Dark as Daylight Ch. 14


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"FBI, we are carrying weapons."

"Yes agent Burkart, Mister Constantine, you have been cleared through by Homeland Security, and by the TSA to the aircraft. Your seats have also been upgraded to first class. Please keep your weapons out of sight."

"Thank you very much."

As they walked through the private gate, Laura said, "As God is my witness I am going to kill that man."

"The Attorney General? I heard he won $250,000 because of you, maybe this is his way of saying thank you."

"No, William Zabo did this."

"I'll bet you a dime to a doughnut, this a limousine waiting for us at LaGuardia."

"Not even he would go that far."

"I don't know why, Laura, but I think that man likes you more than you will ever know."

"I don't understand why? I feel like a pawn in his game. I'm doing everything legal to find this guy who is attempting to blow up the rocket the US is making, and tonight he is telling me who the man is. I'm not even that close to finding out that man's name. We just found a connection with the car in Switzerland that went to Sweden. We found out because the Swiss are asking for extradition of 3 men who killed a family at a shopping mall. We are so far behind him, we should just stop our investigation and let him finish it. He told me the other day that there will be a trial for this man and he will not take part of it because he's known him and considers him a friend.

The other members of the Deep Space Science Project will pass judgment on this man within the next 60 days. If he is not handed over to me to be tried and convicted under the law, I will know what the judgment was, and that the man no longer exists. Since William had no part in it I can't accuse him of murder, or any crime in the man's disappearance or death. I can't accuse any of the members of the Science Project because they will plead ignorance. It is the perfect crime."

"May I ask you one favor please?"

"Sure, anything you want."

"Don't let this ruin our weekend."

"As long as you attempt to fuck me to death, you have my word."


As he carried their luggage towards the exit door, a liveried chauffeur held a sign bearing their names.

Joe said, "I told you so."

"Shut up before I break your knee."

"Good morning Miss Burkart, Mister Constantine, would you follow me please. May I take your luggage?"

"Will you be unemployed if I say no?"


"I told you I hated that man Joseph."

"Miss Burkart, he is a really good man, when you get to know him. He is generous to a fault, as long as you do as he asks of you."

"So you are his slaves?"

"Not by a longshot, Ms. Burkart. We have our jobs to do, and as long as we do them well, we are generously paid. Please come with me, Carolina is waiting for you."

"Oh yes, I must see these dresses, before I go to Macy's."

"Why would you go to Macy's to find a dress, instead of taking one Carolina?"

"I don't know the woman, and I'm sure Mister Zabo is about to play a trick on me."

"Sit back and relax. You have heard of Carolina, and Mister Zabo is playing the finest trick in the world on you."

They didn't enter by the front, the huge garage door opened and a limousine slid inside.

Laura said snidely, "Oh good, this is a mob operation."

"No Laura, traffic does not permit parking in front of the store. That's why we have this entrance on the side. You will love it when you go in to the main room."

As you promised, when she walked into the main salon, everything was too beautiful for words. The windows to the front and side of the salon were draped in heavy pink silk draperies, with lights focused on them to make sure no one could see inside.

As she was looking around the opulent room, a woman exited from the back.

"Good morning Laura, I am Carolina Herrera, it is my pleasure to meet you."

The name rang a bell, and she tried to place it.

"Yes Laura, I am that Carolina Herrera. William is a very good friend of mine. Many years ago he gave me the money to start my business. We have been friends ever since."

"That son of a bitch. Is there anyone he doesn't know in this world?"

"As William will tell you, as you get to know him, there are many people he doesn't know, but they don't count. Like me, he saw a talent, and he picked me up out of the gutter, and made me famous. How do you think the man for that generosity?"

"There is no way to repay him, except to remain at his friend for life."

"That is the correct answer. If he calls me, and need something quickly, I drop whatever I'm doing, and I start on his project. I never say no, and I never say I need more time. I will work 24 hours a day to get it done, and it will be beautiful. I did it for his daughter, Patricia, and many others."

"Do you have anything in her size 1, for tomorrow night?"

Carolina looked at Joe. "You know egg heads cell number?"

"I think I may remember it."

"Get lost, she will call you when she's ready."

"I'll be at the Mandarin if you need me."

"I'll be in good hands Joe. I don't believe will be fucking this afternoon."

