Enslaved in Europe Ch. 06

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Diane is taken to the Punishement Park.
5.5k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 06/15/2007
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When I saw Gretchen was leading me over to the whipping posts, I assumed that I would be bound to one and Gretchen would whip me and that it would all be over rather quickly.

Unbeknownst to me there's a lot of preparation and ceremony involved in these things. As a result it took at least twenty minutes for me to suffer through my first punishment.

First there was the waiting. Even though there were sixteen whipping posts in the lesbian section of the punishment park, none of them were available at the time Gretchen led me over to them. I stared in both lust and horror as sixteen beautiful, naked women, bound to sixteen wooden vertical posts, screamed, struggled, flinched and sobbed through their unjust punishments. It was scary to watch as cruel leather whips turned these women's perfect smooth skin an angry pink or red color. Some of the female slaves had bruises and welts before their punishment was over.

However it was also arousing. I'd never seen so many gorgeous, naked women in one place before. And they were forced to stand in a position with their arms over their heads, showing off their breasts and torso to their best advantage. I could definitely see why people would pay sixty euros to get into the punishment park. This was an erotic display worth seeing.

An employee of the park pointed out to Gretchen that next to each whipping post was a sign. Each sign had large bold lettering, declaring what each slave was being punished for.

A poor, unfortunate blonde slave with tears running down her cheeks was being whipped near a sign that read DISRESPECTFUL. Just a few feet away from her a gorgeous slave with pale skin and dark brown hair was being punished near a sing that read ATTEMPTED TO COVER HER NUDITY.

The park employee wanted to know what I had done, so that she could prepare the proper sign for me. Gretchen replied that I had spoken without permission.

"Oh, perfect," the park employee said. "We've got a sign placard all ready for that."

The girl was so eager to be please and be helpful. The fact that this was all going to result in my naked skin being horribly and painfully abused didn't concern her in the least. My pain and humiliation didn't even enter into the equation. My concerns were totally unimportant.

A naked, Asian girl was unchained from one of the whipping posts and I was led forward. Two women wearing white uniforms helped Gretchen unlock me from my handcuffs and made me press myself right up against the wooden post. Then they made me raise my arms so that my wrists could be bound in leather bondage cuffs that were secured by chains to the upper portion of the whipping post. They were very professional and efficient and within seconds I was chained and helpless.

Then a plastic sign placard was inserted into a wooden holder in the sign post about twenty inches away from me. In large, bold easy-to-read font the sign declared SPOKE WITHOUT PERMISSION.

The park employees decided to unclip my leash as it would likely just get in the way during my punishment. I looked over my shoulder and my eyes widened in fear as I saw Gretchen speaking with the park employees, trying to decide what whip to use on my naked skin.

All of the whips looked painful, but some looked worse than others. They had bullwhips, buggy whips, dog whips, snake whips and stock whips. Gretchen eventually settled on an Australian stock whip and she paid the girl a small fee to use it on me.

One of the park employees walked up and placed her hand gently on my naked back. "We're only going to give you twenty strokes, because this is your first time being whipped," the girl said. "But you must be very careful not to call out for mercy. You can scream if you like, but if you use words of any kind you'll have to be whipped a second time".

The girl who was to whip me, stood to my left and showed me the whip Gretchen had chosen. It looked thin and vicious. I dreaded the pain it was soon to inflict upon me.

"Kiss it," the girl ordered me.

I didn't want to, but slaves do not disobey. I gently placed my lips on the whip and kissed it. Gretchen stood behind the girl and captured the moment by taking a photo with her digital camera. I was certain that it would only be one photo of many.

The first blow wrapped around my waist. It hurt like hell and I screamed out loud, but it was an inarticulate scream with no words. I was working hard not to earn more punishments.

The second blow stung the backs on my thighs and the third went across my back. They all hurt like hell! It was much more painful than a spanking! I flinched, stamped my feet and yanked on my wrist restraints. I knew I couldn't break free, but the whipping was so painful, my body couldn't help but react.

