Dark Horse: Tales from the Ranch Ch. 04


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"Y-yes," she said, nodding emphatically. Belle moaned, although whether in answer or for his own reasons was unclear. The red polish on Ms. Winters' toes caught her eye as the older woman flexed them for grip against the dark hardwood.

"To feel his lips," she grunted, straining slightly from the effort, "stretched around you?" Velvet bit her lip and nodded. "Ah ah ah! Use words my little stallion." Belle's squeals rose higher and higher, and Velvet looked down to see his knuckles whiten dramatically.

"Yes," Velvet said, although it was almost completely drowned out by Belle's screaming orgasm. Cum shot down against the hardwood floor, and Velvet felt warm droplets spatter over her toes and the top of her foot. Ms. Winters didn't slow down a hair, only sank her fingers tighter around his hips to support him. Velvet found herself whimpering in time with her mare, equal parts proud, empathetic, envious, and lustful.

"Wouldn't you love to feel his moans, Velvet?"

"Yes," she whimpered.

"Feeel the vibrations," she sang, as her head rolled back on her shoulders. Velvet bit her lip harder. The smell of Belle's warm cum filled her nose as she watched Ms. Winters' breasts slide outward with each push forward, and softly clap together with each drawback. A thick drop of her own precum landed on her left foot, and her cock ached for release. Strained for it.

"Any second now," Ms. Winters said, "you'll be inside him again." Velvet whined as she watched the the older woman's thrusts ramp up in power dramatically; Belle nearly toppled into her from the force of it. "But you're waiting, aren't you Velvet?"

"Yes," she whimpered.

Her owner smiled euphorically, gasping lightly as she pounded out a happy song on the mare's behind. Velvet knew how much fun it was to top Belle and take him from behind, but no small part of that came from it being her cock. She was in awe of the way Ms. Winters experienced physical pleasure from control. "Velvet trusts you," she said. Another drop of precum spattered onto her foot as she watched the older woman's orgasm overtake her.

"Now, Velvet," she cried. Velvet's hands clapped against the sides of Belle's head, and she squeaked as she forced her head into his throat. His nose jabbed into the small patch of pubic hair, that Ms. Winters insisted on, each time the woman rammed into him from behind, and Velvet knew she wouldn't be able to last long. "Yes," Ms. Winters shouted, encouragingly. "Yes!"

Velvet whined wordlessly, taking in Belle's pinched eyes, the combined but unique smells of Ms. Winters and Belle's sweat, and the feel of Belle's saliva running down over her swollen sack. It was all she could to to remain upright, letting her owner's rabid thrusts do the work for her. She could feel it building; her balls clenched high and tight.

"Velvet is a goood pony," Ms. Winters purred and Velvet came, screaming as she emptied herself into him. Belle gagged beneath her; a thick mix of cum and saliva ran over his lower lip and down his chin. She curled forward, pressing and holding his forehead to her belly button, for several seconds, and released. It was... magical. Her cock slapped down against her thigh as she took a step back, and Belle's head fell forward. He coughed roughly, depositing almost all of Velvet's orgasm onto the floor. Velvet watched, out of the corner of her eye, as Ms. Winters slowed to a stop. "Tut tut, Belle. You know better than to leave a mess."

The exhausted mare winced as the older woman pulled out, loudly, and panted as he lowered himself down to his knees. Velvet caught a bead on her fingertip that was threatening to make the mess even worse, and casually sucked it clean. Ms. Winters, still standing behind Belle, bit her lip and cocked her head to the side as she stared down at the mare. "Look at it twitch," she mumbled to herself.

"Belle," she continued, at full volume, "Velvet is about to be punished. She's going to spend a week in the box." Belle paused his licking to cast a sympathetic look up at Velvet. "Before that happens, would you like one last opportunity to please Velvet?"

Belle looked away, his face reddening as he nodded. "Yes Miss Winters."

"Don't stop yet, Belle. You have more to clean." Ms. Winters smirked as she reached down and removed the pink dildo from her strapon harness. Belle lowered his face to the floor, hunting. "Nothing bigger than a drop left, or there will be consequences."

"Yes Miss Winters," he said between licks. Although Ms Winters deserved all the credit for his training and thoroughness, and Peep for his enthusiasm, Velvet still felt proud. He was hers. He had confided in her, in the small hours of the morning once, that if it ever came to it, he would choose her over Ms. Winters. Velvet held him tight and happily promised him that she would never make him choose.

