Dorothy's Defloration


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The discussion eventually drifted off the subject and soon the topic of Dorothy's birthday party surfaced. Everybody climbed on the bandwagon again, and enquired if Frans would be there, until Dorothy promised to invite him.

Dorothy made an excuse to go to the car and asked Derik to help her get out at the gate. It wasn't that difficult to work the gate, but it was the best excuse Dorothy could think of to get a private word in with him. Once outside, she made him promise that he wouldn't tell anybody about what she was about to request.

Dorothy bit her lip, before she had the courage to ask Derik the question. "You remember the offer you made at my birthday party last year?" His frown told Dorothy that he couldn't remember. Fearing that he was just pulling her leg at the time, she continued. "You promised some romantic tutoring should I need it. I want to kiss like you kissed me that day."

Derik's eyes flickered up. "Mom and Dad are going to Nelspruit in two weeks' time for Aunt Desiree's forty-third. I will make some excuse why I cannot go with. If you can arrange to come over, then we'll have the whole house to ourselves."

Dorothy felt relieved. "Sounds great. Remember, if you tell anybody, then I'll get Jeff to coach me. He also offered a tutoring service."


Dorothy parked her car in front of Uncle Julius's house, building up the courage to ring the bell to call Derik. She had to convince herself that, what she planned to do, was for the benefit of her relationship with Frans. She tried a few times for more intimate kisses, to imitate what Derik did, but it was clear, neither she nor Frans, had the courage to pull it off.

Dorothy realized that their reluctance to proceed was likely a form of fear for the unknown. Fear that the one would find out that other didn't know how. Fear that the other may think that boundaries have been overstepped. They were, after all, still dating on a 'friends-only' basis.

Derik was also excited about tutoring Dorothy. He came out and saw her sitting in the car. He opened the motor gate so that Dorothy could park inside. Then, he led her to the family room. There were biscuits and tea cups on the dining table, and Dorothy could hear the kettle's whistle in the kitchen. Dorothy was relieved that Derik wasn't rushing into the lesson, when he let Dorothy make tea for herself and get a biscuit.

Derik helped himself to tea and biscuits and sat on the couch. Then he patted the seat next to him, signaling that Dorothy should go and sit next to him. She took a sip of tea and put the cup on the table next to the couch. Her heart jumped to her throat; this was the moment - unsure if her heart was racing from fear or excitement.

Dorothy looked at Derik. "I feel stupid to ask you to help me. Everybody is kissing others from birth."

Derik chuckled. "You are right, everybody can kiss, but not everyone can give a romantic kiss. And, a couple may experiment, finding their way through the kissing landscape like a blind man walking with a stick. You'll miss out on wonderful experiences, walking past them without knowing to look out for them. If you are not careful, you may scare your boyfriend off. And you'll never know what you did wrong."

Dorothy smiled. "Okay, I'm here to learn."

Derik waited for Dorothy to look at him. "Let me take you through the process. There are five phases, I call it the five P's. It stands for prepare, pick, perform, protect and practice. Now, the first phase is 'prepare' - you need to prepare yourself and your boyfriend for that special kiss.

"First of all, make sure your lips are soft. Nothing is more off-putting than getting an intimate kiss from someone with cracked lips."

Dorothy took the bait and reached for her lipstick out and started to apply it.

Derik stopped her. "Keep the lipstick in your bag. You had it early on to look smart and desirable. And, yes, it will moisturize and soften your lips, but if you go in for the kill, you don't want to smudge his face. Lip balm works wonders. Apply it early enough, give it time to work." He held out a tube with mint-flavored lip balm.

Dorothy took it and applied some balm onto her lips.

Derik continued. "Offer lip balm to your boyfriend, especially if his lips are dry. If he does not take the bait, complain about your dry lips." He took the tube from Dorothy's hand and applied some to his lips.

Derik smiled. "Sharing lip balm creates some romantic tension. It is applied on his lips after it was applied to yours. It hints at your lips touching his. It would be as if you were already kissing him. Oh, I almost forgot. Use a fresh-flavored balm like mint, not one of those which smells like anti-septic medication."

He picked up his cup of tea and took a sip. "Take in liquids, water is best, but you can disguise it in the form of tea or something simpler. You can also lick your lips after taking a sip. It spreads the dampness to areas that were not wetted when you took the sip, and it also suggests of kissing." He licked his lips to demonstrate.