I thought that a proper whipping would leave marks on my naked back, but leave the rest of my body alone. However the girl with the whip had other ideas. Certainly she landed a number of painful blows on my back. However she also left whip marks on my naked buttocks, the backs of my thighs and a few blows even wrapped around my upper torso and left painful marks on the side of my breasts.

I screamed and sobbed and struggled through the whole thing, but the girl took no mind. She was a professional and wouldn't allow my pitiful screams to stop her from whipping me or even make the blows less painful. There was no emotion in her at all. No anger and no mercy. Simply a desire to do her job well, and then move on to the next girl.

After ten strokes, Gretchen halted the whipping so that she could fondle me between my legs. She rubbed my clit and fingered my pussy and got me so excited and aroused that I very nearly had an orgasm right there, while chained to the whipping post.

Then when I was right on the verge of a powerful orgasm, she withdrew her fingers and told the girl to continue whipping me.

I almost screamed in protest. It was too cruel! The whipping was punishment enough! To bring me to the brink of an earth-shattering orgasm and then leave me sexually frustrated on top of the whipping was far more punishment than I deserved!!

The last ten strokes seemed to hurt a lot more than the first, and to make things even more humiliating I noticed that (without consciously meaning to) I was grinding my crotch against the whipping post every time the whip struck my thighs or buttocks. If the whipping had gone on longer I might even been able to rub myself to orgasm this way.

Sadly, the whipping ended before I was able to use the whipping post to rub my pussy to orgasm.

When the whipping was done, I noticed Gretchen was still taking pictures. Apparently photos of her naked slave, bound to a whipping post with real tears on her face were important to her. She spent at least ten minutes making certain that she got enough good quality photos of me in my painful predicament. I rather hoped that nobody would see those photos other than Gretchen and me.

I was still sobbing and had whip marks from my shoulders to my knees and was covered in sweat when the two park employees came to unchain me from the whipping post.

"That's one slave who will never speak without permission again," I heard Gretchen say.

"Well, if she does you can always bring her back to us," I heard one of the park employees reply.

I wanted to say something angry and sarcastic in reply, but instead I got down on my hands and knees and thanked them for my punishment.

* * * * *

I suppose it was about fifteen minutes later I was being prepared for my next punishment. This time I was being punished for using my hands to protect my ass during my morning spanking. Finding a sign that explained what I was being punished for was difficult. Gretchen was forced to choose between a sign that said "disobedience" and a sign that said "poor self control".

Gretchen didn't think either sign was really perfect, but she eventually settled on

"poor self control". The sign was selected and then I was led (on a leash of course) over to a row of pillories.

The pillories weren't as popular as the whipping posts and so there was no line and no waiting period for me to be locked into one. There looked to be about a dozen pillories and only two female slaves already locked into them.

I was led over to one and a park employee placed the "poor self control" sign into a wooden sign post next to the device where I would be bound. "Just lean over, Cutie and I'll do the rest," the park employee said in an oddly friendly tone of voice.

I bent over and she gently guided my wrists and neck into the appropriate slots. I felt a surge of panic as the hinged board came down and trapped my wrists and neck in place. Then my panic intensified when I heard the padlock lock the two halves of the wooden pillory securely into place. I was suddenly and completely helpless and I had no idea what Gretchen was planning on doing to me next.

To prolong the suspense, Gretchen spoke to the uniformed park employees in hushed tones and at a safe distance so that I wouldn't know in advance what sort of punishment Gretchen was planning to inflict on my helpless body. After they were done whispering I heard all three of them walking over to me and a rustle of things being taken out of Gretchen's shopping bag.

"Spread your legs, Sweetie," one of the park employees coaxed as she gently but firmly pushed my thighs apart, "And relax your sphincter muscle".

I swallowed hard as I guessed what was coming next. Strong hands pried my buttocks apart and a cold, thick lubricating gel was squirted into my anus.

Some of the gel dripped down onto my pubic lips and down my leg. I felt strong, confident hands wiping off the excess and getting me more aroused as my pubic lips were stroked far more than necessary. Then a finger entered me and worked a glob of gel deep into my anus, poking deep and twisting around more than I thought was strictly needed.