"I told you today was going to get worse."

"Do not proceed by hand. Get lost like the lady said."


"Do I have any time restrictions?"

"I have to be at Mister Zabo's home at 6 PM."

"Let me see your luggage."

"What were you going to wear to his house tonight?"

"This jacket, blouse, skirt, and shoes."

"No, no, no, no, no. These will never do. Ladies get out here now."

"These are my best clothes, I like them."

"I'm very happy for you. You're not going to William's house in them.

A dozen women descended on Carolina. In Spanish she started giving orders about each piece of clothing. Her clothes disappeared seconds.

Carolina called out for more names. Women whose combined age looked like it could reach 500 years walked slowly out of the back. Even though they were old, each of them was taller than Laura.

Carolina asked Laura if she was shy.

"No, not at all."

"Excellent, take off all your clothes and step on the low pedestal. We have to measure you for tomorrow night's gown, and we will have to try on size 2 gowns to see if we can get them to her size 1, or if we will have t make a size 1 for you by tomorrow evening."

"I don't need anything fancy for tomorrow night. A simple sheath gown will do."

"No it won't. You are wearing a Carolina Herrera gown, and the paparazzi will ask you who made it for you. You could say you did it yourself, or your mother did it, but you work for the FBI and you will not lie about it. You will be the belle of the ball, and you will tell them it is a Carolina Herrera gown."

"You still have your clothes on, and we are wasting time."

Without a 2nd thought, Laura stripped to the skin, and stepped on the low pedestal. She was used to taking orders, and she followed every one of them to the T. The measuring went by faster than anyone thought, and the first size 2 gown came out.

Laura gasp when she saw it, because it was stunning. It was easy to get into and out of, and it turned out that is where the problem was. From the waist down to her ankles it was perfect, but there was no way they could adjust the top. When they took it off her she nearly cried.

She didn't like the 2nd one, and sent it back.

The 3rd size 2 was too small in the waist. The search was on for a piece of Royal Silk Deep Purple. It was so dark many people mistook it for black. The ladies even tried to use black to extend the seams, but it didn't work. Her store in Beverly Hills did not have the color. Her store in Malan did not have it either. The dress was put away.

When dress number 4 came out, she knew this one could not possibly be for her. It was meant for royalty. The bodice was jeweled, the arms sequined, and from the waist to the ankles, it was bell-shaped, with jewels everywhere. She drooled over this dress, but told Carolina to put it away, because it was too good for her.

"Why do you sell yourself short? Just because you are tiny, does not mean you do not have stature among your peers. William does not do this for anyone he knows is not going anywhere. He knows you are on your way up. He wants you to succeed. One day you will be a giant, and you will have no peers. They will all be looking up to you looking for guidance.

Try on the dress, and we will make it work."

Nearly 3 hours later, she looked in to the 3-way mirror and could not believe the person wearing the dress was truly her.

The women were making last-minute adjustments, when they supposedly realized she was not wearing shoes. It was a ploy to keep her there until the hairstylists got there. He was running a little late, and Carolina was giving him an ear full.

The woman would take in her clothes at the beginning came running out with new clothes they had completed.

"Take the dress off, and try these on."

"Can I put my underwear on now?"

"If you insist."

She had barely buckled her bra, when this man carrying a case burst into the room.

"Carolina, I'm here."

"You're 2 hours late Frederick, there's no excuse for that."

"If you look at my car you'll understand. The police wouldn't let me leave until after they wrote up everything. The guy ran a red light and plowed into the side of it."

"You better do a great job on her hair, or I'll make sure you never drive again."

"Why are you angry with me? Get angry with the other guy, he caused the accident."

"You should've taken the subway. It's faster and safer."

"Carolina your pain in the ass. Is this her?"

"Yes, this is special agent Laura Burkart, and if you upset her she is going to take your partner piece by piece. Her boyfriend is 6 foot 2 and a little more than 200 lbs. she beat the shit out of him with everyone in the area watching her do it. The Attorney General of the United States won $250,000 betting on her. Now get to work, and do your best work or you're in trouble."

"How do you want me to address you, so I don't get in trouble?"

"You can call me Laura."

That's the dress you wearing tomorrow, do you want me to cut your hair so you look good in it, or as you will look every day of the week?"

