Dark Horse: Tales from the Ranch Ch. 01


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He groaned, rising up on the balls of his feet, as she forced him open. His hands tightened on the corner post of the bed and he bent forward to ease the angle, but she grabbed his head and pulled him up again. He winced and gasped as the flared head of the dildo ground into his prostate. Out, and back in again. She'd taken notice of when he reacted, and immediately focused her efforts on that spongy weak spot.

"This is where you exist, Belle; at the receiving end. 'That I desire you to be there' is reason enough, but fortunately for you, it is not the whole." Her hips pressed against him, pushing the dildo fully inside him.

The taller woman spread her legs slightly. Each withdrawal was a quick affair; a necessary evil to allow for each new thrust, where she she focused her efforts. Fast from the tip to the prostate, slow for a moment as she let the pressure build, and then fast to the hilt. His head fell forward, chin to chest, and his face pinched. "It's a lot to take in, isn't it Belle? Punishment and reward all rolled together in one neat little package."

He whimpered pitifully.

"Oh, but it is reward, Belle. You see, I know what you're really ashamed of. More than what you've done to get by. More than what was done to you. You see, after Peep and I got your sister back in her stall, and Velvet wandered back to hers, I rolled you over to make sure you were alright." She paused her monologue until she filled him again, and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Do you even remember cumming?" She purred against him. "You made quite the mess."

The steel-haired woman started back up again, a more rhythmic thrusting. "You enjoyed yourself," she grunted. "You enjoyed being taken, and dominated, and being made hers." Her hips gained slightly in speed. "You enjoyed having her will imposed upon you, taking what she wanted from you." She rammed home hard, nearly knocking him over but for his hold on the bed. "And the best part is that you want it to happen again."

She leaned up against him again. He felt her hair on his shoulder, and when he finally managed to open his eyes he saw her peering over him. "Go ahead," she whispered. "It's ok."

"W-w-what's ok?"

Her hand slid up along his side and out along his arm. Her fingers wrapped around his right wrist, and gently pulled it back from the corner post. He put up only a token resistance as she brought his hand against his middle, and pushed down. "Go ahead. Take it."

"I... I don't-"

"Yes, you do." She turned her head slightly, lips touching against his ear, and began a short, slow grind without backing away from him. She enunciated clearly as she whispered, "Take your cock and stroke."

Belle's fingers wrapped tightly around his erection, and he quickly fell in sync with the rhythmic pulsing in his rear. "Yes," she whispered, peeking over his shoulder again. "Oh God yes." He moaned, and found himself leaning his head against hers. "Let yourself go, Belle. This is your role, but it's also who you are. Relish it." He moaned again, and she threw her head back and cried out.

Belle's hand quickened as the dildo in his ass slowed; slowed, but did not stop. The wooden corner post creaked under his whitened knuckles, and every breath left his lungs through a labored grunt as he worked himself up, and up, and up, and "Ooooooooooooooooooooh!" He wept.

"I see you," she whispered in his ear. She backed away from him, emptying his cavity abruptly. Her voice echoed again as she talked while walking through the playroom. "You will learn that my ranch is a safe place where you are free to be yourself, as soon as you're ready to admit who that is."

Belle stood there, barely holding himself upright while he dribbled jizz on her floor. Somewhere in his mind, a voice cried out that he was making a mess, but it was lost in a sea of emotion that pulled him under and threatened to drown him. He panted, wobbling back and forth, until Ms. Winters came up behind him. Her touch on his shoulder sent a wave of electricity over his skin, and he jerked away.

"Shhhhh," the taller woman whispered. "I didn't mean to spook you, Belle. It's time for you to go back downstairs." Her full length pink satin robe, cinched at the waist, flared out over her generous bust, but the mare was blind to it as he nodded vacantly. She reached around him to untie his leash, and led the tired mare to the hallway door.

Velvet was waiting in the hall, leaning against the far wall, sneering, with her arms folded across her chest. Her semi-erection told Belle that his 'punishment' had an audience.

"Why am I not surprised," Ms. Winters asked rhetorically. "Take him down to his stall, Velvet." The older woman tossed his leash, and Velvet caught it with a minimum of arm movement, sneer intact. "Then come back upstairs. We need to have words about your boundaries."