I stamped my feet in panic and breathed heavily. The woman with the strong hands told me to calm down and spread my legs apart or else they would get a spreader bar and bind my ankles far apart. That caught my attention and I tried to calm down. I tried to slow down my breathing and I spread my legs as far apart as I could.

I really hate being anally penetrated and tears were starting to well up in my eyes at the thought of how humiliating this was.

Even though I couldn't see it, I could feel what was happening behind me. Strong hands pulled my buttocks far apart, and then something hard and foreign was placed against my asshole.

"Relax your sphincter muscle, Sweetie," a female voice instructed. "Don't make it rape."

Then without further warning, the dildo was FORCED past my sphincter muscle and inside of me. I screamed as I was anally violated and fought to break free, but of course it was all pointless. The pillory was strong and sturdy and I was firmly trapped by it.

I yelped and cried and would have begged for it to end, except that I knew I didn't have permission to speak and thus begging would earn me even more punishments.

"AAIIGGHH!!," I screamed as the woman standing behind me thrust the dildo in and out of my tiny hole.

I thought that this was as bad as it was going to get, but Gretchen (ever the creative one) had dreamed up a way to make this even more difficult for me.

Much to my utter dismay, Gretchen informed me that while some stranger slid a foreign object (which even though I couldn't see it, FELT massive) in and out of my tiny hole, she was going to quiz me on the intricacies of Sessian law as it applied to slaves.

And I'd better get a good grade . . . or else.

"What is the minimum age requirement for slaves in this country? What is the maximum age that a person can be and still be a slave? How long can a person legally remain a slave? What is the fee for entrance to a punishment park? Who can get into a punishment park for free? Why are they allowed in for free? Why aren't slaves allowed to have public hair?"

I could barely even HEAR the questions over the sounds of my own yelping, panting and gasping. In addition, that large foreign object kept thrusting in and out of my tight hole, turning my gets to jelly and painfully stretching out my tiny, little anus. Even when it HEARD the question, it was hard to think of anything other than my poor, delicate asshole being mercilessly assaulted.

I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on Gretchen's voice, but it was no use. As long as that thing was rudely intruding inside my anus, I couldn't get my brain to work. Gretchen kept on asking the questions, but most of the time I couldn't formulate an intelligent answer.

When that horrible thing was finally removed from my ass, Gretchen informed me that I had gotten only three correct answers out of a total fifty questions asked.

"Oh, you poor thing," I heard a woman's voice say behind me.

"You're sure to be punished for doing so poorly," another woman's voice added.

I gasped and panted and blinked away tears as Gretchen confirmed, "I did promise you'd be punished if you did poorly on your test".

I felt like screaming in protest! This wasn't a fair test of my knowledge on the subject! I was being anally raped at the time she testing me! How the hell could I concentrate with something like that going on?

Of course I didn't say any of this out loud. I'd already been punished once today for speaking without permission. I wasn't about to be punished for the same infraction twice in the same day!

After being released from the pillory I was ordered to get down on my hands and knees and kiss the feet of the park employees who publicly humiliated me. I was also made to thank them for abusing my poor, tiny anus. Then I was told to stay down there on my hands and knees while Gretchen spoke with the park employees and tried to get ideas for what my next punishment would be.

They stood about ten feet away and spoke in hushed tones. I caught a word here and there, but not enough to know what Gretchen would do to me next. The suspense and the not knowing were almost as stressful as the punishments themselves.

* * * * *

The punishment park didn't have any signs that read "did badly on test" so this time there was no sign put on display to advertise what I did to deserve further punishment, so in that respect I suppose I was slightly less humiliated than before.

At least that's what I kept telling myself.

I had thought it degrading earlier than I was made to submit to maids and follow their commands while they washed and groomed me. The idea of being submissive to somebody who's status was about the lowest in all of society really made me feel humbled and demoralized.

However Gretchen and the park employees had plotted together and devised a plan to make me subservient to somebody even lower than a maid.

Gretchen asked one of the park security guards to keep on eye on me "for my protection" while she went off and found what she was looking for.