"Is there a happy medium?"

"Yes there is."

"Then that's the way I want you to go. Just so you know, we are time sensitive, so don't sit back and admire your work."

"I love people like you. Straightforward, and down to business."


25 minutes later he was done. Her hair looked gorgeous, and she was really happy with it.

"Frank, why can't the people at Supercuts do it like this?"

He laughed heartily. "Laura, most of those people stock the shelves at Walmart at night. They just got there Barbara's license and have no idea what to do with hair. Anyone who's good has been tutored by someone in a good salon for over a year and a half to 2 years. You don't come out of school knowing what to do with hair. Don't go to Supercuts anymore, find a good beautician, and let him or her to your hair. You won't look like you just came out of the Mixmaster when they are through."

"Thanks Frank, what do I owe you?"

"If I took a penny from you, I would never work again."

"That man has too much power."

"That man paid for my mother's cancer operation.

It was something I could never have done. I do Mrs. Zabo's hair, and apparently she told him. What am I supposed to do, when I owe him my mother's life?"

"I stand corrected Frank. I still think he's a pain in the ass."

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion."

"If you 2 are finished yapping, she has clothes to try on."

"Don't argue with he. When she's in this mood, she is a pussycat."

"Out Franklin, out now."

"Yes mommy."


Laura slipped on the first blouse, and she knew she had died and gone to heaven. It had no weight to it all. It was a pale pink long-sleeved blouse with a high neck, and it fit perfectly.

"How did they do that? How did they make it fit so well?"

"They had your blouse to go as a guide. They added an extra quarter inch to be safe, and there you are. Are you happy with it?"

"Happy, I'm ecstatic. This is the finest fabric I've ever felt, and it fits perfectly."

"Good, because you have 5 more in the back, in different colors. Leave the blouse on, and try on the slacks."

The slacks were a little darker than the blouse, but you could tell they were a set. The zipper was on the side, and there were belt loops available.

"Your seamstresses are absolutely amazing. The slacks are perfect."

"Excellent, now here is what you are going to do. Except for your work clothes, you are going to throw all the clothes you consider going out to dinner, or out with your boyfriend, out. Clothes will be delivered to your apartment. You do not have to be home, because we have a key. Everything from socks to hats, if you wear one, had better be gone within 2 weeks. If we have to clean out your apartment, you won't recognize it when you get back. Undergarments and everything else in your apartment will be new. There will be no arguing over this, because I have my orders, and I will obey them. Does egghead have his tuxedo yet?"

"I don't know what he's been doing today. I've been here with you."

"Call him, and see if he's made arrangements for it."

"Hello Joe, it's me. I think were finished here. What have you been doing all day?"

"I'm happy you called now baby, because 10 minutes ago one of the girls might've answered. I've been partying all morning and afternoon."

"I'm very happy to hear that you had fun. When I get to the room, I'm going to plaster the walls with your blood. Did you make arrangements for your tuxedo for tomorrow night?"

"If I'm going to be dead what do I need with the tuxedo?"

She hung up on him, and waited.

Carolina asked, "Do you two do this all the time?"

"It's foreplay. My phone will ring in a moment."

It rang.

"Are you going to apologize or am I going to hang up?"

"You are getting much too good at this game of ours."

"You promised not to have any more women in your life except me. Do you remember?"

"I was the one who said it to you. I was the one who said it without you badgering me about it. I told you I only wanted you, and you keep throwing these roadblocks between us. Where is my ring? I got you your ring. What is my last name? You won't let me change your last name until after you catch this bastard. I so want you, every bit of you, I can't wait to have you as my wife so we can stop arguing over the little things."

"I didn't want to tell you this, because it may raise your hopes too high. William Zabo told me he was going to give us the name of the 'Tip of the Spear' this evening. It may be true. It may not be true. He may give us a false name. We will not find out until this evening. If he has the evidence against this person, it will not be long before we bring him to justice."

"Who will bring them to justice 'Zabo, or you?' If he has the information why is he waiting to make his move?"

"He is recusing himself from voting. He considers this man a friend. The other members of the board of directors will decide his fate. If they decide to he is a dead man we will not know about it until well after the fact. If they decide to hand him over to us with the evidence, then due process will take its course. He told me this would take 60 days, and it would take place by secure video conference. Can we get back to my original question; did you get your tuxedo?"