"Worth it," Velvet whispered once the bedroom door closed. She roughly pushed him down the hall ahead of her. Belle slowed to a stop as he stepped into a kitchen area he'd never seen, although, from Ms. Winters run down of his duties, he'd be seeing a lot of it soon enough. The leash tugged hard to the left as Velvet pulled him toward an open door and waited for him. They descended into the basement, Belle in front of Velvet.

"Velvet bets you think you're sooo pretty," she said as he stepped toward the heavy wooden door in the grooming room. Belle had half-turned back to her when she drove her knee into the back of his, and he crumpled with a sharp cry. His head snapped back as Velvet took a fistful of his hair. "She only did that with you because she had to. When she wants to, she gets Velvet. Open."

Belle opened his mouth with the intention of asking 'open what'. When Velvet hooked her left middle and index finger inside of his lip, he felt stupid. "She doesn't want you. You're a disappointment for her." Then, he felt wet, as Velvet angled her hips to brush her mostly erect cock over his cheek, streaking a bubble of precum from his ear to his nose. He stared fearfully up at her as she jerked his head back, straining his neck, and pushed the head of her prick past his lips. "You don't know how to please her like Velvet does. Now, be a good mare and clean it."

Belle grimaced, struggling against her grip in an effort to evade the intruding member. Velvet's glare hardened. The stallion jerked him forward, hilting him on her shaft. "Velvet said clean!" His eyes teared as his gag reflex conspired with his stomach to evacuate what little food he'd eaten in the past few days. Eventually the small mare relented to the strain in his scalp and tightened his lips around the flesh, suckling at it.

Velvet cooed in appreciation, making short thrusts at the recesses of his mouth and drawing coughing gags from him. Her cock had a heady musk to it that overwhelmed his sense of taste and smell. Once he fought past how strongly it tasted, Belle was able to find a moment of calm. His session with Ms. Winters had taken him away from his retreat; he was about to find it again when Velvet spoke. "Mmm, looks like you might find your place yet. Now, tell Velvet... how does your sister taste?"

Belle's eyes widened, gagging violently, and Velvet pulled back with a dark grin. He bent forward, dry retching and only barely conscious that his head had been released.

"So... bad?"

Belle found himself glaring at her knees and wondering how hard one needs to be hit from behind to stumble, but the leash jerked up hard. He scrambled to get his footing, which came slowly as he was still extremely unused to the absurd heelless boots he'd been given. "Don't forget; Velvet is her favorite, not you." Velvet opened the heavy wooden door and pushed him through toward his stall. Nora sobbed quietly on the other side of the wall. The stall door closed loudly behind him, with an audible latch.

He didn't even glance back. He curled up in the freshly changed hay and allowed his exhaustion to overtake him.


Belle huddled underneath the ancient oak tree by the picnic table, his knees held tight to his chest. The mare had been only slightly more active his second week than his first, and it felt like every time he was about to get the hang of his ridiculous boots, Velvet came out of nowhere to tip him over and laugh. It was like being in elementary school again.

So, there he sat. Ms. Winters had her hands full with Nora in the indoor arena, and Velvet was... assisting. That left him, and-

Peep flopped down next to him, gasping lightly. She shot the boy a sly grin. "If anyone asks, you saw me do 50 laps, right hun?" Belle sullenly stared ahead and leaned slightly away from her. "Awww, bless your heart. Not much of a conversationalist are you?" She paused, and looked out over the tree tops. The encroaching forest loomed on all sides, but her smile said she saw it differently. "Well, at least yer easy on the eyes."

He tried not to respond, but the curvy blond caught him by surprise when she wrapped her arms around him. "Don't be such a sourpuss. Peep knows you've had it rough. Gawd, does she know. She had it hard when she was new here too." She let that hang in the air for a moment, staring quietly with him while her own mind turned. "For different reasons, mind. Well, one reason that's the same and a few others I don't think you have to worry about." She leaned back to sit next to him and scratched at the inside of her elbow absentmindedly.

"Velvet had it the worst, actually." She turned her head, undeterred by his stubborn refusal to acknowledge her words or her presence. "Did you know she was here for a whole year by herself? A year! And back then, Winters was only here on the weekends." Her voice became distant. "Velvet'd go... 5 days at a stretch, down in her stall, just playin with that little stuffed horsey. All by herself. ...Somethin' in her broke. She ain't always in control of herself." She scratched at her elbow again, and Belle's eyes widened momentarily. He'd seen some of the kids under the bridge do that. "You probably don't believe this but she's a bit scared of you."

