Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 03 Pt. 03


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"As long as you're not my student anymore, I don't see any issue with us taking part in some casual fucking."

That line had stuck with him in the years since, the memory of it always getting him to full hardness. It did the same that night, too, and it seemed like things between them could only end up one way.

Alas, fate was against him that night.

People began noticing him, recognizing the famous star college quarterback, and eyeing his date with intrigue. Some people took pictures from afar, unknowingly catching evidence of this illicit professor/student date. And as fun as it was to imagine there being no issue to this dalliance between the two, the older woman's practical side couldn't be ignored. Her foot left his throbbing crotch. The lusty tenor of the conversation toned down. She shielded her exposed chest from outside observers.

The moment was lost.

They left separately that night, too many eyes on them to take things any further. He almost changed her mind, as the darkness of the parking lot afforded them an opportunity for a steamy make out session, their lips locked, trading spit, tongues mashed against each other, his hands on her ass as one of hers greedily felt up his bulging crotch. But a nearby presence soon ruined the moment, and she gained enough self-control to put a stop to it for the night, stepping into her own car and zooming off before she changed her mind. He was steamed at the date ending this way. Her fingers were literally on his zipper when someone made that noise. They were that close to taking things to the next level. He was so damn close to getting that smoking hot MILF out of her clothes and onto his dick, and circumstances had worked against that. It was so much worse getting a taste of it, knowing sex was on the table before having it pulled away. It wasn't all for naught, as she sent him a text later that night saying they should do it again and soon. In fact, her words were:

"Our next date should be more private... perhaps at my place. And instead of it being another dinner date, it should be a hot, sweaty, rip off our clothes kind of date."

Chad stroked himself stupid to the prospect, that he was so close to getting full access to that body of hers, her text enough to stop him from texting a booty-call from a hookup. The idea of Professor Albright ended up being far more appealing to him that night. In the week or two afterward, he really threw himself into the party scene, fucking more than his fair share of girls in the meantime, going wild. And each time, it was Professor Albright in his mind that he was fucking. He couldn't wait for the day to make that fantasy a reality.

Unfortunately, that dream hookup never happened.

This extra surge of partying and MILF-fueled mindless sex was the straw that broke the camel's back. His coaches had been concerned about his behavior, and they staged an intervention. Once that happened, the partying stopped, and the private time with random girls ceased. From there, he met Jeanie and committed himself to her, he got reformed, he rededicated himself to the church. And he was a whole new man. He was happy with all that, of course. This series of events allowed him to see the mark his behavior was leaving on his character, and once freed from it he appreciated the clarity.

That being said, he wished all that would have happened like a week later, after he sealed the deal with Professor Albright, just so he could have just scratched that itch back then and just have been done with it.

He never saw the professor in person again. One of the rules for the early part of the program he entered was to surrender his phone while he was in treatment. It was in those few weeks that she texted him a few times, seeking out the lusty sex she wanted from him. But he never replied... because he simply couldn't while in treatment. Eventually, word got out that he was in a rehab program, and she backed off, sensing she'd missed her opportunity to get to him. There were too many people between them now, people who were too invested in his success to let him slip into bed with a MILF like her and throw all his progress away for one night of lusty passion. By the time he saw her messages, he was too far down a different path to engage with her. Due to his lack of response, she backed off. At least she did for a couple years, until a few months prior, right after he got drafted to the pros, congratulating him on his success, which he replied with a simple, succinct, "Thanks." And that alone would have been nice, a measured, mature discussion between two adults who'd almost made a silly mistake years prior.

But then she followed it up with a selfie of her wearing a very low-cut sweater, showcasing a fault line of tender cleavage, before stating that her previous offer from years ago for a second date still stood, and that if he ever ended up around campus again, he should seek her out. He examined the photo she sent, his eyes locked in her cleavage for far too long before opting to delete the message, removing any trace of his former teacher's lusty treatise towards him.

Because if Jeanie found it, she would freak out.

Through his period of growth in the program, he and Jeanie developed a relationship built on complete trust, and part of that was having no secrets from each other. And a big part of that was that she knew the passcode for his phone, and he knew hers. He never really felt the need to check out her phone, but she would use his on occasion. And sometimes, due to his history, she would clearly be inspecting his phone to make sure he wasn't trying to hide something from her. So... he couldn't leave any tracks for her to find. Even the tiniest little hint of him doing something untoward would cause her to get upset. Some of his former hookups would reach out to him on occasion, and he'd learned to erase any instance of that before Jeanie noticed. So, that photo of Professor Albright would just have to live in his memory, like so many other teasing photos that had been sent to him over the last couple years.

Chad would have probably to do the same with this MILF porn website eventually, as Jeanie would hop on some of his other devices as well from time to time, but he really didn't want to. He loved his wife, and he appreciated her dedication to ensuring he didn't stray from the path. But... everyone needed their own secrets. Their own private secluded spot, out of view from even your spouse. Nothing bad would happen there, nothing damaging, nothing that would change your nature or lead you down the wrong road... but someplace of your own to scratch certain itches.

And his private alcove would be this paradise of gorgeous naked MILFs.

