Dream Siren


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"Can you get me something to clean up the mess?" he said.

"What mess?"

Eric looked at his cock and realized it had been sucked clean. "You swallowed it all?"

"Every drop," she said with a smile. "And every time you want to come, I want you to let me know. I want you to let me swallow it."

She leaned her body against him and whispered, "I want your cum so bad."

Eric sat up on his elbows and stared at her in disbelief. "Daph...what's got into you? You do remember you're going out with Saul tomorrow night, right?"

"I know," she said, squeezing his cock and hoping there was just one more drop. "But your cum...it's amazing. I don't know if you've ever tasted it -- "

"I haven't," he interrupted, and pulled her hand away from his cock.

"The taste," she continued," the feeling it gives me...it's indescribable."

"Daph, we're still friends, but I need you to give me my spare key back."

She nodded in understanding, but he could see the hurt look on her face. Hesitating for a second, she pulled it from her pocket and slowly handed it back to him. "I'm sorry, Eric. I didn't mean for it to happen, but I couldn't stop myself."

"You're my best friend, Daph. And I'm taking the key away because I don't want anything to change that."

As she nodded again, tears welling in her eyes, he looked over her shoulder. "Is that yours?"

She turned to look and wiped a tear from her eye. "What?"

"The pomegranate by the mirror," he said, "is that yours?"

She walked over and picked it up. "No, but I can cut it open if you want to share it for breakfast before we go."

"No!" he said, and jumped out of bed and snatched it out of her hand.

"Fine," Daphne said, "you don't have to share. Are you still going to drive me to work? Or do I have to start taking the bus?"

"What? Of course not, you're still my best friend and always will be." Eric was completely naked but, seeing as how she'd just sucked his cock dry, didn't see any reason to try to hide it.

He pulled Daphne close, hugging her head to his chest, and she wrapped her arms around him as if she was never going to let him go.

"I'm not going to lie to you," he said. "When I woke up and you were sucking on me, it felt amazing; I've never come so hard.

"But it just...isn't meant to be that way between us. I can't explain why, I just know. I'm not saying this to hurt you -- I never want to hurt you -- but I don't want to be your boyfriend, your lover or your fuckbuddy...I want to be your friend.

"And I hope you realize some day that of the four choices, the last one is by far the best for both of us."

Daphne nodded her head and hugged him tighter, and as he leaned down and kissed her soft, auburn hair, he knew she was crying.

Eric tilted her head back and saw the tears sliding down her cheeks, and he kissed her softly on her lips, a kiss she would remember until her last breath, and said, "I love you, Daph."

And as he went to the bathroom to get ready, pomegranate in hand, she wiped her tears and knew that he was right, they were meant to love each other, not be lovers.

Inside the bathroom, Eric flicked open his straight razor and made six gentle cuts along the flesh of the fruit. Prying it open he saw the seeds within, glowing like tiny rubies.

The dream was real. This was a gift from his dark Mistress, a reward from beyond the mirror. But if the fruit had found it's way to him, how long would it be until she followed.

Eric pried the seeds away from the membranes with his fingers and turned them in his hand, watching them pulse with life, tempting him. He remembered the nightmare, remembered his dark Mistress demanding that he lead her to the doorway to his world. And then he looked at the glowing seeds in his hand, pulsing like a beacon.

Eric turned his hand over and watched the seeds tumble into the toilet. Breaking apart the rest of the pomegranate, he threw the remainder of the seeds and broken flesh into the porcelain bowl. And then, after pushing down the silver handle, he watched as the white flesh and blood red seeds swirled round and round until they finally disappeared.

Clear water flooded back into the bowl, and Eric checked to make sure every trace of the pomegranate was gone. But as he looked at the water, and saw his own reflection, he knew he was being watched.

* * *

As they drove to work together, Eric was lost in thought. His dream of his dark mistress was like nothing he'd ever experienced, and even though he'd seen the pomegranate he couldn't believe his dream of pain was real.

No man could have taken the brutally sweet punishment that she'd dished out. And even though the taste of pain was still fresh, his body didn't bear any marks like it had the last time he'd stepped through the mirror.

Eric also wondered about his beautiful slave, lying on the edge of the pool by the mysterious golden box. Was she asleep? Was she dead? He didn't know if you could even die in a dream, but he knew as her Master he needed to find her, needed to care for her.

