as he walked backwards to his apartment.


They kicked off their shoes and in the living room she pulled off his shirt, touching his bare chest and tracing his muscles with her fingers. After another long kiss he pulled up her dress slowly, revealing her white underwear.

She looked a little away. 'I'm afraid I'm not really build like a model.' she said, thinking how she was bigger than several of the pretty and skinny girls in tight jeans they had seen today.

He pulled her close. 'True, you look much better.' he whispered and kissed her again, making her forget about her worry. He pulled her dress over her head, draped it over the back of his couch and let his eyes take in every little curve of her body.

She squeezed his hands lightly, looking away. 'You're making me feel embarrassed.'

He smiled gently at her, kissed her cheek and nibbled her earlobe once. 'I can't help it. Looking at you makes me very hungry.' he whispered.

She squirmed a little from the tickle of his lips in her neck and giggled. 'I'll bet you say that to more girls.'

He lifted her chin up, combing her hair with his fingers and looked her deep into her eyes. She felt her heart beat faster. 'I've seen many girls today, small, normal, big, some cute, some sexy.. It's you who makes me hungry, makes me want to taste every bit of your skin, kiss and lick you all over.'

She felt her face blush, opened her mouth to say something, but words failed her. He kissed her again and she gave herself up to his passion. He moved his hands slowly up and down her back, sliding his fingers underneath the strap of her bra and inside her panties, circling her ass. She moved it along with his hands, pressing her hips against his and the growing part of him inside his jeans. A thrill rushed through her body from thinking she caused that reaction and the anticipation of what was soon to happen.

He moved his hands up, fumbled at the back of her bra and unhooked it, relieving her shoulders from the pull of her breasts. Taking the straps, he pulled her bra to him and down her arms, exposing her breasts with her dark nipples to him. Without looking he tossed the bra on the couch and bend down enough to kiss the curves of her breasts, lifting them up with his mouth to kiss underneath. Sirina moaned ever so slightly and her nipples hardened the more his lips came closer to surrounding them. He let his hands slide up and down her sides, using the tip of his tongue to lick the edge of her areola before moving his lips along her rock hard nipples.

His touch caused a deep itch to spread through her breasts and into her chest. Her moaning became clearer and he sucked softly on her nipples, teasing them with the tip of his tongue, making her moan even more. 'I love it..' she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. He gave her nipples a nibble, kissed around on her breasts while he slid his fingers under the sides of her panties, pushing them far enough down to reveal her pussy.

Her heart pounded even faster from her exposure to him, to have her pussy and ass out in the open, even if he wasn't looking directly at them. Despite the warm weather the air felt cool on her skin, soon to be heated by his hands gliding across her buns, massaging them gently. She wanted to feel his hands all over her body and moaned more.

He stood up again, leaving kisses from her breasts to her neck, cheeks and lips, resisting his desire to chomp down on her pussy. 'I really want to do something, but I'm afraid to ask you.' he whispered, kissing the tip of her nose. She looked into his eyes, seeing the worry and caressed his cheek. 'What is it, my love? Will it hurt?' she asked, then felt a quick shiver in her pussy from the thought of experiencing pain from his gentle hands.

He shook his head, looking at the ball of wool yarn he had seen earlier and held her tight, nervous from the request he would make of the girl he just met today. 'Tell me honestly if you don't want to, but I have the urge to tie you down and then lick and kiss and eat you all over.'

She felt his heart pounding in his chest and imagined him taking control of her, unable to escape his wants and desires. Another itch rushed through her body, her mind telling her to submit to him although she expected it to tell her not to. A thrill filled her essence when she whispered 'Okay.'

He looked her in the eyes. 'Sure?'

She nodded and a smile formed on his face. 'If I do anything to make you hurt or feel uncomfortable, tell me at once.' he said and kissed her lips ever so softly.

'I think I can handle uncomfortable.' she whispered nervously, but excited.

He took her hand in his and took the yarn, showing it to her. 'When I held you and saw this, I couldn't stop thinking of using it with you.' She took the ball and held it against her chest, feeling the warmth reflected by the wool and looked into his eyes. 'Tie me up.' she whispered.


He pulled her into his bedroom and led her onto the bed. She laid down on her back, shyly handing him the ball of yarn. He took her hand in his, leaned closer and kissed her, then pulled back with the ball in his hand. She felt her body shiver and her pussy leaking as he caressed her cheek with his fingertips, moving them down along her moist lips, chin, throat, chest, belly, venus hill and thighs. 'Will you be my willing prey?' he asked and she nodded slightly.