Dear Sarah

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A letter that describes some - interesting - family fun!
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Dear Sarah,

I find myself intrigued by your last letter, where you request I tell you about my ... shall we call them, adventures? ... since we have been together. I am reticent to tell all, as Mama was quite particular that ladies should be demure and modest, as I am sure you recall most vividly, and I fear that to tell all would be most immodest. However, I can with as little forwardness as possible tell you of my most recent adventure with the Earl of ___________, a most agreeable companion in my little "adventures."

As you know the Earl and his temperament from our childhood, you know he is most bold and forthright, ever willing to aid and abet in any schemes I might dream up. I am by temperament and training much more reserved, although my mind is always turning toward new tricks and follies that invariably lead to much fun and frivolity - but that would never see the light of day were it not for the Earl. We are delightfully matched in these endeavors.

To continue, it was a lazy summer day, and the Earl and I were most lethargic, seemingly content to watch the bees sample the flowers as the servants brought us a light luncheon. But oh, my busy little mind! which does not stay still for a moment, was leading us into a quite delightful but devious route. "Oh, Daniel!" I exclaimed, "I am frightfully bored! Whatever shall we do to end this indolence?"

The Earl looked mildly intrigued, but shrugged as he replied, "I have no idea, Caroline - it is too hot to stir about much - ," then broke off to ogle the latest addition to our staff, a comely but saucy wench named Kitty. I was suddenly seized with an even more evil and yet amusing plan. As you know, Mama and Papa's training with the birch was most delightful to me, being of a temperament to enjoy the strokes that Mama and Papa both gave ... and Papa's way of soothing the hurt after was also most enjoyable. I have ever after that enjoyed both receiving and giving the switch on many occasions - but as I said, it is most indelicate to boast of such things.

"Kitty!" I exclaimed, causing the poor thing to jump slightly and the lemonade to spill a bit, wetting the cakes we had requested. I grinned wickedly but hid it by my fan; Kitty was walking right into my trap. "Oh, now you lazy chit - look what you have done!" I chided her in an angry tone, but I was not angry in the least - indeed, inwardly I was laughing quite wickedly. The Earl looked quizzically at me, then as he looked at Kitty's flushed, embarrassed face, he caught the gist and, as is his wont, took my plan and ran with it. "I think she is more concerned with the state of her dress - or undress, I should say - than her duties," he remarked sternly, causing Kitty to blush even more. I knew she had recently been scolded by Cook for her less than enthusiastic performance of her duties and less than modest dress, and had been discussing this with the Earl earlier. If anything would make her hold her tongue and become quite flustered, those accusations would do the trick.

I again brought my fan up to hide a wicked grin as I chimed in, "Oh yes! look at how much the tart shows off her bosom!" I began to feel quite stirred at the thought of striping those creamy-white breasts ... and then suckling from them after. "I do believe it is time to show this strumpet what happens when one does not do her duty; no servant of ours is to be lazy and undisciplined!" Daniel looked at me and grinned as well behind a gloved hand. I could tell his mind was going along the same lines as mine: the old cave in the back of the property. He and I had enjoyed many a wild romp there - but oh dear, I am about to go into most indelicate territory again. To go on, I am sure you remember the cave - we played house in that cave in our youth. It was, of course, not a real cave, being made of stone and plaster, but with the vines creeping over it and the moss growing along the rocks, it does look quite realistic. The added blessing is, though, that it is too far from even the summer house to allow any endeavors committed in it to be heard.

Kitty was by now shivering so hard the spoons were rattling and the glasses were almost sloshing the lemonade over their rims. She managed to set the tray down and then, apparently deciding that pretending she had not heard our conversation was the better part, she curtsied and said all in a rush, "Milady, Milord, if that will be all, I should get back to the house and help Cook." She apparently felt that if we believed her otherwise engaged, we would be most likely agreeable to her leaving. Silly girl!

"Kitty," I said in my sternest voice, which was, by the bye, quite hard to maintain -- inside, I was all a-flutter with the most delicious and thrilling sensations. "Do not add lying to your list of sins. You know that today is Cook's holiday, and that the helpers are working in the kitchens. You also know on Cook's holiday, we eat very lightly -- there is nothing for which your help is required."

The poor girl looked as if she would faint. I was so hard pressed to restrain my giggles -- and I could feel that familiar warmth between my legs. Oh, this would be fun! And as Kitty was a very saucy and forward wench, I knew she would be most amenable to what we were to propose -- at least, eventually! I knew her greatest fear was to lose this job and be forced to take one away from the stable boy Henry, for whom she had quite a fancy. I could use this to my advantage, and have much sport with her in the process! Then another, even more wicked thought entered my mind -- why not let Henry play with us as well? That would make it even more sporting!