And as he remembered her soft skin, her silky hair, Eric felt more relaxed than he had in weeks, but as he glanced at Daphne, he suspected it had more to do with the blowjob she'd given him than any dream.

Daphne was watching him, and wondered if he was being so quiet because he was still thinking about what she'd done. "I never thought I'd have to say this to any guy...but I just wanted to apologize again for sucking you off this morning."

Eric took her hand and gave her a warm smile, and she blushed as he said, "Apology accepted."

And then, still holding his hand, Daphne said, "What does Neverborn mean?"

Eric pulled his hand away and gripped the steering wheel, fighting to keep his focus on the road. "Who...I mean, where did you hear that?"

"From you. This morning when you were dreaming, and I was...trying to wake you up...you kept mumbling it."

"I don't know what it means, or why I said it, but -- and don't tell anyone else about this -- I've been having these crazy nightmares about sirens."

"Police or ambulance?"


"Are you dreaming about police or ambulance sirens? I did a psychology course at college and we did a section on dreams. I think sirens mean that you're ignoring something in your waking life...or that your alarm clock is going off."

Eric smiled, wishing it were that simple. "They weren't those kind of sirens. They were the singing kind...you know...women."

"I can imagine what you've been dreaming about doing with them, based on the massive erections you keep waking up with."

Eric blushed. "Yeah, the dreams have been pretty realistic. This morning when you were sucking on me...I was dreaming that I was screwing one of them."

Now it was Daphne's turn to blush, and she brushed a lock of her auburn hair behind her ear. "Well, dreaming of sirens isn't unheard of; Dante dreamed of sirens."


"The Italian poet...wrote the Divine Comedy..."

"Yeah, I know that...I think...I meant, how did he dream of sirens?"

"Well, he didn't dream of them. He wrote about a dream of them in the nineteen canto of Purgatory."

"Did he say what the sirens looked like?"

"There was only one. She was a deformed hag, but she transformed before his eyes into a vision of desire."

"They can change how they look?"

"She didn't change; what changed was Dante's perception of her. It's all about how we perceive sin. We initially see it as ugly, but when the change happens it isn't because sin has in itself become less ugly, it's our perception of it that makes it so."

"I'm not sure I understand," said Eric, trying to remember everything the sirens had said and done in his dreams.

"It's sort of like watching porn. We know there's something wrong about it but we gloss over it, even tolerate it, and in the end deny it to be wrong at all. We come to think of it as beautiful, and once we've given it this pretense of right and beauty, we're powerless to escape it."

"You mean like bondage?" Eric said. "How some people think there's something wrong with it while others find it beautiful?"

"Wow. That's kind of random but, yeah, I guess so...what made you think of that?"

"I don't know...just because of the weird dreams I've been having I guess."

"Tonight you're definitely coming over for dinner. I'm cooking and I won't take no for an answer. I want to hear everything about these dreams."

* * *

Dinner was wonderful; Daphne was an amazing cook. Eric helped her take the dishes in the kitchen and offered to wash but she refused, telling him to relax in the living room until she was done.

He went to turn the TV on but hesitated, seeing his reflection in the glass of the big screen. Again, he had the feeling of being watched.

Standing, he went to the bathroom and shut the door. He reached out his fingers and touched the mirror...glass. That was all it was, silvered glass.

He shook his head, wondering if he was going crazy, but he knew his dreams had to be real...they had to be.

He turned on the tap and washed his hands and face, and as he dried them he watched his reflection in the mirror. Narrowing his eyes, he leaned closer to the glass...and saw a face.

Stumbling back he fell against the far wall. "Who's there?" he whispered.

As he watched, he saw her face coming through the mirror, as if surfacing from a pool -- his dark-haired slave girl.

And as her head emerged from beyond the mirror her full breasts followed, her erect nipples breaking the cool surface. She was naked except for her silver collar, and as she leaned her head and torso halfway through the mirror she reached out for Eric with her hand.

Eric took it, and when he did he was drawn through the mirror into the beyond.

Looking back through the portal, he saw Daphne enter the bathroom, searching for him. But she couldn't see him through the mirror.

