Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 20


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I wondered what had happened to June. She wasn't downstairs and she hadn't joined Julie and me with our cousins upstairs. I went back upstairs and found her curled up with her suitcase on her bed, sound asleep. I covered her with a comforter and she snuggled against the soft-side suitcase and smiled in her sleep. I bent down and kissed her lips and she moaned and ran her tongue along her lower lips but didn't wake up. I closed her bedroom door and before I could turn to go back downstairs, a hand grabbed my crotch from between my legs. It was Jillian. She was naked with wet stringy hair. She stretched up and kissed me and then said, "Are you ready to go again. We can't get enough of that monster cock of yours." She was trying to get my zipper down when Jennifer came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. She stepped in and joined her sister's efforts. I was gently trying to ward off their hands without hurting them. They were persistent but I prevailed. They both 'huffed' in frustration and went to Dad's office. Jillian turned back at the doorway and stared down at my crotch to see if she had 'raised' any hope, so to speak. Her hungry eyes turned up at me and she said, "Later." It wasn't a question.

I checked my zipper to make sure it was up and went back downstairs to inform Mom that June was fine. Ten minutes later, Jennifer and Jillian came down, fully dressed in flowing skirts to their mid-thighs and wife-beater tee shirts that were too small for their big tits. They were braless too. It was obvious that they were going to push the issue and just to make sure, they both lifted the hems of their skirts to show me that they wore no panties. They did the same to Dad and he had a huge grin on his face. When they went to the kitchen, Dad said, "Jesus. I hope we survive the next couple of days. Then your mother and I have a surprise."

He couldn't have been more cryptic, but he didn't dwell on the surprise and we started talking about college and how I thought finals went. I thought they had gone great and I shared that with Dad. He was pleased and asked how I thought the girls had done in their first semester. I really didn't know. June and Julie never complained about one course or another. They were even-keeled and smart. They studied in spurts versus my steady approach. They were smarter than me and didn't have to work at it as I did.

Dad talked about work and how the company was doing. He got in a few words about Sylvia pertaining to work but he said nothing about the threesome of Sylvia, Mom, and him. I didn't ask. I couldn't tell if they were still involved or not.

I asked Dad about Aunt Mary and her daughters. I was surprised to see them. They didn't usually come for Christmas, especially when they didn't come for Thanksgiving like she often does. Dad looked pensive and said, "I should probably let Mary tell you herself, but things didn't work out with the new guy. Turns out that he was just using her to get to Jennifer and Jillian. He wasn't too pleased when he made a run on Jillian at Thanksgiving. Jillian pretended to be interested and when he pulled out his erection, she started laughing and said, 'What do you think you're going to do with that little thing.' I don't know if there is a bigger put-down than that for a guy. Mary laughs when she tells the story. She says the guy has a perfectly average dick. Anyway. He never called again."

Aunt Mary came around the corner from the kitchen with what looked like one of Mom's vodka and lemonade concoctions in her hand. She must have heard at least some Dad's story because she picked it up and continued, "Yeah, the prick never called to say we were over or anything. I just didn't hear from him again. He didn't return my calls or texts. Nothing. I was confused and upset until Jillian told me about her encounter with him. Then he just became 'The Prick'. Jillian refers to him as 'The Mini-Prick'." Aunt Mary took a sip off her glass and her face scrunched up, indicating that it was pretty sour. "Actually, he had a nice dick and he liked to fuck my ass, which you know how much I like." She looked at Dad and continued, "By the way, thank you for this afternoon, Jarod. I've dreamt of that since we were teenagers." Dad gave her an embarrassed smile.

Aunt Mary turned to me and continued, "I suppose Jillian was comparing his dick to yours. He wouldn't fare too well with that comparison. She squirmed in her chair and her free hand went to her hardening nipples. She didn't even realize that she'd done that. She took a long pull on her drink and shuddered as she scrunched up her face again.

Jillian and Jennifer came around the corner from the kitchen, each with a tall glass of the special lemonade. Their faces reacted the same way Aunt Mary's had as they were just pulling back off their straws. Jillian shuddered and puckered up her face and stuck her tongue out and said, "Aaacchhhh. That's good."