"Tut-tut!" I scolded Kitty, getting up from my perch on the couch and grabbing her arm. "Daniel, we must take this girl and teach her some manners!" Daniel grinned and nodded. I winked at him behind Kitty's back and added, "We will need some supplies from the stables - would you be a dear and have Henry help you bring them?" I knew Daniel would understand exactly what I wanted; after all, he had joined me in many 'games' in the cave ... games that, if Mama and Papa had found out about them, would have earned me more whippings and soothings. It was quite tempting at times to let Papa especially catch us at it ... but one has one's reputation to think of, and Daniel has no idea of the extent of the games our family plays. However, it is most unseemly to discuss such things. I shall continue instead with my narrative.

I dragged the half-protesting Kitty to the cave; she was not quite so unwilling as she made herself out to be, or I would have had quite a time dragging her there! I think her trepidation was mostly due to her ignorance of what was to transpire. I could hardly hold back my giggles at the thought of what was in store for her!

When we got to the cave, Henry and Daniel were already there, Henry rigging the ropes and pulleys we would need to properly 'punish' Kitty. Daniel and I shared a secret smile as Kitty shook and Henry grunted with the effort to move the heavy ropes and pulleys. I find ropes so much more evocative and genteel, don't you? So much less harsh than chains and hasps! Daniel nodded to me as the last few items were hoisted into place, and I turned Kitty toward the wall. She shivered visibly, but in her eyes I only saw a mounting excitement - I think she might have figured out that this was a contrived situation, but with Henry involved, she was quite happy to comply.

"Now, Kitty," I intoned solemnly, although inside all I wanted to do was laugh loudly at the absurdity of the situation and the excitement it aroused, "you have been accused of being a lazy, vain chit of a servant who neglects her duties to enhance her personal appearance." At this, I heard a muffled chuckle from Henry; Kitty glared daggers at him and he ceased promptly. I continued, "We have determined that you must be punished, in order to learn your lesson and apply it promptly for your betterment. Please disrobe."

At that, Kitty turned at least a dozen shades of red and even Henry looked a bit dubious at this pronouncement, although the look he gave along Kitty's form told me he would not be averse to seeing an unclothed Kitty. "But - but ma'am!" Kitty gasped out. "Ye - ye canna mean ta ... ."

I smiled slyly and nodded to Daniel, who gave a sign to Henry. Both men moved in, grabbing her arms and keeping her from running away; I did, however, notice that it took not much restraint to keep her in line. "Oh, but I do," I said quietly but firmly. "Or we can let these gentlemen do so for you... ."

"Nay, 'tis not necessary!" Kitty squealed, and the two men released her arms. Blushing, she doffed her apron, gown, and petticoats. When she got to her chemise and bloomers, though, she paused and looked at me with a beseeching look in her eyes. I knew she was not as innocent as she protested to be - I had espied her in a stall with Henry just a week prior and had quite an education on the ways of the servant class with each other, not to mention an agreeable session with the toy that Daniel carved for me that resembles...

Oh my. I was almost indelicate again. My pardons.

To resume: I knew she had already tasted of the forbidden fruit with Henry, so I had no compunctions about asking Kitty to disrobe. And I do believe that the little minx was milking the situation for all it was worth. After all, the men were now looking at her avidly, enjoying her protests and demurrings. Henry in particular was enjoying the way her breasts rose and fell with her breaths, and since she was breathing quite heavily, her breasts were practically heaving themselves out of her top. I was immediately quite damp myself and mesmerized by the delightful sight, but I collected myself and gave Kitty my sternest look. She whimpered but continued until she stood before us in all her naked glory.

She was lovely, with a creamy complexion that all redheads seem to have, rosy nipples that were rapidly hardening with the air and the lascivious looks the men were giving her, and the furring between her legs a tempting ginger color. It would be wonderful to make the red marks appear on that skin! I motioned to the two men and, under Daniel's direction, Kitty was soon tied up - and, I noticed, quite manhandled in the process. She, of course, had no objection to this, giggling the entire time. But when the two men stepped back and she was left in such a vulnerable state, she became much more serious. And when she saw me step up to the wall, where whips, canes, paddles and 'disciplinary' devices of all kinds were stored, and choose a small braided whip from the selection afforded, she gave out a squeal of distress. I almost laughed, but controlled myself at the last minute and gave a few exploratory flicks of the whip, loving the crack! sound it made as it cut through the air.

"Kitty, prepare yourself," I said in as serious a voice as I could muster. "You need to be taught a lesson, and the lesson starts now!" With that, I laid into her gorgeous buttocks with the whip. Immediately, a red welt appeared and Kitty jumped and screamed. Oh lovely! I noticed that both Daniel and Henry were ... at attention, shall we say. It was obviously affecting them too!

