Dykeification Epilogue

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Dani decides to adjust her relationship with Grace.
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For Grace Valley, life in Hollywood was a dream come true. It was a sentiment dozens of models, actresses, and musicians would have agreed with wholeheartedly - but for them, the dream in question probably meant something different.

For Grace, the dream was all about hypnotizing famous women and bending them to her will.

She wasn't exactly sure when or why it had become such an obsession. Maybe all the old, pulpy, Hollywood movies she'd watched as a kid, many of them featuring classic Hollywood starlets falling prey to hypnotists, had something to do with it. But whatever the origin story of her fetish, as she'd grown up, transitioned, and learned that hypnosis was more than just a media trope, she'd ended up devoting her life to the pursuit of it.

And it had gone better than her wildest fantasies.

Now, Grace was sitting in the house of one of Hollywood's hottest celebs - thanks largely to her own influence - and she could sit back and enjoy the sight of her latest creation: Dani Cartwright.

All trace of the anxious, conventional, adamantly heterosexual woman Grace had met months before was gone. Dani had become a true lesbian icon, dominant, confident, and taking the world by storm. She was now exactly what millions of people pictured when they thought of the word 'dyke'. Her transformation had been breathtaking; like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. It was the first time Grace had tried to turn a woman into a dominant lesbian instead of a submissive one - making her subject so strong and assertive had always seemed like a potential risk - but it had gone better than she could have hoped.

At this point, Dani's new identity was completely entrenched and her hypnotic conditioning was totally self-sustaining. She didn't need any more maintenance trances. Grace had carefully and meticulously built up the pillars of the new Dani's mind, and now they all rested against one another, mutually reinforcing themselves. Her new sense of self had even been able to withstand being directly told what had happened to her.

Fortunately, all of that annoying business with Cameron, her ex, was now in the past. After Dani had sent him packing, that oaf had done the predictable yet stupid thing and gone public with his accusations. Needless to say, it hadn't gone well. Not even the filthiest tabloids were willing to run his side of the story; he'd been forced to resort to social media, where he'd immediately become the object of ridicule and criticism. His ex, hypnotized into a lesbian? It sounded conceited, ridiculous, and bigoted all at once. Nobody had believed him.

Now, his career was in ruins, while a few sympathetic puff pieces about dealing with a toxic ex had helped push Dani's to even greater heights.

Grace's victory with Dani was so total, she was starting to get the itch. She needed a new project. A new celebrity for her to sink her teeth into. A new way to get someone twisted into a kinky, horny, lesbian. From some of their conversations on the topic, Grace knew Dani would be sad to see her go. But this was how it needed to be. Grace was the restless type.

But that was for another day. For now, she wanted to enjoy the rewards of all her efforts just a little longer. In fact, that was what today was all about.

"Grace!" Dani's voice, sing-song and teasing, came floating down from the celebrity's bedroom. "We're ready for you!"

Grace shivered and a big, horny grin came to her face. She rose from the couch and quickly headed to answer the call. Dani was waiting expectantly for her at the top of the stairs, a cocksure, domineering smirk spread across her face.

She wasn't quite as dressed up as she often was in public, but even on lazy days like this, the celebrity managed to project dyke energy from every pore. With all her piercings and tattoos, she looked devastatingly hot even in her simple outfit of short shorts, tank top, and comfy hoodie. Dani had gone easy on the jewelry, but she was still adorned with her favorite centerpiece: the padlock chain necklace she'd worn on that fateful night with Cameron.

Of course, none of it really mattered. Grace doubted Dani was going to remain dressed for long.

"In here."

The door to Dani's bedroom was closed, but she opened it and led Grace inside. The room was unusually dark, warm and dim, and Grace immediately noticed that the two of them weren't alone.

"Hello, Grace," came a familiar voice, as warm and sweet as hot cocoa. "It's been a while."

Grace had known all about this beforehand, but even so, the sight of the third member of their ménage à trois made her giggle in anticipation.

It was Dulcinea Amare. She was a star model, a close friend of Dani, and another famous lesbian - albeit, less conspicuously so. Moreover, she was another one of Grace's projects. The one before Dani, in fact; Grace had used her control over Dulcinea to get to Dani in the first place. There was something almost poetic about seeing both of her creations side by side. Grace felt like an artist standing in an exhibition of their work.

