Dance of Seduction Ch. 02

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During attempts to kill her Jennifer and Mike fall in love.
8.6k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/10/2013
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This is basically a love story and of course all characters are over 21. I want to thank stg0936 for the original idea, although I deviated from his idea during the writing of the story. I also want to thank Navaura for her spot on editing and suggestions for the improvement of this story. This story is as much hers as it is mine and because of Brandy the dialogue is richer and everything is much more accurate. This is a team effort and a much better story because of her efforts.

I hope all of you enjoy the story as much as we did writing it.

Chapter 2 - Love Blooms

Mike picked her up from the shelter, and they stopped for breakfast at Mike's favorite hole in the wall family restaurant before rushing to the photo shoot. They made it just on time and this time Mike put on his security shirt. Jennifer went to borrow some clothes from one of the other girls. The real male model was a pretty boy with a body honed in the gym instead of the streets. Mike's looks were much more rugged, but for the erotic part this guy fit the bill.

The erotic photo shoot went according to plan. They practiced for several hours and then after lunch began the real photo shoot. However, during lunch Leonard showed up and watched until the break was called and then he started heading over to Jennifer. Mike immediately put himself between Leonard and his target. However, Leonard was not to be deterred as he tried to go around Mike, but once again Mike blocked his path. Mike seething with emotion that was hidden behind a calm tone, stated, "Jennifer does not want to be around you and you will not touch her. If you do, I will arrest you."

Leonard laughed cruelly, "She is my wife!"

"She's also filed a restraining order against you and as an officer of the law I'm ordered to protect her."

Leonard snorted, "As if that's all you want to do to her. I'm taking her home with me." He stated. His tone harsh. The anger he felt over everything that occurred last night left him feeling so frustrated and upset. She was his wife and he'd be damned if he allowed anyone to come in between what was rightfully his."

"Get out of my way!" Leonard yelled, side stepping Mike. He made a grab for Jennifer and she yelped, jumping back. He managed to grab a hold of her arm. "Come on Jennifer." His tone was commanding. Jennifer shook her head no. "I don't want to go with you. I have work to do and you are interfering."

"I said now!" He pulled again on her.

Jennifer yanked her arm back, attempting to pull it out of his grasp. However, he held on. This is when Mike stepped in and grabbed his offending arm, pinched a nerve and made him shriek in pain as he released her. "She told you she doesn't want to go with you so you need to leave." He firmly stated. Leonard glared at him with malice as he rubbed his arm.

Suddenly, he launched at Mike, attempting to punch him in the face. Easily blocking the swing, Mike twisted his arms behind him and quickly locked a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. "You're not too good with people who can fight back are you? You're under arrest for attempted assault of a police officer and by the time you get out of jail any attempts at contacting Jennifer will be against the law."

He called his captain, explaining what happened and a squad car was sent over to pick up Leonard. The captain also told him that as of twelve noon that afternoon, Leonard was violating his restraining order and would be in jail over night. So Leonard had showed up at the photo shoot even though he'd already been told about the restraining order? As Mike finished talking to Capt Green, the responding officers arrived and Mike thanked them for handling Leonard. As they carted Leonard off to a patrol car, Mike had a bad feeling and was suspicious of the wide grin on Leonard's face.

As the patrol car drove away Mike looked over at Jennifer and she was not watching the patrol car drive off with Leonard, she was staring at Mike with an enraptured loving look. Her look was telling Mike that no one had ever stood up for her and she couldn't believe what he had done ... for her. Mike walked over to her, cupped her face in his hand and said. "Baby, he will never touch you again."

Mike saw Jennifer's eyes glisten as she fought back her tears of happiness and she continued to lavish her loving gaze on him. Mike had never had someone look at him like Jennifer was. She made him feel like he had slayed the dragon, or rescued a damsel in distress; she made him feel ten feet tall, like he was a hero. To Jennifer he was more than a hero, he was saving her.

The shoot continued over the next four hours . Mike watched and was really glad he had gotten out of the erotic portion of the shoot. The male model was topless and on the bottoms he wore a very thin g-string, which bulged with his cock. His entire body was very well developed, from his sleek muscular torso to the bulging package between his thighs. All eight beautiful women, were gathered around him, posed like dancers at rehearsal, but all looking at him. Very erotic!

