Dykeification Ch. 07

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Dani confronts her shitty fiance - and enjoys Grace.
4.5k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/12/2023
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"Dani, babe! Package for you!"

Dani was grateful for Grace's sing-song voice ringing through her house. She needed the distraction. When her gorgeous, curvy assistant bounced into the room, Dani's face lit up in spite of her anxiety. She couldn't help but smile with a pretty girl in the room. Why frown, when there was a whole meal's worth of eye candy on display?

"Yeah?" Dani asked. She sat down on her couch to keep herself from pacing. "What is it? I didn't order anything."

"You didn't," Grace agreed brightly. "I did. You totally needed something to cheer you up!"

Dani grimaced. She knew she hadn't been subtle, but it was still embarrassing to hear that she'd been acting like such a sad sack. Though, in fairness, it was hard not to let it show when her entire life was probably going to blow up any minute now.

It was her fiancé, Cameron. He was finally coming home. Three days ago, he'd sent Dani a text that had left her stewing in nerves ever since:

I'll be back in a few days. I just read that interview with you everyone's talking about. We need to talk.

After that, he hadn't responded to any of Dani's calls or texts. That meant he was mad, which admittedly didn't come as much of a surprise. He wasn't the kind of guy to take the news that his wife-to-be was suddenly gay well. Dani had been hoping to find a better way of telling him, but the interview in which she'd come out to the world had blown up beyond her wildest imagination. As a result, Cameron had seemingly ended up being the last one in Hollywood to know - something that probably wasn't helping his mood.

He wanted to 'talk'. What did that mean? Maybe he just wanted to hear Dani out in person. Maybe he wanted her to set up a threesome. Maybe he wanted to break off their engagement. That last one was what Dani was afraid of. Their relationship had never been great, but it had usually been fine, and more importantly, it had done wonders for Dani's career. Everyone loved a celebrity couple, and for a struggling model like her that boost had been a lifeline. She'd been in the headlines lately, true, but fame was a fickle thing. Her fifteen minutes in the spotlight could end at any moment, and without Cameron, there was a risk that she'd be even worse off than before.

As Grace pushed a nondescript parcel into her hands, though, Dani did her best to push those depressing thoughts to one side.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Open it and see!" Grace's smile was wide and infectious.

Grace hadn't led Dani wrong yet, so with a certain amount of excitement she started tearing open the outer packaging. Inside was a box, and inside the box was a large volume of plastic packing material, wrapped around Dani's prize. Once it was finally revealed, Dani's eyes went wide and filled with stars.

It was a strap-on dildo.

"It's all there," Grace supplied. "Everything you'll need. Strap, harness, lube."

An electric thrill raced down Dani's spine. The sight of the large, black, plastic strap-on filled her with an excitement she couldn't name. It felt powerful, and it felt right. Just the thought of what she could do to a few cute girls with a toy like this brought a twisted smile to the celebrity's face. All of her anxiety was forgotten. She wanted to feel this thing between her legs. No; she wanted to feel what it would be like when a cute, submissive lesbian saw her with it between her legs.

Dani was already wet.

"So, do you like, like it?" Grace asked.

"Yes," Dani answered instantly. "God yes. It's - fuck - it's perfect.

Dani hefted the strap-on dildo in her hands. It was so big. Big enough to really make someone scream.

"Yay!" Grace giggled. "I'm so glad. I figured you really, really needed one of those."

Dani nodded eagerly. She couldn't quite take her eyes off the dildo and its long, thick shaft as she turned it over in her hands, enjoying the way the silicone caught the light. There was something mesmerizing about it. Dani had only felt that way about one object before in her life: her engagement ring. For weeks after getting it, she'd kept noticing it, and smiling, and running her fingertips over its surface. It had seemed so sacred. The dildo felt somehow even greater than that, though. It wasn't just sacred. It was potent.

"Thank you," Dani said. "I... wow. I can't wait to try it out. I seriously can't wait."

"Well..." Grace licked her lips. "Why wait?"

Dani blinked. "Excuse me?"

Grace's eyes were alive as she looked intently at Dani. "I'm, like, your personal assistant. I'm here for whatever you need. Whatever you need."