Velvet frowned as she saw a flash of purple in Ms. Winters' hand. The only purple dildo she knew of was a fair amount smaller than the pink one, and she had never known Ms. Winters to scale back anything, let alone intensity in the middle of a session.

"You will be finished by the time I get over there," she intoned, affixing the smaller purple dildo. Belle squealed and licked faster. Velvet calmly folded her hands at her waist and watched the older woman stalk up behind him. Belle continued to clean, unaware of the woman crouching behind him until she extended her index finger and pushed it inside him. "Oh yes," she said. "That tightens up nicely when you want it to. I wonder, though, how far it stretches?" Belle froze. "Tightens very nicely indeed!"

"W-w-what," Belle stuttered, "what are y-y-you going to do?"

"Not that it's any of your concern," she said, smiling with that same hint of menace, "but we're going to see how much cock, real and fake, we can cram up your little boycunt." Velvet cooed as she watched the hairs on his neck stand up.

"Noooo," Belle whined, skittering across the floor.

Ms. Winters stood slowly, her expression unchanged. "You'll do this."

"But... It won't fit and-"

"You'll do this," Ms. Winters interrupted sharply, "because Velvet and I tell you to. You know what your place is, yes?"

"...yes," he said meekly

"And that is?"

"...A mare?" he offered.

"Very good, and mares are...?"

"Beneath you..."

"Beneath both of us," Ms. Winters corrected. "And what do mares get?"

Belle chewed his lip, looking between Winter's dildo and Velvet's still-throbbing shaft. "They get fucked."

"Such a good mare, don't you think Velvet?"

Velvet turned her head slightly toward him. "Velvet thinks, if Belle was a good mare, she'd stop trembling in the corner and do what's expected of her."

Belle gasped, but Velvet knew that particular brand of color he was turning and smiled inwardly. It hit hard on his cheeks and his ears, and it happened every time she asserted herself with him. Whenever she made him admit how much he loved it. She had a hard time not taking him right then; his reluctance was a huge turn on for her, but no amount of stimulation would make Velvet overstep her bounds with her owner.

Ms. Winters sniffed her index finger and crooked it at him. Velvet thought she saw the taller woman flexing her toes again over the spot Belle had been licking, but her tight smile gave away nothing. "Run downstairs and get a pair of your boots, Velvet." Velvet ran the whole way. And the whole way back.

Belle was standing with his back to their owner when Velvet slipped back into the adjacent bedroom. She was massaging his shoulders as she whispered in his ear, so Velvet paused well out of earshot to slip into her boots. She would never dare intrude to on Ms. Winters private moments. Velvet walked up to the edge of the playroom, feet together and hands folded at her waist and waited. She didn't have to wait long.

"Velvet, would you assist me?" Ms. Winters asked. She scooped her elbows underneath Belle's arms and huffed as she lifted him and leaned backwards. Belle grimaced as he rose into the air. "Pull your feet up, Belle."

Velvet sighed happily as she finally put together the purpose of the smaller purple dildo, and she stepped in front of them and knelt down. She curled her middle finger up inside of Belle with a grin and stretched him, guiding the tapered purple plastic with her other hand. Belle gritted his teeth and shook his head as the steel-haired woman lowered him. Velvet watched in awe as the tip slid in beside her finger, and she gave a playful tug to his ring.

"Hurry now, Velvet." There was a note of strain in Ms. Winters voice that sent a shiver down Velvet's spine. It sounded like the first time she'd been allowed to near the older woman's ass. Velvet took hold of the soles of Belle's feet as she stood, and...

For a moment, Velvet completely lost her train of thought as she stared at Belle. He was as hard as she'd ever seen him, with a bead of precum running down his stomach and another perched on his thigh. She let out a shuddering breath as she drank in his anticipation.

She stepped forward, the tips of her boots just inside of Ms. Winters bare feet. She looked down, guiding herself to Belle's strained hole with her hips, but her head slipped around beside the purple plastic. Belle whined in fear, and the older woman whispered softly in his ear. Velvet frowned in concentration as she lined herself up again, but when she push she merely slid around the side again. She grunted as she let go of his left foot to steady herself as she pushed a third time.

"Nooooooooo no no no no no no," Belle cried. His left arm waved awkwardly in the air, eventually settling on Velvet's shoulder, and his right curled back to hold Ms. Winters head. Velvet's jaw dropped, and she nearly choked as she tried to push past the first inch. Belle had never felt so tight. Nothing had ever felt this tight. "Nooooo nooooo nooooo noooooo... Fuck, it's too much, it's too much."