Eric drifted away from the portal, still holding his slave's hand, and said, "I saw you sleeping by a black pool, with a golden box by your side."

She tilted her head sideways and looked at him strangely. "That wasn't a doorway, that was a memory, of a long, long time ago when I searched for a lost lover. I haven't slept, or dreamed, for a very long time."

Eric looked around. "And this...this is real? It isn't a dream?"

"Dreams are real."

"Okay, but, what I mean is...am I awake?"

"Not yet, Master, but you will be. You must come with me; she's hunting for you. But I can take you to a safe place, where you can't hear her song and she won't be able to find you."

She took his hand and they glided past the endless doorways, near and far, and Eric felt drawn to every one. But she squeezed his hand and pulled him forward until they reached a golden doorway, and stepped through it into a stone chamber.

The chamber had no windows and only one door, not including the doorway they'd come through, an oval-shaped gilded mirror. The simple furnishings were carved from stone and were draped with rich red blankets and littered with red satin pillows.

"What is this place?"

"This is my home -- Helicon."

Eric went to look around but she grabbed his hand. "Master, you must choose soon. Time is running out."

"Tell me why, tell me why I have to choose."

"I can't."

Eric gave the same hand signal his Mistress had given him, and his slave immediately kneeled.

He stood in front of her, hands on his hips. "I order you to tell me why I must choose, slave."

She slumped her shoulders, and shook her head no.

"You must tell me, I am your Master!"

Eric saw twin tears rolling down her cheeks, as she looked up at him and nodded.

"Then you will tell me?"

She sadly shook her head no, and when she opened her mouth he saw two gold coins on her tongue.

Eric took one of the coins, but before he could take the other she closed her mouth. When she opened it again, the coin was gone. "I cannot say, Master. It is forbidden. Even if I tried to speak the words, all that would come out of my mouth would be gold."

Eric turned the coin over in his fingers, staring at it in wonder. The coin appeared to be ancient, and he believed the marks were Greek.

"Please, Eric, you must choose."

"Between what?"

"Between me and her...between pleasure and pain."

He turned away, deep in thought, and glanced back at her over his shoulder. "But she brings me both."

"I can bring you both too, Master. But when she gives you pain it is for her own pleasure; my pain and pleasure is all for you."

"Who is she? Can you tell me that?"

She hesitated, waiting for the taste of gold, but when it didn't appear she nodded.

"Is she a siren?"

She shook her head no. "The sirens serve her."

"Then who is she?"

"She is the bride of death."

Eric felt a chill as his blood froze cold. "Death...she wants to kill me?"

"No...she wants to use you. As her slave you would have to obey her every command. And she would command you to show her the way to your world, the way past the mirror."

"She wants to bring death into my world?"

"Death is already in your world; she wants to escape death."

"And what about you...what do you want?"

She shook her head. "I cannot say, Master."

Eric walked around the room, and as he did, he felt like he'd been here before. He lifted a pillow knowing what he'd find: a ball gag and a length of rope.

"I am your only Master," he said. "If you cannot speak, it will be because I do not allow it."

He walked back to her and she tilted her head as he secured the ball gag in place. Bending her over a stone slab, he worked swiftly with the rope, his fingers tying unknown knots with practiced precision.

When he'd started to bind her he felt like a sculptor working in the dark, but now that he was finished he saw the true beauty of his creation.

His slave was kneeling before him, with ropes wrapped tightly across her shoulders and breasts, and her arms behind her, with her forearms and wrists bound together and tied to her ankles.

She was helpless as he lifted her in his strong arms and carried her to a stone sofa. He held her against him as he leaned back against the pillows, resting her on his lap so that she faced him, straddling his cock.

"You are my slave, I can do anything I want with you."

She nodded, even though she knew it wasn't a question, but a statement.

Eric reached his hands behind her and squeezed her beautiful ass, sliding her forward along his stiff cock until her breasts were near enough to kiss.

He flicked his tongue across both of her nipples, and as he blew softly on them they grew erect. Sucking on them, he grabbed her hips and rocked her back and forth, feeling her pussy sliding against his shaft, making it slick with her juices.

Continuing to tease her nipples, he lifted her ass up high enough so that he could guide his cock to her opening, and she groaned through the ball gag as he forced her down.