A series of photos had everyone clothed but the focus of the pictures seemed to be the covering he wore at his loins. It was so revealing like a bag of cock rather than a covering because he was so outlined and fitted so perfectly in it. The head, the shaft, everything! was so blatantly revealed in the material. The women were looking at it, too. A couple of them had hands on his arms and back
and the others were kneeling at his feet.

As the shoot progressed he had his legs stretched out before him, the muscles tensed like a dancer, and two of the women were pulling at the garment, the waistband pulled over his buttocks and the pouch halfway down his shaft, exposing his cock in the front of his tights. He was terribly thick and veins were standing out and he was only about half way exposed. The last series of photos was of him totally exposed, semi-erect in a thick curve, standing next to the stool with one of the women holding the limp garment in her fingers, letting it dangle at her side, while the other women were clinging to him.

It was fantastic! Such amazing contrasts between the leotards, the smooth, long, beautiful legs of the women, and this angry looking cock so thick and bloated, yet not hard or erect, hanging exposed before the women dancers. Another point of contrast was his almost innocent youthful look versus the mature, heavy organ now exposed to the world and the model seemed to be as engrossed by the sight of it as the women.

Even Mike had to agree the whole series of shots was very erotic, but he was very glad he was not the model in this series. He had been uncomfortable in the previous series and would have ruined all the shots with a huge hard on. As a matter of fact Jennifer was the dancer holding his g-string and after the shot she looked straight at him and licked at the g-string. Mike felt himself thicken as she teased and tantalized him and by the end of the shoot he had a very large lump in his pants and Jennifer was constantly looking hungrily at him and licking her lips.

The Photographer had an after shoot wrap-up party and both Jennifer and Mike felt required to participate, but both desperately wanted to be somewhere else. Jennifer changed back into her donated clothes and she tied knots in the back of the top and the side of the shorts so they would fit. Mike looked at her lovingly, went over and wrapped his arm possessively around her. Jennifer looked up at him, giving a similar loving look and snuggled into his grasp. Throughout the night Mike and Jennifer had their arms wrapped around each other, constantly touching one other. Almost every dancer came over to congratulate Jennifer on getting her husband arrested, snagging Mike and then followed by giving her a big hug and telling Mike to treat her like gold.

At the end of the night when the party wound up, both were elated over the idea that they were able to spend time together and didn't want it to end. When Mike walked Jennifer to his car he was trying to think of a way to extend this wonderful evening. Jennifer was experiencing an incredible night, having Mike's scent and body warmth surrounding her and his constant touches, kisses almost left her feeling giddy. When he helped her into the passenger side of his car, she suddenly felt cold and alone again . Mike was feeling the same way sitting on the driver side of the car. Jennifer stared at him with pleading eyes. Through this gaze, he knew she didn't want the night to end.

Mike drove about five minutes and then pulled over and parked next to the curb. He got out of the car and helped Jennifer out of her side. Grabbing her hand, their fingers were intertwined as he guided her to a bar further up the block. When they walked in, the subdued light and the soft lilting jazz made Jennifer's heart beat strongly in her chest, flaking off large chunks of the shell around it. As she cast her gaze upon Mike again, she saw him smiling at her. As he pulled her to his chest and enveloped her in his arms, she felt the shell around her heart completely disintegrate.

Mike kissed the top of her head. Jennifer knew she wanted more as she tilted her head back and looked at him with searching eyes. Mike's mouth descended on her lips and gently took possession of her mouth and when his tongue slipped between her lips, Jennifer felt goose bumps as she shared her first real kiss with Mike. Mike softly ended the kiss, pulling his lips from hers it was observed that Jennifer was frozen in place, her eyes closed and her face tilted back, facing him with her mouth wide open gasping for breath.

