Deliciously Naked Ch. 02

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She runs naked through the woods,
7.6k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 09/08/2021
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Official Disclaimer: All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older. No cheerleaders were harmed in the writing of this story.

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Now that I was Elizabeth's sexual plaything, she told me that I would be obligated to get naked in the woods or on public streets or other places where I would be at risk of being seen by total strangers. This information both terrified me and thrilled me to my sexual core.

One of the first public spectacles where I was forced to expose myself resulted in me getting detention. I was wondering what sort of consequences might result from future acts Elizabeth forced me to perform.

"We're going out to the woods," Elizabeth informed me when she'd finished planning another of her bizarre displays. "I know somebody who has a cabin out in Campo Verde. She's going to let us use the cabin for the weekend."

The wicked smile on her face told me something was up.

"You're going to turn this into a big production where I get naked in front of strangers, aren't you?" I asked.

"Maybe," she said, her smile becoming somehow even more sinister.

I knew something was up, but Elizabeth built up my apprehension by not telling me any of the details for what she was planning. The suspense was killing me.

It was Saturday, April the 4th when we drove out to Campo Verde. We had the cabin for two whole days, but Elizabeth didn't want to waste a single second, so we got into her car around 6:00 am and headed out before sunrise.

The woods of Camp Verde are thick with trees, but there are no paved roads and no cellphone towers out there. As we drove deeper and deeper into the woods, I felt like we had gone back in time to the nineteenth century.

Before we ever reached the cabin, Elizabeth pulled over and stopped the car. There was no cabin in sight. We were miles away from the nearest paved road, gas station or general store. I asked why we were stopping and that's when Elizabeth told me to get out of the car and strip naked.

"What?" I asked. "Now?"

"Right now," she said firmly. "From the looks of things, you and I are the only ones around for miles. If you refuse to get naked here, you're not any fun at all."

I looked out the window and all I could see was trees, moss, and a few curious birds, perched nearby. Getting naked outside would take me outside of my comfort zone, but it seemed to me that we were alone in the woods.

"And, darling, try to remember," Elizabeth said softly, "if you don't do what I say, I get to punish you."

Elizabeth and I hadn't discussed punishments yet, so I had no idea what sort of punishments she had in mind, however, the way she said the word "punishment" gave me an emotional jolt every time she said it. It spurred me into action, and I got out of the car so quickly it was like she had pointed a gun at my head.

I didn't say anything out loud, but the thought of being out in the woods without a single stitch of clothing triggered my libido. It had something to do with being naked outdoors. It made me feel more vulnerable and exposed.

By the time I began to unbutton my blouse, Elizabeth had gotten out of the car and was watching me intently. When I had removed my blouse and my bra, Elizabeth took them both and tossed them into the trunk of her car.

My shoes were next and then I squirmed awkwardly out of my skintight jeans. Elizabeth took those from me, and they soon ended up in the trunk as well. My socks were the last things I took off and then I was standing there in the woods, stark naked.

"You look adorable," Elizabeth said. "It's a shame I can't keep you like this all the time."

Being utterly naked and exposed made me far more submissive and vulnerable. During the drive out to Campo Verde, I had felt pretty much like Elizabeth, and I were equals. Once I was naked, I instantly felt as if she vastly outranked me.

"The cabin is about a mile in that direction," Elizabeth said as she pointed. "If you follow the dirt road, you can get there pretty quickly. The downside of that plan is that there are hunters, bird watchers and anglers that use this road, so unless you want to get ogled by an ornithologist, I suggest you go through the woods."

"The woods?" I asked, looking towards the thick growth of trees to my left and right. It didn't look like a hospitable environment for a naked girl. Somewhere an owl hooted.

"It's up to you," Elizabeth replied. "There are no bears or coyotes in these woods. There are some deer, but they tend to run away from humans. They're harmless."

I tried to remember what other sorts of animals might live in the woods. Would I run into something that might hurt me? Surely Elizabeth did her research before dropping me off naked out here, right? I mean, we were still friends. She wouldn't want me to get hurt.

While I was having my silent inner dilemma, Elizabeth got back in her car and drove off. My heart pounded frantically in my chest, I was naked, and all alone out in the woods! I used my hands to cover my boobs and I began my barefoot trek, in urgent search of the cabin.

