Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 03 Pt. 04


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This all felt way too calculated.

It sounded crazy, but it almost seemed like a conspiracy. If there was some crazy plan to split him off from his wife and pair him with an older woman, the playbook to do so would be exactly what he'd endured. He'd studied enough playbooks to discern a scheme, and this scheme seemed so clear to him that he couldn't shake it.

Finally, after going out together to a fancy dinner, Renee renting out a private room at a restaurant so they wouldn't be disturbed, they returned to her place. Once they retired to her bedroom for the night, he finally voiced his suspicions, unable to contain it anymore, laying it all out beat-by-beat pretty much exactly how it had been planned by Dr. White and her team. Renee could barely hide her grin as he explained it all, impressed that he had clocked the whole thing, taking off her jewelry as she listened. Looking up at him as he explained it, he sounded almost manic as he claimed that Renee and Dr. White, and the people at the charity, and people on the team were all in on this crazy scheme that had been taken out against him. She listened calmly as he described it all, and when he was done, he gave her an accusatory look.

"I mean..." he paused, baffled by her lack of reaction. "What do you have to say about this? Am I crazy here? Was any of this real? Are you who you say you are? Was this some crazy plan? Did my wife and the program really take advantage of me? Did you ever even go to church? Did you lead me away from the Church on purpose? Was it all bullshit?" he asked, it all bursting out of him in a rush, eyes wild as he explained it all with startling clarity. Renee remained calm as she was accurately called out. She hadn't prepared for this possibility, but now that the moment had arisen where it all could fall apart, she rose to the challenge.

Remaining calm, Renee tugged down the straps of her black dress, revealing her skimpy, almost see-through black bra. Despite his righteous fury, Chad's eyes went straight to her chest.

"That's a pretty wild story you've come up with..." she began, still remaining calm as she lowered her dress even further, revealing her trim belly. His eyes remained arrested on her body as she kept speaking. "It's a hefty accusation... that there was a grand conspiracy to destroy your marriage and put you with me? Hmm..." she paused, smirking skeptically as she wiggled her hips, tugging her dress down over them, revealing her skimpy thong panties as she let the dress fall to the floor. Despite his anger, the young stud's eyes were arrested. He could never get enough of the sight of her insane body. "If it's true, if you're this poor innocent soul that got sucked into such a plot by a bunch of scheming, wicked women... then how could you stay with me? How could a man so pure let this all slide? You'd have to do the right thing. You'd have to leave me... you would have to go back to your wife... right?" she asked pointedly with a raised eyebrow. She slowly began to approach him, her massive orbs wobbling in her bra as she moved. His eyes were locked on her chest, the sight of her nipples through the black lace making his mouth water even in the face of his turmoil. "Of course, that would also mean you would never get your hands on these again..." she said, reaching back to unclasp her bra, letting it fall to the floor, revealing her gigantic tits. His eyes went wide.

The sight of her big tits would never not be mesmerizing to Chad.

"So, you have to ask yourself..." she continued, sauntering closer to him, her heavy tits wobbling perfectly. "Do you want to live your life believing you're the victim of a massive conspiracy to destroy your marriage? That I paid a massive amount of money to a powerful organization that specializes in matching married men with superior women? That that you were put under a full-frontal attack until you were so poisoned with lust until you couldn't think straight? That you were split off from your wife under false pretenses? If that's all true, you'd have to feel like quite a fool, that you got tricked into throwing away your marriage, your future, your religion. If that's all true, you'd be left with no choice but to run back to your skinny, flat-chested, boring wife and explain everything and hope she takes you back. Or..." she paused, grabbing his wrists lightly. With him watching, offering little resistance, she brought his palms to her big breasts, and his hands reflexively squeezed her fleshy melons, a sigh of bliss rising from her throat, cutting through his anger. "Or you can let those silly doubts just fade away... and you can let yourself just enjoy the fruits of your new life!"

She wasn't even denying it! Chad's heart rushed, realizing as he was onto something. But despite that, he never stopped squeezing Renee's perfect, blimp-sized breasts. Her eyes twinkling with amusement, she kept talking.