The naked desire and suggestion dripping from Grace's lips immediately had Dani's blood running hot. Perhaps she should have been scandalized or offended that Grace, her employee and confidant, was propositioning her like this, but that seemed so distant and secondary compared to her roaring, raging lust. She could have simply declined, too, and set a firm boundary. But why bother? Dani had never felt more at one with her own desires. Besides, it wasn't like she had never looked at Grace that way before. Her assistant had curves for days, and the smart, carefully-curated way she dressed had Dani fantasizing about ruining her. And, more than anything else, Dani was insanely turned on by the way Grace sometimes looked at her like she was a juicy piece of meat.

Dani wanted to be the kind of hot, dominant stud that women lusted after.

So, she just nodded, and watched eagerly as Grace knelt reverently in front of her.

"See, the harness, like, goes around here and here," Grace murmured, busying herself attaching it to Dani. "Then you can tighten these straps so it, y'know, fits comfortably. And then you attach your cock like this..."

Watching an attractive woman kneel for her and carefully, worshipfully attach her strap-on was like a red rag to a bull. Dani had never been more turned on, and she could feel herself sinking into a now-familiar, dominant mindset. She stopped trying to fight off the thoughts and urges coursing through her. There were so many things she wanted to do to Grace, and when she felt this good and this powerful, she couldn't fathom being ashamed of any of her fantasies. Her dominant, euphoric high hit its peak when Grace slotted Dani's new dildo into the ring at the front of her harness. Dani stared down between her legs, admiring both the thick, hard cock jutting out from her body and the pretty, smiling face of her assistant, positioned just inches away from its tip.

This, she suddenly knew, was the best feeling in the world, and more relaxing than any massage.

"How's that?" Grace asked. Her voice had taken on a low, quiet, slow character, subtly different from her usual bright, valley girl cadence. She sounded serious and submissive. "Comfortable?"

"Oh yeah," Dani panted.

Grace was so close to her. The assistant's plush, painted, filled lips were so close to her strap. She could reach out and just...

"It looks delicious, doesn't it?" Grace purred. "I'm very pleased with the one I chose. It really exudes the perfect feel. So... so imposing."

"Uh-huh," Dani grunted dumbly. She felt like a bull in heat. All she was thinking about was her new, silicone cock.

"Trust me, there's sooooo many things you can do with a toy like this." Grace reached up and stroked a few fingertips over the shaft, just lightly and playfully, like it was a thoughtless little gesture. It made Dani shiver. Even though she knew it didn't make sense, it was like she could feel Grace's touch on her skin. "I'm sure you'll figure it out, Dani. You're smart like that. But don't be afraid to get creative."

"Uh-huh," Dani grunted again. She was practically drooling.

"You know, some people think a strap is just about giving pleasure," Grace continued. "Just a simple, practical implement. But they're totally wrong. It's more than just a dildo. Than a shape. It's all about the symbolism. The feeling. When you treat a girl just right, she'll start worshiping it like it's part of your own body. I mean, god, it looks so good on you, right now I just want to..."

Dani's eyes shot wide as Grace's lips parted and she extended her tongue towards the strap-on, leaning closer, saliva dripping tantalizingly from her tongue. Dani found herself inching her hips forwards. She wanted this so bad. She had completely forgotten about all her worries. She'd even forgotten where they were. None of that mattered compared to how fierce and how pure her desire was.

"F-fuck," Dani panted under her breath.

Grace's tongue was so close. Almost touching. Anticipation had a vice grip on Dani's heart. She knew, she just knew, that when Grace started kissing and sucking and worshiping, it was going to feel utterly divine.

A single droplet of drool fell from Grace's lips, and stained the tip of Dani's strap-on.

The moment was ecstasy.

And then it was broken, by the sound of a car pulling up outside.

"Oh, shit," Dani spat miserably.

She felt like she'd been doused in ice water. How had she forgotten that Cameron was going to be home any minute? She shook her head and cursed herself, and stood up, clawing at her new strap-on harness in a panic.

"Help me get this thing off," she hissed to Grace.

Grace did as she was told, but in a much more unhurried way than Dani would have liked. Still kneeling in front of Dani, she slowly and calmly unbuckled the various straps until the harness was loose around Dani's hips.

"Relax, babe," Grace soothed, with unbelievable confidence. "It's gonna be just fine."

"How can you say that?" Dani demanded.

"Dani, Dani, Dani," Grace tutted, as she pulled the harness away from her employer's body. Dani's eyes flew wide in shock at the sudden, condescending impertinence in Grace's voice. "How many times have I told you already? You just need to relax."

