Dark as Daylight Ch. 04


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Dr. Finch said, "Hannah, you can take off now, you've put in a very long day."

"Thank you Joseph, I think I'll get something to eat before go to bed. Congratulations you two, enjoy your babies."

"Thank you Hannah."

Student nurse Joan said, "Here are your babies. Which one do you want Mister Thyme; boy baby, or girl baby?"

"I'll take girl baby please."

"A daddy's girl in the making."

"Delicious, this leaves you with no choice, you get the boy."

"You have no idea how terrible I feel taking my son from you."

"Mister Thyme, if you sit down, I will take off your booties, gown, and your hat."

I whispered, "Hold it together Delicious."

"Doctor Luck, would you come here for a moment and hold the baby in a swaddling blanket, while I take Doctor Thyme out of his greens."

"Holding my children on one floor, and my grandchildren on another; life is good."

"Bring her here dad, let me see her."

"Like Joe said, identical twins except for sex. What do they look like from there Gray?"

"They look absolutely perfect baby, absolutely perfect."

Newton, and Teddy walked into the infirmary to see the new babies.

Teddy asked, "Daddy, why did you cut off all your hair?"

"You mean the babies Teddy? Babies don't always come with hair."

Newton said, "No dad, they have pictures of you all over, showing you with no hair."

Gray reached for the green caps they used, during the surgery, and pulled them off.

Delicious covered her mouth to keep from laughing.

Teddy said, "See daddy, no hair."

Gray searched around the room for a mirror. When he found one, and looked at himself in it, he was extremely calm.

Newton you will stay by your mother's side tonight. You will not leave the room for any reason. I don't care if 16 of your girlfriends call you, and ask you out to play, the answer is 'NO.' You are confined to your mother's side, until I relieve you. Is that understood?"

"Yes dad, I understand."

"Teddy you stay with mommy and Newton."

"Yes daddy."

"What are you planning on doing Gray?"

"I going to take a verse from the Bible dear: do unto others, and so forth. The good doctor and his head nurse have seen fit to remove my hair, I going to remove theirs."

I asked, "Do you have any evidence against the doctor?"

"No, but Hannah wouldn't..."

"If you have no evidence against the doctor, and harm comes to him, it would mean up to 90 days in the brig for you."

"He told Hannah my hair was greasy, and to wash it."

"Did Hannah wash your hair, as she was told to do?"

Pointing at his head Gray said, "I believe she washed it with a lawnmower."

"Assessing guilt Gray, did Hannah wash your hair?"

"Yes she did."

"The doctor is off the hook. Your grievance is only with the head nurse. Do you wish to take it up through the Council, or handle it by yourself?"

Delicious asked, "Honey please take it up through the Council. I don't want you getting in trouble."

"She's getting married the day after tomorrow. She would look so lovely orange hair. We will take it through the Council."

"I will set a date when we come out the far side of the White Hole."

I took out my communicator and made an announcement. "Attention Hannah Miles, attention Hannah Miles, this is Captain Even Luck. Your roguish behavior this evening has been brought to my attention. Although the hair from Doctor Grayson Thyme's head has not been recovered, it can readily be seen as missing from the top of his head. We have visual evidence of you removing said hair from his head. Therefore, it has been decided that at some future date you will be brought before the Council to determine what penalty is appropriate for this crime. That is all.

"Newton, you are free to leave the room, after you kiss your mother goodbye."

Newton couldn't figure a way to get to his mother fast enough, and nearly killed himself on the cords running along the floor.

"Love you, mom."

"Newton get your ass back here right now."

"Yes mother."

"Has your father spoken with you recently?"

"We talk about a lot of things all the time mom. Is there anything in particular dad and I were supposed to talk about?"

"Yes, the thing you were running out the door for: SEX!"

"What's to discuss mom? It's been going on since Adam and Eve."

"How about Ernie and Steve?"

"Not my particular bag of tea mom."

"Speaking of bags, have you been to this infirmary lately, and picked any up?"

"You're the one that just had twins not me."

"I'm the one that's married not you. I'm in my mid-30s you are 15. I don't want little Newton's running around just yet. I'm not speed dating you are. I want you to have a blast, while you are young. I want the young women in your life to have fun also. The only way to do that is not to have any unplanned pregnancies in their lives. If there is one thing I ever did that I was very proud of, it was that I stayed a virgin, until my wedding night, with your father. It was harder than you can possibly imagine on both of us, but you were our gift for waiting. Your father and I are not asking you to wait, but if a young lady wants to wait, don't try to change her mind. She can get someone like you because of it. You can go now."