He scoffed and frowned, and then got annoyed with himself. If he encouraged her, she'd keep talking to him. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"No, it's true," she said. "Before you showed up, she was the only... yanno..." She curled the fingers and thumb of her left hand and held it up, and wiggled her right index finger in the air. When he didn't react, she pushed the index finger in and out of her left hand a few times. Belle groaned. Peep laughed. "But now there's you! You and that not-to-be-underestimated piece yer packin'." Peep laughed again as Belle finally looked over and made eye contact. "Aw c'mon! You been starin' at my tits for weeks now. I can't sneak a peek?"

"I'm sorry," he said, lowering his head. "I wasn't... I mean... We're all like... naked half the-"

"No, no. It's cool. They're awesome." She smirked as she grabbed her tits and bobbled them. Belle looked away as fast as he could, cheeks brightening instantly. Peep laughed uproariously. "Oh mah god, you're adorable!" She reached over and pulled him into another hug. He went rigid as he found his head nestled right in between those fleshy breasts, but the longer she held him there, the less that mattered. As she stroked his hair and made quiet, calming sounds, he found a few moments of peace. It was nice to have human contact again.


They could hear Ms. Winters cry out even from the far end of the large, fenced-in field. Peep and Belle turned to see Beau come streaking out of the indoor arena, screaming "Run, Stephan!" at the top of her lungs. Both of them took a step back as, a second later, Velvet bolted out after her. Beau zagged, and even though Velvet took the bait, it only bought her a few precious seconds. Belle drew down his brow, recognizing that Velvet had corralled his sister, separating them and getting her to run in the opposite direction. A few seconds later, it was over. Velvet executed a slidekick that tripped Beau and sent her rolling in a tangle of limbs. Before she could scramble to her hooves again, Velvet was on top of her, pinning her in the dirt. She shouted and thrashed, but Velvet put her down mercilessly each time. From where they were standing, it looked like Velvet was whispering to her. Whatever was said was lost to the wind, but Velvet punctuated it with a sharp twist of Beau's arm. Beau's cry echoed across the open space.

Ms. Winters walked out of the indoor arena a moment later tilting her head back and pinching her nose. A dark, wet stain ran down the front of her tan shirt. "Now now, Vewvet," she said, testing each nostril with a fingertip, "That was an infwaction. Infwactions get punished. I handle punishments." Velvet turned back and looked up, and shivered as the steel-haired woman cupped her cheek. "I love the enthusiasm though."

No sooner had Velvet shifted her weight off of his sister than Ms. Winter's lifted the bleating mare up by the hair. Everyone else stood perfectly still, watching Beau stumble and stagger alongside the iron lady of the ranch. Only after they disappeared inside did Belle look over to see Velvet smiling smugly at him.

"Ignore her," Peep said, hooking her arm into his and resuming their laps. Even for their easy pace, Belle lagged behind. "Lookin' a little pale, pumpkin. You worried 'bout yer sister?"

"What's gonna happen to her?"

"Oh, a little canin', maybe a spankin'. It won't be too bad... although she did draw blood..."

"W-w-What does that mean?!"

"Listen, sugar, don't get caught up thinkin' too hard on what's gonna happen to her. The important thing is that Ms. Winters is preeetty fair about that kinda stuff."

They jogged in silence. Belle couldn't help but get caught up thinking very hard on what was happening to his sister. Although his own punishment session the week before had been fairly mild, he'd seen some... severe instruments of implementation adorning the playroom. Ms. Winters struck him as the kind of woman whose imagination could put those pieces to extremely, and uniquely, effective use. Around and around and around, Peep and Belle jogged. Slowly.

"Yer sister's got it easy, come to think of it," Peep said abruptly. "Velvet used to tell me that when she was here alone, she'd try to run away every weekend. Near busted her stall door open once when Ms. Winters was away. You ever stopped to look at those things? Heavy fuckin' duty, they are, and her as small as she is? Said that was the worst lashing she ever got." Peep paused for a minute, lost in whatever memory she had of Velvet's no-doubt-casual retelling. "When Velvet'd go out to run, Winters used to have this, like, tie around her thighs so she couldn't really run right. Not 'til she was good 'n broke, yanno? Yer sister's reapin' the benefit of that. Fuck, we all are, come ta think on it. We can all run like normal cus Winters knows she has Velvet to run us down."