When Mike kissed her, Jennifer wondered if she ever had felt something so sweet, delectable that brought tantalizing tingles washing over her body. She moaned softly when his lips left hers. With such a sensuous moan, his mouth returned in a reinvigorating deeply passionate kiss that rocked Jennifer to her core; leaving her whole body trembling and her legs turning to jelly. She thanked God that Mike was holding her because her legs weren't supporting her and she had no desire to end this kiss. Jennifer had never been kissed like this in her life and now she was feeling something else she long since given up hope for: desire.

When Mike softly ended the kiss, Jennifer laid her face against his chest, trembling in his arms. She wondered if he could do this to her with a kiss, what would it be like to make love to this man. As he guided her over to a table, Mike felt his head spinning from the kiss. He felt a connection with her from the very beginning, but when he kissed her his whole world changed and all he wanted to do was keep kissing her. He needed to clear his head for a second, so after he had her seated at a table he went to the bar and got her a white wine and himself a beer.

As he got back to the table, he realized he hadn't even asked her what she wanted, but as he set the wine in front of her, Jennifer grabbed it and drank the whole thing in two swallows. Mike smiled because he could tell she had been as effected by their kiss as he had. He set with his back to the door and then pulled her chair over next to him so he could put his arm around her. As he looked into her eyes, he could see a thousand emotions flitting there: passion, awe, safety and fear, but the one thing that spoke louder than any of those was lust, she wanted more.

Their thoughts were interrupted as a huge explosion blew out the windows in the building, raining glass on everyone in the bar. Mike's body covered Jennifer from any of the glass fragments, but the explosion deafened her. She could see people's mouths moving, but couldn't hear what they were saying. She noticed that Mike was covered in little tiny cuts. She panicked at the idea that Mike might have been hurt. As he got up removing himself from off her, she saw larger pieces of glass sticking out of his back.

Mike made sure that Jennifer was okay and then made a call to the captain, telling him the details of the event. The captain told him he'd be on his way and a medical team, as well as the bomb squad would be there. He asked if anyone had been hurt, had there been any civilian casualties. Mike stated that as far as he could tell no one inside the bar, but he hadn't searched the perimeter himself yet. The Captain ordered him to stay put and to give treatment to anyone he could at that moment.

Mike agreed and began looking at as many people as he could observe to see the extent of their injuries. There were a couple of people who'd been by the windows closest to the door, who had suffered internal injuries from the explosion itself and were either walking around freaked because they couldn't hear or unable to stand up and walk at all. "Is there anyone who need immediate medical attention?" He called out, oblivious to his own damage, since his adrenaline had kicked in. A few people spoke up saying they did.

There was one guy with a deep gash in his leg, so severe that he knew it would be dangerous to remove anything from the man without the proper equipment, also there was no telling how deep that shard of glass that he'd caught in his leg went. Another girl complained of her arm. He went over and found that she had pieces of glass in stuck in her arm in several different areas. He told her to stay put. He checked out other people until he finally was able to make his way over to the bar, when he looked behind it, he was shocked to discover that one of the three bartenders had been thrown against the bar and was knocked out.

Another had been hit with so many of the wine bottles during the explosion that his body lay on the floor covered in a mixture of blood and wine, he was not moving. Going over to the first bartender, he checked for a pulse. Fortunately, the guy was just out cold, and not dead. The second guy had a very faint pulse. He hoped the medical team would get here quickly. There was two of three, he wondered what happened to the third. Looking around, he didn't see him. He frowned wondering where the man could have gone?

As he left the area, and went back to where Jennifer was, he asked her if she was ok one last time. She was shaking and could barely speak as her words came out petrified and filled with a stutter. " are hurt. You need to let me help." It was then he felt the intense pain coming from the middle of his back. She reached around him and tried to pull a piece of glass out of his back, but he stopped her, "Not a good idea sweetheart, if you touch it, I could end up in more harm than better. I'd rather let the paramedics do it."

"It doesn't look that deep." She stated, her eyes wild, trying not to completely loose her composure.

"It may not be deep, but I'd rather have the med staff be the judge of that."