"What... wha..."

Dani had been about to yell at her assistant. As fond as she was of Grace, she was in no mood for bullshit. The simple word 'relax', though, sent soporific waves running through her whole body. They robbed the breath from her lungs and the force from her words. It hit her so hard she was left dizzy, but that, too, disappeared when Grace reached out and started massaging her shoulders.

"See?" Grace giggled quietly, putting her well-practiced hands to work kneading all the tension and stress out of Dani's muscles. "You simply need to relax. You, like, know how to do that, right Dani?"

"Uh... huh..." Dani murmured distantly. Even that took an unfathomable amount of effort. All her strength was gone. Her arms hung limp at her sides. Like a marionette whose strings had just been cut, she was perfectly still.

Her mind, though, was anything but. Grace's simple command to 'relax', along with her hands on her body, filled her head with a dizzying cascade of voices, and all of them were Grace. They were phantom echoes of all the meditation tapes she'd been listening to, over and over again, and their various suggestions and commands were cacophony that easily drowned out Dani's own thoughts. Through it all, however, she felt calm. All those voices - all of Grace's voices - were like waves on the sea. Dani had long since learned that all she had to do was give herself to the current, and let it take her away.

She was far, far too well-conditioned to even consider resisting Grace's hypnosis, as it pulled her under trance.

"Good, good," Grace cooed. She gave Danielle the gentlest tug, but that was more than enough to make her drift forward a step, allowing Grace to slip behind her. She started massaging her way down the celebrity's back, conjuring mindless, blissful sighs from her lips. "You're so good at that, my gorgeous Dani. At relaxing for me. Nice and deep, now."

Dani just nodded, and slipped deeper. It was automatic. It was effortless.

"Do you remember what I told you," Grace asked the hypnotized celebrity, "about sex with girls?"

"Yes," Dani replied. Her voice was empty. "Sex with girls is special."

"Good," Grace repeated. "Sex with girls is special. That's right. And what don't you do with something special?"

"Don't give it up."

"That's right!" Grace giggled gleefully. "I'm sure you can, like, put two and two together. And what did I tell you about Cameron?"


At first, Dani was confused. She didn't remember anything like that. After a mere moment, though, it all came flooding back. A veil was being lifted in her mind, and behind it were yet more voices, from conversations she didn't remember having. All of them had taken place in the past couple of days, and all of them revolved around the same, clear message. Dani knew exactly what to say.

"Cameron..." she murmured slowly, "doesn't deserve me."

"Perfect," Grace whispered into her ear. Her voice was alive with delight. "Just remember that, Dani, and you'll know, like, exactly what to do."

She removed her hands from Dani's body and disappeared into another room just in time for Dani to wake up to the sound of Cameron's key turning in the front door of their home.

"Danielle!" he demanded, as he stepped into their living room a few moments later. "What the hell is going on?"

It took Dani a few moments to respond. Partly, she was still shaking off that strange, foggy feeling - she couldn't really remember what it was - that had come over her a minute or two ago. Partly, she was dumbstruck by how different her fiancé seemed. It wasn't that he had changed. He looked the same as he always did. Instead, it was like she was seeing him through a different lens. He seemed so much less impressive, somehow. So much smaller. Not that he had ever been tall, or big in any other way.

Cameron Haines was decidedly more Ken doll than action figure. He looked like he had emerged, fully formed, from some kind of secret laboratory that was breeding boy band members. Every inch of him was perfect, in a singularly familiar, curated way. His face was slight, his cheekbones high, and his eyes large. He had the kind of figure engineered to look perfect in skinny jeans and low-collar shirts. He even had the haircut - a floppy, half-long mop of bottle-blond locks, parted in the middle. His classic good looks had won him thousands of screaming fans during his stint on the Disney channel, and once he'd aged out, most of them had followed him to Hollywood. As a result, he had enjoyed an easy entrance into the film and modeling industries. Any casting director was glad to have him on board, if only for the guaranteed commercial success he brought with him.

Dani remembered finding him attractive, vaguely. She just couldn't remember why. Looking at him now, he was just so... boring.

Not like Grace at all.

"Hello? Danielle? Earth to Danielle?" Cameron tossed a suitcase onto the couch and waved a hand in front of her face.

"I can hear you, baby," Dani replied, a touch wearily.

"Then how about giving me an answer?" Cameron fumed.

