Diary of a Bi-Housewife


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"I sure am glad we're walking tonight," said Candy, "I do believe I am getting a teeny bit tipsy. You aren't trying to get me drunk are you, Teddy?"

"Now why would I do that?" he answered.

"Well, I don't know. Sometimes you big northern men are hard to fathom," she cooed.

"No hidden intentions here, Candy," said Teddy with assurance. "Just trying to have a good time."

Biff said, "I think Candy's just teasing you Teddy. By the way, I just have to say again what a perfect back yard you have. I am envious of your privacy."

"Isn't that one of the deadly sins--envy," I asked in a teasing voice.

"Sure is, Mo," said Biff, "but definitely one of the lower ranking ones. Not anywhere near, well, lust."

We all laughed at toasted each other.

"Well," said Teddy, "consider that you have an open invitation to join us in the pool anytime."

"Really," said Candy.

"Really. Right Mo?"

"Oh yeah, any time," I answered.

"As a matter of fact, tomorrow's supposed to be perfect," Teddy went on. "Why not come over for a dip and maybe a little cook-out."

"Well, we have church in the morning and we both teach bible classes afterwards," said Biff. "I think we could make it by 2."

"Sounds like a plan," confirmed Teddy.

"What can we bring," asked Candy.

"Anything but your suits," I blurted and literally clasped my hand over my mouth.

Teddy shot me a glance and I could only shrug.

"Sorry," I apologized. "That just sort of slipped out. I meant no disrespect."

"None taken," said Biff. "Actually, if you promise to keep this among the four of us, Candy and I did our share of skinny-dipping back in Atlanta. Haven't tried it here because we have no pool and even less privacy—so we opted not to put in a pool. So, no, Mo, you have not offended us."

"Well, in that case," I said, "just bring some wine."

After a pause, I added, "And lots of sunscreen."

Laughing we all toasted once more.

We finished and to Candy's surprise, Biff offered to help me clear the table. She said I must be a good influence on him. She hugged him and whispered in his ear. He smiled and hugged her back.

Teddy and Candy went back to the sunroom where I had laid out dessert and started the coffee I had primed in the pot.

Biff and I rinsed the dishes and I was bending over putting them in the dishwasher. He moved behind me and I felt him push against my rear. I was sure I was feeling an erection.

I stood quickly and Biff slid his hands around my waist and pushed his hard-on between my cheeks.

"Biff," I began, "what the heck are you..."

He pushed harder and slid one hand down and grabbed me between my legs, feeling my pussy through the fabric of my skirt and panties.

"You are incredibly sexy, Mo," he whispered in my ear as both my ass and pussy were assaulted. "Candy has been raving about you all week and I can see why. She told me how gorgeous you looked when she caught you naked today. Teddy is a fortunate man."

In spite of my surprise and shock, I began to respond to his hand and moved my hips while I let my thighs open. He let a finger part my lips and rub up and down through my clothes, stroking my rigid clit and sending more dampness into my panties.

"Biff, we can't," was all I could muster.

He kept the pressure on, and I breathily said, "Please."

He slowly removed his hand from my crotch and moved both hands up my front, fondling my breasts along the way.

He nuzzled my neck, kissed my ear and moved away from me.

I turned and looked at him. Without thinking I reached up and kissed him.

"Let's join the others," I said.

He said he needed to use the rest room first. I looked down to see the obvious outline of the erection in his pants. I nodded and pointed in the right direction.

I knew I must be flushed, but headed out to the sunroom. Candy and Teddy were looking out at the subdued lighting in the garden. I was glad they could not see my face.

Candy heard me enter and turned. "Your yard is so beautiful in the combination of moonlight and your accent lamps. I bet you can enjoy late night swims."

I nodded and Candy said, "Sweetie, are you Ok. You look absolutely undone."

She crossed and put a palm to my forehead.

"My goodness, you are burning up. What's come over you? Was it something you ate?"

Teddy looked at me with concern.

"It's nothing, really," I lied. "Probably just a little reaction to all the alcohol. I think a piece of pie and a cup of coffee will do wonders."

We helped ourselves to the apple pie and coffee and were settling down when Biff reentered. He looked perfectly calm and collected and fixed his own plate and cup.

We chatted some more and reaffirmed our plans for tomorrow.

Around 11 Candy and Biff made their good-byes. As each gave me a hug, I recalled how they each had touched me so intimately just a short while ago.