Newton hugged his mother and grinned. "Thanks mom, I love you too." He leaned over and whispered into her ear, "Sex is fun, safe sex is more fun." He jumped back just in time to miss his mother's right hand.

"Good night mom."


6 AM Briefing (5:55 AM)

"Good morni... very cozy dear, I like your style."

"Be quiet Even, I have a headache."

"Sleeping on the conference table; you're supposed to have a back ache. Did you take anything for your headache?"

"Yes, I took 12 hours off from the twins."

"That's what the babysitters are for dear. The teenagers are happy to be out of school for a few hours to tend to the kids. It breaks up the monotony of their long school days. It works for everyone. It's the way we planned it, remember?"

"Even, no more children. I don't want any more children on this floor. I don't want any more children in this family. I'm tired of hearing babies crying."

"Babies are a sign of a healthy society dear. Without babies there is no growth. Without growth, there is only death."

"My brain doesn't work that deeply at this time of the morning Even, give me a break."

"Who do you have manning the bridge?"

"Abrams and Dover."

"No wonder you are sleeping so comfortably. 2 of our top 3 trainees are sitting up front so the captain can lie down and feel certain the ship is not in danger. Let me have Franklin take over the bridge, and come back here to do a quick de-briefing and get you back to bed. How does that sound?"

"Will you rub my feet?"

"I'll stop by and rub your feet."

"Such a good husband."

I was on my way out of the ready room as Elizabeth was about to walk in.

"Come with me Franklin."

"Yes sir Captain."

"Captains Dover and Abrams have you met Captain Franklin?"

"Yes sir, we've met."

"Good morning Callie, this is Captain Even Luck and I have the bridge."

"Good Morning Captain Luck, all systems are operating within normal parameters."

"Thank you Callie. Franklin you have the bridge."

"Callie this is Captain Elizabeth Franklin, and I have the bridge."

"Do You Agree Captain Luck?"

"Yes I do Callie."

"Engineering this the bridge."

"Engineering, this is Colonel Daniels."

"Colonel, I show on my work schedule this morning that we are bringing in the nuclear engine beginning at 0730 hours. Do you agree?"

"Yes, I show that on my schedule also."

"Colonel why did your answer give me the feeling that it might be on the schedule, but it was not going to happen on time."

"Everyone said you were very good Captain, and if you get any better by the time you turned 18, you going to turn this place upside down. We seem to be missing a very important cog in the wheel this morning, and we are awaiting his arrival."

"Would that cog be Mister Gordon Luck."

"Yes Captain it would be."

"He will be there in under 10 minutes."

"Communications, this is Captain Franklin ring Gordon Luck's room at the highest decibel level possible please."

"(groggy) Hello."

"Mrs. Luck is your husband available perchance."

"No, his alarm went off at 5 o'clock, but I turned it off. He looked so wonderful sleeping there. We've been apart for so long, I just love looking at him."

"Mrs. Luck, you have just put your husband in a great deal of trouble. If he is not at his position in the engineering section in 9 minutes and 30 seconds, he will be in the brig for the next 90 days. Have a wonderful day."

Zoey screamed and began pounding on Gordon's back, "Get-up, get-up, you are late for work."

Gordon rolled over and mumbled, "I can't be late for work. I set my alarm for 5 o'clock, and I'm not to do in until 6 o'clock."

"You looked so comfortable sleeping, I turned your alarm off. It's 20 after 6. Someone just called and said if you were not at work in 9 minutes, you would be in the brig for 90 days."


He flew out of bed, got into a flight uniform, brushed his teeth threw water on his face, kissed Zoey goodbye, and ran out of their apartment with his shoes under his arm. He sat on the top step of the stairway and put his shoes on. Instead of using the stairs, he used the central column, like a fireman's pole, and slid down to the first floor. He ran all the way to engineering and stopped by the entrance. He counted to five, collected his wits, and walked in as if it was a normal day.

"Good morning everyone. Good morning Colonel, are we on schedule to bring in the engine."