"Hold on tight, little one." Ms. Winters's smile, as she peered over his shoulder. "I don't think this will take long." Another rivulet of precum meandered down from Belle's belly button, and Velvet groaned gloriously. The purple plastic was utterly unyielding, and Belle was stretched to his limit; there was no give, no matter how hard Velvet tightened herself.

"Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," Belle sobbed. Velvet bit her lip hard as she lowered his feet slightly, and he sank around her. Her thighs reveled in the work. The taste of copper on her tongue. The scent of lube, and Belle's precum, heavy in the air. "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts."

"And you love it," Ms. Winters growled.

"Yes," he whined. "He does. OoooooooooooohmyGodohmyGodohmyGod."

Velvet loved it when Belle talked during sex. She loved the way he talked around the sensations, and the way his voice got higher and higher, right up until the moment he came and he bottomed out. She loved it almost as much as she loved engaging him, and teasing him. She loved getting him to own up to what he liked, because what he liked was her.

No matter how hard she tried, though, she couldn't make intelligible sounds. Either her throat was closed , or her teeth were clamped shut, or her lips were drawn back in a rictus. She wanted to tell him how good it felt. How proud she was. She wanted him to know how much she loved him, but all that came out was "Hnnnnnnnnnnnnngh!" Over and over. For minutes on end.

She tried flexing at the knees. She tried flexing at the ankle. She tried bouncing up on her toes. No matter what she tried, though, she could not thrust farther. Belle just pinched his eyes shut and squealed louder.

Ms. Winters shifted her weight abruptly, and Belle dropped several inches all at once. Velvet's eyes popped as she heard Belle's voice drop. She stared at Ms. Winters, both gasping, until an long spurt of cum arced between them. With a grin, Ms. Winters dropped Belle again, and Velvet completely lost the ability to make sound. She looked down to see his cheeks flattened against her hips, his balls clenched and quivering, and the thick under-vein of his cock undulating as he erupted all over himself.

He was so tight. Velvet would never be able to use the word again without remembering this. She wanted to thrust. Ached to thrust. To pound his adorable little ass and split him open. She looked back up. Belle was smiling at her. Velvet came.


Velvet groaned as she rolled onto her back. For the sixth time in the last seven days, she woke up to an extremely painful half-erection. The chastity, Ms. Winters thought, was the perfect way to give Velvet a deep appreciation for never holding back. Ms. Winters often came up with clever wordplay to justify the use of the chastity on her.

She closed her eyes and took deep calming breaths. Belle, nestled against her side, looked adorable when he slept, and Velvet gave thanks that today was the last day of her punishment. The sky outside the one window in the stable was brightening, deep red giving way to orange. In through the nose, out through the mouth. She could do it.

Movement outside her stall. Ms. Winters smirked at her through the bars and tossed something small and jangly at her. Velvet's eyes widened, and she caught the small set of keys in her palm. Ms. Winters held up her opened hand, and silently mouthed "Five minutes," before disappearing. The woman could be scary quiet when she wanted to.

"Roll over," Velvet whispered. Belle scrunched his nose and turned, and Velvet snuck her arm out from underneath him. The shallow key slid into the lock and popped open with a click, and Velvet exhaled loudly. She grinned as she reached back to the small shelf she'd earned for extra good behaviour. None of the other ponies had one. Her fingers wrapped around the small blue bottle of lube Ms. Winters had given Belle, and she poured a dime in the palm of her hand. She had to spread it slowly to be quiet, and she scooted across the sawdust to spoon Belle. A deep breath, the calm before the plunge, as she very slowly pushed herself between his cheeks.


"Shhh," she whispered, as she reached a hand around to cover his mouth. "We have to be quiet." She grinned as Belle licked her hand, and she wrapped her arms around him. Belle gave the tiniest, cutest whimper as she pushed deeper inside of him. "Shhhh!"

Velvet bit her lip and sighed as she hilted against his round cheeks. She entangled her feet with his for leverage, and rolled her spine. Velvet had never been blessed with an overabundance of stamina, and after being caged up for a week, this promised to be an even shorter fucking than usual, but Velvet was overjoyed to be fully erect and deep inside Belle once again. Shallow thrusts.

"Ow!" he groaned, as Velvet bit into his shoulder. Shallow thrusts.