This shit was too damn good to just ignore. Too damn effective at getting him off to just toss aside. All those MILFy bodies... all those older women doing such filthy things... he knew he shouldn't be looking at this stuff anymore, but once he dipped his toe back into it, he couldn't stop himself. And besides... a football player would be away from home most of the season... a site like this might help keep his head clear and protect him from the type of temptations being away from home and on his own may force upon him. So, in that sense, it might be a healthy outlet.

He'd never been able to fully shake this fascination with older women. It had first pinged onto his radar back in high school, enough to plant a seed. And that seed had bloomed in college, leading him to a full-on brush against a confident, sexy older woman, a missed connection that came very, VERY close to happening. And that moment remained buried for years, far from the top of his mind as moved on from it and grew as a person, only for this oasis of older women to appear unbidden in front of him, causing that long lost itch within him to appear again. This fascination just kept reoccurring, over and over again, as if calling out to him.

He wondered what that meant.

But he was not one to self-analyze in that manner. And even if there was a deeper meaning, it didn't really matter. Everyone had their fetishes, their kinks... his wife surely had her own, and he had his. That didn't change anything about his actual real life. Just because the rare breed of hyper-sexy older women made him bust so hard his cum nearly hit the ceiling didn't change the fact that he loved his wife more than anything. But that was far from the only thing that turned his crank... it was just this recent brush with sexy older women reminded him of how satisfying that itch was to scratch.

And it was really fucking satisfying, he thought to himself as he lied back on the bed in his hotel room, his hand furiously stroking his lengthy shaft, watching a pair of busty, horny brunette MILFs fucking the living hell of a guy. Even the trained male porn star struggled to match their voracious sexual appetites. God help him, with the vigor they were fucking his brains out with, the rough demands they were making of his sizable dick... who could hope to keep up with them? But God, what an experience it would be to try...

If he hadn't been ready with the Kleenex, when he came so hard it truly felt like his wad would have hit the ceiling.

Once he cleaned up and he was able to think more clearly, a wave of guilt hit him. It always did whenever he spoiled himself in that sinful website. He knew he shouldn't be indulging in such things... his program didn't advise it... Jeanie would hate it. He should be behaving better than this.

It was similar to some of his guilty moments he experienced in his younger days. Look... he had a lot of fun, but there were some extra filthy encounters where he got really drunk and hooked up with some especially slutty women that had him feeling a little dirty afterwards. He felt similarly now. It was part of the reason he didn't fight it too much when his coaches staged an intervention, as some part of him deep in his soul recognized he was going down the wrong path.

The rehab program was small, based out of the campus church, put together by a pastor and a few other church-folks, while also utilizing student advisors who could relate to some of the young people in the program. They sought to help people like him who'd gotten a little too overwhelmed by the vices of college life, steering them towards a better path. The program was acclaimed, and the coaches vouched for it, having sent a few players through it before and being satisfied at the changes it imparted upon them. Part of Chad still fought against the idea that he had a problem, and that the fun could end, but it didn't last too long, as he took his coaches advice and signed up for this rehab program.

And once he went through it and gave himself over to the idea of improving himself, he truly did feel like a better person coming out of it. He cut out the booze, the partying, the girls... cleaner living in all ways. He went back to the church for the first time since leaving home... not that he wasn't a believer, he was. But... he always preferred the social aspect of the church community and found the procedural aspects of it rather dull. Back home, church was the social hub of the town, but at school... there were far more interesting social circles to spend your time in. But in going back to the church, he found that community again, a support group that would keep his progress on track, as opposed to his friend groups and teammates who were perhaps not the best influences. This was a far healthier structure to build his life around.

And, of course, through the program, he met his now wife, Jeanie. Pretty, smart, determined, he was intimated by her upon their first meeting. She worked for the program, and she was one of the student advisors who helped him work past his vices to find his best self. It wasn't exactly recommended for a relationship to bloom in such a circumstance, but no one was complaining since it helped him out so much. He admired Jeanie at first before falling for her, and the fact that she was so invested in his care, so supportive even through his worst admissions... that created an intimacy that couldn't be replicated. Their love felt clean, pure... a beacon of light that he should have been seeking out this entire time, not finding such sinful pleasures in the darkness.

Since that point, he'd committed to improving himself. He cleaned up not only his behavior but his image, getting his shit together. It paid dividends both in life and on the football field. Even though his win/loss record wasn't quite as sparkling as it was his first two years of college, his pro prospects improved. He might have been a risky pick a few years ago, but after improving himself, he became the type of man a franchise could feel comfortable building their team around. This earned his spot as the number one pick in the draft. Everyone spoke so highly of him, of the progress he'd made. His coaches, the pastor at his church, the football analysts, his teammates, his wife... they all were so happy for his self-improvement that it made him feel better about himself.

Part of him was slightly disappointed to end up on a team in the same state where he went to school, hoping that an environment change would help on his road to improvement, but fate clearly wanted him in California for whatever reason. He tried to look at the positives, though. He had a support system out here that had his back, and they would be able to continue to work with him going forward.