"Do you really think you can live the rest of your life without being able to get your hands on these every day?" Renee asked skeptically. "Do you think you can just go back to your old life? Do you think your wife would just take you back after you publicly betrayed and humiliated her?" She spoke in a low, wicked purr, even as her tone remained skeptical. Her young lover remained enraptured by her breasts, his anger slowly being overwhelmed by other desires. "You see, baby? It doesn't matter. It could all be true, what you say. Or it could be you grasping at straws to justify your bad behavior. But we both know nothing's going to change. We both know you're not going anywhere."

She was right. What happened, happened. Everything he'd lost... he couldn't just get it back. Like it or not, too much bad shit had happened to ever just resume his previous life as if nothing bad had occurred. He'd done far too much sinful shit to deserve such a thing. And his own behavior in the moment only proved that he couldn't extricate himself from Renee, as he was unable to resist squeezing her perfect tits even as she didn't deny taking part in a grand conspiracy to steal him from his wife, wrecking the life he once had and ruining his wife's reputation in the process.

Her eyes twinkled as she watched him process all this. She didn't hide from his accusations, the devilish smirk crossing her lips all but confirming their veracity. Realizing the trap that he'd found himself in, that he may have found himself in a poisonous relationship with the woman who had schemed to ruin his life, someone so truly wicked that he could feel the sin emanating off of her... she stepped closer to him, allowing him to continue squeezing her perfect tits as she leaned towards him.

"I have a suggestion," she began, her voice a seductive purr. "It'll be easier for you if you just... turn your brain off. And not ask any more stupid questions like that." At this, she kissed him softly on the cheek, the sensation making the man shiver. "Let all those crazy ideas of yours just fade away. You made up your mind that day in the church... perhaps even long before that... It's time to accept the fate you chose for yourself. It's time for you to understand that it's too late to change any of it, even if you wanted to. So, how about..." she started, reaching up and wrapping her arms around his masculine neck. "You just let it all go. Stay with me, and we can just fuck and fuck and fuck until you don't even remember what you were so worried about!" Leaning forward again, she ran her tongue up his cheek lewdly.

"Oh..." Chad groaned, the sensation making him shudder as he continued to grope her mountainous breasts, clinging to them even as she laid out his dark destiny. Renee grinned.

She had her answer.

Within minutes, she had shoved Chad onto the bed, pulled off her thong, ripped off his clothes, and mounted him. Grabbing his hands again and putting them on her breasts, his manly palms began to eagerly grope them once more. As she began to rise and fall on his lengthy weapon, she looked down at him, still seeing signs of the virtuous, faithful young man he so wished he could be. Upon recognizing this, she spoke again, realizing one of his earlier accusations had been left unaddressed.

"And you don't have to worry about the church anymore. We're both wicked fucking sinners anyway," she sighed hotly, fucking the athlete into the bed as she picked up speed. Even as turned on as he was, even as he succumbed to more sex with this nasty older woman, her words only highlighted the hole that his stolen faith had left him with. He'd been tricked and deceived, and it had cost him everything, his wife, his religion, everything. But his behavior confirmed her words. He was just as bad as Renee, a dark-hearted sinner. Recognizing that fact didn't make it any easier to accept, still yearning to fill that emptiness inside him that had once been occupied by his faith. He'd never felt so lost, but Renee knew just what to say.

"Don't worry, hon. Let all your worries melt away. I'll take such good care of you. I'll be your religion." she sighed, her words shocking the young man. "If you need to worship something so bad... why not spend the rest of your life worshipping me?" At this, she began riding him even faster, fucking the young hunk roughly. Almost immediately upon hearing this offer, he felt a fire rising inside him, a renewed source of energy driving his actions, an extra-explosive fuel that would propel him to new heights. Yes... the church had failed him, his faith had been left behind... such things were never really meant for him. But it had been replaced by a new devotion that had proven to be a far better fit for a young stud like himself.

In that moment, Chad Bethel's faith in the church left him for good, as did any hope of salvation. And in its place, a completely, total devotion to the sexy, wicked, 48-year-old slut on top of him.

No more God... only MILFs.

