Desire to be Enslaved

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A young person's sex slave fantasies are made very real.
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Justin leaned back and reflected on the message he had just received on his computer. The screen displayed an image from a site- a hardcore website specializing in BDSM, femdom and TS - showing a young woman naked, bent over and elaborately tied up. She wore a ball gag in her delicate mouth, clothespins on her nipples, and a large dildo was wedged into her anus. Nevertheless, her overall expression was one of ecstatic submission.

Justin gently stroked the front of his slacks; the images on the website had rendered him semi-tumescent, and a pleasant thrill suffused his groin. He was an attractive young man, albeit with feminine features: large dark eyes, flawless skin, a shapely mouth and slender, well proportioned limbs. Both women and men were attracted to him; though shy, he had had a number of experiences with the former, since his delicate good looks and unassuming attitude often brought him offers of oral and other sex. Assertive, aggressive females frightened him somewhat; and he didn't care for stridently gay young men of his own age. But what might come of the message he had been sent?

The truth was that his true, secret sexual predilections ran to a submissive, near masochistic inclination. He enjoyed watching video of spanking and whipping, especially of young, attractive women. But he was far from imagining himself as the person wielding the whip or cane. Rather, it was the role of the victim that he aspired to; he was the helplessly bound, naked recipient, and it was he who cried out as the instrument of chastisement cracked across soft, trembling flesh, and the stripes sprang up on tender skin.

The thought of being tightly bound and at the mercy of a remorseless master or mistress excited him; to be gagged and blindfolded, unable to stop the succession of stripes , to be fucked in the mouth and ass, forced to swallow and serve...this was his pinnacle of desire. And after several years of imagining himself in such situations, by pressing Send he made them a potential reality.

He had responded to a profile on the website, sending his vital statistics and a photograph, and expressing his interest in corresponding with the self=described dominant male; while he found female flesh more attractive, the idea of submitting to a strong, forceful, mature man sent a quiver through his deepest parts. Was he actually going to follow through with this tentative reaching out? Very possibly not. Yet he felt a thrill of excitement.

The man in the photo greatly resembled the imagined master of his sexual fantasies. His name was Ben and he was in his early forties, strong and tall, a fit outdoors type. Yet his features were refined, and he wrote articulately with a degree of sensitivity. He had been involved in the BDSM scene as a top for some years; now he lived a couple of hundred miles from Justin in a remote part of the state. Rather than appearing to be in need of a quick encounter, he seemed genuinely interested in Justin, his thoughts and desires. As they corresponded, he successfully put into words many of the feelings that Justin had struggled with for some time; Justin's particular kink was, it appeared, not unknown. Without sounding crude or coarse, Ben made it clear that he understood what was motivating Justin; and also conveyed his willingness and ability to partner successfully. He suggested that Justin pay him a visit.

As they corresponded, the older man's forceful, yet oddly charming personality began to assert itself on the sensitive young man .Justin found himself opening up to him about his secret feelings and describing some of his fantasies. The other listened gravely; his occasional comments confirmed his familiarity with the young man's kinks, and began to weave a fatal fascination. Ben was an excellent listener, so that Justin began to feel guided into a relationship the prospect of which filled him with excitement. He became increasingly open to Ben's insights and recommendations. Was he a helpless fish hooked on a line? Perhaps so, he thought, but wasn't that the feeling he had yearned for?

He accepted the invitation. It might be risky; but it could be most rewarding.

Yet he was filled with trepidation as he drove along the quiet country roads that led to the house of assignation. The two had communicated enough to where the actual visit appeared (most likely) not threatening ; though the scent of possible danger added a piquancy to the journey. Thoughts of finding they had nothing in common, that Ben was not simpatico but rather rough and crude, alternated with lubricious images of domination and servitude. Finally, as he drew near to his destination, he forced himself to put away his fears. Whatever would happen, would happen. The decision was liberating; he could now more fully submit to the role that had excited his imagination for the past several years.