Dulcinea was a very different beast from Dani. She was a classic high femme, and accordingly, Grace had used her hypnosis to accentuate the tall woman's submissive tendencies. Most people didn't know that, though. On the outside, Dulcinea looked like nothing less than royalty. Even now, her makeup was immaculate, and she was wearing a long, fancy, designer gown that would befit any runway or red carpet in the world.

Clearly, her glamor and confidence had only grown since Grace had left her side. They hadn't really stayed in touch, but Grace knew that Dulcinea and Dani had become even closer. Their fans loved to whisper that they were an item, and they weren't wrong. Why wouldn't the dyke queen and femme princess of Hollywood hook up, if given half a chance?

"It's good to see you, Dulcinea," Grace said, and meant it. "You look amazing."

"Naturally," Dulcinea purred. "And so do you. It's been too long since we had a chance to enjoy each other's company. Though from what Dani tells me, your tastes seem to have... broadened."

Grace giggled again. There was some truth to that. Whenever she'd fucked Dulcinea, she'd always been the top. Obviously, with Dani, that had never been a possibility. Instead, Grace had come to love submitting and bottoming. She was a hedonist at heart and there were all kinds of pleasures on the other side of the slash, she'd found - plus, there was an extra kind of twisted gratification in the knowledge that Dani was dominating her, but only because Grace had made her that way. Hypnosis had always been the biggest component of her sexuality.

"It totally has," Grace agreed. "I'm, like, kinda surprised you were interested in helping Dani top me."

"She was very, very persuasive." Dulcinea smiled mysteriously. Grace could guess what that meant. "Dani talks all about you, you know. She says you changed her life! How could I refuse when she explained she wanted to do something special for you before you move on?"

Grace just went on giggling. Oh, she had changed Dani's life all right. Dulcinea's too - not that the model knew she'd been anything more than an encouraging presence and a fun fuckbuddy.

And now, as a reward for her misdeeds, she was going to get railed by two of Hollywood's hottest and most desirable celebrities. 'Something special' was an understatement.

Dani and Dulcinea had certainly spared no effort setting the scene. A set of four-point restraints had been attached to Dani's bed, clearly intended to leave their victim spread-eagle and exposed. Rose petals had been scattered over the sheets, and on the bedside table, a dazzling array of sex toys had been set out on display. Just thinking about what the two celebrities were going to use those for made Grace shiver.

The atmosphere was just as enticing. There was some kind of low, gentle music playing over Dani's sound system, and the air was full of a strange scent that was warm, intimate, and seductive. The bedroom was dark because the blinds were closed and the lights were off; the only illumination came from a dozen or so candles that had been placed around the room, their flickering light making the shadows grow long.

Grace shivered at those too. Candles were new for Dani. Waxplay? That could be fun. She loved that Dani seemed to be developing even more kinks than Grace had given her.

"I'm looking forward to it." Grace bit her lip. "Sooooo... how do we wanna get started?"

Dani and Dulcinea exchanged a look.

"Like this," Dani announced, and, before Grace could react, she reached out and roughly shoved Grace backward onto the bed.

Too surprised to catch herself, Grace landed flat on her back on the soft, welcome mattress. Immediately, both Dani and Dulcinea pounced on top of her.

"O-oh fuck!" Grace moaned, as both of them put their lips to her neck and started to kiss and suck.

Their sheer aggression completely overwhelmed her composure, and the trans woman soon found herself moaning and writhing helplessly as the two celebrities planted hickey after hickey on Grace's soft, sensitive skin. The dizzying mix of pleasure and pain had her seeing stars, especially as the strange, heady scent that filled the room started to invade her senses.

"My, my," Dulcinea purred. "It's nice to see I can actually take you by surprise."

Dani laughed, and Grace giggled. For her, the room was still spinning, and the way Dani and Dulcinea were kissing her was making it spin even faster. She couldn't even catch her breath. Their kisses felt like they were coming from everywhere at once. She was used to Dani's style of topping, but this was something special. And with two of them, it was even more overwhelming.

Not that it was unwelcome. Grace's body was responding greedily to the attention. Her back arched as she tried to grind herself against the two celebrities, and not only was there a rigid tent in the skirt of her dress, a distinct stain was beginning to form there as Grace leaked precum all over her clothes.