"I tried to run once too." Almost an entire lap passed in silence as Peep collected her thoughts. She kept licking her lips, and opening her mouth to start, but nothing came out until they were three quarters of the way back to where they'd been. "I was pretty bad on heroin when Miss Winters brought me here. I hadn't fixed in a couple days b'fore she took me, and by my third day here, I was goin' outta my mind. I broke Velvet's nose and knocked Miss Winters down a few stairs. Made it all to the horse barn b'fore Velvet got me. I was so out of it, I went for one of the horses to ride out of here instead'a goin for a car. How stupid issat?" Belle continued to run silently at her side.

"It's funny," she said. "She took us all cus she's got four stalls, right? A... a means requiring an end or whatever. And we all get here, and we think 'no no, take me back,' and it's like, take me back to what? Dead with a needle in my arm? Bobby beatin' on me cus I burned the Mac and Cheese?" She shook her head as she continued. "I'm good right here." Peep seemed to drift off into her thoughts, and Belle was content to just jog alongside her.

After a while, Belle began to tire slightly, and had to put more of his focus on not tripping. Although there was nice dirt path beaten smooth around the edge of the field with very few surprises, those damnable boots were no easy feat to master. 20 laps. 30. It wasn't a record shattering pace, but the steady grind of it slowly eroded his worries. Or, at least, pushed them to the side for a time. Plus, it was nice to see Peep's breasts bouncing in his peripheral vision. He always looked forward, politely averting his eyes, but he never got too far ahead of her and he never fell too far behind. Her light smirk said she knew what he was doing too.

The farther he went without a mistake, the more his vision began to rise away. Looking two feet ahead, or four feet, or 10 feet. Somewhere around the 40th lap, he was hardly looking at the ground at all. Out of context, the Ranch was a really pretty place. The farthest end of the field rose slightly up a hill, and as he turned back, he could see out across the entire yard and much farther beyond. Under a hazy orange and blue afternoon sky, trees covered a series of rolling hills. It dawned on him how small his world had become of late. A 10 x 15 stall, a few rooms in a house, and a picturesque valley in deep woods between hills too old and eroded to be called mountains anymore.

The more he looked around, though, the more he felt like something was missing. Some integral part of the landscape of the Ranch. It didn't jump out at him, so he looked, and looked, and as his head swivelled, he finally caught sight of it lurking behind them. Shadowing them.


"What the..." Belle nearly tripped over his own feet. "What the fuck is she doin," he said hoarsely, incredulously.

Peep put a hand on his shoulder and gently turned him to face forward as they jogged. "Don't worry your pretty head none. She's just tryin to get a rise outta ya." As he found his rhythm again, her hand drifted up along his neck and ruffled his hair. They both swiveled back again as Velvet grunted and side-vaulted the fence with murder in her eyes, landing without losing an ounce of speed.

Peep stopped on a dime. "What are you tryin' to do, give'm a heart attack?"

Velvet had to skid to a stop to not run into her, and kicked up a small dust cloud doing so. "Velvet saw you touching her mare," she hissed, straining for every bit of height she could muster against the much taller blonde. "What did Velvet tell you about that?"

"Oh back off," Peep said loudly. "His sister's gettin the piss spanked outta her and he's a little on edge."

"She," Velvet corrected sharply. "Mare."

"For fuck's sake! So he's got a wang! So what?"

"Velvet's bitch hasn't learned her place yet."

"Yanno, all this insecurity you've got? It's kinda pathetic."

"Oh," Velvet said calmly, tilting her head. "Did you both need a lesson?"

"So, what, yer just gonna bend Peep over and take her? Again? What's 'at gonna prove?" Velvet's head slid back into her shoulders. Peep turned and then had to step to the side to point at Belle, as he had hidden himself behind her. "Can't you see that little colt ain't a threat to you? Look at 'im! She's got em all dolled up s'much's mmmm... Peep." Her eyes tightened, daring Velvet to call her on her near pronoun mistake.

"She needs-"

"Oh shut up with that already! He'll get there. Cut 'em some fuckin' slack!" They both looked over as Belle took a half step back; a wide-eyed, bullet-sweating, wish-I-was-anywhere-but-here half step back. "He's terrified!"