Jennifer and Jillian found seats and Jillian said, "In my own defense Mom, I never intended to drive him away. I know you liked him and his dick. I was pissed that he used you to get to us. What a pervert. When he pulled out his erection, it just struck me how much smaller it was than Dex's cock. Even though he was hard, it was smaller than Dex's when it's soft." I was getting a little embarrassed to be the object of this conversation as though I wasn't even here. "He caught me by surprise and I just blurted out the first put-down I could think of." She looked at her mother and said, "Sorry, Mom."

Aunt Mary waved Jillian's apology away and said, "Water under the bridge. Besides, I'm making some progress with this young guy at work." She took a sip of her drink, puckered up, and wheezed out, "He'll be putty in my hands in no time." She laughed and continued, "and, I'm not going to introduce him to either of you girls. I'm not bad for a middle-aged woman but I can't compete with you two. I just want to get fucked once in a while. I don't want a husband." We all laughed just as Mom and Julie came in and sat down.

Mom said, "What's everyone laughing about? What did I miss?"

Jennifer giggled and summed it up by saying, "Mom and 'mini-prick' broke up because he tried to fuck Jillian but now Mom has her sights set on a young guy at work. God help him." We all laughed at the last part. Aunt Mary's face was turning red with embarrassment.

Mom sucked on her straw and her face seized. She stuck out her tongue and gave a 'bbbbllllaaaaack' sound and said, "Too sour." The other ladies all nodded before taking another sip off their glasses. "Mary. You're a beautiful woman. I'd put money down that the young guy doesn't stand a chance." She turned to Aunt Mary's blushing face and said, "I want to hear all about it. Every detail."

Aunt Mary smiled and said, "I accept that compliment from the most beautiful woman I've ever known. Thank you, Maddy." Mom's face flushed with embarrassment at Aunt Mary's compliment.

June appeared rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She looked like I feel sometimes when I take a nap only to wake up feeling worse than before. We all talked for the rest of the afternoon about funny stories and some serious ones. Aunt Mary wanted to know if I had a serious girlfriend and I suddenly realized that I didn't know what to say. I just said, 'yes' without really thinking about the question. I thought it would be easier that way. It wasn't. Aunt Mary wanted to know all about her. Whoever 'her' was. As the question rattled around in my brain, I was surprised that Reece hadn't immediately come to mind, but it was Mandy. Was it because I was with her last night? I liked Mandy, very much. I liked Reece too. I had to put some thought into this situation but now wasn't the time. I just smiled and changed the subject. Everyone laughed but they let it go.

Just like last summer, Jennifer and Jillian were on the pull-out sofa in the family room. Aunt Mary was in Dad's office/spare bedroom. The rest of us were in our own rooms or at least started out there. I was consumed by the girlfriend question posed by Aunt Mary. Why wasn't Reece the first face to come to mind? Why wasn't she the only face? When had Mandy snuck in? I thought back through my entire history with Mandy; from the first moment that I saw her pacing the sidelines of the Lacrosse field in her team uniform consisting of a tight nylon pull-on shirt over very short and tight nylon shorts. I thought about that instant hard-on that I was trying to hide when she looked at me and smiled.

I smiled there in the dark with my hands behind my head remembering that smile. I played back in my mind, like a newsreel, her long graceful strides along the sideline as she yelled instructions to players on the field. Her blonde ponytail pulled tight to the top of her head flagging from side to side as she turned to head back up the field as the game turned. She turned to look at me again but now I wasn't sure if she was looking at me or Molly, who appeared beside me.

My doorknob jiggled and my door eased open. I rolled on my side facing the door. It was Jillian. I pretended to be asleep. I had things to figure out, even though I wasn't sure why. Why did I have to have a girlfriend? I was having a blast without one. Still, I supposed that it was a natural progression from fucking many to choosing one. Was I ready for that?

Jillian came closer to my bed. Through mostly closed eyes, I could see that she was naked. My dick noticed too. Jillian whispered, "Dex. Are you awake?" I didn't respond, even though my dick did. "Jennifer and I are getting with June and Julie. It would be great if you could join us." She was silent for a moment and then said, "Dex?" My cock was rock hard and pulsing on the bed under the covers, but I didn't respond. She waited and then muttered out a whispered, "Shit." She waited again and then eased out the door and pulled it shut.

It wasn't long before I heard the moans and groans, muffled by the wall between the twin's room and mine. After several minutes, those sounds morphed into obvious orgasms and then the sound of a headboard lightly banging the wall. Moments later, the cadence changed. Both headboards were banging the wall out of sync. My mind formed a vision of June and Julie strapped into their dildos, fucking Jennifer and Jillian doggy style as they held on to the headboards. It could have been the other way around, or any other combination, but that was my vision. I pulled a wad of tissues from the box on my nightstand and jerked myself off. I had an urge to get physically involved in the action but I didn't want to get emotionally involved, so I was content to launch my load into the tissues.