"Shhhhh!" Shallow thrusts.

"Fuck you," he whispered, as he began grinding his ass against her. Velvet buried her face against his neck, bit him again, and moaned against his skin. "Owwwwwww!" Quietly, on the far side of the stable, Velvet thought she heard Peep diddling herself, and grinned. She spread both hands out over his chest, fingers tracing the mares tight pecs and abs. One of his hands roamed back behind her, and his fingers sank into her ass. Velvet winced at his sharp fingernails and grunted into his neck again. Shallow thrusts.

Just being inside him again was euphoric, and Velvet tried to slow down to avoid cumming too quickly, but it was for naught. Her voice thinned out, smaller and smaller, as she held him tightly against her. She panted softly, kissing along his shoulders, as the tingling spread to her fingers and toes "Velvet is sorry," she whispered, "but that is going to happen again and again today."

"Belle doesn't mind," he said, and Velvet sighed as she watched his ears redden. She snuggled up against him, smiling as he slowly squeezed her out. She could vaguely make out Peep whispering to Beau on the far side of the room.

"No," Beau said, not quietly, and Belle sighed in her arms.

Velvet frowned as she heard the far stall door sliding open. "Can you try to talk to her?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, Belle will try." Velvet kissed the back of his head and disentangled herself. Peep was waiting by the heavy wooden door, smiling sadly.

The other two mares had spent much of the first three days of Velvet's punishment fucking like rabbits for hours on end, much to Velvet's dismay and Ms. Winters' amusement. She'd been happy for her friend, but the constancy of it was intimidating, and problematic to boot. The last couple days, however...

Velvet pushed Peep under the water first, and the blonde mare nodded thankfully. Velvet frowned when saw Peep's shoulders bounce. They both turned when they heard Beau yelling through the door. Velvet had never heard anyone yell loud enough to be heard through the heavy wooden door, although to be fair, she was usually on the same side as the yelling.

Peep sobbed quietly. Velvet just held her tightly for a while.


Ms. Winters frowned as Velvet entered, clad in in just her sports bra and running shoes, and slowly pushed her glasses back up her nose. Her single raised eyebrow asked the question for her. Velvet had to clear her throat roughly before speaking. "Velvet thinks that... that Ms. Winters might... want to be downstairs when Belle and Beau groom." Her owner, sitting at her desk in her silver satin robe while she enjoyed her morning coffee, frowned and nodded. She disliked having her routine interrupted.

Velvet closed the door behind her and went back downstairs. Peep was just finishing getting into her yoga clothes, and she sighed dejectedly while they walked together out to the small barn. Pronto's stall was, as usual, a tidy and organized mess. He did his business in a small arc around the back of his stall. Velvet briefly considered letting Peep do his stall instead of Stiletto's, but she seemed like she might prefer the distraction this morning; Stiletto's stall was, as always, absolutely wrecked.

Velvet came back up with the sawdust for both before Peep was done, but the sweat had not helped her mood much. Velvet wanted to tell Peep it was going to be okay. She wanted to reassure her the way she knew Ms. Winters would. She really liked Peep, and she wanted to be there for her friend; she just didn't know how. Peep swept up the aisle, and Velvet took one last look around. Stiletto whinnied at her stallion, but the big black was busy investigating a squirrel.


"I want you to take Beau out to the lake," Ms. Winters said when they returned to the grooming room. Peep and Belle grabbed their yoga mats and went upstairs hand in hand. "Show her the purple course, because that's what you'll be running this weekend." Velvet opened her mouth and paused, looking at Beau out of the corner of her eye. "Your objections have been noted, Velvet." Beau looked as sullen as she ever had, but when Velvet started walking toward the door, Beau fell in behind her. They jogged across the big open field and onto a dirt path just behind the storage shed on the corner of the property.

The purple course was a deer trail Ms. Winters had discovered. Before the twins came, she and Velvet had jogged it regularly two abreast to widen it for exactly this purpose. Velvet hadn't thought Beau was anywhere near ready to be so far away from the Ranch, but she wasn't one to doubt her owners judgement. For the most part, the trail required no guiding. It ran without forks or crossings up a low hill, along the ridge at the top for about a half mile, and then down the other side. It continued through dense forest, ambling rather than in a straight line, until it broke into a clearing on the southern end of a serene little lake. Velvet loved the view from the southern end in particular as the lake was far longer than it was wide. Together, Velvet and Ms. Winters had blazed a parallel trail back to the Ranch.