She'd never been so turned on in her life. Experiencing both Dani and Dulcinea at once felt like the perfect climax to all of Grace's achievements, and seeing Dulcinea behave in such a dominant way was a delightfully hot twist. And Grace was keenly aware that they were only just getting started.

"Someone's happy to see us, huh?" Dani teased. "I wanna see just how happy."

As one, Dulcinea and Dani both started to remove Grace's clothes. Dani reached around her to unzip her dress and pull it away from her body, while Dulcinea peeled her tights away from her thighs. Grace's lingerie soon followed, and in no time, she was totally naked.

Dulcinea licked her lips as she stared at Grace's cock, while the hungry look on Dani's face intensified as she looked Grace's naked, curvy body up and down. Both reactions made Grace throb with need. She couldn't resist any longer. She reached down and started to touch herself.

Dani's reaction was immediate. "Nuh-uh," she mocked, as she slapped Grace's hand away from her own body. "This is a feast, babygirl. You can't go straight to the main course until you've enjoyed the appetizer. Dulcie?"

Again, Dulcinea knew exactly what to do. She and Dani were in perfect sync as they tugged Grace's arms out to her sides and fastened her wrists with restraints. They then did the same thing with her ankles, and then tightened the restraints so that Grace was completely tied to Dani's bed, pulling her into a spread-eagle position in the process.

Grace didn't even pretend to resist. Why would she? She was gleefully eager to experience whatever the two celebrities had in store for her.

"That's better," Dulcinea remarked. "No more getting ahead of herself. Now we can take things nice and slow."

"Slow," Dani agreed, grinning. "But it doesn't have to be nice. I can think of a lot of ways to be very, very mean to a girl who can look but not touch. How about we give her something good to look at?"

"I like the sound of that."

Dulcinea bit her lip, and both she and Dani clambered onto the bed until they were kneeling opposite each other on each side of Grace's legs. With her head propped up on a pillow, Grace could easily look down and see them - and her eyes bulged when they leaned into one another and started to make out.

Fuck. It was unbelievably hot seeing two straight women Grace had turned into lesbians enthusiastically and lustfully devouring one another.

Even in their kissing, it was obvious who held the power between them. Dani was so much more commanding and aggressive. She was pushing her tongue into Dulcinea's mouth, tasting and invading her as she pleased, and she wrapped an arm around the model's waist to pull her closer. Dulcinea submitted eagerly to it all, and the rosy glow in her dark cheeks made it clear just how much she enjoyed the new Dani.

Grace was transfixed by the spectacle. She was dripping wet, and a little drool was escaping her lips and sliding down the side of her face. She was so turned on she couldn't think.

"Wow, look at her," Dulcinea teased, when the two of them paused for breath. "She can't take her eyes off us."

"Yeah, I bet." Dani laughed mockingly. "Her poor little lesbian brain just can't handle it!"

It was true. Grace felt like she was overheating from sheer arousal.

"Good thing we've got her tied down," Dulcinea replied. She and Dani were talking to each other, but Grace knew their words were meant for her ears. "She doesn't really need her brain right now anyway."

"That's true," Dani said. "She doesn't need to think at all. Not that she can at the moment, I'm guessing."

Grace whimpered. The gentle lick of humiliation those words gave her was so very sweet.

"Just keep looking, sweetie." Finally, Dulcinea turned to address Grace directly. "Don't worry. Soon, we'll give you all the attention you could ever want. For now, just watch, and listen to how hard your heart is beating."

Once Dulcinea drew her attention to it, Grace couldn't stop listening to it. Her heart was pounding like a drum, driving blood away from her brain and toward all the deeper, baser parts of her body.

Dani and Dulcinea returned to making out with each other. Their kissing grew ever more passionate, and it wasn't long before they were moaning into each other's lips and reaching out to grope one another's bodies. Grace just watched it all, totally stupefied. Besides the sounds of their kissing, all she could hear was her own heartbeat, and the strange scent that hung about the room was making her head lighter and lighter.

Grace could have watched the two gorgeous celebrities make out forever, except for one thing: she just kept getting more and more aroused. The need for touch, for gratification, started to gnaw at her, and she started unconsciously straining against Dani's restraints as she yearned to reach down and touch herself. Before long, a loud, plaintive moan escaped her lips.