Dorothy looked at him. Damn, it does look suggestive.

Derik continued. "Lastly, have your breath fresh when you are ready to kiss. Have a Stimorol ready and start to chew it. Offer one to your boyfriend." He pulled out a packet from nowhere, and put one in his mouth. Then he offered one to Dorothy. "To summarize, during preparation you take care of your own as well as your boyfriend's lips and breath. Now, you try to do what I just told you."

Dorothy had noticed that Derik's tea was finished. It gave her an idea. She took a large sip of her own tea to finish it off. She stood up and took her cup and looked at Derik. "Can I make a cup of tea for you as well?" Without waiting for an answer, she picked his empty cup up and walked to the table. She took the kettle to the kitchen, filled it with water and switched it on. She returned with two fresh cups of tea. "Do you drink milk and sugar in your tea?"

Derik smiled. "Only one teaspoon sugar, please."

She handed him his cup and took a sip from her own, and licked her lips with a quick sweep of her tongue. Derik smiled, and took a sip of his tea and gave his lips a slow lick. "The lick must be slow, suggestive. This will ensure that the boyfriend sees the action."

Dorothy took another sip and gave a slow sensual lick, and looked Derik in the eyes. He smiled, and nodded his head in approval.

Then Dorothy picked up the tube of lip balm and applied some to her lips. While she returned the cap, she exclaimed. "Oh boy, your lips look dry, would you like some lip balm?" She held it out to Derik.

Derik stopped her in her tracks. "Don't mention his lips. You wouldn't feel happy if he told you that your lips looked dry, so why would he? Rather blame your dry lips on the weather and offer it to him before closing it up again. You can start with the lip balm very early. It gives you multiple opportunities to try, if he declines initially. And if he does use it and you apply it to your lips later on, then it also suggests that he is already kissing you."

Dorothy tried again. "I don't know why my lips are so dry lately." She took some time to 'search' for the lip balm. When she found it, she applied some to her lips, taking it slow and making sure that Derik noticed her actions, while looking into his eyes. When she was done, she offered the tube to him. "Would you like to use some?"

"Nice touch looking into my eyes and taking it slowly." He took the tube and applied some to his lips.

He returned it to Dorothy who closed the tube. She took the packet of Stimorol and mimicked that she put one in her mouth. "What do I do with the gum in my mouth?"

Derik smiled. "If you have some tissues in your handbag, you can always dispose of it into one of them and dump it in your handbag for later disposal. But..." The dramatic pause was very effective. "If there is no other option, you swallow it. You don't want it in your mouth when you kiss. It will work its way down your intestines and you'll not even notice when you get rid of it."

He waved his finger in the direction of Dorothy's belly to simulate the passage of the gum through her intestines. "If you just had your tea, then there would be no reason to take a Stimorol. Your breath will smell like tea. If the tea was some time ago, then you can blame the weather again for your dry mouth before you search for the Stimorol."

Dorothy put the gum in the saucer and took a sip of tea, making sure that Derik saw her licking her lips slowly and suggestively. She started to enjoy her tutoring and wondered how Frans would react. "I don't know why my lips..."

Derik stopped her. "I think you get the general idea. Take care of your own, and your boyfriend's lips and breath. Now for phase two - 'pick'. Pick the place, pick the time and peck the kiss. The place needs to be private, you don't want to make a show in front of everybody. Especially for your first kiss, while you are unsure about how your boyfriend will react. Never go into a bedroom to kiss unless..." It seemed as if Derik loved dramatic silences. "Unless you want to go further. Much further. Like here in the family room is fine, even if Mom or Dad or Alida are around. The presence of others adds excitement, but may break the mood and the moment. For a first kiss, keep it safe, and keep it private.

"Then pick the moment. And remember, peck, don't pounce! You don't want to start sucking his lips the moment you secure sufficient privacy. Be patient, wait for a hint that he is ready, or create some tension."

Dorothy was curious. "How can I create this tension?"

Derik took a deep breath and smiled. "Look into his eyes and wait for him to look into your eyes and smile." As if to demonstrate, Derik looked into Dorothy's eyes. The moment her eyes met his, he leaned forward and planted his lips briefly onto Dorothy's. "Now you try it."