He drove up to an old farmhouse in good repair, standing some hundreds of yards from the closest house, surrounded by tall oaks and greenery. "You made it! I'm glad. Please come in. Something to eat or drink? Long drive." Ben wore a plaid shirt and comfortable corduroy slacks. He was tall and lithe, with excellent features; a strong jaw and high cheekbones. He was an impressive figure, and charmed the nervous younger man.

The living room where they sipped wine was furnished with well used, good quality furniture, the walls hung with intriguing paintings and prints. They discussed their interests; both enjoyed travel, and Ben had visited Thailand and China, where Justin intended to go. They had some similar tastes in books, art and music; and Justin began to feel himself relaxing around this worldly, courteous, confident, well spoken older man. Yet he was conscious that he was evading the purpose of the visit, hesitant to commit himself. Equally aware of this, Ben put an end to the prevarication. "You and I know what brought you here. Would you like to stay, or would you prefer to go?"

Justin hesitated. But he had already made up his mind. "I'd like to stay."

"Good. Then we'll move into the upstairs rooms."

They ascended a long, carved staircase onto thick carpeting. They came to a small antechamber; the rooms beyond were darker, painted in reds and purples. "You're not in any danger You will not be injured.. There will be some discomfort, but unless I'm mistaken, discomfort was why you came here. I'd like to place this collar around your neck. If you accept it, you are agreeing to be a slave for the next forty eight hours. Slaves serve their master; they will make themselves useful, and they may be punished. " Justin nodded in acquiescence; the stiff leather collar was placed around his slender throat and buckled securely. The realization that he had placed himself unreservedly in the hands of this strong, masterful older man descended on him,

"Take off your clothes." Obediently he stripped off his socks, shoes, jeans and shirt, and stood shyly in his bikini underwear before his master. "Those as well." Somewhat reluctantly Justin made himself completely naked; his shyness increased and he cupped his hands over his groin and bottom. Ben stepped up to him and gripped the younger man's chin in his strong hand. He was quite big, and the nude now-slave trembled in a sudden cold draft. "Put your hands behind your neck." Justin complied, feeling completely exposed. His cock and balls were suddenly gripped and squeezed; he flinched, then when the pressure remained gentle, squirmed in pleasure. His slender cock stiffened, and as Ben fondled him a drop of liquid appeared on the tip.

His small, rounded buttocks were firmly gripped and a strong finger probed between the cheeks; a shudder of anticipation passed through him. Entirely nude before this tall figure, he felt vulnerable and exposed like never before in his life. Yet the feeling also brought a sudden impulse to fall to his knees and offer his slack, open mouth, or to bend over with parted buttocks to expose his virgin entrance, though he had never been touched there, let alone penetrated. He was now completely in the other's power.

"Put your arms behind you, one over the other." Justin complied, and felt his wrist closely encircled with a lithe rope several times; a knot was tied, then the other wrist secured. Now his arms were firmly bound with his forearms parallel; he could only flutter his fingers, and his bottom and cock were entirely unprotected.

He stood meekly as Ben knelt to fasten an eighteen inch spreader bar to his ankles; then push a thick tongue-shaped leather gag into his mouth, buckling it tightly at the nape of his neck. Finally a blindfold was slipped over the younger man's eyes. Unable to see or speak clearly, his cute little ass and tender cock and balls entirely unprotected, Justin was almost jerked off his feet as Ben gripped the ring at the front of the collar and pulled him forward.

Unable to walk properly because of the spreader, he staggered after his master, his shocked expostulations quite muted by the gag. After a few steps strong hands bent him over a cold set of bars; his collar ring clicked onto metal, his ankles were fastened to the steel and he was helplessly pinioned, his bottom raised and his head firmly fastened down. Another ring was fastened to the cord that bound his arms, and hauled up so that his wrists were held in the air, his head was pressed down further and his buttocks elevated.

A cool breeze played on his bare skin and brought him goose bumps; he was rendered completely naked and helpless, and fear clutched him. He had long fantasized about this; now he was in the power of a stranger. Anything might be done to him.