Teddy said he'd finish cleaning up and I should go to bed. I didn't argue and went to our bedroom and stripped. My panties were a mess and I quickly tossed them in the hamper.

I washed, brushed, flossed, peed and was waiting naked in bed when Teddy came in. He took one look at my displayed body and said, "Hold that thought."

He rushed through his ministrations and soon was guiding that powerful rod that I loved deep into my wet and waiting pussy.

I fucked him energetically, climbed on top to increase my leverage and bucking achieved two over the top orgasms, before I felt him spasming inside me.

Rolling apart, he exhaled and asked, "What the hell was that all about?"

"What, we just made love," I answered.

"No, you fucked my brains out. What got you so turned on?"

I snuggled in his arms. We usually tell each other everything, but for some reason I was holding back.

He asked me again and I said, "Biff put a move on me in the kitchen."

"Really?" he said. "Mr. I-have-to-teach-bible-class put a move on you. What kind?"

I described what Biff did.

"Are you angry?" I asked.

"Well, are you offended?" he queried.

"Actually, I was taken completely off guard. But then, I got turned on. So, no, I am not offended."

"Hmm," mused Teddy. "I think I am a little pissed that he'd have the nerve to do that in our house and the first time he'd met you. What made him think he could get away with that?"

I debated on what to tell Teddy. But then I told him everything. I said that I thought that Candy had somehow told Biff of what she and I did in the kitchen and Biff was just following her lead. Of course, I had to explain what Candy and I did. I admitted that I might want to explore a bit more with Candy and now Biff had aroused my curiosity a bit more. I considered that maybe there might be a bit of swinging in our future.

"And I got nothing out of this," he said with mock indignity. "I could have put a move on Candy, but played the gentleman."

"You are a gentleman, Teddy," I assured him. "That's one of the many things I love about you. And, for getting something out of it, did you or did you not just get a fantastic fuck."

He laughed heartily. "I did indeed. But, were you fucking me or the Biffster? Maybe I am lacking something."

I picked up his limp prick and coddled it between my hands. "Sweetheart, this is another of the many things I love about you."

Leaning down I placed a row of tender kisses up and down the shaft.

"Darling, from what I felt pressed against my ass, you are not lacking anything compared to Mr. Biff Fuller. Of course, tomorrow we may have first hand knowledge."

Teddy pulled me up to kiss.

"Tomorrow," he said. "I guess our bible class will be Adam and Eve in the garden."

"Or, Sodom and Gomorrah," I replied.

Laughing in each other's arms we settled down and fell into a deep sleep. One with many erotic dreams on my part.

The next day, Teddy and I slept late. I awoke to find him coming in with the morning paper, two cups of coffee, some croissants and an enormous erection.

"Hmm, what shall I have first," I wondered aloud.

"If you have to ask, I fear I'm loosing my charm," said Teddy.

I decided that a cold cup of coffee was worth it.

This time I let Teddy be the aggressor. He slipped my legs over his shoulder and slipped the tip of his hard-on into my opening. With slow pressure and slight movements, he got my juices flowing and soon covered his tip, then most of his shaft.

When I had accommodated his size, he began long, slow thrustings that filled me with both volume and craving for more.

He picked up the tempo and soon was pile driving deep inside me. I swore he felt bigger than ever before. Long before I knew he was ready, I felt a climax building. I slipped a finger on my clit and shouted as I went over the edge.

Teddy did not slow down but kept up his rapid pushes and pulls. He looked down at me and smiled. He knew he had me going but good.

He started rotating his hips and grinding against my clit. I tried to hold back, but soon screamed to number two of the morning.

Without warning he pulled out and I felt like my entire insides were being jerked away. I opened my mouth to protest, but slammed it shut when I felt his mouth on my sex lips and clit. Teddy is not in the same league as Erin, but as the saying goes, "he ain't bad for a guy."

He slipped a thick finger inside me, found my G spot and worked it perfectly. With his tongue on my clit and his finger on my G, I hit a high note and felt number three ripple through my body.

Almost immediately his prick was back inside and he pounded with a new vigor. I could tell he was now reaching the end. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed hard against him. Urging him on, I felt myself racing to another climax. I dug my fingers into his butt, crushed him to me and both of us achieved that rare but so satisfying feeling of simultaneous orgasm.

We fell apart and lay panting side by side, sweat pooling on our bodies.