"You made good time Gordon. The captain gave you 10 minutes. You made in 6 minutes and 14 seconds."

"My father did this to me?"

"No sir, Captain Franklin did this to you. Be careful who you fuck with my boy, she is going to be a good one. Let me change that, she is going to be a great one, and I've been among some of the best."

"Call her and ask for permission to reduce engine electrical output. I'll be at my station.

"Bridge this is engineering."

"This is the captain."

"We are beginning the process of bringing in the nuclear engine. Request permission to reduce electrical output to 50% of normal."

"Engine Dynamics, reduce electrical output to 50% of normal."

"Roger Captain, reducing nuclear engine to 43%. We will continue moving at 4 times the speed of light Captain, as per Newton's Law."

"Thank you, Dynamics."

"Engineering let me know when nuclear engine is safely stored inside."

"Roger Captain, the process will begin in a few minutes."

"What is the delay?"

"There is no delay Captain. It is not 7:30 hours yet."

"Is everyone at their station?"

"Yes Captain."

"Is there any problem with the equipment?"

"No Captain."

"Who's in charge of bringing the engine in?"

"Gordon Luck Captain."

"Let me speak to him."

"Nuclear engineer, Gordon Luck speaking."

"Mister Luck , I understand all systems are go to bring in the nuclear engine is that correct?"

"Yes Captain that is correct."

"Why haven't you begun bringing in the nuclear engine?"

"Captain the scheduled time to begin bringing in the nuclear engine is 07:30 hours Precisely at 07:30 hours, I will begin bringing in the nuclear engine."

"Why can't you bring it in earlier?"

"It's very simple Captain, I have not been ordered to bring in the nuclear engine earlier. If I am ordered to bring it in earlier, I would request it be put in writing, because if anything goes wrong, I would not want to be held responsible."

"Mister Luck, the moment the engine is secured, I want you on the bridge so we can discuss this matter face-to-face."

"I have no problem with that captain at all."


Jack said, "Are we picking a fight with someone that's going to be taller than we are someday?"

"Did I tell her anything that was not true Colonel?"

"No you didn't, but I will say that your attitude towards her was a little hostile."

"How was hers towards me Jack?"

"Terse, argumentative, bitchy, hostile."

"I rest my case."

"It's 7: 20 boys and girls, let's check the coils and make sure they work properly."

At 7:30 AM exactly Gordon said, "Rotators on, drag controls to minimum, Fission Engine retract. Start the coils, slowing the engine retraction to 1 ft./m increasing the heat inside the containment unit to 1400°. The cables are retracting.

"Slowing to 9 in./m. I don't like the way these cables look. Increase temperature in the nuclear containment unit to 1800°. If I move too fast, they will split wide open."

At 8:30 AM, "Engineering this is the bridge."

"Engineering, this Colonel Daniels."

"Colonel is the engine stored yet?"

"Far from it Captain, it is still 25 feet outside the ship."


"The cables are frozen solid, and we are bringing them in slowly so they can re-establish cohesion, as they curl into position."

"I believe Mister Luck is showboating again. He just wants us to know how important he is to this venture."

Gordon overheard this conversation.

"Colonel, tell our beloved Acting Captain, if she believes I am doing anything incorrectly, she has several options. She can throw me in the brig for insubordination. She can come down here to do it herself. Or she can kiss my..."

Jack hung up just before Gordon finished that sentence.

"Engineering to Captain Luck, engineering to Captain Luck."

"Yes Jack what's going on?"

"Turn to your private channel Even."

"I'm here."

"Even, something is wrong with Elizabeth today. She's mean, and picking fights with Gordon for no reason. Gordon got here late this morning, but it was Zoey's fault not his. He's doing everything appropriately retrieving the nuclear engine, and she was all over his ass for no reason. Do you know what's going on with her?"

"As a matter of fact Jack, I do. I will take care of it."


"Doctor Finch from Captain Luck; Joe are you busy?"

"I've got my legs in the stir-ups for a change. What do you need Even?"

"I need Hannah, possibly for the entire day."

"You have her, unless I get busy."

"Have her meet me in my ready room, as soon as possible, and have her bring mild injectable tranquilizers with her. No they are not for me."

"She is on her way."

"Thanks Joe."


"How can I help you Even?"

"Elizabeth Franklin has an appointment with you this afternoon?"

"Yes she does, at 3 o'clock."