Dorothy's heart was racing from the intensity of the kiss that Derik just gave her. It was a mere peck, but the tension, the build-up was incredible. She waited for Derick to take a sip of tea and started to look at him. When his eyes met, she leaned in and pecked a kiss on his lips.

Derik made her try it at least ten times. She could feel the tension build up in her body with every trial. She wondered if she was getting sexually aroused.

Derik continued. "You can also look at his lips and give your lips a quick lick when he looks at yours." He demonstrated again and made Dorothy practice a few times.

After taking a deep breath, Derik continued his instruction. "When the place and the moment are right, peck your kiss. Don't rush in, peck and move out, like we did just now. Take it slow. Move in slowly, peck soft and short, and move out slowly.

"Your boyfriend may have one of three reactions, I call it the three F's. The worst case is that he may flee. If you move slowly it will give him time to flee if he wants to. Let him flee and leave the kissing for another day. He may also freeze. This means he is unsure.

"This is good news because you can peck a second kiss. Slightly longer and a bit more intense. This time, you can give his lower lip a quick suck, or lick it with your tongue. If he still freezes, then you can put your hand behind his head and pull him in for the killer kiss. Lastly he may follow you when you pull your lips away. This means that he also wanted to kiss you. So, in case he freezes or follows, you can produce the kiss. This is where you want to be.

"You can put your hand behind his head, if it isn't there already. Keep your lips slightly apart. But, if he is ready, allow him time to follow and find your lips again."

Again, Derik made Dorothy kiss him a number of times, just to be sure how to respond. Derik faked a few responses, making sure that Dorothy was reading his body language.

He also followed through with some kisses to 'produce' a kiss. These left Dorothy breathless and horny.

Dorothy soon got the hang of it, even taking initiative to 'produce' kisses. Derik used the opportunity to move on to the next phase, and slowly slid his hand up Dorothy's torso. First his fingers progressed up to the bottom of her rib cage. Then, slowly he worked his hand up until his fingers touched Dorothy's under boob.

Dorothy was unaware of Derik's hand and kept on producing her kiss. When Dorothy moaned contentedly, he slipped his hand over her breast and cupped it. He started to feel for her nipple through her bra, and when he found it, rolled it between his fingers

"Hey, stop it!" It took Dorothy a while to realize what Derik was doing.

Derik chuckled. "We've worked through 'prepare', 'pick', and 'produce'. You are ready for the introduction into the next phase - protect. You need to protect your assets - mainly your breasts, and your pussy. Sooner or later, any warm-blooded man will try to get his hands on these two assets. Watch out for moves which would give him free access to your assets. If you let him have it for free, you devalue yourself. And never allow him to do anything that makes you uncomfortable."

Dorothy smiled. "And if I do want him to have access to my... assets?"

Derik shook his head and smiled. "Then you can even help him do it, if he freezes."

Dorothy challenged Derik to gain access to her 'assets' and soon learned that her arm was an effective block. It also helped when she twisted her torso away.

Derik had a final piece of advice. "If your boyfriend does anything that makes you uncomfortable, you may be better off to stop kissing. Talk to him, tell him where your boundaries are. If he doesn't like it, then you'll be better off if you let him go.

Dorothy smiled, she knew Frans well. He respected her rules, she was sure that he wouldn't overstep her boundaries. It left her disappointed - she wanted to have her boundaries challenged by Frans.

She looked at the clock. "Shit, I've forgotten about tennis practice. We need to wrap up in ten minutes." She looked at Derik. "How do I encourage my boyfriend to do risky stuff, like slipping his hand onto my breast?"

Derik stood up and pulled her up as well. He wrapped his hands around her waist, his hands on her bum. He pulled her closer onto his stiff dick. "If I want you to take hold of my dick, I may grind it against you." He started grinding his dick against Dorothy's pelvis. When she didn't move, he took her hand and slipped it onto his dick. After a while, he slipped her hand into his trousers and helped Dorothy's fingers curl around his erection.

Dorothy was shocked and pulled her hand away. She looked around to gather all her stuff and pecked a kiss on Derik's cheek. "Thank you for everything, but I need to go."

Derik walked her to her car. He took a deep breath. "I've given you a short introduction on your next class - how to let him enjoy your breasts."

Dorothy's car wasn't around the first corner, before Derik's shorts were off and he wanked his dick. Fuck - he loved this tutoring idea. He couldn't wait for Dorothy to makearrangements for her next tutoring session.