I looked over and was shocked to see he still had an erection.

"God, is there no end for that monster," I teased.

He turned toward me, his hard cock landing on my stomach.

"Mo, I had the most erotic dreams last night," he said. "You were being fucked by Biff and Candy. I tried to stop them but you told me to watch. Then, Candy crawled over to me and gave me a blow job while Biff fucked you again. When I woke up this morning and saw you lying there naked, I knew I had to have you."

"Well, thank God for erotic dreams," I purred. "That was fantastic fucking. Now, just think the objects of your dreams will be here in a few hours. And, unless you want them to run screaming from our yard, let's get rid of Mr. Ready For Action."

In my own humble opinion, I gave Teddy another world class blow job that seemed to quiet the savage beast—at least for a while.

I spent the rest of the morning in a flurry of nervous activity. Without bothering to dress, I vacuumed the pool, wiped off the outdoor furniture, put clean towels and robes in the pool house, and made a bunch of finger sandwiches and a spinach salad.

Teddy stocked the outdoor bar, cut up lemons and limes, and swept the pool area and patio.

We shared a shower and I spent more time than absolutely necessary washing his cock. Oh, the things a wife must do.

We were drying off in our bedroom, when I brought up the subject of dress.

"So, do we greet them in the nude or wear suits?"

Teddy thought about it and said, "Let's start with suits, just in case they got cold feet. It's easier to take them off than put them on."

I agreed and donned a tiny, but not indecent, black bikini. Teddy said he should wear his Speedo. I told him it looks like he is carrying a week's worth of groceries in it and he should opt for trunks.

I then brought up a topic that I figured was on both of our minds.

"What happens if things sort of get going?" I asked.

"Going how," responded Teddy.

"Going like last night when Biff put a move on me. And, you know Candy put a move on me earlier, when she caught me naked and later in the kitchen. I know she would go further if she had the chance. And, she kept going on about your cock and how big it looked swaying in your pants."

"Really," Teddy observed.

"So, what do you think?"

He paused then smiled and kissed me. "What do you want?"

"I miss the edge we had when Erin was with us. I don't know if maybe Candy and Biff can bring it back.

Teddy looked me in the eyes, seeing deep inside me. Could he see the lust I had for adventure that once was buried but is now leaping to the surface?

He smiled and said, "Let's just leave the door open to possibilities."

I smiled in agreement. "No, rules?"

"Just be honest with me afterwards."

A little after 2, I opened our door and welcomed the Fullers.

They were dressed in shorts and polo shirts. I kissed each on the cheek and led them through to the pool.

Teddy came and kissed Candy and shook Biff's hand.

"How about a gin and tonic," he asked.

We all agreed.

Candy dropped her canvas tote by a chair and walked over to dip a toe in the water.

"Mmm, warm," she cooed.

"82," shouted Teddy from the bar.

He carried a tray with the plastic tumblers and we each took one and toasted.

The air was thick with unease. Neither couple was ready to make the first move.

Finally Teddy said, "I'm going to take a dip. If you are not offended, Candy, I think I'll not bother with these trunks."

Candy glanced at Biff, then at me, and nodded, "Sure thing, Sugar."

Teddy pulled his t-shirt off and tossed it on the chair. Facing both Candy and Biff, he loosened the string of his bathing trunks, hitched his thumbs in the waist band and dropped them to the deck.

His cock bounced with the effort and then swung back and forth. He smiled and asked Biff if he wanted to join him.

Biff quickly doffed his clothes. He had a lean and muscular body, with pleasant muscle definition. His chest had a soft covering of light blond hair and from his navel to his pubic region a slightly darker line of hair. His pubes were light brown and not trimmed, spilling out onto his thighs. His cock was thin and long, but not nearly as long as Teddy's. If he were standing there alone, he'd look well hung. Next to Teddy he looked like the looser in the big prick contest.

Nonetheless, it was a nice looking cock. His balls were small and were also covered with blond fuzz.

The men turned and jogged to the edge and dove in.

Candy put her hand on my arm and clutched her left breast with her other hand.

"Oh my heart, I swear that is the most fearsome thing I have ever seen. And, you say it gets bigger. Honey, you are a woman of uncommon abilities."

"Oh, it's all pleasure," I assured her. "Once, you get used to it; and that takes a bit of doing."

"I can't imagine," breathed Candy. Then, with a wicked grin, "Well, I can imagine, but it gets me all wet to do so."