Proof of the latter occurred when a sudden extraordinary sensation shot through his rectum. Ben had without warning thrust two wet fingers deep into his anus. Justin squealed through the gag and bucked wildly to dislodge the offending digits; but Ben easily kept them in place, steadily fondling the soft interior at will.

"Are you comfortable, Justin? I didn't think so, but then you are not supposed to be. Now, you thought we'd have a few drinks, then maybe we'd take our clothes off and you would suck my cock, and I would be suitably grateful. But it doesn't work like that. You WILL be sucking my cock, and I'll be breaking in your little virgin asshole. First, though, you will be made to understand what you are: a slave. I'm going to take some time to make you understand that. I don't imagine you've ever been whipped; we're going to make up for that lack. We'll start with a paddle; then when you're warmed up, switch to a cane, or whip. Or perhaps the carpet beater; I'm told that smarts like hell. Pretty soon you'll be pleading through the gag for me to stop; you'll be offering your little ass up if only you can take a break from the sting. You don't get to decide when it's enough, though; I will. I'm afraid my idea of enough will differ from yours. Are you ready?"

With that he withdrew his fingers from Justin's rear. The relief was temporary. A whistling crack provoked a stinging pain across the slave's bare buttocks, followed immediately by another stroke directly next to the first. Justin gasped and then squealed through the gag as a third cut bisected the two already reddened stripes. Ben passed the paddle steadily from the sensitive area at the small of the back, across the fuller globes, down to the tops of the tender thighs. His victim writhed violently from side to side in an attempt to evade the blows, but was firmly held in his bonds. By the tenth stroke Justin was panting and pleading desperately; at the twentieth he was sobbing like a small child as he emitted a muffled howl.

Ben paid no attention to his cries, instead simply concentrating on proper placement of each blow. By the time he paused - it must have been at the twenty fifth - the slave's back and buttocks glowed bright pink. Their owner's panting and gasping gradually slowed, though the tears continued to flow.

Ben raised Justin's chin and looked carefully into his eyes, savoring the fear and pain in the dilated pupils, which sent a mute appeal for mercy. "No, Justin, I'm sorry but we're not quite there yet." Letting his head drop, he selected a narrow, springy cane. The application of this to Justin's already smarting flesh was dramatic; the cage over which he was stretched was shaken as the cane bit. Bright pink lines intersected the large glowing areas created by the paddle; Justin's sobbing resumed and, exhausted, his struggles slowed. Noting this, Ben considered; delivered three more hard cuts, then set back, considering his victim's beslobbered, pleading face.

What he saw there evidently persuaded him that he had accomplished what he intended. He replaced the cane and instead thrust his fingers again into the other's anus; which still gaped open slightly. This time, instead of trying to writhe away from the intrusion Justin pushed back, attempting to admit them further. Pumping his bottom back and forth, and moaning suggestively, he clearly communicated his submission, and new desire to serve his master's pleasure with his virgin behind. Ben enjoyed the slippery velvet interior for a little while; then unclipped the other's ankles and collar, removed the blindfold and the gag, and gripping his soft, soaked hair, drew him upright.

In the corner of the room stood a plain wooden kitchen chair. More notable however was the thick flesh colored butt plug, glistening with oil, attached firmly to the seat. Turning the chair to face the corner, Ben guided the wobbly younger man to squat over the dildo, instructing him to lower himself onto it. Clumsily holding the back of the chair while straddling it, Justin obediently squatted down while the other spread his smarting buttocks apart. The head of the dildo touched the open flower; little by little, wincing occasionally, Justin steered it up his rectum, occasionally gasping and withdrawing an inch or so, then returning to absorb it deeper. His opening stretched around the hard circumference; his eyes widened as it went deep. With a gasp he settled his sore bottom own don the chair's seat; seven inches of latex now penetrated him. Completely submitting, whipped and impaled, he stared obediently at the wall in front of him.