She nodded, understanding. By the time they finished their conversation, the place was crawling with special forces. The paramedics, bomb squad and the coroner, and the captain alongside two other detectives were all there. He relinquished control of the scene to them. Mike and Jennifer were shepherded out of the bar towards one of the ambulances as they exited the bar. Mike looked over where the explosion had occurred and realized his SUV was now a smoking heap at the curb. Someone had planted a bomb in his car. As a paramedic rushed over to where they were, he greeted Mike. "What's up buddy?"

"I was out having fun and looks like the party got carried away." He attempted to humor himself, just so he wouldn't become too overwhelmed at the idea that someone wanted to ensure that he and Jennifer were dead. The only problem he found in this was, why wait till they exited the vehicle before setting off the bomb?

"I see, next time, maybe you should call it an early night."

Mike laughed, his tone tense, "I will. What's the prognosis?" He inquired, turning his back toward the young EMT.

"Let's get you in the truck and turned over on your stomach first." As they reached the truck, Mike squinted at the pain of the mini shards of glass as the rubbed against his skin. He sat down on his stomach in a medical bed. The EMT grabbed a pair of tweezers and a container to put the shards of glass in.

~ ~

Once the EMT assured Mike that he'd taken out all of the glass and that he could remove his shirt for deeper inspection, Mike noticed that Jennifer winced upon seeing the blood that had drenched his back in its true form. There were tiny slithers of glass sticking out of his back, some with blood soaked splotches around them. During the ride Jennifer watched the technician and clung to Mike's hand as if it was a matter of life and death. Mike grasped her hand in his and was stunned when he felt a tear drop on the back of his hand.

Twisting his neck at an odd angle, he glanced up at her. As he took in her disheveled hair and swollen eyes from her tears, he whispered, "baby, what's wrong?"

"You're hurt." She stated.

He gave a small smile, "I'll be ok, it's not that bad."

"Yes it is." She whispered, the pain revealing in her eyes.

"Sweetheart, I'm sure it's not going to be a life or death situation with the EMT doing his job. He's a good technician."

"It's not that." She stated, her green eyes puffy and red from the tears she'd profusely wiped at.

"Then what is it?"

"I feel like this is all my fault."

"No, don't say that. None of this is your fault." Mike himself was in a kind of hell, because he desperately wanted to build something with Jennifer, but the thought of her being hurt while in his care, made his stomach turn. He couldn't fathom losing her in because he wasn't doing the right job. He also feared releasing her on her own before the trial, because he knew that when given the chance, her husband wouldn't hesitate to pick up where he left off at on the night of the charges. It hadn't even been 72 hours since the entire incident and they'd already suffered through degrading and humiliation of her snot nosed husband and an explosion. He hated to think of what could be next. Sighing deeply, he understood that what he was feeling had to be something really special with her. The thought of never being able to see her again had him aching inside.

Jennifer shook her head adamantly, "You could have gotten killed. Oh my God...all those people were hurt because me and because of me." She gasped, her throat sore and beginning to dry out. She whispered, "Don't you see? It's Leonard, he purposefully got himself arrested today so that he would have an alibi while he hired somebody to try and kill me."

Mike couldn't deny that Leonard was trying to kill her. This he had already figured out. At least it's what his gut told him.

"I need to drop the charges so nobody else will be hurt. I can't bear the thought of you being hurt because of me."

Mike grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her into his chest, an angry tone was heard in his next statement. "First of all, I'm a witness to Leonard's abuse, so the charges are going forward, because I have filed them. Second, none of this is your fault. It's not your fault you're married to a tyrannical maniac. Leonard most likely did this because of control and sadistic need to destroy anything that comes across his path."

Jennifer gave a soft smile at his description of Leonard. "That's a pretty accurate assumption. He always loves inflicting pain on others.

Mike sighed, "I've seen more than my fair share of Leonards'. If Leonard wants to kill you, he's going to have to come through me. You've been brutalized by him enough; never again will he harm you. Never!" His eyes took on a ferocious look as his manner became serious. "You're going to live and you're going to find out what it's like to love again."

Jennifer looked at him, stunned by his outburst and by his aggressive and protective nature. She had never had anyone care about her like this. The shell that she had been trying to solidify since she met him, to keep it intact, was yet again crumbling.