She faced me and said, "So, is it guys only nude?"

I smiled and reached behind me and undid my bra. Letting it fall, I wiggled out of my bottoms.

"What do you think," I asked.

Candy did not try to hide her inspection of me. She even removed her sunglasses to look me up and down. With a little motion of her hand, she made a twirling motion.

I turned my back to her, and for effect, bent over exposing my backside and a glance at my pussy lips.

"Ooh, you are wicked, Mo," she said with a slight slap on my naked butt.

I faced her and looked her in the eyes.

She peeled off her polo shirt, revealing the top of a flower print bikini. She unbuckled her shorts and slid them off.

Slowly, she undid the fastener of her bra and let it slide down her arms. Her breasts were pale with dark areolas and darker nipples, now erect. They were full, round, with no droop, and set nicely on her chest. She ran a hand over each, stretching them out and teasing her nipples with her finger tips. They were larger than mine, by maybe a couple inches. They appeared to be a full C compared to my B.

Bending she pulled down her bottoms. Standing she revealed a neatly trimmed, but luxurious tangle of dark brown curls. The sun glistened off them. I could barely make out her lips behind them, but the hood of her clit was prominent.

She ran a finger up her slit and said, "Mo, you and Teddy have me all wet. I think I better get in that pool and cool off." She licked her finger while giving me a wicked grin.

As she crossed by me, she cupped my pussy in her hand and let her finger slide up my slit, feeling the wetness, and purred as she slipped inside me up her second knuckle, "And, I see I'm not the only one affected." Keeping her eyes glued to mine, she now licked her finger clean of my juices.

She walked to the edge, swaying her peach shaped butt and dove in.

She swam over to where the guys were standing and the three began chatting. Teddy was looking unabashedly at her tits.

He called to me and asked to bring our drinks over.

I gathered the four plastic glasses and crossed to the edge above where they stood.

Both Biff and Candy stared at my naked form. I realized they were getting a perfect view of my pussy. I felt brave and squatted to hand them their drinks. In doing so, I spread my legs offering a Class A beaver shot.

Each took a glass, but their eyes never left my open pussy.

"Join us, Darling," said Teddy.

""Not now," I replied. "I think I'll soak up some rays."

"I'll join you," said Candy. She crossed in front of Teddy and I could see her hand brush his dick under the water. He reacted a bit, but then she handed me her glass and hoisted herself up on the side of the pool, giving Teddy and Biff a front row view of her pussy from behind.

She and I spread towels on two lounge chairs. As Candy wiped herself dry, I pulled a tube of lotion out and said, "Better layer up. May I?"

Candy grinned widely, lay back and said, "Oh, please."

I squirted a dab on her stomach and worked up her chest and onto her tits. She licked her lips and I massaged each lovely orb, and worked the lotion into the skin, pausing to be sure her nipples were adequately protected. I pinched each hard nub and pulled out her breasts. Candy moaned quietly. I then laid another dab on each thigh and worked up and down her legs, now slightly spread apart. I let my fingers trace the insides of her thighs and brush against her pussy.

Finally, I rubbed a tiny amount on my hands and worked it into her bush. She pushed up with her hips, but I did not directly touch her clit or go onto her labia.

With the lotion remaining on my hands, I rubbed her forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. I leaned in and kissed her lips. Her mouth opened and I moved my tongue inside. She pushed hard against mine with her own tongue.

I broke off and pulled a tube of lip screen from my bag and gently covered her lips.

Still standing I quickly applied a coat of lotion to my body and went to freshen our drinks. Returning to the loungers, I dropped down and handed Candy an ice-filled tumbler.

We silently toasted and settled back. The guys were tossing a wiffle football back and forth.

"So," I asked. "Did it live up to your imaginations?"

Candy took a while to answer and said, "last night I could not believe what I was seeing. I swear it looked like he was carrying a full sausage in his pants. I could not stop talking about it. Finally, Biff said to just wait and I'd see. Mo, that is the most unbelievable prick I have ever seen. And, I've seen half of the society pricks in Atlanta. Our circle of friends was made up of all old families and upper crust assholes, excuse my French. But, they all loved our nude pool parties. So, I can assure you that Biff was in the top five percent, but he is not in Teddy's class."

"So," I asked, "what is Biff thinking about the difference in size."

Candy took a long pull of her drink. "Honey, he is thinking the same thing I am."