Her tight pussy was spread wide as her Master shoved his thick pole deep inside her. She was helpless as he bounced her up and down, the only noise in the stone chamber was the sound of their bodies slapping together.

Eric reached behind his slave, watching her eyes the whole time, and grabbed the ropes that bound her. She winced as he wrenched them down, using them to drive her on and off his cock. Her head slumped forward and she let out a low moan, not from the pain, but from pleasure.

"Tell me," he said.

When she shook her head no he fucked her even harder, impaling her on his cock and listening to her stifled cries through the ball gag. Her bound breasts bounced up and down as he mercilessly drove her down on his shaft as hard as he could, pushing them both towards the edge, but then he stopped.

She slumped forward, resting against his shoulder, exhausted from being fucked so well, and then she heard it too -- the song of the sirens.

Her eyes went wide as she shook her head, trying to shake the ball gag loose. When Eric removed it she gasped for air, and then twisted around to look at the mirror.

"No," she said. "She can't find this place, she doesn't -- "

And then she turned to stare at Eric. "Master, did you see her again...in your dreams?"

"Last night," he said, "I dreamed of pain. And she was the one who brought it."

"And did you eat anything?"

"Not in the dream..."

"What do you mean?"

"When I awoke there was a pomegranate. I think she left it for me."

"She is near," she whispered. "Did you eat any of it...even one single seed?"

"No, I cut it to pieces and got rid of it." But then Eric remembered.

When he'd been driving to work with Daphne, he'd felt something sticky on his hand, and when he'd put his knuckle to his lips he'd tasted it, the taste of pomegranate. Some of the juice from the seeds must have dried on his hand when he was cutting it up.

"I just had a taste, the tiniest taste."

"Oh no, Eric," she whispered.

And then his dark mistress appeared, stepping through the mirror.

Her eyes smoldered with rage when she saw the two of them. "How dare you share your body with another...without my permission!"

She grabbed his slave by her dark hair and wrenched her off his cock, tossing her hard to the floor.

She struggled to get to her feet, but she was still tightly bound. And when she tried to talk, tried to warn her master, she tasted the two gold coins on her tongue.

The dark mistress grabbed Eric by his hair and forced him to his knees. "You accepted my gift...you chose me. You're mine now."

She dragged him back through the mirror and through the beyond, and he watched as the doorway where he'd left his slave faded away like a memory. All of the doorways faded as his dark Mistress carried him home, to the dungeon.

* * *

Once they were inside, she forced him down on the cold stone floor. "How dare you love another...how dare you love anyone other than your Mistress.

"Neverborn you may be, but you are still only a mortal, and so is she. How can you compare her to me, a Goddess? Lick my boot, slave, show me how sorry you are."

"Yes, Mistress," Eric said, and crawled forward and licked her boot. As she watched, he trailed kisses up her leg until he reached the top of her boot, halfway up her thigh.

Glancing up he could see her pussy, perfectly shaved and glistening with anticipation. She nodded her consent and he reached up with his tongue, licking her. She wrapped her fingers through his hair as she hiked her leather dress up and guided his tongue across her swollen pussy and clit.

Moaning in satisfaction as her slave pleased her, she finally pushed his head away and turned around, facing the table as she leaned against it.

He waited, unsure what was expected of him, but then she showed him.

She grabbed his hair and pulled his face between the cheeks of her ass. He could smell her musk as he circled his tongue around her puckered hole. She sighed as he swirled his tongue around, licking it and tickling it with the tip.

"Mmm...very good, slave. Now, I think I'd enjoy a little penetration."

Eric stood up; his cock was rock hard. He stepped near, wondering which hole his Mistress wanted fucked first.

She turned angrily around and shoved him away, glaring at his throbbing erection. "You thought you could penetrate me? I'm a Goddess!" She reached back and felt the orifice he'd just tongued so well. "This hole is sacred."

She forced him to kneel on the floor, eyes down as she circled him. Finally, she spoke. "Get up, slave, it's time for some penetration."

Eric looked up and his eyes went wide in fear. Around her waist was strapped a sinister looking dildo. It was dark purple, huge and had a nasty curve.

"Bend over the table, slave Eric, so your Mistress can fuck you."

Eric swallowed hard; he knew that thing would tear him apart. He'd never even let a girl stick a finger in his ass.