"At this moment, she is doing everything possible to have me kick her off the bridge, and back into her comfortable navigator's position. I believe it's time for an intervention, because I am not giving up on that child. She has the makings of a great captain, and I need you to get her head on straight. I know you can't do it in one session. I don't care if it takes you 10 years. That girl is staying on the bridge. You are staying on her ass every day for at least 2 hours a day. Today you are all over her, until the end of your tour. That's why I had you bring the tranquilizers. Since you're getting married tomorrow, you can take the day off."

"You always did have a big heart Even."

"It's always been my downfall. She'll be in here in a few moments. When you're ready for lunch, call me and I'll have it brought in. While you're in session, the door will be locked. I will have security turn that camera off. This is between you and Miss Franklin. No one has to know what goes on in this room"

"Thank you Captain."

"Security, this is Captain Luck, I in my ready room, can you see me?"

"Yes Captain, the entire room is in view."

"In 5 minutes, Nurse Hannah Miles, and acting Captain Elizabeth Franklin will be in this room alone for the rest of the day. I want this camera turned off, until Nurse Miles authorizes it to be turned back on. Is that clear?"

"Captain that goes against protocol."

"I will take full and complete responsibility for any and all actions that take place in this room. I want two guards posted outside the door of the ready room. No one, except the people who bring them refreshments are allowed in, but not for any longer than a period of one minute. Nurse Miles will advise you when their session is completed for the day."

"As you wish Captain."

"Hannah, I will escort her to the door, but I will not enter the room. The rest is up to you."

"I'll do my best Even."

"Do you have any number 7 knitting needles with you?"

"Get out of here, you old fart."


12. Redirection

I walked out onto the bridge, and acted as if I was steaming mad.

"Miss Franklin, stand at attention."

She jumped straight up, and didn't budge. The funny part was, everyone else on the bridge became so busy at their stations, they didn't turn their heads to see what was going on. I stood 3 feet in front of Elizabeth, just outside her personal space, so as not to frighten her to death, and began berating her.

"Did you think your act today went unnoticed. You yelled at my daughter-in-law, two days after she had a baby, and nearly put her into shock.

You threatened my son with 90 days' incarceration for something he didn't do, and would have been found not guilty by the council.

You called engineering, and threaten him again by telling Colonel Daniels that our nuclear engineer was showboating by bringing our cables in too slowly to prove how important he is to this mission.

"Let me ask you something Miss Franklin, how many positions do you see in front of you?"

"Six Sir."

"How many of them are you qualified in Miss Franklin?"

"One Sir."

"How many is Gordon Luck qualified in?"

"I don't know sir?"

"I will answer that for you. The number is 6. Does that impress you Miss Franklin?"

"Yes Captain it does."

"Are you qualified to stand where you are now Miss Franklin?"

"No Captain, I am a trainee."

"Is Gordon Luck qualified to stand in that position?"

"I don't know Captain."

"Let me give you a hint Miss Franklin. His score was higher than yours on the Captain's examination. Does that impress you Miss Franklin?"

"Yes Captain it does. May I ask a question Sir."

"Let me answer it for you. He doesn't want to be. He doesn't want to be tied down to one position on the bridge. He likes going from place to place on board this ship fixing things, and finding ways to make it better than it already is. He doesn't care if other people have titles, and can give him orders, as long as he can play with this complex machine. Does that answer your question Miss Franklin?"

"You could've had him killed, your own son, for disobeying an order."

"Hubris, Miss Franklin, my son began to think he was larger than the whole. That cannot be allowed. He needed to be slapped down, and slapped down hard."

"You are a very hard task master Doctor Luck."

"You have not begun to see my hard side Miss Franklin."

"Monty you have the bridge."

"Excuse me?"

"You are a qualified helmsman, correct?"

"Yes sir, I passed the test last week."

"In that case you are qualified to take over the bridge in the absence of the Captain. State your full name, and that you have the bridge."

"Callie, this is Helmsman Montgomarie Jamison, and I have the bridge. God help us all."

"Captain Luck do you agree?"

"Yes Callie, I agree."

"Monty, I don't believe Callie has ever heard anyone say, 'God help us all' after taking the bridge. You are now Captain Montgomerie Jamison, until I return. Don't fuck it up"

"Janet is going to laugh her ass off."