With the release of the several cum-shots came the release of built-up tension in my entire body. I suddenly felt so relaxed. I wondered how I had held so much tension and hadn't realized it. I fell asleep with my softening dick in my hand still holding the soggy tissues over my glans.

I woke to the dull grayness of pre-dawn with my arms above the covers. The wad of tissues was stuck to my hand. I shook it free and got up and went to the bathroom. I dropped the tissues in the toilet and did my bathroom stuff before the two bathrooms for eight people became a problem. I dressed in a tee-shirt and athletic shorts.

When I stepped back into the hallway, I listened for any sounds of sex. I didn't hear anything from the twin's room. The door was slightly open so I pushed in and looked to see. Jennifer and Jillian were gone and June and Julie were in their beds sound asleep. I smiled when I saw two strap-on dildos on the night table between their beds.

I headed for the stairs and stopped at Dad's office door and listened. It was closed. There was no sound at all. I continued silently down the stairs, bypassing the creaky steps. It was as quiet as a tomb. The furnace fired in the basement and within seconds, the baseboard heaters started tinging. I stuck my head into the family room to find Dad on the pull-out sofa on his back with Jennifer on his right and Jillian on his left. They were both on their sides with their faces laying next to his shoulders. His arms were draped over their shoulders with a hand curled into the contours of each of their breasts. There was no movement at the moment. They were asleep.

I wanted a cup of coffee but I knew the groaning of the Keurig Machine would likely wake the whole house. I looked at my watch and decided that the newspaper was probably on the driveway. I casually walked out the front door and immediately felt the sub-freezing temperature with a brisk wind behind it. I broke into a fast walk, grabbed the newspaper, and sprinted back to the front door. I had goose-bumps on my arms and legs. Suddenly, that hot tub across the back lawn was looking pretty good. I vigorously rubbed my arms to get up some friction warmth. I knew that Mom and Dad kept a collection of beach towels and terry-cloth robes in the shed beside the hot tub. I was about to grab up the newspaper and head for the backyard when I heard a sexual moan. I stopped and listened to see where it was coming from. It wasn't the family room and it hadn't come from upstairs. I stepped to the master bedroom door and listened. It came again. It was Mom's moan. I was very familiar with her moans. She was either masturbating or she was with Aunt Mary. I had put eyes on everyone else in the house. Then I heard, "Oh Jesus, Mary. Yes. Right there." That answered that question.

I was certain that both Mom and Aunt Mary would be thrilled if I joined them, but I had a month of this ahead of me in some form or another. Even though my dick was insisting that I push open the bedroom door, my big head won a battle of wills, for a change and I headed for the back door. I chuckled to myself; I didn't win many arguments with my dick.

Steam swirled out from under the hot tub cover as I pushed it back. I was chilled to the bone by the time I got undressed and slipped into the hot water. My skin was burning for a few moments and then it was pure luxury. I let all the air in my lungs just ooze out of me as I buried myself to my ears in hot water. The stiff breeze blew the steam away along with the foot or so layer of warm air. I abandoned any thought of sitting up out of the water and reading the newspaper, which is one of my favorite relaxing things to do.

The breeze was blowing crystalline daggers of snow in my face. This was a good idea in theory but I was already thinking about going back to the house. I splashed hot water on my face to staunch the stinging sensation. It worked for a moment and then the relentless wind attacked my wet face.

I was about to pull myself out of the water when I saw movement in one of the upstairs windows of the twin's bedroom. There were three, side by side. From this distance, I was unsure which of the twins it was, but she was naked and pulling her outer labia aside with her fingers. Her upper arms pushed her boobs to the middle creating additional cleavage. She was grinning down at me. She looked to her side and the other twin appeared in the adjacent window. She was naked too. She had a hand, formed in a fist pulled up to her face and she was giving me the tongue in the cheek blow job signal.

My dick was signaling me as it rose quickly below the waterline. It was near impossible to turn down a tag-team blow job from my gorgeous twin sisters. I stood up and grabbed my boner and wagged it from side to side. I could see both girls laugh. The waved for me to come up.