"About what?" Dani had told herself that she was, first and foremost, going to try and pacify Cameron. Now he was here, though, she was finding it hard to care.

"Um? How about everything?" Cameron couldn't seem to stop waving his hands at her. "I mean, god, Danielle, just look at you!"

"I'm going by Dani now," Dani told him, irritated. She couldn't blame him for being a little shocked at her appearance, though. She'd changed more than a little since he'd last seen her, between her new haircut and her radical wardrobe change.

Today's outfit was snappy. Dani was wearing a brand new blazer and suit pants, along with a white shirt. She wore both blazer and shirt open, deliberately exposing a black sports bra underneath. Everything was styled to look loose and casual, and she was still drenched in new jewelry, most prominently her heavy, chain necklace. It was the perfect mix of smart and sensual; Dani had worn the outfit today because of how confident and powerful it made her feel, and she knew that with it, she could melt most women she came across with a single look. Cameron, though, was gawking at her like she'd grown a second head.

"It's just a new look," Dani answered eventually. "I can dress how I want, can't I?"

"And the hair?" Cameron demanded.

"Same story." Dani folded her arms. "I look fucking hot."

"Did you even think about my career? My future?" Cameron retorted hotly. "We had this all planned out, remember? We were gonna have the perfect, fairy tale wedding. It was going to be all over the magazines. All over Instagram. You don't look like much of a classic bride now, you know that?"

"So what?"

"So what?" Cameron mimicked incredulously. "Are you really going to try and tell me this is just some stupid makeover? C'mon, Danielle!"

"Dani," Dani corrected. "And what are you talking about?"

Cameron sighed. "You're bi now? Really?"

"Is that a problem?" Dani challenged.

"Oh, no, not a problem!" Cameron rolled his eyes. "I'm just wondering where this little stunt even came from."

Dani was seeing red. "It's not a stunt," she insisted. "It's who I am."

"Yeah? And how did you figure that out, I wonder?"

If Cameron was trying to guilt her, it wasn't working. Dani was too mad to feel guilty. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"You're dating me!" Cameron exclaimed. "What have you got to be bi about? Why would you even be thinking about that? No, no, I know what's really going on. This is just some dumb ploy to try and score a few cheap headlines, isn't it?"

Dani's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

"I'm not stupid, you know." Cameron started pacing back and forth, pulling at his pretty-boy hair. "I can tell. You're jealous! You're resentful that I get the most of the spotlight in this relationship. You're tired of standing in my shadow. And this is your ridiculous, passive-aggressive way to try and get back at me."

Dani paused for a beat, and then started laughing wildly. Of all the ways he might have reacted, this was maybe the funniest. "That's what you're mad about?" she said incredulously. "You're mad that people are talking about me, instead of you? Oh my god, you really are, aren't you?"

The look on Cameron's face let her know she was right on the mark.

"You should have just said something to me, Danielle," Cameron sighed. "I could have tried to throw a few gigs your way, if it's really that big of a deal to you."

"It's Dani!" Dani repeated. Cameron's absurd self-centeredness had already stopped being funny. "I... I don't even know where to begin, Cameron! Are you really so egotistical that you don't think any woman dating you would find themselves looking elsewhere? You're really, really not such an amazing lover."

Cameron turned bright red. "Looking elsewhere? Have... have you been cheating on me? With women?"

It's not cheating, if it's with girls. "I've been experimenting," Dani replied, without a trace of shame. "And I liked what I found. I figured that wouldn't be such a problem with you. You've always talked about threesomes."

"Wha... what... you... what..." Cameron's mouth flapped open and closed impotently, like he couldn't find the words.

As he struggled to speak, Grace reemerged into the living room, poking her head around the doorway inquisitively, before stepping through. "Hey Dani, is everything, like, alright?"

"I'm handling it, Grace, thank you," Dani replied, but Cameron seemed to latch on to the other woman's presence.

"Who the fuck is this?" he demanded.

"This is Grace," Dani told him. "My new PA. I told you I was going to hire one."

"And why is she here?" Cameron continued. "Don't tell me she's the one you've been 'experimenting' with?"

"What?" That suggestion did bring a touch of color to Dani's cheeks, as she was forcefully reminded of the moment she and Grace had almost shared, just minutes ago. "Don't be ridiculous! She's my employee."

Cameron peered at her suspiciously. "You're telling me she has nothing to do with this?"