"You hear that?" Dani asked, pulling away from Dulcinea. A wild grin was spread across her face. This was what she lived for now. "I think somebody's getting impatient."

"Yeah." Dulcinea was breathing hard, and pleasure was making her voice low and thick. "We'd better be careful, babe. We wouldn't want her to wake up the neighbors. The paparazzi already print enough naughty rumors about you."

That made Dani laugh. Half the rumors were true, and she was very proud of them. "Fortunately, I have just the thing."

Grace shivered and moaned even louder when Dani reached over to her bedside table and picked up a large, black ball gag.

"Open wide!" Dulcinea sang out.

A gag was sure to mean more torment, rather than the sweet release Grace was craving - but she was far too deep in the throes of blissful submission to even consider protesting. Grace opened her mouth and Dani pushed the gag past her lips before feeding the strap behind her head and fixing it firmly in place. Grace was now silenced.

The gag couldn't stop her from moaning. But with a gag in her mouth, her moans were dulled and sounded even needier and more pathetic, and sent drool frothing through the small breathing holes. Both Dani and Dulcinea laughed at Grace as she writhed.

"Perfect," said Dani. "Though I gotta admit, now I'm really, really curious to see what kind of sound she'll try to make if I do... this."

Before Grace could prepare herself, Dani reached down and scraped her short nails across the sensitive skin of Grace's inner thigh.

Immediately, Grace went completely rigid. Her back formed a high arch as an electric shock of sensation raced through her, and a strangled, drooling moan forced its way out of her mouth. It took several seconds for her to slump back onto the bed, and both celebrities laughed gleefully the entire time.

"See?" Dani remarked. "It's so much more intense when you get someone tied up just right."

"Oh, I'm well aware," Dulcinea replied. "But it is very amusing seeing it from this angle."

Dani nodded. "Can't move, can't speak," she said. "Nothing to do except feel every... little... thing."

She punctuated those last three words with gentle little caresses on Grace's skin - across her chest, her stomach, her thigh. Each one made the PA moan yet again. She was unbelievably sensitive.

"I love it when I get a girl this helpless," Dani continued. Her eyes were shining with dominant pleasure. "I love it when I get to toy with them for hours and hours. There's nothing like the experience of getting to know someone's body so intimately, you know exactly where to touch them to bring them to the brink in an instant. Of course, I already have plenty of experience like that with Grace."

Grace whimpered. It was true. She knew exactly what Dani was capable of doing to her in just a few minutes.

Hours and hours...

"Perhaps you could give me a demonstration," Dulcinea purred. "I have so much to learn, after all."

"This is one of my favorites." Dani put her hand to Grace's side and started moving it across her skin in slow, gentle strokes, light enough that it raised little hairs on Grace's body but heavy enough that she could just barely feel Dani's nails. "Touching someone just... like... this. It seems simple, but the important thing is the rhythm."

Again, Grace moaned and drooled through the gag. Such a light touch was torture when she was craving so much more. Her head was unbelievably heavy, and it felt like only orgasm would make it clearer.

"You just touch, over and over," Dani explained, as she kept stroking Grace's side. "See, when there's a rhythm, there's anticipation. It gets them nice and focused. Always thinking about when the touch is next going to land."

It was true. Grace found her awareness narrowing dramatically. All she was thinking about was Dani's fingers, the beating of her own heart, and the scent that kept filling her nose. Everything else was too much to keep in her head at once.

"And then you can play with it," Dani continued. "A little slower. A little faster. A little pain here, a little pleasure there. It's like music. Breaking the rhythm makes it all the more dramatic."

She demonstrated, and Grace whimpered at how devastatingly effective it was, even when she was ready for it. When Dani slowed her pace, the time before her fingers made contact with Grace's skin seemed to stretch out into a torturous eternity, and when she quickened it, even that gentle little touch became overwhelming. Grace felt like nothing more than a puppet. Than a violin's string, being plucked.

It was so, so hot.

"See?" Dani licked her lips. She was obviously enjoying the way Grace was reacting. Dulcinea was too; her eyes were huge and rapt. "But, baby, we're just getting started. You know what makes it even better?"

She didn't wait for Dulcinea to ask. Dani reached over to the table for another toy and held it up so that Grace could see it clearly.