I didn't dawdle. I was freezing as I grabbed a towel and then a terry cloth robe. I replaced the cover and sprinted to the house with my cock pushing through the front of the robe, pointing the way. I was almost to the back door and I looked at the windows to see Julie's face in June's sex. June had her hands draped over Julie's head holding her in place. From the look on June's face, I could almost hear the groan.

I was careful not to slam the backdoor behind me so I wouldn't disturb anyone. As I headed for the stairs, I was drying my legs and chest with the towel. I heard Aunt Mary as I went by Mom's bedroom door. She was moaning out, "Fuck, Maddy. You have the best tongue. You're driving me crazy." I stopped to see if anything else happened. A moment later, Aunt Mary gave a demonic sounding groan followed quickly by a muffled screech, "Oh gawwddd. I'm cumming again."

I heard a 'pppssstttt' sound and looked up the stairs to see Julie standing there nude, urging me to hurry. I was peeling off the robe as I hurried up the stairs. The towel and robe were deposited right there on the stairs. Julie grabbed my hand and pulled me to her bedroom.

June was laying on her back on her bed kind of kitty-cornered. She used her hands to spread her outer petals. Her juices were already bubbling on her pink inner petals. From her position, I knew what their plan was. We'd done it before many times. I crawled up on the bed at an angle to June's sprawled body and laid down on my left hip as I pushed my lips to her offering. June's body spazzed for a moment and then shuddered as I flicked my tongue across her clitoris for a moment before drilling my tongue deep between her pink folds. She let out a deep-pitched groan.

Julie climbed up on the bed and maneuvered her luscious body so her pussy was easily accessible to June whenever she recovered from my attack. Julie pulled her upper body toward me and lifted my upper leg to give her access to my wagging cock. She stretched her lips onto the big knob and then looked up at my face as I continued my attack on June's pussy. When Julie started down my shaft, I let out a loud groan right into June's sex. Damn, her mouth felt good. When she quickly began throat fucking me, I thought I'd cum right there. I groaned hard into June's pussy. Then Julie groaned on my cock as June started flicking her tongue in her sex. The three-way daisy chain made for abnormal attack angles but we'd done it many times before.

I was trying hard to hold my climax back anticipating that the twins would want my hard cock inside them or at least share a fuck, but Julie was pulling hard on it, fighting against me. June was the first to go. She screeched into Julie's pussy, which caused Julie to giggle on my cock. After that, it was a contest to see if she could get me off or I could hold it back from her. June dropped out of the Daisy-Chain and Julie got up on top of me in a sixty-nine. Then it became a contest to see if I could get her off before she got me because there wasn't any doubt in my mind that I was going to blow any moment now.

Julie suddenly stopped with her lips halfway down my shaft. I was close and I started pumping my hips at her face urging her to continue. Her body shuddered and gave a sudden spastic pulse and she pulled off my cock and muttered, "Oh no. Dex. I'm sorry." She put her lips back on my velvety crown and I braced myself for her squirt. There was no place for me to go. Her body shuddered again and then tensed as if to get every muscle in her body lined up to launch the fire-hose of a stream that blasted me in the face. It went everywhere. Up my nose, in my mouth, in my ears, and puddled on my eyes. She tried to sit up, which changed the angle and it shot down my chest and soaked my cock sticking straight up in its path. She lowered herself back down to smother the stream with her body.

June, who was curled up near my head got soaked. She started laughing and eased away like she was unconcerned about the situation. There wasn't anywhere for me to go so I joined June in her laughter and gagged as the squirt found my open mouth. After Julie stopped screeching, which seemed to be powering her squirt, she joined our laughter. Her body seemed to melt above me as she released her tension.

My cock was raging hard and I was so close to cumming before Julie went off. My cock slapped Julie across the face and she grabbed it and pulled it to her lips and greedily pushed her lips over the knob and down my shaft. My orgasm was still right there and Julie pulled it up to the crest of the wave and I groaned hard as I went over the top. She gagged a little from the sheer volume but she stayed on until the second shot and she gagged harder and pulled off in mid-stream. She caught the rest of the second shot across her face. She pushed her lips to my knob and let all the remaining cum-shot shoot into her mouth only to drool back out the sides of her mouth and down my shaft to her hand gripped tightly around the base. To say the least, June's bed was a mess and when I finished, Julie pulled her head back and started laughing. June wasn't pleased about it but when I joined Julie's laughter, June joined in too.