Walking barefoot through the woods isn't like walking barefoot through a suburban neighborhood. There were acorns, dead leaves, and other debris on the ground. It seemed that with every step I took I was stepping on something painful or gross.

The ground was covered in wild grasses, weeds, hellebores, and the occasional tree root. Elizabeth said that the cabin was only a mile away, but when you're walking barefoot and naked through such scraggly, unkempt wilderness, it makes the distance seem ten times as long.

I felt exposed, vulnerable, and frightened. I was rethinking my decision and wondering if this whole fieldtrip was a bad idea. I felt certain that I should never have agreed to this, yet there I was, doing it anyway.

My heart pounded like a wild thing in my chest. I was frightened by all the possible consequences, but I was still excited. As I crept cautiously through the forest and tall weeds brushed against my naked thighs a shameless wave of desire flooded my entire body. It was bizarre, but my fear and my arousal seemed to be inextricably linked.

My nipples became blatantly erect, and my sex throbbed as I walked through weeds, tall grasses, and other unpleasant things. There was nobody there to see me, but there was still the thrill of being exposed and deliciously vulnerable.

I couldn't see the cabin from where I was, and I was forced to take Elizabeth's word that I was heading in the right direction. The fear of not knowing if I was headed towards a safe haven, and what sort of hazards I would encounter along the way was somehow delicious and darkly thrilling.

I walked past dozens of trees and through hundreds of weeds, some of which were tall enough to brush up against my sensitive, swollen pubic lips. Some of the weeds were scratchy and irritated my calves and thighs as I walked through them. I whimpered as my bare legs were assaulted by weeds, but I kept moving forward. I was feeling increasingly vulnerable and exposed, and I was savoring the feeling.

It felt intensely erotic, baring my naked body to the warmth of the sun and the slight breezes of the outdoors. My bare feet crunched on dead leaves, and I felt like some sort of naked sex slave who had escaped from my mistress and could be caught at any moment. Then, as I was getting lost in my fantasy, I suddenly heard voices and the sounds of footsteps tromping through thick vegetation.

The voices were far away but getting closer. They sounded like female voices, and I could make out a few words as they closed the distance between me and them. I was able to make out the word "lake" and the phrase "it's this way."

It sounded as if there was a brief, spirited disagreement and then the voices headed straight towards me, accelerating with alarming speed.

I panicked and scrambled towards the thickest tree in my vicinity and pressed my naked body up against it, hoping that it would block the two (or possibly more than two) approaching strangers from discovering me.

I felt simultaneously feverishly hot and bone-chilling cold as I trembled, on the verge of a panic attack. The two women (and a third person who may have been male) passed by without noticing me. I changed my position several times to keep the trunk of the tree obscuring me from their view. I used my hands to cover my breasts and did my best to remain quiet as a mouse until they made their way out of my hearing range.

I let out a sigh of relief when they were gone and wiped sweat from my brow. Dear God, that was close! They had come within a few inches of my hiding place without seeing me!

That was an intense experience. It was terrifying, but as I looked down, I realized that my nipples were stiffer and more enlarged than I'd ever seen them. My body had responded to the fear and potential humiliation of getting caught with acute sexual arousal.

My sex throbbed, and I was tempted to reach down between my legs and finger myself before making my way to the cabin. I was feverish with sexual excitement, and I felt a need to do something about it, but I also wanted to reach the safety of the cabin before anyone else stumbled upon my hiding place.

My breathing gradually slowed, and my heartbeat eased up a bit. My bare boobs rose and fell as my breathing slowly came back under control. That near miss had been terrifying, but it was also a rush that was so potent, I knew I wanted more. This sort of risky behavior was going to become an addiction for me, I just knew it.

Eventually, I made a break for it and ran across the forest as quickly as I could towards the cabin. I had a surplus of adrenaline in my bloodstream, and I used it for sprinting naked across the forest. It seemed that I had never felt as alive as I did in that moment. My whole body tingled as the wind caressed my naked skin.

I ran deeper and deeper into the forest and made my way up a steep hill and my legs propelled me forward until I saw a wood cabin in the distance. At the sight of the cabin, I urged my legs to pump even faster, and I hurtled through the woods like a speed demon. I only weigh 99 pounds and I have strong calves and thighs, so when I want to, I can attain fantastic speeds.