He couldn't let any of them in on the wayward thoughts he occasionally had. They would lose so much faith in him. He wanted to remain an inspiration, someone that could be pointed to as a good example of a person overcoming their vices. He liked the person he was, and he saw the value in the restraints that he'd incorporated into his life to keep him on the right track. But... was it wrong to kinda miss his earlier days? The partying, the girls... he missed the fun. The excitement. He still felt those urges all the time. Everyone thought he'd completely reformed... he couldn't disappoint them by letting them in on the truth. That he, on some level, pined for those reckless moments of only a few years before. That his dreams were not as chaste as his waking mind might have you believe. That after all the hard work, all the character improvement... he hadn't changed an iota, still stroking it to hot, naked older women in the same manner he did back when he lived at home. That didn't stop him from doing it every night for the past week... he just felt really guilty about it.

But he might be getting lucky. The team had informed all the rookies that they were bringing in an outside expert to meet with each of them one-on-one at the end of the week to talk about the dangers they were facing as young men with sudden success and lots of disposable cash. They said she'd be talking about obstacles they may face in terms of managing money, friends, family, and the temptations they may face. That might be the added level of help he would need given the state he was in.

They'd told him the expert's name... she was some doctor, but he couldn't remember her name. It was... a color.

Dr. Green? Dr. Pink? Dr. Black...


"Hi, Chad, I'm Dr. White!" the doctor greeted the quarterback as he stepped into the small room the team had allowed her to set up in, a small unoccupied office near the training camp facility. A slightly frustrated, exhausted Chad put on a polite face, smiling at the doctor as he shook her hand.

There were multiple reasons for his current state. It was the last day of training camp, and it hadn't gone as well as he'd liked. He'd worked for years to fit himself into a box as the type of quarterback pro coaches wanted, even as it went against his instincts. They wanted him to be classic pocket passer, staying back and throwing the ball. His instincts were to run around and take off when the line in front of him collapsed, but the coaches screamed at him to hang back and use his arm to make a play. Let's just say the adjustment period had been rocky at best, and his progress wasn't where he wanted it to be, which frustrated him immensely.

And the hard work and broiling summer days only added to his frustrations, wearing him down and beating him up. The trainers did their best to ease his soreness, but it wasn't enough to relax him completely. Frankly, the only thing that he'd accomplished these last few weeks was beating his meat to naked, horny MILFs each night. But honestly, he was finding himself enjoying that stuff way too much. It was SO good! And the MILFs were so incredibly hot! After tempering that side of him for so long, diving back in those waters again had sent him down a spiral of indulgence. Being on his own, away from home, frustrated and tired, he wasn't in a state to stop himself. He could see the trouble it could cause, but he kept doing it anyway.

He needed to get back home. He needed his support system around him again. The church, his friends, and most importantly, his wife Jeanie. Having her around him again would provide a structure and a steadying force in his life that he lacked at the moment. His solitude had allowed his worst instincts to bubble back to the surface, and being back home around his wife would distract him from the temptations of the flesh. With the guiding force of his wife's presence keeping him in check, lustful thoughts were often secondary to more pure pursuits, to the point where it was often difficult to shift into sexy-time mode when Jeanie was in the mood for it.

His wife had come up to the training camp to take him back home, so he was able to see her in passing in the team facility as he made his way to his final appointment before leaving, meeting with that psychiatrist or therapist or whatever who was going to go over the pitfalls of fame. This was just for the rookies, and due to him being busier as the quarterback, he had the final appointment with the doctor even after most of his teammates had departed. He was impatient to leave, impatient to go home, impatient to just be around his wife again. His heart lifted upon seeing her, and he could feel the clouds of turmoil in his mind parting to allow her light to refresh his spirit. But this moment was fleeting, and as soon as he stepped into the side room to meet with this doctor and the door clicked behind him, those clouds returned within him, bathing his spirit in shadow, a portent of doom, warning him of the many dangers awaiting him if he didn't recapture that light inside him soon. However, he was quickly distracted by the sight of the doctor in front of him.

Shaking her hand and greeting her, he realized that this was not the type of doctor he expected. He expected some boring, stuffy middle-aged lady. But no, this Dr. White...

She was really sexy!

She was younger than he expected, maybe in her mid to late 30's. She was absolutely gorgeous, her stunning, tanned face having sharp intelligent eyes, plump lips, and a knowing smile. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail, and her eyes were hidden behind a pair of stylish, expensive glasses.

His mind flashed to Professor Albright, shocked at the similarity between the two. His former professor could be Dr. White's older sister, or even her mom... if her mom had her at a young age.

The similarities didn't end there.

Dressed professionally in a lady's business suit that appeared to be perfectly tailored to highlight her delicious frame, it was clear that the outfit was doing its job. Her body was incredible. Her coal-colored blazer was unbuttoned, revealing a silky, shiny pink top that struggled to contain a pair of what could only be described as absolutely massive tits. Gigantic, blimp-like breasts. Perhaps if he wasn't in such a state he wouldn't be thinking in such terms, but he couldn't help but notice them. They were huge, even larger than some of the pairs of jugs he'd spent the last few weeks stroking it to, but those were porn-boobs, and this was real life. They were thankfully covered up completely, but the button-up top looked like it would explode if she made the wrong move.