It seemed to take hours. Meanwhile fully clothed tourists and park employees got to gawk and ogle at my nudity. I wanted so desperately to curl into a ball and use my arms and legs to cover up my naughty bits for view, but that would only have earned me an angry rebuke from the security guard and more punishments from Gretchen. So, I just remained there on my hands and knees and passively allowed scores of people to ogle my nudity.

When Gretchen finally returned she had some friends with her. Most of them were wearing clothing, however there were at least three naked slaves. My heart beat faster and I became more and more nervous as I was surrounded.

I gasped when one of them put her hand on my defenseless pussy. "She's soaking wet." A female voice smugly announced and then rudely thrust a finger inside of me. "She's obviously enjoying this."

I wanted to contradict the woman who had just made this claim. I was scared, humiliated and in pain, but I didn't dare say anything. Speaking without permission would only earn me more punishments, so I quietly allowed the woman to say anything she wanted and allowed her to fondle my exposed pussy.

"Her name is Diane," I heard Gretchen say. "This is her first full day as a slave, however she learns fast. She'll do as she's told."

Gretchen was apparently showing me off to this crowd of strangers. I was resolved to do whatever they asked as gracefully and quickly as I could. If Gretchen wanted to use me to impress these people, she would no doubt be angry if I wasn't a slave she could be proud of.

Then I heard another woman's voice say, kiss my feet, Slave".

A few inches away from my face were two bare feet, attached to two very attractive bare legs. I looked up and saw the legs were attached to a naked female slave with a shaved pussy that was just as wet as mine.

I was so mesmerized by the feminine beauty of this naked slave I almost forgot the order that she'd just given me.

I recovered myself in time and kissed both of her bare feet. First the left one, then the right. Apparently I'd done a good enough job. I wasn't punished.

"On your knees, Slave," the naked female ordered. Hands behind your neck. Elbows back. Knees far apart. Arch your back and stick your tits out. I want to get a good look at them!

I did as she ordered, arching my back and thrusting my breasts out as far as they would go. I felt totally exposed and vulnerable. My breasts were open to any sort of abuse these people might feel like inflicting. Just as I was thinking this, the naked girl held up a riding crop where I could see it.

The thought that this girl might use the crop on my naked, exposed breasts raced across my mind and I gasped. Such an assault on such a sensitive part of my anatomy would hurt more than I can convey into words. It took every amount of courage and self control I had not to break position and cover my breasts with my hands.

I held my breath and waited for a blow that never came.

"Her breasts are very small," observed the naked girl as she slowly slid the leather loop of the riding crop up and down across my left breast. "However they're very firm and don't sag even a little bit."

"I've always found them to be very attractive," Gretchen replied.

"Oh, they are," responded the naked girl. "Now let's get a look at the rest of her."

Next the naked girl ordered me lay down on my back, but spread my legs very wide, arch my back and lift my hips at least six inches off the ground.

This position left my pussy very open and obscenely on display. That's exactly the effect the naked girl was going for.

"What a darling little pussy," the naked girl cooed. "And she's so wet!"

Then she kneeled down and with two fingers she thrust into my pussy and probed very rough and very deep. Despite the lack of any finesse or technique her intrusion into my cunt was making me even more aroused and I came very close to orgasm.

"Don't even think about it, Slave," she barked, seeming to sense my impending orgasm and announcing her disapproval of it. "Slaves don't cum unless they get permission first."

As if to make her point more forcefully, she pinched my labia. I whimpered in pain, and she seemed to like that. She liked it so much that she pinched it again, harder this time.

When tears welled up in my eyes, she declared that I looked precious. She said that she loved to watch a naked slave cry. She declared that if I was her slave, she'd make me cry every day.

I took her seriously when she said it, and was glad I wasn't her slave.

Then the naked girl ordered me to crawl. Apparently I didn't do it right at first. She wanted me to keep my head way down and to keep my knees apart and my ass in the air. Every time she corrected my technique she punctuated it by striking my already sore ass with the riding crop.

I crawled across the grass, turning left when ordered, slowing down when ordered, speeding up when ordered.