The only problem is, running through forest terrain in your bare feet is totally different from running on a school running track in running shoes. I ended up slipping on something wet and squishy and falling down, ass over shoulders, tumbling in an ungraceful roll across the ground before coming to a jarring stop.

"Ugh," I groaned as I lay on the ground. "That sucked."

Apparently, I was close enough to the cabin when I fell that Elizabeth heard the commotion. Or possibly, she had been watching the whole thing from a distance and saw me fall. Either way, she came out of the cabin, rushed over and asked, "Scarlett, are you okay?"

I sat up and looked up at my friend. I was naked and sitting in dirt and dead leaves, feeling foolish, while she was fully clothed, standing tall and looking dignified.

"I'm okay," I said. "Only my pride was hurt."

Suddenly, it started to rain, and Elizabeth walked me to the front door of the cabin. I felt relieved that I had made it to the cabin without anyone catching a glimpse of my naked ass, my boobs or my overexcited nipples. Then, I got inside the cabin and heard a female voice call out, "Scarlett!"

What the hell?

I covered my boobs with one arm and placed a hand protectively over my shaved pubes and gave Elizabeth a look of shock and outrage.

Elizabeth gave me an innocent look and said, "Oh, I forgot to mention, this cabin belongs to Lexi, and she wouldn't let me use it unless I told her why I wanted it. And then she insisted that I couldn't use it unless she got to see you naked."

"Technically, the cabin belongs to my parents," Lexi elaborated, "but they let me use it whenever, so it's not much of a distinction."

"Lizzie!" I protested.

"Hey," Elizabeth retorted, "you're the one who gets excited when you're objectified and forced to get naked for an audience. I'm just trying to make you happy."

"Yeah, Scarlett," Lexi said as she ambled over towards me, "but you don't seem all that happy to see me."

Lexi was eighteen years old and one of the girls on my high school cheerleading squad. Ordinarily she's congenial, helpful and polite, however, when she saw me naked her whole demeanor changed. It was like she was a wolf, and I was a slow-moving, delicious herbivore and she was moving in to take a bite out of me. She stared at me with intense, electric-blue eyes and I squirmed nervously under her piercing gaze.

"I wasn't expecting Lizzie to involve any of my friends in...this," I replied as she drew dangerously close and licked her lips. She was fully clothed, while I was defenseless and naked. I truly felt as if Lexi was a predator, and I was prey. And then Elizabeth broke in and said to Lexi, "Would you like to touch her?"

Lexi's eyes were bright and intense. She told Elizabeth that she would very much like to touch me, so Elizabeth ordered me to place my hands behind the back of my neck and thrust my chest out to make it easier for Lexi to feel me up.

"Lizzie!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with outrage, but she dismissed my feelings and insisted that I had to follow her orders no matter how difficult they might be.

"I'm bigger and stronger than you," Elizabeth reminded me. "If you won't place your hands behind your neck willingly, I can always force them back there and tie you up with ropes."

I met Elizabeth's gaze and stared her down. At first, I thought she was bluffing, but the serious look in her eyes made me think she would really go ahead and do it. She was being the alpha female, and she was expecting me to submit. If I didn't submit, it would make her look weak in front of Lexi. She would almost have to follow through on her threat to make herself seem strong and reassert her dominance.

At least, that's how I had read the situation.

I sighed, reluctantly laced my fingers together behind my neck and thrust my boobs out as if offering them up as a gift for Lexi to do with whatever she wished.

"Oh, goodie," Lexi said as she reached for my bare breasts. "Your boobs are so cute."

Lexi cupped my defenseless breasts and lifted them up slightly before kneading them like pizza dough. My breasts aren't very large, however, they're high and firm and Lexi seemed to be endlessly fascinated with them.

Lexi was a good five inches taller than me, and she was wearing jeans and a V-neck t-shirt, while I was naked with my nipples and my pubic lips indecently exposed. She was my friend, but I suddenly felt extremely intimidated by her.

Then, Lexi removed her hands from my boobs and without warning, one of her hands was between my thighs and she cupped the tender flesh of puffy labia. I instinctively closed my legs together, but Elizabeth admonished me and told me to spread my legs wide and allow Lexi unrestricted access to my pussy.