"This should get you ready. We'll leave you there for an hour or two. Don't you dare move an inch! When I'm ready, you'll come to my bed...after a little warm up. How much of a warm up depends on how still you keep." Justin darted a fearful look, and held himself motionless, except for allowing his eyes to half close and his mouth open suggestively.

The night drew in and Ben turned again to Justin, who looked apprehensively at his master. As he pulled him up, fairly gently, by his hair, the plug popped out of his ass with a liquid sound.

"Now bend over. Just five more, with the cane. "


"Six more. Take the position."

Six strokes crisscrossed Justin's bottom; he gasped and cried out, then it was over. Ben led him to his king bed, shucked out of his clothes and lay back naked on the pillows. His thick, veined cock began to grow erect. Justin gingerly moved between his spread legs and gripped the thickening member with both hands, offering his soft open mouth.

Receiving a nod of permission, he began to run his tongue carefully up and down the considerable length; then, opening wide, he began to suck it, concentrating on the head and frenulum; the while gazing submissively up at his master, who grunted in pleasure. The cock grew rock hard and Justin struggled to take it as deeply as possible; his soft lips were stretched around the thick circumference and he emitted a series of soft grunting noises, the while caressing it with his lips and tongue. The combination of soft skin and hard erection was extraordinary; he concentrated all his attention on pleasuring the thick shaft.

Suddenly Ben withdrew, to Justin's consternation. But instead he turned Justin onto his front, then pulled his ass into the air. Stationing himself between the other's tender limbs, he touched the head of his cock to the soft entrance and thrust forward, driving a scream from his partner. Ben held himself still, and gradually the enveloping sleeve relaxed. Slowly the two began to fuck; with each stroke it went deeper still. Both were moaning in ecstasy; Ben at the grip of the softest, sweetest possible ass, and Justin as the other's thrusts seemed to penetrate his heart. Their tempo accelerated, a delirium seized them as the liquid noises of their intercourse accelerated; Justin daringly gripped Ben's hand and placed it on his erect cock.

Fucking the other's ass, and fondling his cock, Ben was filled with an extraordinary ecstasy flooding his body; his partner gasped and writhed in sensation. A torrent of hot come spurted into Justin's bowels . and a moment later Justin's cock sprayed a fountain of liquid, some of which Ben caught in his cupped palm. Rolling onto his side, he raised his hand to Justin's relaxing mouth; the other licked and drank his own essence submissively, while Ben's come trickled stickily from his extended asshole.

Justin now spends every weekend, and some entire weeks, at his master's home. He has grown his soft hair to shoulder length, and has learned to apply eyeliner and makeup. Ben likes to see his crimson lipsticked mouth wrapped around his cock. Usually he is naked. Ben is gone part of the day, and Justin must cook, clean and serve. Every evening his master will review his day's work; often he finds fault, and Justin must be punished. He eagerly brings the implement of chastisement that is requested, and obediently presents the parts that are to be punished; although Ben will rotate his attentions from bottom, to back, to thighs or calves, the soft palms of Justin's hands, even the soles of his feet, so that there is no scarring or other permanent damage to his tender flesh.

The wooden chair now sports a dildo the exact size of its owner's cock, so that Justin's rectum will be a perfect fit, tight as a glove.After the evening's punishment, Justin will rush to the bedroom when summoned. With constant practice, his oral skills have greatly advanced; now his mouth will bring his master to plateaus of delight and hold him there, edging him until it's clear he's ready to come. His throat is relaxed and can take Ben's cock for almost its full length; the sensation when the essence spurts is extraordinary. He now kegels Ben's cock in his ass, squeezing and milking it adeptly. He is on a constant peak of excitement; his master's coming is usually enough to prompt his own ejaculation.

The key is turning in the door; Justin glances nervously around at his day's work. He's forgotten a few dishes in the sink! A rush of masochistic expectation causes his cock to leap to attention, while his bare bottom tingles in anticipation. He hopes it's not - or does he wish for? - the thin cane to be selected tonight.

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