Minutes prior, he'd had the truth completely exposed, recognizing the breadth of the plan that had taken him down, destroyed his marriage, and humiliated his wife. Now... he was swallowed back in, accepting his defeat, falling right back under Renee's sway once again, repaying the woman who'd ruined his marriage by fucking her senseless. Doing so only proved the connection they'd forged meant more to him than his marriage to Jeanie ever did. That his faith in Renee and her hot body was a far better fit for his devotion than the Church ever was.

Renee fucked Chad's brains out, the young man allowing himself to fully enjoy the moment, holding nothing back as he threw himself into the wicked sex with the older woman, not just this night, but for every day and night after. And his devotion to her was rewarded as her earlier proclamation was proven accurate. Just as promised, he soon forgot all about those pesky concerns, the doubts, the questions, the concerns that he'd been tricked and deceived, the victim of an evil scheme... all his worries faded away until they were gone.

Because of all the sex.

Her perfect cunt, her immaculate ass, and most importantly, those massive, luscious tits of hers... who was he to question such blessings? Getting his brains fucked out every day and night, and being able to drown in those soft, smooth, delightfully massive breasts of hers... it didn't matter if all the details didn't line up. All that mattered was the pleasure. And soon, the young, muscular stud was so addicted to the pleasure only Renee could bring him that it felt like he wouldn't be able to survive without her.

Renee was that fucking good.

This was the moment that any hope for Chad Bethel having a bright, pure, healthy future was snuffed out. The good he could do for the world was completely replaced by the pleasure he could bring to one woman. This was how he was finally convinced to abandon all the growth he'd made over the last few years and fully embrace his worst instincts, abandoning his marriage and his faith in favor of becoming the sex-crazed stud he was meant to be. It was the last moment any girl his own age had a chance with him, as he fully embraced the complete sinful bliss that could only be achieved by devoting himself completely to an older woman.

That was the moment Chad Bethel became Renee's man for good.

He now completely devoted himself to her, not holding back, not denying his true nature, fucking the older woman over and over again as often as he could, as rough and nasty as he truly needed, giving every fiber of his being to the older woman. And his faith was rewarded, as the turmoil that had infected his system for so long was finally fully gone as he discovered the salvation he was always meant for.

Chad was feeling no more conflict, no more guilt, no more stress, and no more sexual dissatisfaction. And that was enough to let him know he'd ended up where he was meant to.

He'd found something better than what he had before... all that other shit didn't really matter anymore. Jeanie. The Church. None of it meant anything to him any longer. He was moving on.

The Chad Bethel that existed over the last few years was gone. Forever.


Word eventually got out that he was currently together with Renee Fields, the famous, notorious heiress to one of the biggest oil companies in the world. It was a shocking pairing to be sure, but the tabloids ate it up. She clearly delighted in being in the public eye, especially as part of a hot new couple with one of the most famous young sports figures in the country. She was ready to answer any questions for the both of them, proudly confirming the good news, that her and Chad were madly in love. And that he was happy beyond belief. It was obvious that some part of her was supremely titillated by the idea that everyone in the country knew that her and this absolute stud were having lots of sex. When asked about the notorious sex-tape of her and the famous young quarterback, Renee owned it, wearing this seeming invasion of privacy as a badge of pride. She clearly didn't mind that the public had seen her perfect, superior body on display. In fact, she went on the offensive, taking pride in the fact that she knew she was really good at sex, and she joked that she was happy that the world now knew that, too. And as counterintuitive as it may seem, Renee, a woman whose behavior had long been tabloid fodder, someone who was never exactly the most beloved person in the world... her popularity went up! This was seen as 'boss-bitch' behavior by the general public, and she gained a grudging respect from a wide, varied group of people.

Renee shielded Chad from any of these questions just as she promised she would. She was experienced in terms of dealing with the press as a prominent, wealthy, somewhat notorious figure in the city, so she deflected any tough questions deftly. Chad's break-up was a bit of a hot mess, but the older woman took proper care of him, protecting her young beau from anything that would cause him any problems. And the cost of that was him providing her that perfect cock of his whenever she wanted it. And she wanted it a lot.