"I was going nutty staying in the room, so I asked the concierge where I could get a top-notch mohair tuxedo. He gave me 3 choices, and guaranteed me all 3 with the top in the area. I read all 3, and their reviews, and chose one. He called the store, set up an appointment for me, and had the hotel limousine take me there. My tuxedo will be ready by 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"You are such a good boy; I think I'll marry you twice."

"Wasn't that our original plan?"

"I think so."

"When are you going to get back here?"

"I should be back within the hour."

"If you are, we can fit 1 or 2 in."

"Turn down the bed, and heat up the hot tub, I'm thinking of you already."

"I've been thinking about you all day. Get home."

As they were packing up everything in the limousine Laura cursed.

"That idiot of mine didn't tell me what room we're in."

"Did you ask him what room you are in?"

"What difference does that make? He told me to come home, but didn't tell me where home was."

"Maybe you should call him."

"You're a genius."

"I'm turning down the bed now Laura what do you want?"

"I want to know what room that bed is in asshole."

"Do you remember the piece of paper I gave you with our complete itinerary on it? It had our flight numbers, hotel rooms, our return flight numbers, our hotel room when we returned, and everything we needed to know. Where is that piece of paper Laura?"

"It's in my pocketbook."

"That's what I figured. We are in suite 2016. Do you think you can remember that?"

"Yes dear, I'm on my way. Don't be angry with me, I've had a long, tiring day."

"Just get home to me safely, okay?"



The chauffeur put everything on the cart at the hotel, and said something to the valet. They shook hands and Laura took the lead. When they reach the suite, she knocked on the door.

Joe opened the door naked.

The valet said, "Very nice sir, but I'm working now. Can I take a raincheck?"

"You will have to ask my wife about that. I'm not allowed to touch women, but she never said anything about men."

"Joseph get inside and put a robe on."

"I think that means no."

The valet refused a tip and left the room quickly.

"What the hell did you buy, the entire store?"

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Yes, it is 3:15 PM."

"At 4:15 PM, we have to stop playing, and start getting dressed to go to Zabo's. That gives us one hour, and you better be damn good between now and then. I am absolutely fried. Carolina is a wonderful woman, for a drill sergeant. She wants what she wants, and she wants it yesterday. You can't say no to her, just like you can't say no to William Zabo. She received her orders from him, and she is going to follow them to the T. Bed now Joseph, I need help to unwind."

"Come to me, and I will take you to greener pastures."

He should have left a wake up call.


"Dammit Joseph, it's 5:10 P.M. we will never get there on time."

"Yes we will. Do you want to take a shower or bath?"

"I'd better take a bath because of my hair."

"You take your bath; I'll take a shower. By the time you get out of the bath, I will have showered shaved and done all the stuff I need to in the bathroom. I will even take a cold shower so it doesn't steam up the bathroom for you. You will have plenty of time. What are you wearing to Zabo's, I'll lay it out for you?"

"Carolina made me a green outfit, slacks and a blouse."

"I will hang them up for you, and we will be out of here in no time."


They were walking out the lobby at 5:35 PM, when the same limousine driver opened the door for them.

"Do you get any time off?"

"Yes I do. If you would get in please, we are running a few minutes late."

Joe said, "I'm sorry about that, it was my fault. I forgot to leave a wake-up call."

"Shit happens."

They drove straight up Park Avenue to 74th Street and turned left towards 5th Avenue.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love the stories but man SERIOUSLY get a damn editor, there are spelling mistakes, words missing and people talking to themselves because you lost track and frankly the more i read the it the gets it worse.....See what i did there? You've done it REPEATEDLY

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The story is very, very interesting, but the spelling was that of an average American 6 grader. You really need an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
another damned god read

i don't leave comments after each chapter because it takes me to long to type it. I'd rather be reading the articles that you have so divinely written. I started with the chapters where they invented and made the good luck 1. so i have been following the luck family from there. I love your work, and i am not normally a sci-fi fan.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
beautiful work

Thank you for a beautiful series, your characters and plotlines are well drawn out and a really fun read.

question: what happened to the most recent chapter (chapter 14) it seems unfinished

tomscardstomscardsalmost 8 years ago

If you hear anything about him, please let us know.

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