"But, Lizzie!" I protested.

Lexi commented that my pussy was soaking wet, and I felt myself blushing red hot with embarrassment. It was shameful to be exhibited naked and felt up by one of my friends, but Elizabeth insisted that I had to let Lexi treat me this way.

"It's for your own good," Elizabeth assured me. "You have a psychological need to be humiliated and objectified. Also, if you don't spread your legs for Lexi, I'll be forced to punish you."

Reluctantly, I slid my feet apart and left my sex defenseless and exposed. Lexi took advantage of my vulnerability and rubbed her fingers along the cleft of my sex, causing my nether lips to become even more swollen and stimulated. There was a feverish rush of sexual energies and I gasped as I felt fear, humiliation and libidinous excitement all at the same time. I wanted Lexi to leave me alone, but I also wanted her to continue what she was doing. It was so difficult for me to decide what I should do, but Elizabeth took all my decisions away from me and ordered me to spread my legs wide and make myself vulnerable.

I was overwhelmed by a cocktail of potent emotions as my friend did deliciously naughty things to my delicate pubic lips and my swollen clitoris. It seemed wrong for me to expose my naked body to Lexi and let her finger my pussy, but if I resisted in any way, Elizabeth's voice of authority demanded obedience and I was forced to let Lexi have her way with me.

There was something wonderfully dark and delicious about not being in control. I gasped and panted as I felt helpless, victimized and at the same time so intensely sexually aroused that my legs became wobbly, and I needed Elizabeth's help to keep from collapsing to the floor.

Next, Lexi placed her mouth over mine, and kissed me fervently as her fingers worked their way into the gap between my swollen nether lips.

I was being impaled in two places. Lexi worked her tongue deep into my mouth and her fingers deep into my pussy. I was carried away, savoring the sensations of having Lexi's fingers and tongue inside of me and I reached out and wrapped my arms around Lexi's torso. Her body was firm, toned and felt deliciously warm. My hands began to wander up and down her spine, but then Elizabeth grabbed one of my wrists and pulled my hand away.

"Scarlett! What do you think you're doing?" Elizabeth demanded.

"What?" I asked as Lexi pulled away and I felt deeply disappointed that she was no longer touching me.

"I said that Lexi could touch you," Elizabeth explained. "I never said you could touch her! Why were your hands on Lexi?"

I was at a loss for an answer. My body just responded to the sensations I was experiencing. I tried to explain this to Elizabeth, but she didn't like my answers.

"I demand total obedience," Elizabeth said. "If you don't have the self-control to keep your hands to yourself, I guess I'll just have to tie you up."

Lexi smiled nastily and went to fetch rope. Apparently, Elizabeth was planning on tying me up all along and had dozens of lengths of rope prepared in advance and when Lexi returned, she brought enough rope to tie up at least four people.

"Please don't," I pleaded and I backed away from both Lexi and Elizabeth, although secretly I was hoping they would ignore my pleas. The idea of being naked, bound and helpless excited me tremendously. I wanted to be helpless, but some instinct inside of me made me feel honor bound to protest. Perhaps, I wanted to see what would happen if I rebelled against Elizabeth's commands.

"Do the dominant women in your stories show mercy when their victims beg and plead?" Elizabeth asked. Of course, we both knew the answer to that question.

In my stories, disobedient girls were forced to obey, and that's what happened to me. Elizabeth and Lexi advanced on me and my arms were grabbed and forced behind my back. My wrists were securely tied, and then Elizabeth wound some ropes just above my elbows. I groaned as she pulled my elbows painfully close together, causing my arms and shoulders to pull back behind me. My chest was forced forward, pushing my breasts up and out.

I felt an intense pulsing in my loins when I realized that I was helpless, and no amount of struggling would allow me to get free.

Something about being naked and helpless in rope bondage made me feel proud, as if having my wrists and elbows tied behind my back was a major accomplishment. I struggled against the ropes to assure myself that I couldn't get free. And when my struggles accomplished nothing, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

I wasn't willing to admit that I was enjoying being helpless, so I tried complaining to try and cover up my unusual reactions.

"Ouch!" I blurted out loudly, "That's really tight. I won't be able to . . ."