Chad took to the stress-free life like a fish in water. Instead of being worn down from stress in every sector of his life as he was before, now... he was completely protected. With Renee on his side, she had a lot of power and influence, shielding him and squashing anything negative in the press. And the football side of things was going just as well. Through this whole ordeal, the team had proven to him that they had his back. Cordelia and him had gone through so much in the fallout of all this shit that they had become very close friends. The coaches had ceded to his talents, and he had gained his teammates respect, not just for his work on the field, but off of it as well.

It was a thing that women wouldn't fully understand. But his teammates... they got it. They knew exactly why he cheated. They knew he'd chosen correctly. Girls their age would sneer at older women like Renee, but these guys knew that the right older woman could blow any younger woman out of the water. There was nothing quite like a perfect, hot-bodied MILF... no younger woman could compete. They gave Chad 'atta-boys' and quick respect.

The fans were on his side, too. Much like his teammates, they were very on board with what he'd done in every conceivable manner. The nickname "Motherfucker" really caught on among the fanbase. Not in any official manner, of course. But it caught on enough, aided by the fact that during Chad's first big win, when he went against the coaches' gameplan, there was a famous clip of the head coach mouthing that very word: Motherfucker. Not said with the same tone as the fans did, of course. But in retrospect, it helped. And when the truth came out about Chad's sexual preferences, the nickname finally stuck. Even the team's social media eventually acknowledged it later in the season, with them posting the highlight of a major downfield pass he made: "Chad Bethel with one MOTHER of a throw downfield!"

It wasn't just on the field where the fans took Chad's side. Even when it came to his off-the-field misadventures with women who were not his wife, encounters that he said publicly he wasn't proud of, the fans stood by him, outright supporting his wicked behavior. The fans justified his behavior in every manner possible to justify their continued support of him on the field. That meant a lot of passing the blame for his actions onto his wife, taking the accusations against her as truth despite them not being true. Some fans justified what he did in his free time with those older women as simply the natural outcome of the temptation a young, handsome athlete faces. Of course, he's gonna cheat. They all do. It wasn't worth making a big deal over.

But some took a more learned, unemotional view of the events of Chad Bethel's personal life. Sure, he probably shouldn't be cheating on his wife, but it was undeniable that he'd traded up in every measurable manner. These MILFs were hotter, sexier, with bodies that were unbelievable. These older women were among the highest of the high in terms of outright sexual appeal, so it was only natural that an athlete in his absolute prime would end up naked in a bed with a MILF eventually. It was the natural order of things. The hottest of the hot would end up finding each other, so such a thing happening here with the young quarterback wasn't much of a surprise.

And some among the fandom understood the same truth that Chad had come to learn: older women were better at sex. Their experience, their bodies, their capability for pure filth... it was unmatched. If a young athlete was out on the prowl, knowingly or unknowingly desperate for some action to vent their lustful needs, they could do no better than to find that salvation in the premium pussy that only a MILF could provide. To those in the know, these women were superior, so Chad succumbing to such a fate was viewed as inevitable.

Chad could do two things, and he now could do those things without shame. No guilt. No stress. No weight on his shoulders. He was leading the Niners to the division title in his rookie year. And at home, specifically Renee's home, he was getting his brains fucked out three times a day by a smoking hot MILF with a hot ass and huge boobs who couldn't get enough. Chad was being satisfied in every way he needed. What the hell did he have to stress out about?

It was a passionate relationship. Not just with all the fucking, but she seemed interested in taking over his life completely.

The life of luxury suited him well. Paired with a woman who had more money that she'd ever need, she welcomed him into his new life warmly, letting him drive her fancy cars and ride in her private plane. She had an in-house gym where he could work out and where she could admire him, and a massive pool he could swim in. He had continually been pushed towards hot women his own age his whole life, despite being drawn towards older women. And now, experiencing day-to-day life with a smoking hot MILF... there was no going back. Perhaps most men would fantasize of living a life like this with a hot, barely clad woman their own age, but upon seeing a MILF like Renee filling out a bikini better than any other woman he'd ever seen, he knew he'd made the right choice.