"Please, mistress!" Kitty sobbed out as I gave her another stroke, this time from the other side so I could see the lovely welts on both buttocks. "Please ... don't ...!" she moaned as I gave her two more switchings, from different places. Her lovely globes were turning from pink to red, and defined lines were forming. Beautiful!

I changed position to cause the whip to wrap around Kitty's body, so that the welts started to appear on her milky flanks and breasts. She squirmed even more and begged most piteously. However, I also noticed a tell-tale dampness between her legs, so I hardly heeded her protests. And her squirmings were doing such delightful things to the men, as could be told by the 'evidence' straining the fronts of their trousers. I must confess to some arousal myself. But to keep up the pretense of this being a punishment, I admonished Kitty, "Confess your transgressions, my dear, and I will cease and desist!"

She sobbed a bit, then jumped at another slash of the whip across her upper legs. "Oh, mistress - I confess, I ha' been a turrible maid! Please, forgi'e me!" Her accent was stronger with the stress she was under, and was so charming I forgot to cease for a bit until Daniel caught my arm and gave me a look. I collected my wits and placed the whip back on its pegs. I then stepped up and began rubbing her legs and buttocks while murmuring, "So you will no longer be slatternly in your duties?"

Kitty moaned out, "Oh no, mistress! I will be a model servant!" My hand had by then slid between her legs and my fingers were exploring her wet, silky folds. She pushed herself back on my fingers, and I stopped to undo her legs so I could step between her and the wall, the natural concavity of the walls allowing me to do so comfortably. Kitty gave out a moan of distress, which ceased as soon as my hand returned to her treasure and my mouth to one of those delightful rosy nipples. Her moan changed to one of delight, echoed by both the men as they watched me play with the delicious wench.

After only a few minutes of these sensual ministrations, Kitty began to tremble and protest, "Oh, mistress! I'm goin' to - " and then she gushed all over my hand that precious, delicious fluid I love almost as well as the offerings one can receive from a man. I stroked her until her jerkings ceased and she stopped flowing so profusely. I brought my hand up to her mouth and we both sucked my fingers clean. Oh nectar of the gods!

I backed out from my perch and announced to the men, "Who would like to soothe this girl's obviously overwrought nerves?" Henry was already unbuttoning his drawers, anxious for his turn at the tart, and I grabbed Daniel's arm and pulled him back slightly. I murmured in his ear, "Let Henry have his fun; you shall have the last of it, and she will be well-lubricated for your trouble."

He grinned at me and whispered back in my ear, "You conniving wench - one of the many things I love about you. However delightful Kitty's charms are, I am more enamoured of your devious mind - and the wicked delights you can dream up for us. But let us watch these two and enjoy their copulating before we leave, shall we?"

I concurred with delight, and we both turned to watch Henry's rather large girth sliding up into Kitty's little nest. She grunted as his ram parted her lips, stretching them to their limits and, I fear, rather pushing those limits. However, our miss Kitty did not seem to mind and even arched her back, trying to get her swain's pole deeper into her nether region. She moaned more as he reached her depths and began to plumb them, in and out. Daniel's hand crept up to my bodice and worked its way in, his fingers pinching and rubbing my nubs until I thought I would scream from arousal. Between Daniel's exploring fingers and Henry's battering of Kitty's furry box, I was fair to passing out from the level of tension I was feeling then. I wanted a prick in my pussy too!

Oh dear. I apologize. That last sentence was quite inappropriate.

Going on ...

Henry was beginning to increase his ministrations, almost ramming Kitty through the wall of the cave, and she was fair to screaming as his efforts were obviously quite pleasing to her. Indeed, she was spurring him on with cries of, "Oh, yes! Fuck me, Henry, you stallion!"

(I filed that one away for future reference...)

He suddenly stiffened and roared out, "Ah'm cummin' you dirteh li'l whore!" as Kitty screamed, "Yes, fill me up, you animal!" I could see his sac tightening as he pumped over and over his seed into Kitty's willing receptacle. As she ceased her moanings and Henry was apparently nearing the end of his efforts, Daniel and I stole out of the cave and went to the dock house, where we had a little trysting place and ... .

Well. I think that any more along these lines would be most inappropriate, do not you? Suffice it to say that since that day, our circle of playmates has widened considerably, especially since Daniel caught Mama, Papa and I in one of our - interactions - and joined in ... .

Oh my! That is a story for when you and I are together once again. I look forward to that day, dear sister and playmate. Until then, I sign myself,

Your ever loving sister,


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betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 11 years ago

I do love a close-nit family.

DKNGHTDKNGHTalmost 11 years ago

... for writing!

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