Saturday: 7 August 1993

It was Dorothy's birthday, her nineteenth, and Frans was the first to arrive at her house shortly after two o'clock. Dorothy and Claire, her mother, were finalizing their preparation for the afternoon cake and tea, for which Claire invited Dorothy's entire family - of eleven.

When Dorothy saw Frans, she complained about the dry winter air and applied lip balm, making a sensuous display out of it. She offered some to Frans, who accepted Dorothy's offer. It somewhat turned him on, thinking that his lips would touch the same object Dorothy's touched moments before.

Dorothy's family was all curious to meet Frans, whom they deemed to be her boyfriend. Frans found it strange, because Dorothy insisted that they keep on dating on a 'friends-only' basis, and he dared not ask her to be his girlfriend.

Soon, George arrived with granny Dorothy, from the old-age home. Frans heart raced as Dorothy introduced him to her grandmother. She was still quite attractive - Dorothy definitely inherited some genes from her. She immediately made Frans feel welcome in the family.

Granny Dorothy looked her granddaughter in the eyes. "Leave this handsome young man in my presence, so I can see if he would be good for you."

Granny Dorothy enquired about Frans's family, trying to work out if she knew someone. Then she moved onto Frans's studies, but, since she knew nothing about electronic engineering, she dropped the topic after she learned that Frans was in his second year of study out of four. He had a study bursary from Eskom, South Africa's national power producer, and would step into a job, after completing his studies, and doing his two-year compulsory military service.

Granny moved over to his interests. "Dorothy told me you're into canoeing. You've done some marathon recently."

Frans relaxed, it seemed as if Dorothy's grandmother was satisfied that he had a proper ancestry, and a good future. "Yes, it's the Berg River Canoe Marathon, it is over two-hundred-and-forty kilometers (150 mi) over four days."

Dorothy came around with two glasses of water, with a slice of lemon and crushed mint leaves, and handed each a glass. Frans was surprised, but ascribed it to the usual way her grandmother drank her water.

Granny Dorothy looked at her granddaughter and raised the glass. "Thank you, love."

Dorothy made sure her fingers contacted Frans's when she handed the glass over - she was preparing him for their first real kiss.

Granny smiled, when Dorothy left. "Dorothy said you did well."

Frans chuckled. "It probably depends on perspective. I finished in the hundred-and-nineteenth position, which is in the best half of all the finishers. But I spent over an hour longer on the water than the winner."

Their conversation was cut short by the arrival of Claire's brother, Julius, and family. Dorothy had ushered them in at the front door, brought them over and introduced them to Frans.

Julius took Frans's hand with a firm grip. "So, you're the mystery guy whom Dorothy tried to hide from us..." With his left hand, he gave Frans a hearty slap on the back.

Claire called for Dorothy, who rushed off to the kitchen.

Frans was still trying to formulate a response when Emily, Julius's forty-something-old wife, nudged him away. "Don't pay any attention to my husband. We all noticed how Dorothy has blossomed since you became part of her life." She gave him a hearty hug, pressing a firm DD-cup breasts into his chest.

Derik was next. "Hi, I'm Derik. Pleased to meet you." Then he snickered. "How serious are you and Dorothy? I mean, did she give you a proper kiss yet, or would my sister be the first to get a proper kiss out of you?" He wondered if Dorothy had put his tutoring to practice yet.

Frans surfaced from his loner cocoon. "No, we're friends only."

Alida, his sister, pushed him away and looked at Frans. "So, you're available?" She leaned in giving him a short peck on the lips, then a second, for longer.

Frans gasped, unsure how to respond.

Alida knew exactly how to respond. Her tongue slid through the crack between his lips and swiped over his lips before she pulled away again.

Frans sighed, glad that Alida had stopped.

But Alida wasn't done, she leaned in and took Frans's lower lip in hers and plucked it.

Something plucked in Frans's underwear in response. He was trying to fight the lips that were devouring his mouth, trying to pull his head away. But Alida's hand was already wrapped around his neck, and she pulled him closer. Fuck - this is hot. His member plucked again, it started to grow.

Someone laid a hand on Alida's shoulder. "I think that's enough Alida." It was a mature woman's voice.

Alida broke the kiss and stood back. "Sorry, Aunt Julia." She giggled and went straight to Pamela and Jeff.